This is a boy
This is a boy
yeah, no shit
That explains the high rise jeans to hide the bulge.
very much fuckable
OP we don't care if you are gay
The pose can't hide that the hips are exactly as wide as the waist, both slimmer than the shoulders.
>hank hill
I'll stick to 2D, thank you very much.
Who is he?
Ricki Ortiz, most known for playing Street Fighter competitively
Nudes op?
>most known for playing Street Fighter competitively
wew that fag has even less of a life than me
I would like to fuck him, in that case
Lmao noooo Ricky. Stick to being the best Rufus pls
Ps fuck Justin wong
>and look it him now
Thats cool. Ive never met a tranny that wasnt a total slut
>why is he still posting