Was anyone here a jock in HS or College?

Was anyone here a jock in HS or College?
Did you bully the nerds or were you a good guy jock?

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bullying is a myth

This guy has a point. "Bullying" is so retarded in modern times me calling me OP a fag is offensive. Oversensitive snowflake cunts can seriously kill themselves.

I was a jock. Capt FB team and all that BS.
When I was a sophomore I helped a senior bully a kid. My classmate. Defenseless little bastard. Nice kid. I held him while the senior put his ass on the kid's face. I felt fucking horrible.
After that day I vowed never to bully anyone and I became the nice kid's protector. Absolutely no one fucked with him again for fear of an asskicking. We stay in touch to this day. I'm 38.
Feels way the fuck better to be a good guy than an asshole.

Bullying needs to come back, it’s totally fuckin up the youth that bullying is being totally eradicated. Unpopular opinion, but here I bet I’m not the only one who feels this way

just leaked this

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Wow maybe consider suicide you oversensitive cunt. "Oh I felt bad because I am a massive faggit who thinks the world is full of niceness and roses." Fuck off to plebbit cunt

thank you Yea Forumsro

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aw that's a nice story, good thing you made that decision

while your correct that most cases of bullying isn't bullying, that doesn't mean bullying doesn't exist.

It is however, a fundamental part of society

You are correct solid points.

You sound like someone who was bullied a lot but too much of a pussy to bring a gun to school.

I was captin of the rugby team, wrestled at a state level, and was in the 900 club. I hanged out with fringe society and weeks.

You sound like someone who is projecting your own experiences on to other's because you fundamentally disagree with my opinion. Go on little faggit back to plebbit with you.

>900 club
what's that?

I'm 6'4" and about 225 pounds, and was an All-American baseball player on full scholarship college (and played multiple sports in high school).

I DESPISE bullies and would never allow anyone to be bullied in my vicinity.

I used to be a bully but then I was made to spend a Saturday morning detention with four other students from very different walks of life. We spent the day sharing our stories and getting to know one another.

anyone who unironically uses the word projecting in that way either has a superiority complex, or is thinking too deeply for something that doesn’t matter

You get a shitty shirt for it when your bench, squats, and deadlifts add up to 900 pounds.

did you ever confront someone who was bullying a weakling? I suppose thats not very common in college

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what was tougher rugby or wrestling?

There are many things wrong with your statement. First of all how can you personally tell if I was using it unironically or ironically over the internet? Secondly in order to believe someone else has a superiority complex you must first have low self-confidence in yourself which tells us more about you then the guy with the so called "superiority complex." Lastly, are you honestly going to tell them is something wrong with thinking about something deeply irregardless of it's status of importance. Honestly you are either extremely shallow or mentally challenged both of which are reasons you should kill yourself over.

I had cool friends that were also jocks that didn't put up with it either. Hard to explain, but it just sort of became uncool to bully anyone around us. I don't remember ever specifically telling someone but I must have at some point (or given a look or something) because it just didn't happen around us (except other athletes, we were all pretty brutal to each other but we could stand up for ourselves)

>"despises bullying"
pick one you mentally challenged faggit.

You are implying that you can't be cool without bullying? What about bullying makes you cool? Do you bully someone that can beat your ass? If so, go ahead and take you chances. If you just bully people that can't protect themselves against you, then you are a pussy and nowhere in society is a pussy considered cool.

No not what I was saying. What I was implying is you acting all big and tough as if there is something overtly negative about bullying. "Oh I despise it so much I hate when people are to inferior to defend themselves so I have to be the self righteous faggit to protect them all." Yeah try again or go back to plebbit dipshit.

Was a nerdy science kid first, got into distance cycling in middle school, met ppl from all over racing on weekends, entered high school fit as fuck with a tan and sexy saved legs, so track & XC were easy training for triathlons, & girls were around, so jock status achieved even though I still related to the geeks. The smokers, & goths as they later became, were cool to me bc I talked to them just like they were anybody else, got the nickname of Hippie, which was actually compliment at the time in the 70s revival fad, like a shorter-lived version of your generations 80s revival idiocy, as if there’s anything great to romanticize about that decade.

I'm not acting all big and tough, I AM all big and tough. People that act all big and tough aren't ACTUALLY big and tough...that's my point.

I could literally walk up and smack you in the face in front of your boyfriend and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it....nothing tough about that.

damn triathletes are aesthetic af

Sometimes I was a good boy, sometimes bullied the nerds. When you are so young, you make a lot of edgy stuff.

Sure you would kid and when I shoot you in your fucking face we can actively see who is doing what.

Unironically, I was too busy fucking the hottest girls of college to bully anybody. Best time of my life.

did you get a certain amount of hate from other guys for being so popular with the girls?
also were you in any sports team?

just discovered within the past month that my kid probably has "mild" autism.

any of you legitimately have autism and wanna make me feel like his future won't suck?

I always fucking hated this shit movie. Only libtards like this cancer movie

Hahaha, such a pussy.

Can't even fight back like a man. Use your fucking hands you little cunt!! I smack you in the face and you have to use a gun....such a sad little guy **pats your 5'6" head**

You are just like all bullies, so scared and insecure deep inside.

Rugby for the sole reason of injuries. Hella fun though, enjoyed it a lot more than wrestling.

nerd who played sports

Oh I am sure your so big and tough mommy called and it's your bedtime internet tough guy

Who cares, haters gonna hate.
Yep, the basketball team.

did bitches turn up to watch your basketball practice and games?

Are you stupid?

A gun is literally the only equal playing field.

Not everyone wins the height and weight lottery.


its easy to say that when you're the biggest guy in the room.

Imagine a 7 foot hulking mass of a dude telling you that.

Its easy to make other people feel smaller when you're the bigger person, but as soon as someone bigger than you pulls up, now you're the smaller one.

I am everything you always dreamed you could be, but were just too small and uncoordinated to accomplish. I literally fuck the high school cheerleader captain on a nightly basis, was a decorated college athlete, and make a shit ton of money. You remember that one time the cheerleader captain accidentally brushed your arm and you got all exited? I'm sorry all those boys were mean to you, and did all those bad things to you. Ironically, it's the world you believe in though, right? You believe bullying makes people tough, and is necessary, but I believe it makes people angry, little, sniveling, punks like you.

You're literally acting like a bully you hypocrite

Good guy reporting in

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It's not bullying someone if they attack you and you fight back.

The amount of reddit pulsating from this post is incredible sweet copypasta

Who attack you lol?

They were attacking your ideology and you hit them with the "i fucked more girls and have more money than you" bullshit. gtfo.

I mentioned that I don't like bullying and he called me a "mentally challenged faggit" (please forgive his/your spelling).

How is calling me a "mentally challenged faggit" attacking my ideology?

I was the leather jacket wearing bad kid criminal, I only bullied people that I saw bullying others and never got messed with because everyone thought I was a psycho.

Fine a retard called you a faggit and THEN you hit him with the "i have more money and girls than you" bullshit. you're still just as much a bully than he is.

Imagine this playing out in real life, you would both be seen as asswipes

Well you literally did what he did? So are you self loathing do you hate yourself or something I don't get it?

You guys are getting standing up for yourself and bullying a defenseless person confused. Once someone attacks you, all bets are off.

Then I'll just shoot you with my gun and you're dead.

>I am so smart and cool. I also actively browse reddit.
Nice fucking sentence retard

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You literally used zero puncuation in the sentence you posted making fun of my sentence structure.

Show us, on the doll, where you hurt.

I guess the period after reddit does not count as punctuation? As for the second statement it is not really a sentence on top of that at least I did not spell or misplace every word in the fucking sentence. Oh yeah Mr. tough guy I am sure your such a smart and cool dude. Unironically kill yourself retard.

it was my pp user

in the 90's, i was all gothed out, like a total faggot. still, i did track and wrestling and had jock, nerd and metalhead friends. you draw your own lines, dont be a retard; most people's default setting is cool/tolerable, so strive for middle ground and your wont die alone.

I love how you stopped crying because your this pretend internet tough guy who got bullied as a kid kys summerfag.

Yea I was. I got along well with just about everyone. Nearly everyone liked me except for the hoodrat kids (wiggers). I was also in a popular punk rock band which was weird I guess because usually the art crowd and the jock crowd didn't get along well but I got along well with both crowds. I don't understand why people would want to be assholes just for the sake of it. It's a lot more peaceful and pleasant when you are nice to everyone. I remember one day some nerdy kid that didn't know me started spilling his spaghetti around me for some reason that he just made up in his head and was being all combative with me, and I was like, "wtf bro, you ok?" And his other nerdy friend came over and said "Anton's, cool man. He a good guy". It's sounds gay but him saying that in the most genuine way made me feel good about myself.


I was on the football team in high school and partied a lot, but no we never really bullied any weird kids cause who wants to do that shit and we would just get in trouble, we all fuck with each other a lot thou tbh

what sport did you play?
Did you ever get in trouble with the hoodrats?

It is extremely gay you sound like a pathetic little bitch faggit

It was uncool to pick on people at my school, too. The only ones that did it were the seedy kids from neglected families or occasionally the one "cool" guy that had obvious mental problems but was fun to party with so long as you weren't the target of his craziness.

Wow an actual fact in this thread neglected families correlate with bullying. Wow user thanks for saying something smart unlike these other retarded faggits.

Come on, people are genuinely bothered that I was mean to this troll?

It will probably be bad in his younger years when kids are too young to understand what's going on. Also, you can work on teaching your kids social cues to hide their autism. I saw a doc on it. All these guys you'd never expect to be full blown autismos actually are but have learned how to hide it and blend in with society and they claimed nearly all autistic people, with the exception of the really bad cases, can do it if they are willing to out in the time and effort

All American swimmer, varsity all 4 years of HS. Doesnt matter how good you are at swimming you cant bully anyone.

The fact that you need to seek approval from other anons speaks volumes about you in addition to your previous statements. I don't think you get it people do not like self-righteous fags or moralfags like yourself continue to browse plebbit as you wallow in your sarrow internet tough guy.

Baseball and football. I got in several fights with the hood rats. One time there was this hoodrat girl going off and making threats to this little dweeb kid I knew who was a really nice meek guy. I watched for a bit to see if he could handle it but she scratched him in the face over the eyeball and I just felt for him being humiliated like that in front of a bunch of people. I walked over and was like "alright, alright. That's enough now" and she turned her anger on me. She was saying shit like "do you have any idea who I am? You're gunna regret this I'm calling my brother". I was just like "lol o, ok then' thinking she was just mouthing off. But at the end of the school day she's standing at the exit with her brother, a guy I knew who had graduated the year before. I was like "Dennis? Dennis is gunna be the one to make me sorry"? And scoffed as I just kept walking out the door. Dennis didnt do shit, didn't say a word.

There were a few other times where it was similar to this. Bunch of empty threats and posturing but it never came to fist fights.

I wrestled in HS and College. Never really went out of my way to bully anyone, but I was quick to fight someone if they fucked with me. Everyone knew not to fight wrestlers because you had no chance so it was neat to be that intimidating, but girls weren't really into us which was weird. I also smoked a lot of weed back then so I hung out with a lot of stoners. Eh, everyone gets bullied, it's just something you have to overcome. Teaches you resilience.

user, if you were nicer to people maybe you wouldn't sperg out on an underwater Australian basket weaving forum. Just give it a try. I believe in you.

I absolutely despise people who say "be nice, why are you so mean user, everyone hates you." How far has been nice gotten you? Being mean means everyone will will stay the fuck away from you and occasionally ask you for your opinion because deep down they know it's correct.

I own a construction company. I'm not a pacifist and don't let people push me around but I don't act like a jackass for the sake of it.

Sometimes while owning a company people will perceive as an ass whether you like it or not. Plus saying "fuck you" to people is fun.

Found the Aspergers diagnosee.

My inability to socially interact does not make my statement any less true try harder retard.

I know some people will perceive me as an ass. There's nothing I can really do about that, though.

That's my point why make an effort to be nice when majority of the time people already have a pre-conceived notion you are an ass. (This is pertaining to me specifically)

The difference is some people will think youre an ass while others will not. These people are likely just jealous of you, though and won't have the balls to say it to your face. And who cares what someone thinks if they're too pussy to say it to your face? It's nothing, meaningless to me. Where as if you are actually an ass, everyone will think that, not just the jealous few.

Very good points but I am to much of a self-deprecating ass to believe in the most people are just jealous of me mentality.

Alrighty I am going to bed fuck all you cunts besides