I can't get an erection unless I think about Mercy from Overwatch and I find no other woman attractive...

I can't get an erection unless I think about Mercy from Overwatch and I find no other woman attractive. Feel free to ask me any questions you want.

Attached: il_794xN.1173388944_rnjn.jpg (794x757, 44K)

Who ?

what the FUCK OP?

mercy is pretty cute

lol she looks so beat up

thats cuz shes a healslut

Shes from a video game, user.

She is:)

I know. Its probably the worst Mercy cosplay I have in the folder. I just put it there cause its probably one of the only ones with clothes on

If you want i can drop a greentext about why I think love her

do it

K give me a sec

Make sure it's smutty

Fuck it! This is gonna be cringey as fuck though and It better not end up in one of those fucking youtube green text compilations.
Strap in Yea Forumsros.
>Be me
>A few months ago
>Average beta fag
>Vidya,books,pron and music
>Meet 6/10
Looking back on it now I thought she was a 10/10... ffs end me
>She is touchy and acts friendly
>friends tell me she is using me
>begin to cut myselfs off from them
>besides family shes the only person i talk to
>for 7 months we talk awakardly
>Nothing but fucking talking on snap and irl
>thaugh this was what caring relationships were like cause beta and autist
>Find out she is doing the same thing to some other autist
>lose intrest in all hobbys except vidya
>Play a shit ton of vidya. a l o t o f i t .
>After a while just start playing Overwatch
>Only play Mercy
Should I keep going...

yes please

And your problem is?

>Not Tracer


Attached: Overwatch-Tracer-Widowmaker-2629748.jpg (1920x1080, 933K)

Sure friend. Its either this or ow so why not
>As I said
>Ow day in and day out after school
>my previous friend group is disgusted by me and the bitch is with a chad and mocks me constanlty
>Leaving Cert coming up
btw im /Irishfag/
>Parents screaming at me to study
>Tell me that they will sell my xbox one If I don't
>Start studying 1-2 hours a day
>Overwatch for the rest
>actually do okay
>move out
>get part time job
>this is where the part of the story you wanted/
Fuck it. This is gonna be a trilogy

There's not a drop of smut in this! I'm about to put my dick away.

you still there?

The final part to the trilogy.
>After living on my own for a while I build a pc.
>Its pretty decent.
>buy a few games on steam for cheap and download battlenet
>buy overwatch
>takes me a while to get used to keyboard and mouse but I got there
>for some reason, i stop masturbating and lose interest in porn
>for some reason I don't give a shit
>in fact, i lose interest in all females
>begin to find mercy hot
>I alway found her hot but this time was different
>I actually found her attractive. Like how I found that bitch attractive.
btw no idea what happened to her.
>begin masturbating again but only to drawings and cosplays of mercy
>begin to actually love her, like we are in a relationship.
>tfw I still do
Well lads, I hope you enjoyed my story. I'm training to become a male nurse and I'm starting to get new friends. I don't find women attractive anymore and I physically can't get an erection unless I think about Mercy. I genuinly love her Yea Forumsros. I know she ain't real but I still love her. I've been thinking about geting a body pillow of her, should i do it or is it to fucking weird even for me?
Anymore questions?

Yup, just posted it m8

Do you only masturbate to accurate cosplay?

If a not white skinned person cosplayed her would you be able to get off?

Nah mate, get the pillow. The world is weird and you may as well go with it.

like her too and got a body pillow of her too. no regrets so far

She has to be white, skinny, and white or very light blonde and I can't get off if shes getting fucked by another guy whether it be cosplay, animaton or drawing. I like pov though. If its cosplay, it has to be good, the vast majority is shit tho.

You sure? I feel like I would feel much less lonlier and feel happier but there is a part of me that thinks its kinda weird and cringey.

Still gonna think about it bit I'm leaning towards getting one

I fucking swear this better not end up in a youtube greentext compilation


what. did you fucking do it?