Ever been with a black guy? Share your experience.
Ever been with a black guy? Share your experience
I got robbed and raped
do tell us
Not gay, but i'd let this smooth assed nigger have fun with my sphinter
no homo
It was way too big to do anything but suck on the tip. Still fun because at the time I hooked up with dudes for alcohol and cigarettes because I couldn't get a job and it was nice to hang out with someone.
Green text it I need this to fap
If he's STD free, sure
>I hooked up with dudes for alcohol cuz I couldn't get a job
So, 2 things: Do you live in a single wide or a double wide?
Also, kys.
No, but i love been fucked but a huge white and superior cock, our black race is proudly gay from birth
He got robbed and raped
That's hot
I love being enslaved by superior whites, it's my fetish
Yes, there is nothing better than being fucked by a white cock
I only kissed him but I felt weird and stopped
later he threw a knife at me for talking shit on some cross eyed slut
Back when I hooked up with daddies (i was 18 or 19, they were always over 55) one of them invited a black friend over, got me super drunk, tied me up and double teamed me with him. He was so rough, spanking me and going full dom with me that i can honestly say it was the best sex i've ever had with a man.
Did he cum in u
No one likes niggers
yes, went to school with several, they are all dumb but they dont know it
He wouldn't give it back.
did you enjoy it
Nah, over my back, second round they both came on my face
Was meant for this