Just your daily reminder that Alanah is a Queen
Just your daily reminder that Alanah is a Queen
>big hands
>big skull
>box frame
I think you mean King
That’s a man. Enjoy being gay your whole life.
You're both retarded, shes 10/10
Gobble any dick this morning? The answer is yes.
She's not even Premier League Champion.
literally who
I want to dock in her uncut cock
Elyse is better.
Who are elyse and Alana?
you mean slut, right?
and yea its her. one of the few pics that get DMCA'd all over.
Who even is that? Someone care to tell this poor soul?
ex-ign poster girl that did news for them. she's kinda a gamey e-celeb ... c-tier? i guess?
Whoa, you have any more information about this?
created in her pre-ign times. she was the typical emo-jrpg slut. all her leaks got taken down, which is sad. and i bet shes still doing slut recordings. wish someone would leak it already.
Alright so I googled her, somehow found elyse as well, and now I'm so confused over who is better! Both look so gorgeous!
Are you one of those retards that think woman taking nudes makes them slutty, or do you have some actual slutty Alana stories, cuz id love to hear them
alanah. no other choice, man.
if its intention is to make a man cum, its slutty. and thats what it was for, and since youre a beta thats just stalking her insta, you wont get nothing from me anymore. go pay some hacker to get her new stuff then.
Funhaus (or however its spelt)
youtube channel owned by roosterteeth, they are basically IGN
Well, it isn't completely one sided, elyse seems hot as well...
Allah is he
her tits are inferior and her whole personality is.
so you are one of those retards, literally every woman sends nudes. There's a big difference between sending nudes and being a slut.
yea i understand you. you'd rather fap to her streams and pics instead of her nudes. got it. you're one of the summerfags that curses at the one posting content. sad, so sad, little whiteknight.
damn, youre defending her. and from the footage you posted and how you act.. adam? it's you, isn't it? lol.
only because we spitroasted her last week at the company day, doesn't mean you'll ever have a chance man, and you know it. stop spamming her. she's already super annoyed by it.
God you're so right, i forgot i was on Yea Forums, all women are sluts and should be treated like objects
exactly. except our moms ofc.
Well, for someone who didn't know either of them existed until an hour ago, I don't think personality matters a lot. Tits though, I must agree with you on that.
PS is she naturally brunette? She looks amazing with black hair!
her natural hair color is brown
Funny part is she said on a video she actively searches for any r34 or fakes or "leaks" of herself and tries to dcma the hosting site. what I'm trying to say is HI ALLANA YOU HAVE NO FUCKING POWER HERE SWEETIE TELL THE GANG ON FUNHOUSE Yea Forums SAYS HI. I mean shes cute and all, and I dont really care to see you nude but I'm going to kek at the next uploaded video. Also /r/Yea Forums is fucking retarded if you screencap dont go to reddit.com tomorrow.
yea thats what we've been talking about.. sadly all her stuff gets dmca'd pretty fast. hopefully more people will leak it here tho
Rhettal is forever queen of Yea Forums. Everyone knows it
Gotta keep your ear to the streets to find that very rare Alanah tiddy
she scammed people, so no. she's just another whore. the best whore. with her big fat tits. god fuck, too bad she didnt do hardcore or livestreams for us. but still, scamming whore.
alanahs tits are superb too tho
t. based rhettal poster
Eyyyyyyy those are some very Alanah looking tatts. Any pics confirming she has those tatts?
its a shop
James is a lucky motherfucker.
yep, fake
only real one yet
How can you tell its fake?
She's such an unfunny cunt with 0 chemistry between the other members.
Hope she gets gang raped by a pack of niggers
Nah nah nah i don't want any nigger dick in my gamer girl queen
She has tats around her cunt you'd only be able to see fully if she wasn't wearing any panties.
She's a nigger chew toy.
been debunked in an old thread with the original
loved her old shootings
Based Liverpool fan. 13/10 would bang.
Naomi Kyle is best ign girl. Or former ign.
hnnnggg jerking
She's boring and cringe to watch
cus she is made for showing her tits and fucking dumb bimbo whore wraaag
Wonder who the best cock sucker is Alanah or Elyse.
She's plain tbh nothing to be excited over.
I’d bet copious amounts of money it’s Elyse. She can probably take a mean dick too. James is lucky
She does have nice dick sucking lips
Like 1iq point
>Liverpool shirt
Lol at Elyse cucking Ian so hard he's transitioning.