Why cant atheists define atheism?

Why cant atheists define atheism?

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Fuck off already...

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but you're not upset or are you?

I dunno. Why can't Christians ever give you any answers?

Atheism: Lack of belief in any form of divinity.

Your life: a pathetic redundant failure with a pungent flavour of shit

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why can't thousands of fundamental christians force netflix to remove good omen from amazon prime via a petition? Makes you wonder about their sanity

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after checking, yep, todays most bullshit actions go towards christian believer

>lack of belief in any form of divinity
Atheism defined.
This thread is now over.

>why can't
because netflix doesn't own amazon, easy to answer.



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get a life

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Why can’t anons stop posting old mouldy pasta?

I'm guessing you're not a professional linguist.

he is a cunning linguist, most trolls are.

if he were cunning he would post something provocative yet believable. Atheism is easily definable. It's not even good bait. Just a genuinely stupid thing to say.


Why do you post this same shit over and over again in here??? Nobody gives a fuck about this stupid shit. Enough already....

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This is just senseless drivel and you seem to be getting something out of it. I'm glad you've found your place in this world, user.

I will explain it for you... its a-theism. Got it moron?

>implying anyone is trolled by this shit

i thought /b likes repetitive threads? you're not upset, are you?

Thats your only rebuttal. "You seem upset?"

How boring can you be?

no, Yea Forums likes traps, celebs, sharing pictures you arent supposed to share and your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you dont reply to this post.

you disagree with the preference of the majority. Do you see the irony? You are the pariah

yeah, not upset.. i see that now

Yeah, but in 5 minutes I won't be upset, and you will still be a retard.

we'll see

Oh the irony

>Lol u mad? xD

How boring can you be?

Yep u mad

>No rebuttal. Just retort after retort

I've decided this is a porn thread now

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welp thanks to that pic im not sleepin tonight.

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It's just a yellow poster disguised as a christfag

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if anyone wants actual debate
let's go
there is no god
prove me wrong

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op here

i cant because there is no god


Atheist deny the existence of God. Just lacking a belief is kind of a weak way of describing them.


