Sweden School
Sweden School
guess they really don't give a fuck there anymore, why is that kid wearing a satanic monster hat?
Yes hello sven here please nuke us
They look happy to me lol to bad their parents will rape you
if you only knew how bad things really are
How’s Finland doing?
Acting gay is a normal thing to do in sweden we do it unironic
Perhaps the Muslims should just finish this branch of the human race off. It obviously doesnt need to continue
Yes import more muslims import more niggers
Imagine seeing a bunch of happy kids and think of it as a bad thing
Kill immigrant children
man blacks arruined the picture
Imagine being this much scared of guns lole
think of those swedish boys fucking teenage muslim pussy. the best
i think, maybe, you stumbled across Yea Forums by accident. gotta kinda check your sentiments at the door. they may or may not be waiting there on your way out. but i feel ya.
Im going to fix sweden im gonna open up real deathcamps where all the niggers muslims jews gypsies women children and men all will be exterminated
you want to eradicate 90% of sweden or what?
Yes if i need to do that i will do it
I hate pastel colors
>24/7 head cover
Is it constantly fucking Easter over there.. Fuck. Give me darkness, mud, grass and a clearer blues sky. Those colors give me a head ache
>brainwashed kids
I was taught to rebel. I feel sorry for these children. This is a horrible thread. I'd rather see gore
Who cares?
I does cares
Nice try Ivan. That's in Montana.
You should fix yourself first. Make sure to go down the street instead of across
No its in runneryd
Image included is the only one that's legit
Ples no bulli sweden we will soon be all black and thats great for us
Man I used to like those freedom loving cunts. I don't even want to vacation there now. I'd rather go to Greenland
Your sarcasm is showing
Well that was the point
West live in such a shit world. No wonder aliens life ignores us and steals our resources. I blame people and the internet.
We *
If all of the earth was white the aliens might have contacted us
>if u go on Yea Forums u gotta be edgy >:D
Imagine unironically thinking and posting like this
Et encore tu verrait la France, c'est encore pire
France is worst
No sweden is worse
Those kids seem pretty happy.
browners should not be educated with normal people
They should all be exterminated and only then we can build a warp drive and travel to other planets
and those kids love Sweden more than you love USA and would actually defend this country
Yeah right
you're right, their continued presence is holding us back, and mass genocide of browner countries would be great for the economy
Yeah we need to kill em all so white people can progress
How? How are they holding you back?
They are holding the white race back they all need to go so the white race can build warp drives and eat more meat
That kid in the Batman hoodie in the upper left looks like he is da captain now.
Yeah, okay. But HOW are they holding you back?
their consumption of our resources, their pollution, their migration.
they're oxygen thieves.
They exist and they exist in white countrys and if we kill them all we can be sure they never tey to attack us again
Okay, now we're getting somewhere. Let's look at those one at a time.
Resources: What resources are they consuming? How does that consumption compare with the population at large?
Pollution: How much pollution do they produce? How does that compare with the rest of the population?
Migration: How does migration hold you back?
If that's what you think, then you're a dangerous terrorist, and should be carefully monitored by law enforcement.
This is you nigger
resources belong to those best equipped to exploit them.
pollution, everything they do, say, and are is pollution.
migration, have you seen and smelled these people ? having them around is profoundly unpleasant.
>resources belong to those best equipped to exploit them.
Wrong. They belong to whomever is able to extract them or trade for them.
>everything they do, say, and are is pollution.
Sounds like your opinion. Not a very strong basis for committing genocide.
>migration, have you seen and smelled these people ? having them around is profoundly unpleasant.
Yes, I have been around them. I disagree with your assessment. Again, this is your opinion. Your feelings don't matter when we're discussing public policy.
the planet is overpopulated, some globalists believe the population should be reduced by 90%.
the most pragmatic way of doing this is to kill those least able to defend themselves.
Depopulating Africa and the middle east would be a good start.