Remember when the president of america had swag? i doubt donald trump cant even fit his fatass into a suite

remember when the president of america had swag? i doubt donald trump cant even fit his fatass into a suite

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and an ability to speak properly?

hey his stutter sounded badass

Remember when America had a communist Muslim as president, doing his best to destroy the country? It was only about 3 years ago.

>communist muslim

hey now,russia helped donald trump win.not barack obama

The queen preferred Trump

Attached: queen loves trump.jpg (1286x857, 260K)

"Communist Muslim"--I'm not a dumbass.

Faggots tend to dress better.

this is why you have to be 18+ to vote
>leftists want the age lowered

Niggers don't have swag you degenerate faggot.

literal commie muslim married to a tranny. swag? yea, ok america. ok.

Utter falsehood.

you mean this swag? Hardly lives up to the "My president's black and my lambo's blue, nigga.

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your just mad because your president aint black and your lambo aint nigga obama had swag and was a great president.unlike that idiot we have now

Think what you will of Obama, the man had class.

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The nazis dressed well aswell but history tells us that they weren't good of people. #HugoSWAG

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OH yea that's what's important. Fuck off nigger
False, try harder

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hey dumbshit,im talking about obama here.take your shitty buzzwords somewhere else,retard

>thats whats important

your right,whining about mexicans and voting for somebody because they wanted to make america white again is so much more important

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Nah, fuck that nigger

the fact that you can't spell suit just says it all


Uuuuu, someone got triggered. It's not my fault you don't think things through, cockmuncher!

i think you mean he failed class
sex ed

Awe feels on /b must be summer.
Go cry elsewhere

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at least im not some buzzword using teenager like you are

also,i think things through alot better then you can.since i actually know what a nazi is,you just think "orange man bad,i dont like his political views he's a nazi"

>not barack obama
Actually it was the obama presidency that made the voters decide that they didn't want another nigger in the whitehaus.

says the guy who will cry about another football player or a company's commercial next week

trump supporters are the biggest snowflakes

>the voters

you mean,a handful of moonshine drinking rednecks? or wait,dont tell think donald trump is a symbol of white supremacy? yeah,a guy who's lived his entire life in some cuck liberal city

age should be raised to 21 to be honest. I didn't know shit at 18. By the time I was 21 I had developed a much deeper understanding of united states politics than my 18 year old self was capable of or interested in

No, I meant what I said, the man has class.

Really logical thought here. You should be so proud...

Wut. Seek help

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>handful of rednecks
i mean obama was voted in on the backs of hennessey chugging, welfare abusing niggers in the inner cities so whatever

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the fuck are you talking, dude. if ur not throwing baits than go to sleep. it's late & u have schuul tomorow.

>disagreeing with leftist shilling makes one a snowflake
you retards don't even know how to use the word. snowflake implies that you're special and unique, the insult was to imply that left "rebels" are all the same and are not unique or special.
The term you're looking for is fragile, or easily triggered.

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now wait until 2020 and that map will be blue.or do you honestly think you redneck morons are gonna win him a 2nd term? since thats the only people who still support him,he already lost the conservatives,the military and the gun owners vote

>its late

no,actually it isnt.your probably some eurotrash who thinks his opinion on american politics matters

When you’re larping both sides of an argument but have distinct shitty grammar and punctuation.

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You fail to realize how he got elected in the first place.
People didn't vote FOR Trump, they voted AGAINST Hillary.
Doubling down on the Hillary platform isn't going to make him less likely to win reelection.

he got elected because he catered to the uneducated vote

do you think an educated republican would look at donald trump and think "yeah,i want the guy who has lived his life in a liberal big city!".but go ahead and keep crying about hillary almost 4 years later

Destroyed the country?

You're an incredibly stupid and ignorant choad.

No, she doesn't


oh look,its another 16 year old who thinks hes a political expert,what a shame you retards dont realize your 5 seconds of fame was up the day after parkland

Doesn't understand the word "literal".
Doesn't understand the word " Communist"
Doesn't understand the word "Muslim"
Doesn't understand the word "tranny"

Apparently has bad eyes, too.

He was smooth

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He actually aced all of those.

And was the head of the Harvard Law Review.

Unlike trumptard, who threatens schools to keep his grades from being seen.

Why would I cry? She lost. And so did you. And you will again, because you are incapable of understanding the simple logic of choosing between bad and worse.
Who keeps having tantrum protests?
Those "uneducated voters", right?


oh right,the cuck leftist thinks a nigger is intelligent

I say we lower the minimum age to own a pistol. Currently it's 21. Why should I sign up for a draft and be forced to fight for my country when I can't even use it's freedoms?

I'm 55 and smarter than you on my worst day.

You ignorant swamp gimp.

>and you will again

you got that right,except you still seem to believe your side won when the midterms spoke loud and clear that america hates guys are gonna lose even more in 2020

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the fresh prince's transcripts weren't made public either.

Oh, the trumptard faggot is a racist shitbag.



>yet wastes his time on Yea Forums instead of being an adult with responsibilites

good job gramps,i bet your life is full of success(sarcasm)



Why is It that psuedo intellectuals can only think in terms of "us vs. Them"?

pistols are gonna be the next thing trump attacks,he's already attacked bump stocks and on his way to attacking silencers.just wait until that 2nd term happens,but was obama(the guy who after 8 years,still gave us no actual gun control legislation)who wanted to take your guns away


i dont even like trump,but dont worry.your president might be black in 2020,since you dont find black obama supporters to be racist even though they were

B..but they said we'd get free stuff

Calling me a moron doesn't make it any less true.

also,david duke was a hillary supporter.even though its still trump and the republicans who get called racists

and? look at the parkland kids,you dont need to be above the age of 18 to influence other people's vote

This is a lie and everyone remembers the truth.

epic swag

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You shall be crucified first, you fucking retarded boomers are who really ruined this country.

>retarded enough to belief the russia conspiracy theory
It checks out

Nah, you're just too stupid to take advantage of the opportunities still out there.

Motherfucker, what does that have to with anything, greedy boomers and their whining took a major toll here before i was even born. Leave my ass out of it, this is between you old fucks and god now

The queen is like 100 yesrs old and obama is black. Wtf do you expect?

Blame your problems on your own stupidity. What major toll did the boomers take that holds you back in life?

Swag is for niggers, class is for whites.

I’ll never get the obsession over that map.

You do realize more than 50% of the nation lives in the blue areas right?

I can’t even lie
Obama wore the shit out of a suit.

its a way for trumptards to thump their chest while swingin their moonshine bottles around and saying "yeah! take that hillary! we got our trump man in office.even though were to stupid to realize he's as much of a left wing piece of shit as hillary would of been"

Both sides of this retarded tug of war use cherry picked information to sway their respective sycophants.

Actually True

IMHO, Obama presided over the last gasp of a US government that had a chance at survival. With Trump, I feel like Late Stage Capitalism and it's supporters will finally take hold and start crushing us completely.

TrUMp dOeSNT hAvE aNY SwAg

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Dude, Trump let himself getting ass fucked by a porn star and a strap on. Even paid for it. Like how you even dare, he is the biggest and sickest faggot ever. That's a lot of class he has, right. In the 90's he would have already stepped back, because of public pressure and you retards celebrate such retard.

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OBammy's a fag.

Are you a woman?
Because your post doesn't make any sense.

so obama and trump are both gay?

This is a man with no answer

Too poor to understand the word custom