Why am I banned all the time? :(

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A costless +1 isn’t balanced

Because you touch yourself at night

WHAT DOES POT OF GREED DO???????????????

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it lets you draw a card, I think?

>You Gay Hoe

I love how its never banned in the anime, along with polymorization, monster reborn and other broken cards.

>draw 2 on the caster's turn only

You are like little baby

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user, I...

The anime followed the banlist after GX.


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>costs mana
Go back to your containment board faggot

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>never banned in the anime, along with polymorization
I am curious what you consider broken cards

You'd spend the mana too if you got it for free.

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Go back

Daily reminder that the best counterspell in the genre is a -2.

Noticing a trend here? Blue wasn't designed to be fair.

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>Draw 2 cards. Receive 20% of damage in your life points.

There, I fixed it.

Life points don't matter so no, you didn't fix it.

This card is trash

>being important

People play a varient of Pot of Greed (Pot of Desires) that at minimum makes them remove a quarter of their deck from play to draw 2 cards, and it's still a staple.

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>no mana system
Who is the retard who made this game?

>Poly broken

>Life points don't matter
well lets see how much it doesnt matter when yours is 0 you dumb faggots

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That's still too powerful.

You never play yugioh didn't ya

Honestly all but 1 last lp don't matter.

Life point costs are essentially the same as no costs at all.

>Receive 20% of damage in your life points.
What the FUCK is this supposed to mean?

>I love how its never banned in the anime
it was though. It stopped getting played after GX because it was banned.

I'm guessing he means "take damage equal to 1/5 your current LP total."
So if you were at 8000 you'd take 1600, which is laughably low for a +1.

If there was a fucking card with the effect "draw 2, opponents lifepoints get doubled" that shit would be banned the next banlist
Lifepoint costs don't fucking matter because once you draw your combo pieces your opponent is fucked.

Also Spell Economics is a card that exists.

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The only way a life point cost could ever be threatening in modern YGO is if your life points is fat out reduced to 100 instantly and even then it'd still be a staple.

I'm pretty sure there was one where you had to have like 3000lp less than your opponent. And there was one where you exiled 1/4 of your deck.
They were still bullshit.

Why are life points meaningless in yugioh?

4k life is a high enough cost that people would consider not running it. after all if more than one good card cost 4k you'd have to worry about bricking when you drew two of them.

>draw 2 cards
>lp drops to 0 during your opponent's next main phase 1
There, fixed

I think that idiot meant, receive 20% damage of you total life points.
ie If you have 8000 pay 1600 lifepoints draw 2, or if you have 5000 pay 1000 draw 2 cards
shits still broken and retarded as fuck kek

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because usually the player who establishes his board first will win no matter how many turns it takes. You end up with 10-15k damage per turn while having 3+ negates and your opponent has to defeat that after you've already broken their board and usually exhausted their hand.

Because there's tons of ways to get them back

Because the focus of the game is to setup a board that can kill them outright or prevent your opponent from doing so
If your opponent can easily setup 8k life points plus of pressure, paying some of that is meaningless

They don't make you lose card advantage and it doesn't matter how low your life points are if you just win anyway

now it's just in the "completely unplayably bad" pile of cards.

Why is this not banned yet

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They are not

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Because it's easily countered if you're not a shitter.

t. comboshitter

They aren't useless on their own, but compared to draw power it's the least of your worries.
The faster you get your cards, the harder it is for your opponent to break your board and the closer you get to your deck's winning strategy.
Your amount of lifepoints don't really matter unless you're at like, below 2000.

That's why paying lifepoints to balance broken effects don't work. The most common way to balance out broken effects is by restricting mechanics that would advance your gamestate. Like "One per duel" clauses on cards, skipping your next draw phase, that kind of stuff.

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Pot of Sneed (formerly Pot of Chuck)

you don't even need to actively try and get them back, there's no point. Just use actual GOOD cards and kill your opponent first.

Good luck countering

3x Dark bribes
1 x Field barrier
1x Judgment

With only 3x Twin twisters

What kind of retard runs Dark Bribe?

In Yu-Gi-Oh, the graveyard is another hand and the banish zone is a third hand.

people actually do in some mystic mine lists, it doesn't matter if your opponent draws a card if they can't use it

The kind that wants to win


Haven’t lost once with this deck

Pot of Desires banishes face-down. You're not getting use out of those cards unless you're building your deck around it with cards like Eater of Millions or Gren Maju
Surely there are better disruption cards to run than Dark Bribe?

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How viable are aliens right now? I really like them as an archetype

>Welcome to Yu-Gi-Oh where everything is made up and the Life Points don't matter!

Solemn Judgment but it's Limited.

Well, there's solemn judgment, but it's already being run.

>those prices
holy shit and i thought playing the prophecy/dragon ruler meta was expensive

Spook is a poor mans max c, but unlike max c lp still don't matter unlike cards. If you can't break the opponents board who cares how much life points you have, you'll just give up instead of them whittling you down.


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Could have sworn there were other cards that could do the job better.
I guess I'm just misremembering shit.

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How would YGO players react to someone playing this faggot on turn 1?

lifelink means that whenever it deals damage, you gain that much life

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>a draw 7 card that can actually be resolved
They would just scoop for game.

post more of these
solemn judgement next please

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ayo do trap hole

Don't have that one

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I remember there were like atleast 3 different card texts for this.

>0 ATK
>1800 DEF
One fucking job, Konami.

>Getting to turn 8 in Yugioh
Oh I am laffin

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>Draw 2 cards. You may no longer draw cards from your deck until the end of this turn.
>You and your opponent draw 2 cards.

Still broken or nah?

First one is too broken since it would just be a Pot of Extravagence but without the cost of banishing cards facedown.

Second one would only see play in FTK decks or gimmicky shit like Exodia because you go +1 so your opponent goes +2

literally still in every single deck

>Draw 2 cards. You may no longer draw cards from your deck until the end of this turn.
Still too good since you just play that once you have no more cards with draw effect to use.
>You and your opponent draw 2 cards.
That might actually be shit since it is now a minus one, and those two cards for your opponent could be hand traps that would ruin your turn.

For me, it's ojamatch

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Who cares about life points when you can win faster and more consistently, maybe even before your opponent gets to turn 1

Okay, explain to me why this shit is banned and considered op (if it is). Wow, you waste 1 card in your deck to get 1 extra card, what's the fucking point? Just replace this with a spell card that destroys all the opponent's monsters or something.

It increases the consistency of your deck with no drawback at all.
If your gameplan only needs 37 cards but you have to run 40, a card that lets you get to the 37 you need faster is broken.
Also Yugioh has no resource system so getting two more cards in hand means you can easily extend your combos

Reduces randomness in your deck and gives you more fuel to throw in the fire. You're basically running a 37 card main deck with three of them (Or however the math works with the +1) and makes things just way too consistent to be fair.

Go back to magic the niggering

you're dumb as shit if you can't figure out why a card that turns into 2 cards isn't good

The problem with cards that destroy all monsters a the dark hole or raigeki is that there are multiple cards and decks that benefit from being in the graveyard. Playing those cards could lead to you losing the match entirely

Because it thins your deck for no cost.
Using Pot of Greed you get much faster to the cards you need to win.
There is literally no reason to not run Pot of Greed if it was unbanned, 100% of all decks would play it.

A card that destroys all your opponents monsters would be a card like Raigeki.
Pot of Greed would make you get to your Raigeki faster and more consistantly.

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Not him but what about this
>Draw 2 cards, you cannot add any cards from your deck to your hand the turn you activate this effect

That's effectively the exact same as his first suggestion.

Not really, you cannot search for any cards before or after you just get 2 cards this turn.

Yu-Gi-Oh! card gameplay peaked with Xyz. I'd even sacrifice Xyz and just stick with Synchro, but I still liked Xyz.

Everything added afterwards was shit.

Fusion era was better than this shit.

If you use both pot and a spell card that destroys all the opponent's monsters or something you'll get 2 spell cards that destroys all the opponent's monsters or something by using pot of greed.

What's the best dinosaur card, Yea Forums?

Searching cards is considered drawing.

Now it's significantly weaker and wouldn't really be worth running
Why are people still trying to balance Pot of Greed when we already have a bunch or rebalanced versions?

It isn't though. The way that effect is worded means you could not use the pot of greed that turn if you used a search/draw effect at any point during the turn.

>casuals wonder why a banlist exists and think it's dumb
>Casuals also praise speed duels for being "old school" while being a glorified banlist

Isn't Graceful Charity better then?

Gave it a try, it's boring

Graceful Charity is also banned.

Early xyz was were xyz was the best because they had draw backs to using up their overlay units. Balancing out how easy they were to bring out. Rank up magic cards are dope too

Graceful Charity is at times much better than Pot of Greed, especially if your deck benefits from discarding.

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Graceful charity is just as broken if not more due to how many cards benefit from being in the grave.

>turn 8

You can cheat him out turn 1

>no one will ever make a real card game where the top-tier cards are both as rare AND broken in equal measure as portrayed in Yu-Gi-Oh!

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Mornin niggers. Just fetchin some fire energies to nuke your mons with Charizard.

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*blocks your path*

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I a world where all matters are not decided by card games a card that only has 4 copies would simply be non-existant instead of having a crazy millionaire going after all the copies.

These two Xyz were the most fun, and I'll concede that they were also considered cancerous for a time.

At least it felt like YGO :(

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Mate, a +1 is some big buisness. People build entire decks around Light of Denko and Pot of Banish 10. The latter also enables banish.dek, a deck where your strongest powerplay is normal summoning a Level 3 10k ATK beatstick.

Aren't card games only so important in that world because said insane billionaire keeps pushing it so hard?

nope, they were connected to the soul but ended forgotten by mankind to the point only kings played.
then pegasus happened

Well no isn't it more that cards and hieroglyphs have apocalyptic power and to defeat them you must beat them in said card game?

If aliens came to earth and demanded we beat them in a card game, card games would suddenly become very important.

He pushed it till it became the culture of the world and some alien world he shot cards into.

The reason why Yu-Gi-Oh is so popular in the Yu-Gi-Oh world is because of Ancient Egyptian destiny requiring a game like Yugioh to exist so the soul of the Pharaoh can battle, and Kaiba's extreme autism making it the most popular sport on the planet by the time GX starts.

What's the best Yugioh game and why is it tag force?

So to get this straight so now in Yugioh it's more important to have more cards then monsters in play?

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The ancient Egyptian stuff is not why it it popular in universe
It was just a game Pegasus made that got super popular as far as most people in that universe are concerned


YGO 2011 for the DS

2007 if you want the old school cards

the only good thing about tag force is that you can have sex with everyone.
but you don't want to partner up with any of them, they are all idiots.

But Pegasus making the game to begin with is because of the Ancient Egyptian destiny thing.

you just have to build your deck to be basically the same as your partner's so that you both help each other towards the same strong monsters

Yes but that's completely separate from why it is so popular in the setting

>Pot of greed is banned but cards that allow you to chain summon ten monsters aren't
What did they mean by this?

Having more cards was always the most important thing in Yugioh.

True, the reason it got so popular is because of Kaiba's autism.

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Ok Pegasus making a successful game is why it is POPULAR, but it is IMPORTANT in the world because there is inherent, wold altering power in some of those cards (and what the cards were before Pegasus made them, well, cards), due to things outside Pegasus' control.


To be fair to this guy, Duelist Kingdom Polymerization did pretty much whatever you wanted.

Yeah I guess that mostly checks out

decks that chain summon 10 monsters run this.
and this shit is limited to 1 card only, still used anyway.

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>ywn shill a card game so hard that new alien species are born from it

Yeah but in the actual game the only Poly card that can be considered somewhat broken is Super Poly or Brilliant Fusion.

>draw 2 cards. Allow your opponent to sexually abuse you for 5 minutes.

There, I fixed it.

draw power is super strong in yugioh because it's basically the only resource you have, no mana or other shit that you need to play cards

>spend a lengthy amount of time talking about how there are more than two genders
>draw all your cards
>lose because you don't have any more cards to draw

Life points are just another resource. It's the same in mtg. As long as you don't hit 0, you're fine. Just look at this. It's similar to what suggested and still not printed for modern. You don't even consider the risk as long as you're still above 10 life points.

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Just like with Yu-Jo Friendship, the ruling will state that all you would have to do is to consent to the idea of being sexually abused for 5 minutes.

Wasn't Future Fusion banned because it allowed you to put tons of cards in your graveyard?

Yes, but didn't Future Fusion get an errata?

>If you control 2 cards on the field and have 2 cards in your hand; Draw 2 cards
Is this balanced?

It got errata'd.
Now you have to wait 1 turn to dump them.


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So I basically know nothing about yugioh after the gx anime. Synchros are probably the last new thing I remember. Can anyone give me a quick rundown on what the game is like now?

What the fuck were they thinking?

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>draw as many cards as there are jews that died during the holocaust
>have to put your hand back in the deck


It literally doesn't. Pot of Extravagance prevents you from drawing but not searching, they're two different terms.

I don't think there was any shit deck more fun than a fat machine deck and dumping 40 for Chimeratech Overdragon.

I especially liked to imagine it with 40 heads, like how it worked in the anime.

Oviraptor and it's barely even close.

>win because you're playing genderfluid Exodia

>card games in space
>card games in alternate realities
>card games in cyberspace

>instead of a game that makes you come up with a new winning strategy on the spot with the cards you got, it's now a race to see who can do their game winning combo first
>syncros are cool and are basically light xyz
>xyz is cool and are basically dark syncros
>pendulum summoning is underrated but still shit
>link is for days and can fuck off
>anime is still the same thing each time but with more future shit in it
Hope this helps

I believe all cards but Exodia right leg should be banned

>like how it worked in the anime.
You remember wrong because that didn't happen

>they unbanned Monster Reborn
Is it because of the massive power creep?

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Ok so after Synchros came XYZ monsters. Lay the requiered amount of monsters on top of each other ( like 2 Level 4 monsters) to summon it. Most XYZ monsters activate their effect by removing one of the materials used to summon them to the graveyard.
After that came Pendulums, which were like monsters that were also treated as spell cards, I never touched this mechanic at all.
The most recently introduced mechanic is Link summoning. They introduced Master Rule 4, most important change being that there are only 2 extra monster zone spots. Link monsters have arrows on them and you can summon Extra Deck Monsters to the card zones they point to. Link monsters also have effects like most Extra Deck monsters and to summon them it doesn't look for levels, but shit like attribute, archetype, that kind of stuff.

No fuckin way. There does exist link monsters.

Remember when yugioh was actually a good game?

>no links
>no ash blossom
>no xyz
>no evenly matched
>no cards with ultra gigatext to avoid breaking some faggot rule

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It's been on and off the banlist for more than a decade

Because nobody knows what the fuck do you do?

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Yes and no one even runs it. While still useful, you probably run some monster in your deck that does the same thing, so reborn ends up being a plan B of sorts. Speaking of power creep, the OCG recently put Solemn Judgment to 3.

It's Limited, so only 1 allowed.
But yes the fact it's at 1 means it isn't as powerful as it used to be.

I wish I had the summoned skull pic now

So the Jap ruleset allows 3 Solemn Judgements?

Unga Bunga Summoned Skull.

This one?

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Bruh, Raigeki is Limited and no-one but off-meta decks run it

This! So much this!

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Starting from July, yes.

Is current Yu-Gi-Oh still whoever gets their deck out on the first turn wins?

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>destroy your opponent's monsters
>50 graveyard effects proc

Imagine if there was a Raigeki that shuffled your opponents monsters back into the deck

Yes. Came back to it now when I found my old cards and decided that i'm just gonna be a collector.

No, now it's whoever gets their deck out on the second turn wins.

Yes it is balanced. It takes up one space in your deck.

Unless you draw your copy of Evenly Matched on your first turn if you go second, you're at a huge disadvantage.

As long as you're allowed to win turn 1 anyways.

>Used to play YGO
>get win combo in my opening hand
>play it and get ready to move onto next round
>judge comes over and tells me since I went first, I can't win on turn 1
>"says fucking who?"
>it's not fair to your opponent bro
>threatens to ban me from the store if I keep arguing
>fuck fine whatever
>opponent also drew their win combo turn 1 and wins
>but since he didn't go first it's legit
>pack my stuff up, flip the table over and storm out, cussing out the store owner on the way by
>come back later and find out the judge was fired and the completely fucktarded rule was revoked the next day
>get a couple card packs as an apology for being fucked over like that
I probably could have handled that better, but I was just so fucking mad.

it takes up -2 spots in your deck

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No, it's a +1 in card advantage, it effectively makes your deck 1 card smaller.

There's Gabrion, Drowning mirror force, and Castel.
There's probably others.

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No. Stun/control is king now.

user, are you okay? Do you require medical assistance?

As a spell card though....


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That would be overpowered. No monster has protection from getting shuffled.

What do you mean? If your opponent didn't scoop then of course you didn't deserve to win turn 1. Or did you use Exodia or something?

I remember...

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Many have immunity to spells.

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>cussing out the store owner on the way by
What's your problem? It was the Judge that fucked you over

This card causes all Darkworld players in a 2km radius to suddenly nut

>dumb wojakposter

That's my point though, it would be so OP it would be hilarious

Pretty sure he made that story up.


Wouldn't it be funny if it was called pot of sneed haha

Have Skull Servants/Wights gotten any support since Wightprincess?

/r/ "Just draw some cards my dude"

so pendulum halt?

What the FUCK are tuner monsters? What the FUCK is a synchro monster? WHY do Yugioh tournaments smell SO BAD?

They got a new spell called Wight Power. You can send up to 6 million of your opponents cards to the graveyard.

But it has only a tenth of that?
Or am I missing some joke/meta development?

If the current meta is one where the person going second almost always wins, is it that different from FTKs being allowed?
Either way, the game is decided via coin toss at that point. Is there a practical difference?

Not really. Monsters like that are slow to get out and people use more viable monsters that have protection from "targeting" (the most desirable).

user... it's 2.5k...

You should work for Konami as a card designer.

Damn son Synchros are like 10 years old at this point.
Here you go

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God I hate fags like this your old cards still exists just play with people who wanna use old cards

That math is slightly off.
It takes up 1-2=-1 spots.

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Did it not grow an additional head for how many monsters used to fusion summon it?

Consistant FTKs always get banned.
Going second is currently strong because of cards like Evenly Matched

>implying I know how to read

>Draw 2 cards and shuffle 2 cards from your side deck into your main deck.
There, fixed the thinning problem.

it's funny how joke rules on those are only marginally less bullshit than real ones

In order to be legal in Yugioh, you have to at least pretend you have a downside, even if you, functionally speaking, don't have one.

*more bullshit

Mills your deck more than that space though, which is important in card games

>play this pot variant at 3
>oponenet just whastes time
>time outs in that tournament round
LP matter but not in a way you think they do, friend of mine won an ots wist aromage whtout taking his oponents life pont to zero the whole event

>Draw 2 cards
>Opponent can send 1 card from the hand or deck to the graveyard so that both players draw 1 card each instead
Actual fix'd

>Draw 2 cards. If you don't win this duel after using this effect, slit your throat.

Would people still play this?

No it's just shit because your opponent is always going to pick the second option.

How does Pot of Desires waste time?
You just pick up the upper 10 cards in your deck and put them on your banished zone.

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Thanks, user, gonna go purchase from TCGplayer asap

>Draw 2 cards. Your opponent can discard 2 cards to negate this effect.

>making the opponent even out
>graveyard setup
>+1 for you
Everyone would always go for option 2 lmao

Anything to get this shit off the banned list so that I can finally play that fucking anti pot of greed trap card

What's the real card's name?


Jesus christ did you want to combine Delinquent Duo and Pot of Greed?

Why do early translations of card name randomly uses japanese words?

No one would play that shitty meme card even if pot of greed was unbanned

not pot of desires, the pot variant that user was sugesting the one that cost a third of your life points, becouse.
>use that pot
>asshole oponent whaste time (like a fuckton of peple do when they are boned these days)
>time out
>you loose on a complely full board against an opponent who had nothing.
desires is fine

Draw 2 cards, but you can only activate this effect one in a lifetime.

Where is the downside?

>Draw 2 cards. Your internet browsing history is sent your parents.
Would it still see play?

Danger! exist user this would be a bad idea

Because they were lazy or the translated name would be mundane/uncool/awkward.

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my mum walked in on me fapping more than once
she has a rough idea

Anyone got a Gif of Bethesda-Chan saying things are very spooky?

Literally just delete it before playing.

>Draw 2 cards, you must give your opponent oral sex.

Because Yugioh is a children's game that is horribly balanced with no mana cost

They realized their design is garbage and later on added life loss effect or overly complicated 2 paragraph drawbacks

It's the worst plebfilter cardgame out there

>Yugioh is a children's game
You know the meme is ironic right?

having more cards means having more monsters to play

I want to install YGOpro again. Which one do I download?
I feel like the unity one looks fancy but slow

>Draw 2 cards and if you do so, call over the judge to administer the licensed Konami "Pot of Greed" toxin. The only way to be given the antitoxin is to win the Duel within the next 2 minutes.

but that's forbiddin!!

Yes, I'll take one Maidragon archetype, please.

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Instant 3-of in all my decks

Also, opponents getting stuff in the graveyard early

YGOpro percy.

Percy is the only one that matters.

What's with the Dawn of a New Era?
dev drama?

Some random Japanese and some truly magical translations (Buster Rancher being one of my favorites). I am not convinced that UDE ever knew what they were doing.

...or that Konami does now.

It's shit.
>updates less frequently
> runs worse, crashes a lot.

>You can only activate this card if you have 2 or more cards in your hand. Draw 2 cards and your opponent then choose a card type (monster, spell or trap). Shuffle all cards of that type from your hand to the deck.

someone is upset his game got hijacked by the SJWs and now can not have girl cards do not avide by the progresive standars.

Attached: 103833.jpg (251x370, 46K)

No, it's just bad all around
>barely even updates
>has microtransactions set in for whatever reason
>runs worse, in some cases gets rulings wrong
The only point it has over Percy is that it has AI, but even then it crashes a lot.

early synchro was the best imo
both og and synchro decks were usable
xyz was still pretty good
pendulums and especially links fucked everything up

Now it's literally unplayable

that one is incredily legit, kudos user!

How 2 make a good monsterless deck

Even I have noticed the constant begging for donations. Even mods let bots control their account to trick users into donating, holy shit.

Play Mine Burn or Paleozoics.

Paleo Wetlands beatdown brother

yes, children and manchildren game

You wanna make True Dracos stronger?

The main demographic who plays this game is University students.

the only good card in one of the worst decks i have ever seen
>lets make a deck that relies on summoning a normal monster with 2 tributes
>let all the tribute fodder be extremely weak with gimmick effects
>you can fuse without using polymerization as long as both cards are on the field
>doesn't matter because after your turn unless you have a field card your monster gets destroyed
sucks since contact fusion could be so good

Like I said, I was mad at the time and not thinking straight.

Not at all
A 41 card deck with pot of greed is inherently better than a 40 card deck without pot of greed because it's a free plus 1
Upstart goblin is the only time this argument has any weight, but that's a costless plus 0 which is still very good in some decks
Jar of greed is something that's more balanced because of the wait, but because of that it's shit and useless

>monster reborn


they look like they will be expensive and not very good to play as just like (image related) and the ryona jokes involving buster blader will not stop any time soon

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He was played in decks that didn't have Neo Space as theme back then, since he was actually good.

I remember some neat Yugi PC game I played a long time ago. Anyone know the name?

Kaiba killed me once before I even got to my turn. It was fun.

Face down banish zone is not a hand at all, only a couple of cards interact with it at all, and usually only in very specific circumstances

Thanks bros
Does monsterless have any value beyond meme power?

Well there's shit like gladiator beasts and the a through z union machines if you want good contact fusion archtypes

Then Neos Fusion and Neo Space Connector got made and now the archetype is sligthly less of a joke. Reminder that Aqua Dolphin won a WCS.

To be fair there was a long period of time where reborn was insanely OP

i haven't touched a card game in 7 years but i still have my ancient gear deck chokefull of literally every attack stopping/effect negating/put the monsters back in your hand card i could get my hands on

Attached: gay.png (1467x927, 1.94M)

no, retard.

not anymore lmao

Can I have a WEREWOLF ARCHETYPE instead?

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No idea since I'm a filthy Duel Links only player.

What the fuck were they thinking?

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ancient gear got upgraded recently and is still the best unga bunga beathdown decks nowdays, you will have to pay some serius buck for the fusion spell card tho

Is there a card that puts a card in your opponent's extra deck?
I wanna screw over a certain deck so hard

>not Fallen Wolf

Attached: surrounded_by_fallen_wolves_by_alanmac95_dcict2n-pre.jpg (740x1079, 132K)

well magic mine still exist so yeah they have a fuckton of power these days

you mean mornarch?

I was so disappointed with Witchcrafter. I paid pre-order prices so, I didn't tank a whole lot of cost building them, but Jesus Christ. Why did Konami even do this?

there's nothing wrong with this

True Draconiggers

not video games

Talking shit about XYZ is talking shit about THE LIGHTNING magic the pandering fag and we don't allow anyone to slander his name

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>YGOpro exists
Check mate faggot. I'm checking you out and I wanna mate

>Monarch players hate this

Video game

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>My non-meta deck will be playable if they allow Pot of Greed

Do people realize that metafags will also have Pot of Greed and make their deck even more powerful?

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Are you a retard? Does your brain hurt when you think? Consider shooting yourself in the face for a change.

funnily enough Aqua Dolphin is actually a pretty strong tech card in the current state of the game as most decks run hand traps or play enablers that have non existent attack stats meaning dolphin can rip them out the hand before the opponent can use them properly

no one needs deck thinners anymore because of searchers

While not exactly monsterless (you do need to run 3 Lilith but that's about it), Mystic Mine Burn is one of the most feared decks this format since it completely stops your opponent from playing the game. It slows down the game to the point where hard drawing into your burn cards is valid, and your opponent has to hard draw into their S/T removal in order to do anything, and even then you can just Dark Bribe it.

I honestly don't think people who say that actually "play" the game. I've never heard that sentiment shared at a tournament.

>Meta deck
>Meta deck
>Meta deck
I'm not having fun anymore.

For me, it's Wixoss.

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Not all decks search equally, so getting draw cards is good way to supplement.

Unbanning Pot of Greed is just a meme

Every competitive game has a metagame and even if you nerf all the meta shit there will still be a meta game as there will be a less shit of the shit options available.

Mystic mine isn't as powerful in the TCG as in the OCG.

It's just so jarring so see exactly the same deck everywhere you look

>Mine to 2
>Metaverse to 1 meaning you can't set it with Trap Trick or as consistently with Lilith
Not anymore it ain't

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The current meta is diverse dood

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The Meta is one of the most diverse it's been. Salamangreats are common because of the structure deck.

i have these irl
>black hole
>mystical space typhoon (yes, i though it negated the effect)
>swords of revealing light
>sakuretsu armor
>draining shield
>anteatereatingant and gogiga Fgagagigo, because i found the names funny

>if you pay life it isn't broken!
you absolute fool

I want you to take a good, hard look at this card and tell me why you think it's banned/restricted in all formats.

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>not even silver
the fuck were they thinking?

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Spirals phantasm

>blue card is OP

say it aint so

I wish people wont post ocgs if they're western
Tcg tourneys are never like ocg and it will always have 1 to 3 meta top decks that no other decks can compete with except a dark horse

OK have the TCG top 10

Attached: Meta.png (831x741, 32K)

Fuck off, Pendulums did nothing wrong. Aside from the 2 weeks of Pepe before their emergency banlist, you could play meta through all of link era without using a Pendulum dekc

i used to run solemn judgement before they banned it, it cost 50% lifepoints and it is broke as fuck

On top of that, back in the day every deck shared the same set of 24 or so staples. Deck and card diversity has waxed and waned over the years, but there will always be a meta of some kind.

Which Tag Force game would be the most complete? Special? I hated that shitty translation, though.
Also, which one is the one where you mindbreak the girls

>pay 7 life: draw 7 cards
>8 CMC

still mad all these years later

dude I bougth that thing becouse my lil sister wnated to go back to play and saw verre smug face and said "I want that one" and well she has lost against aliens and superheavy, hope things get better when the golem gets released

Magic cards can only activate once per turn, right? I don't remember how they work very well

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>no ash blossom

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phyrexian mana is the kinda shit you'd expect from a team that hasn't already dealt with both the urza's block and raffinity

nah, but they'd still have to pay the 7 life if the ability was countered

Tag force 4. If you hate the meme translation there should still be the version that just has the card translation.


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So effect veiler would've been a better choice if I didn't want any draws

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i have this, doubt its worth anything

Git probe did nothing wrong.

is ra actually runnable?

no. Sphere mode is only used to break boards by tributing your opponent's monsters

Sphere mode kind of is due to how you can tribute 3 of your opponents monsters, the 4k attack monster is a bonus.

probably but if someone wants to activate it again they're paying essentially 2/3rds of their default life (assuming a standard game and not EDH or something) so it's a far steeper cost.

>You and your opponent draw 2 cards.
Is milling your opponent possible in yugioh?

>Ashing a Left Arm Offering


Attached: LeftArmOffering-MIL1-EN-SR-1E.png (310x450, 366K)

fuck did this make me mad and every fucking kid had one in their deck. It was a fucking holographic card how were they so fucking common?

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Yes look at and pic related just to see some of the options

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I'm confused. How is he unaffected by spell/traps if he is set?

>activates dark hole.
>can't destroy it because of effect
>can't see effect because it's face down.

Yugioh rules don't make sense.

There's a handful of cards that can trigger effects while face down. In short, it works because the card says it does, just like in pretty much every game ever.

Attached: Amaterasu-TDIL-EN-SR-1E.png (467x695, 862K)

If he is set while Dark Hole activated, he is destroyed.

However, if you set him, then flip him another turn, he is immune to Dark Hole.

Why is there a mod with a massive hateboner for YGO?


lol you've never had sex have you?

Why Yea Forums?

wtf i hate Yea Forums now

>yu-gi-oh thread is Yea Forums
fuck off

>this is moved to Yea Forums
>meanwhile the yugioh threads with tits is still there

i thout there was that whole archetype that was built around that, seemed to have better effects

>people make jokes and talk about the game
>Yea Forums
Are the mods legit retarded?