This is a boy

This is a boy

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yeah, no shit

That explains the high rise jeans to hide the bulge.

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very much fuckable

OP we don't care if you are gay

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The pose can't hide that the hips are exactly as wide as the waist, both slimmer than the shoulders.
>hank hill

I'll stick to 2D, thank you very much.

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Who is he?

Ricki Ortiz, most known for playing Street Fighter competitively

Nudes op?

>most known for playing Street Fighter competitively
wew that fag has even less of a life than me

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I would like to fuck him, in that case

Lmao noooo Ricky. Stick to being the best Rufus pls

Ps fuck Justin wong

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>and look it him now

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Thats cool. Ive never met a tranny that wasnt a total slut

>why is he still posting


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