Celeb Thread Good Morning Edition

Celeb Thread Good Morning Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Good morning

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Mmm. Snuggly and comfy!

I know you're looking at her feet

Attached: Kendall-Jenner-Feet-4027836.jpg (3181x4779, 937K)

Ultra comfy

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Can I get some Best Emma?
For my birthday?

>>see book title
>>dont mind if i do

Some of my favorites. I can't help but look at her feet

Snapchat really messed the new update up

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We got the fresh Bella throne?

happy bday

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I'm going to turn your anus into a hat

Oops, lel

Happy birthday, user
Easy, James

Attached: IMG_20190211_174310.jpg (1125x1253, 122K)

I'm such a Katy Perry fan.

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And I know something else about you my boy

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What is it?

Checked. Also im not james unless thats a reference im unaware of

You just like her tits user

Kaya gets it.

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2pm morning
but still

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6am here tho

I made a thread and people came! I'm so happy

Any plans to celebrate today?
You got 007 in the previous post

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9am and nice dubs

You want her feet in you mouth, slurping sucking

Attached: Kendall-Jenner-Feet-4295645.jpg (1500x2001, 630K)

Ahhhhh im a dumbass and/or sleep deprived

I like her music, too. I kind of adore her.

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So bad! I'd happily be her foot boy. Every inch needs to be kissed and licked.

Who should I fap to today anons?


Oh really? You sound like a true fan

As long as the sun is still up, right?
It happens to the best of us, don't fret about it

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I like fapping to videos of men fapping. Is that gay?

Time is a social construct anyway

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I am! I think she's sooo pretty and sexy, and I love listening to her.

Attached: Katy-Perry.jpg (500x600, 92K)

Attached: l1rdtoqm88531.jpg (750x750, 55K)

If you can't see the face, it's not gay

Do you ever get lewd to her songs?

Nah never look at the face, just throbbing cumming cocks

:( no boots!!

That’s pretty fucking gay dude

Sometimes, absolutely. Jerking off while some of her songs play is hot, but that's not the extent of my admiration for her.

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I tried to explain that to my boss once. It did not go well

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oh? How far does it go?


Time Vicky

Her music is pretty much cancer, but she's hot af

I'll listen to her when I'm driving, or alone at work. I've been to a couple of concerts too. I just like her.

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Why is it gay?

Ever suck cock for her?

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Good question

How old is vicky? She is just hanging out with the rat pack.

God shes fucking hot

>hot af

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It's good --- if you're into pop.

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Guuurrlll dis bish got a shelf

Do you enjoy looking at dick if so that makes you a flaming homo simple as that

Vicky is forever and ever. Plus time-checked

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thats not even close to being her

the chin is all wrong you retard

Oh okay, then I guess I'm a fag, lol.

Gets me so fucking worked up

I fantasize about it a lot.

Attached: sexy-katy-perry-635892659754947102-18349.jpg (1500x2000, 338K)

I bet she could open a beer with those butt cheeks

lewd ;)

You would be such a good friend to have

Yup and fags should be purged from this earth, so off yourself

google is your friend.
also fuck off!

Attached: Katy_Perry_No_Makeup.jpg (600x447, 31K)

Citation needed

Ugh, I would love to have a secret guy friend that was into Katy as much as I am to mess around with.

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Put on some vids, suck his cock until hes comatose.

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Kill me yourself you coward

hnnng more jeans

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bouncin on my boys dick

Makes me want to lewd

last thread was awesome. all that Sersh and I wasn't here for it. now I'm sad

It would be fun to have a guy to talk about her with while we stroke each other's throbbing dick.

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global rule 4

all females look like shit without makeup you incel

happy birthday. were you born in 90? them digits would be too weird if so me thinks

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Oh my god yes. Trying to control your urges.

If I'm looking at those tits I would be happy to...

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Sadly, I was not :( Thanks for the Emma though!

*timeless Vicky
She steals away one day from anyone that gets a boner by looking at her
Rumours say she is over 400yo

Phone is being stupid, time for lunch I guess

god that body...

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I mean I've tugged it to her like at least a few hundred times. So I've easily given her a year at this point.

have a good day bud

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Id get so horny id suck that dick lookin at katys tits

With some Emma, will ten-fold!

Ohh is it now?

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That dick would not object....

Fuck user she kills me

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Getting me reaally lewd user

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Fucking christ

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I'll be your new boss

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Lord only knows what you would do when he started moaning

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God, I need to find a closeted KatyCat.

Attached: KATY-PERRY-at-2012-MTV-Video-Music-Awards-in-Los-Angeles-02.jpg (660x990, 273K)

And suck him right out of the closet?

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Look at these newfags thinking spamming the celeb thread is gonna make it go away.


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Fucking hell user, she is a dime


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Im literally stroking to the thought of you getting lewd with me to katy

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Those lips and tits....



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Morning user’s

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Oh fuck

Morning neenerfren

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Bro I am actually a true passionate Katy fan lmaooo this is hilarious to me. I feel like She doesn’t get the attention she deserves at times but that’s ok because I know she’s fucking amazing

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God I am going to nut hard to her

Where did you get the uncensored version?! Was there more?!

Hope everyone is doing okay today.

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Good lewd morning user

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Looks like we've been outsmarted, boys. Celeb threads are done forever. Lets pack it up

Doing good so far!

I agree. I wish there more real Katy fans like us. She is literally my favorite singer. I love her so much.

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So flexible

only 2 new one leaked...
there was also that one that leaked earlier. Full set will be leaking soon i guess now that the trading value of the set was killed

Attached: Kaya-Scodelario-Nude-Leaked-TheFappeningBlog.com-1.jpg (1920x1440, 268K)

I would love to be locked in a room with you and forced to take out our appreciation of her on each other.

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No lewding before coffee is consumed.

Off to work in a bit. Just stopped to see what was going and to see random people puking. It’s going to be a wonderful day.

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Yeah I have this one. I was looking for her standing up uncensored. What happened to trade value? Were the rest not as good? Thanks for posting

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She is so fucking sexy

There is plenty of lewding already happening!

Attached: download.jpg (160x314, 15K)

How do you get into the trading community? Besides having stuff to trade...which i dont.

Be a faggot.

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I spent the last 20 minutes making this because of your typo.

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this is some quality spam

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Fuck yes.

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Pretty sure you can buy your way in but it would be pretty expensive

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Just between the Katy kats, that’s normal whenever they’re around.

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Time well spent. Also i was implying Vicki was a time traveler so no typo.

Also saved

Don't even think about it, it's a cesspool of scamming faggots.

is this reddit spam or midgetfag spam?

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zAppy birthday emma fwiend

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Not really thinking about it, just curious. Especially since the guy from the first fappening got convicted.

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Well no one would trade anything of value now for that set; the best picture was leaked, now everyone have seen kaya tits and vagina and the set might leak at any moment.

Emma spam for birthday boy

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Ty user :)

best emma is yours for today

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those shoulders, hnnn

Dubs checked, lewd enon spotted.

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Quick guys, what's your favourite NFL Team?

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shoulders owo

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Shes honestly the hottest on the show.

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The London Jets best zero-g team in the league.



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anyone here have a 3D printer ?

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This bitch is so plain

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Like honestly my friends always tell my “you like Katy? Yeah me too I’d fuck the shit outta her” but I honestly love her for her music as well as her looks lol

Hurtin' for a splurtin'

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don't give up dude! you might do it...you're not pathetically losing your time at all

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Neither of us allowed to leave until its 100% certain

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didn't you see those legs user ?

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She really made it for me while I watched

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Can one of you print me a full scale replica of kiki?


Attached: neeny~16.jpg (791x1105, 216K)

Uhhhh the red one?

I did. Nothing special. Not enough to get her the attention she gets.


so you ever find any 3D vagina or fap tube whatever 3d models ?

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Most classy neener

Red is still hotter.

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let me pump goo in your mouth slutt

stolen, claimed as my own work

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I could. If I had a model of her skull
Only anal plugs

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You ... you can't do that! Can he?

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happy birthday dear user

happy birthday to you

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>I could. If I had a model of her skull
weird ...

>File: 2018-11-13 21.33.56 19119(...).jpg (159 KB, 108

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Yeah she is pretty good on it

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Why weird?

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Happy birthday to our Emma friend!

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give me your skull


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my nigga

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Haven't watched beyond season 2. That bra scene though, hnghh

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He can't, but he will. Because he cunt

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not helping you trick some poor kid into sending you soley pics cuz y'all like the same handegg team, you beautifully sick man

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splorting hard for this

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Sounds like a compliment

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That's not nice, he's not a cunt, just a dirty thieving shiester.

No I downloaded Madden and don't know what team to pick. I have almost 0 knowledge about american football

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you, me, sex

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i hear she's friends with the hulk

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That pic with those trips. I couldn't resist

I'll fuck you, user

Yeah one of her best scenes

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Someone give me some good pop music pls!

psot it



Very good!

Ok :(

I will next thread

If you have 15 seconds to spare, sure. 7 if you want to skip foreplay

Sweet summer :)



Does anyone have anything from jodelle ferland? I'm a buyer.

>jodelle ferland
never heard anything about a set of her