Would fascism have revived romanticism?

would fascism have revived romanticism?

Attached: 800px-1897_Dettmann_Bei_den_Wasserrosen_im_Moor_anagoria.jpg (800x603, 137K)

No, fascism crushed all artistic expression once in power except for kitschy garbage like Arno Breker

If you weren't such a retard you would know that the painting I posted was painted by a Nazi party member who was placed on the "Gottbegnadeten list".

I wanted to be the one who said kitsch, but romanticism is distinctively individualistic and anti-authoritarian. Read some Shelley before posting.

its kitsch dude
Romanticism had passed and doing it that late is the isn't artistic

Its funny because its an impressionist painting not a romanticist one.

If you're unaware of the vitalist, romanticist roots of fascism you really shouldn't bother commenting.

its a hollow imitation whatever it is

Why pose this thread as a question when you've obviously convinced yourself that you're right?

No you should check out romantic nationalism and German romanticism, it uses the individual to promote the nation

Books for this feel?

no you should recognize that by the 1930s repeating that sort of art is nothing but stagnation

>distinctively individualistic
Read De Nerval's "Aurelia", he outright says he learned how "important the people is to the individual". I do concede that English romanticism is almost anarchist

>no-NO its garbage because da nazeeeees did it

lmao just stop talking

Well that's an opinion we could discuss but romanticism and nationalism is heavily heavily linked. The only weirder thing is that liberalism is linked to nationalism as well until you get into too much free marketry

It would be like one of those spooky monkey paw stories where a mother wishes her dead son back to life only to have a rotting corpse come in for dinner.

Because I was asking a question and expect answers from people who know what they're talking about. Not layman who don't understand either fascism or romanticism.

It's garbage because it's a dead meme. All fascists do is force memes I swear.


>old bad
>new good

Attached: index.png (201x250, 6K)

English romanticism never stood a chance, it devolved into a bunch of rich kids larping as radicals.

Romanticism was an influence on German Nazism in particular (there's a pretty direct genealogy through the Wandervogel) but I don't think movements really get "revived" -- just transformed, channeled and repurposed.

Proto-fascist currents in early 20th century culture, representing one of the more violent and rhythmic incarnations of modernism, lended a particular vitality to a lot of art, e.g. D'Annunzio, the Futurists, and so on. Unfortunately, the regimes which followed up on these visions of the future stifled and deadened the fertile cultures from which they sprang. The brilliance of German literature, for instance, which had survived the German wars of unification, survived the collapse of the Empire, and survived (even thrived) in the squalor of the Weimar Republic -- died almost immediately at of the inauguration of the Third Reich, the supposed "national revival". Even nationalist authors writing during the Nazi era (such as Gottfried Benn and Ernst Jünger) produced their best works in spite of, rather than with the help of the regime. The wellspring dried up in the Nazi sun and has never been reborn since.

Attached: futurism.jpg (1473x1055, 899K)

True, and the only reason Junger was spared complete censorship is because he had some respect in high office, despite the constant demonisation of his work and character by the SS

The nazis were led by a man who highly esteemed art.

Except he didn't, he thought art only existed to serve his ideology

Expressionism was a big derivative of romanticism, it got banned tho but not without huge supporters

Alternative theory, post nazi germany has been heavily demoralized and controlled by other nations, and was extra fucked by the general depression on europe that was the USSR. All of europe has basically only had 30 years of real life since ww2.

Sure explains why they collected all of it.

>Sure explains why they collected all of it.
They destroyed a lot of it, they only collected that which they thought could serve Nazi ideology or that of monetary value

The cultural devastation occurred during the regime itself, however. The huge flight of artists, intellectuals and writers from Germany was unparalleled. Not just Jews and socialists either, but Christians, reactionaries and even Nazis were suppressed, exiled and even killed under Nazism. As for "collecting" (read: stealing) art from all over Europe, it's a good bargaining chip, plus adds prestige to display famous prized works in your capitals.

They destroyed hedonistic examples of the degeneracy of their times. It was the equivalent of burning rupi kaur.

And communism didn’t do that? Do you like what capitalism did to art?

Of all the buzzwords you could throw at works of Nolde, Beckmann, Dix etc., "hedonistic" is the most retarded.

>m-muh communism
At least make some effort.

The destroyed anything that didn't fit their own narrative and agenda, including the work of nationalists who opposed them. Your Nazi larping wouldn't be tolerated among the far right in other parts of Europe whose own movements were suppressed by German occupiers

They got mixed in with who they associated with, which was basically porn artists.

>destroyed anything that didn't fit their own narrative and agenda
They must have won then

The Soviet regime did comparable damage to Russian culture, I agree. And capitalism has had deleterious effects on art and culture (as well as productive ones) but how does that exonerate Nazism? There's also something interesting about the fact that autocratic governments like Wilhelmine Germany and Tsarist Russia still had flourishing arts cultures, which were quashed under Nazism and Communism. What distinguished the former regimes from the latter? Dostoevsky was sent to a gulag under the Tsar, but he still became a successful and beloved author afterwards. I don't think that would have happened to him under the Nazi or Soviet system. Not to say they're the same or any of that horseshoe crap, but there is something characteristic about them.
What about all the writers banned in Germany? Was Kafka a "porn artist"? Musil? Heine? Mann? London? Proust?

Nazi larpers don't even care about their own nations, they just want to suck the dick of a dead narcissist