Sex Dolls > Women = In ever way

Sex Dolls > Women = In ever way.

Prove me wrong Pro Tip you can't.

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The sound of their voice.

Real pussy feels better than some plastic shit. But that's the only argument I can really think of

For ONS, i guess. But I'm not dating a sex doll. That said, I'd rather fuck a sex doll than date a girl I can't vibe with

One of the biggest reasons sex dolls are superior in every way.

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Definitely getting one once I've got my shit together.

Women last for longer.

A single cut in a doll’s polymer is imposible to fix and it only gets bigger.

If a woman starts to smell you can just make her shower. Dolls smell forever once they start to develop bacteria, which are impossible to get rid off due to the porous nature of the polymers.

Fucking a woman is free if you are not autistic.

A woman can take care of you when you are sick.

You can have a conversation.

You can share physical activities.

They are not inanimate objects.

Dolls suck right now, get real. The technology is too far away from your larp.

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Said she loves you. Lies

Cum receptacle for every man she meets

Pretends to be interested in your interests. Isn't

Tells you she likes your family. Hates them

Says till death do you part. Kills you slowly

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Ever had a sex doll make you a sandwich?

>Women last for longer.
A doll lasts easily a few years if taken care of properly. Many couples break up after a few years of dating.
>A single cut in a doll’s polymer is imposible to fix and it only gets bigger.
not true. they are repairable, though it'll leave a little mark.
>If a woman starts to smell you can just make her shower. Dolls smell forever once they start to develop bacteria, which are impossible to get rid off due to the porous nature of the polymers.
this is true.
>Fucking a woman is free if you are not autistic.
fucking maybe, dating not. my friend's have had to take big loans because they've started families.
>A woman can take care of you when you are sick.
this is true.
>You can have a conversation.
if you manage to find an interesting woman you enjoy talking with.
>You can share physical activities.
you can fuck a doll. also moving them around ain't no easy job. but you can't go to the gym with them or play badminton, no.
>They are not inanimate objects.
sometimes a lifeless partner is a relief. no stress at all.
>Dolls suck right now, get real. The technology is too far away from your larp.
they don't suck anymore, though there's a lot of room for improvement.

Nothing can replace the thing you feel when she breathes on your chest lightly while falling asleep on your chest.

are you really that lazy? if you can barely nourish yourself, you're better off dead.

Well beside George down the road from you has the exact same one. Then when you find a real woman, trying to get rid of it is a bitch. The cops get involved and your on TV. Your new girlfriend see you on channel 9. Then wonders is he a keeper.

By that rationale, you'd be lazy if you didn't choose to jerk off instead of having sex.
Besides, you are ignoring the question asked in the op.

What a fag.

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Get rid of one???? Why do????

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>Said she loves you. Lies
>Cum receptacle for every man she meets
>Pretends to be interested in your interests. Isn't
>Tells you she likes your family. Hates them
>Says till death do you part. Kills you slowly

who hurt you

Your toothy momma. Two words: Vagina Dentata

Women are awesome. You can be friends with them, tell stories, have sex, share memories with them, count on them to help you, and raise kids. Dolls are an abomination and you can't take them in public and be proud of them.

retards > you = in ever grammatically correct wey.


Anyone seen in public with a woman is a Cuck.

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