Show me your last 5 liked videos

show me your last 5 liked videos

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>liking videos
>leaving tips
who does either of these things?

are you 12? why would you like videos?

physically? no
mentally? probably

I was on yt all night so I ended up looking at stupid memes and laughing my ass off because of sleep deprivation

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>Find video you enjoy
>see that site has a "like" function
>stop and think "what would my imaginary friends on Yea Forums do if they truly enjoyed a video?"
>accept that not clicking something they like would make their imaginary Yea Forums friends appeased
>immediately jump on any thread that has anything to do with enjoying anything and sprout negativity

imagine being this /r9k/

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if you try to impress random anons online, that's kind of sad. That's not what this thread is for just one to see what other people are into

what a cringefest

Whys that.
5 more

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pretty much only music I never like music on youtube, just shows.

>Why would you like videos?

Because I appreciate that someone took the time to upload something I enjoyed. That's a little elementary?


Obv above poster about being against "liking" something
or your just doing exactly what you said was sad...
you'll be happy one day user

pretty basic

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you're right, I misread

I'm quite inconsistent about looking stuff tbh. So the stuff I've liked is usually stuff I've revisited a bunch. Which is music




had to make the like/dislike ratio positive