non-porn webms
Non-porn webms
In what country are those kind of car materials legal?
was he streaming this? what happened here?
Damn, he's good.
>sleepy negro
I think it's pretty evident what happened there.
I meant in terms of why we have video of this. obviously he fell asleep while driving
prolly court mandated because he has narcolepsy
" i haven't done this before"
>I meant in terms of why we have video of this.
The truck had a dash cam. If they were legal in my country I'd have one too.
Wtf ?? Where is this, what went down ??
why would a dash cam not be legal. it provides crucial evidence in all kinds of scenarios.
lost so fucking hard. the heck is going on here? this gotta be fake
>why would a dash cam not be legal.
Because it violates general data protection regulations.
fucking lmao
>this gotta be fake
dindu nuffin' even didn cum inside
You can clearly see the intelligence in his eyes. I wonder what made his do this
note, they didn't name the woman
What the fuck produced that flame?
>You can clearly see the intelligence in his eyes. I wonder what made his do this
I can clearly see the intelligence in your sentence structure. Also, crack.
I'm surprised she faced any charges at all
a donut place. they wouldn't let her use the toilet because she was not a customer.
Those hangers literally spawned outta thin fucking air, holy shit.
Very well, im a non-native speaker. What was wrong wtih my sentence?
I would assume crack cocaine
I laughed and lost
it should have been " i wonder what made him do this"
My boi lost his right hand in that cavern of a gunt she's got.
wrong pronoun but other than that it seems fine
sorry i am have very bad england
Lmao the earth was about to sneeze
is the white man watching the husband? he waiting the nigger finish the job?
>note, they didn't name the woman
Looking for a date, loser?
Did that man just literally eat shit?
Lazy eye?
What country??
He was smuggling a gorilla out of Africa and then this happened.
He was arrested for poaching.
Story for the webm?
are you really that retarded, or merely pretending ?
Sex therapy doesn't mean they fuck you, incel.
propaganda, but good propaganda
>What country??
A famous and notorious one.
who dis?
Return of the Ogdru Hem.
That truck must have had automatic collision prevention.
ufos or jets far away using boosters ?
nerve gas?
is this what op does on his free time?
animals do really weird things sometimes
Yello aproves
A guy forgot to blow out his lighter before pocketing it in his jacket after smoking crack. .
I definitely did this as a kid once
Is this fake? Something is off
Sauce on this fireworks slash missles slash ufo formation?
His dick probably don't get hard anymore
The only country where they are actually illegal is Luxembourg. Some places it is discouraged or illegal in some circumstances.
play stupid games, win stupid prizes...
from a 4channer
Imagine you go to your girlfriends house and she's fucking your best friend. You start to cry and they both laugh at you. You run out of the house to find the closest bridge to jump off to get back at the two of them. On your way to the bridge you see a young child start running into oncoming traffic to grab his ball but you rushed over and saved his life. All of the local neighbors saw and soon after the news crew pulls up to interview you. During the interview you realize you have a new outlook on life. Life is precious, who gives a fuck about your stupid ex, or your shitty friend. As the interviewer asks what you were doing running down that road in the first place, a fucking iphone nails you in the head and u die
thats the fucking best thing I have seen for a while
Torterra garden
This remains one of my favorites
this is one of the funniest things i've ever seen
That kind is so cool
We need to do better. This shit cannot stand.
Crisis actor
Nice Onion News Network
dis wei better than porn
also who dis2?
lol, not shooting anyone with that piece
I don't get why they didn't just land to pick her up? The terrain looks flat.
>going for the cheap shot when he looks away
Bad form, guy in gray is based
It was too funny to stop
gun is literally jammed and they give him the money anyway. lmao.
It's legit.
Volvo has a collision protection system. I work on them, fucking expensive when they go wrong.
E.g, when they pickup bridges on the motorway and anchor on.
I think if there was sound, we'd hear the cracks
sexual chocolate still got it
I meant the video itself. I've seen other vids of that system in action, its impressive. The way that kid runs just doesn't look right.
PCP makes you immune to fire.
>vehicle with a firepower of 2 rpg infantry shots
what cucked coutry even buys this? Sweden?
The lining on the roof is a very thin, very flammable material.
edgy cunt actor
it's a poor area of town, whore owed the black guy money, the other guy was just an autist waiting for the bus. dude who rode up on the bike was her husband and got upset about the sex
Hit me in the feels that did.
Ask and you shall receive.
Why would it ever be illegal to record someone?
that guy needs to repent
>you know it's bad in your country when white people acts like niggers..
Are you retarded?
Oy Vey
I feel sorry for the children. the fighting age men coming over instead of fighting however, can go fuck themselves.
Fuck I feel like a relapse now
Don't know about the other two but the last one clearly wasn't self-defense. That guy earned himself an assault charge.
hey if I had a gun in my face I wouldn't be stopping to check if it was jammed or not, better to just do whatever he says and not get fucked up, either with a bullet or with the body of the gun itself, I mean there's no consequence to you, the cashier, for forking over the cash in the register during a robbery regardless of the gun's functionality
He's from Eastern Europe, they all run like mongs
too fucking bad that kid didnt get hit
dashcams are legal in the US, nice try
Fuck off you ignorant Americunt, this is a Chris Morris TV show from more than 20 years ago. Cunt
All those fighting people and isis-bitches were once cute kids.
Anyone can cry and look cute. Add 10 years and see how cute shit looks in Hijab and backpack
Typical Starbucks customer in San Fransisco. gotta love those lefty's
was a UFO sighting in california last year. Got a little attention on social media then seemed to vanish from discussion completely. If you listen to the one with sound the people there are pretty freaked out.
lmao, you mad bro?
I came.
and this is what a time machine looks like when it starts up
>north Korean defects
>North korean special elite forces pursue
i dont think UFOs would have rocket trails
Being fat almost cost him his life.
Why his eye have lag?
What, have you taken apart an ufo before?
what is happening?
of course, clearly you've never worked in the industry
the company is insured for millions, they're not going to cry over $2,000 being stolen, especially if they have video evidence.
dude behind the counter was hilarious though
>takes off his gloves per proticol
>stacking up money
>preparing to put it in a sack for easy to carry
>guy threatens him again
>tries to hand him the empty drawer as well
Yeah guys we need more shitty brown people in our countries.
the thief probbly only know how to drive an auto and cant drive a manual
Why does this exist?
Fuck your approval. No one here is desperate for it
those are fuckin crack pipes, he's smoking crack or meth, not pot.
What is this from
source on movie?
Only in America
Poor Malak, I hear she is doing well with her grandma now
I read years ago when that was posted one time that he was drunk and all of those people were friends and were trying to calm him down so he just started swinging.
still better than ketchup.
like dads finger in my anus
are you evil ?
What a chad
some edgy capeshit show involving transexuals faggots and a gender queer street.
I read that the woman is either retarded or has mental issues. Unsure if the dude got in trouble for fucking a retard
Incidentally, is it illegal to fuck a chick with Downs? I feel like that should be my next frontier.
Why not?
not if both fans were spinning.
>tv over fireplace
enjoy your neck pain
Then you have forgotten your father's name.
I don't have it in webm form but that reminds me of this
Horses actually seriously injure or kill themselves like this all the time
how cheap do you have to be to not buy one damn donut to become a paying customer.
Shit she wouldn't have to eat it right then, donuts are good for days, even if they're hard
Nig can't drive manual
hoes mad
Norway you cunt
What is it with black people and water?
Ketchup on chicken tenders is great you fag
no, it is your autism. autistic people can't understand human feelings.
The gears get clogged up with the body or did somebody press the emergency stop? I thought China didn't do the whole safety measures thing.
this is literally my fetish
sick moves
No porn faggot
I remember when this gif was new. People were saying it was Mike Stoklasa outside of a movie theater.
Living in China is like choosing between an industrial mishap, poisoning or longer term cancer.
Works better with pizza crust
I don't know what is happening, but I am erect.
He's trying to start a manual in first gear without depressing the clutch.
Or he is releasing the clutch to quick killing the engine
what the fuck is happening?
The flaming piece of paper that idiot had in his hand?
What more do you need explaining?
good old times of Harlem Shake will be back!
she is peeing
It's an MMA fighters daughter. Couture I think? Or Lidell one of the two.
What is dis?
is there a version with sound?
Smokin Aces, I believe
Just fucking search doom patrol rat.
shallow roots, loose soil and strong wind
fog river
Yeah. Doom patrol, therapy patrol is the episode.
him=accusative/dative? idfk cuz I'm a native English speaker and we mostly did away with the cases
Austistic and cutepilled
ring vortex
How cheap do you have to be to not let your average person use the restroom?
i camped a ton in socal, usually near the ocean, and saw ufos almost every time. multiple times i saw them actually come up out of the water on the horizon, go sky high, and glide across the sky until they shoot away or disappear. craziest shit
horses are dumb as fuck
That chili was a little spicy.
My sound doesn't work
The fuck is up with retards saying everything is fake.. do you think for a second what gain there is to fake random shit
I'll bet she sued.
a black man punching a white woman? Nothing unusual at all.
It's Turkey you nonces
my boi fire
I really, really, really liked that image.
Who the fuck cares, you get paid a crappy wage, deal with shit people all the time and you're going to stick your neck out for the companies money?
why is it so funnY? holy shit I've never been laughing so hard in my life lmaoooooo!
Thats what you get for having to record everything like an ass
Fucking fake posts
brilliant acting ahahhahhh!
Fucking nature dude
it was done on purpose. Something was sprayed on the ceiling and then ignited with a piece of paper.
I'd still sue the fuck out of him, worthless friend.
this one got me good
Smokin' Aces.
Dafuq is happening in there
It'd take a second to unjam it and why take the risk when they'd fire your ass for not complying with the robber
Smokin' Aces. A great, but underrated movie from 2006.
How can people be this stupid
first thing i thought of too lol
this is so cringeworthy. Something TV people only can enjoy. LOL show it to your ancestors and they will laugh their sides off.
I'll be her daddy
rockets can't just suddendly stop dead and then move laterally you fucking halfwit.
A rat taking a shower. Most people don't know how intelligent rats really are. They have their own language and culture. As pets they will wash themselves if you show them how like once or twice. There's research into deciphering their language and translations so we can intercommunicate. Rats are smarter than dolphins, monkeys, and niggers showing to have an iq around 130.
ive seen this posted so many times but ive never noticed the black guy was missing a hand
Germans? Looks like she is sayin: 'schmeckt wie wasser'
Is that the guy from Epic Meal Time now no one watches his YT channel?
Why the fuck would there be a bridge when theres no water nearby
Not the guy you're replying to, but nigga are you dumb?
You say that you're willing to risk your life over $100 that isn't even yours? Like... Do you even comprehend how fucking dumb that is?
got a tear out of me.
>OH NO a child is crying QUICK burn the Constitution!
Did his pupil fucking blink
he had cataract surgery
what SCP is this?
Podrick the Pimp - age 8.
It's not a rat, but it is in the rat family. It's about 5 times the size of a normal rat and this washing behaviour is normal.
this nigger things you freebase weed
Hate god botherers with a passion, but that was a deft catch and a classy backup
Right, my rat washes himself in the shower with me. I just give him a little soap and he goes to town. When he's done he'll rinse himself off and even towel dry himself with a small wash cloth.
Fuck dogs, fuck cats, rats are bad ass little bundles of awesomeness.
It's guys on parachutes with flares on their ankles.
Now watch it again with that in mind
If you're going,... to San Francisco...
no help. I wanna go viral.
Otterbox commercial
I never realized the special olympics were this entertaining.
Based Harold
32GB of cuteness
This is skydivers with flares, for those wondering.
A lot of modern OTR trucks have on board cameras for incidents like this, to show what happens when a driver has an incident.
mean...if they were hot..