Hey anons, tell me how you guys are holding up

Hey anons, tell me how you guys are holding up

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I'll take your tallest glass of milk mr bartender

Alright. Kinda bummed that the board is a mess, but I'm glad to see threads like this still here.

Wonder what happened to isabelleAnon

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Here you go would you like some cookies?

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I don't know you have to look it up

Nah just the milk is fine, cheers buddy


You're kind of a shit bartender, user

I want to hurt people on Yea Forums for shit posting
The mods do nothing

Have you thought of not filling the whole in you with titties and ass but with the people who love you user and happy times?

My job is a fucking shitshow. I give it a month until we’re all out on our asses to be honest - and it wouldn’t be a bad thing I can tell you that. Oh well - I can always work with Katie, and I’ll probably be a lot happier for it.

Im a simple bartender not a history book

got told "i dont love you anymore" by my first serious gf of 1 year about a month ago, still not over it and don't feel like i'm improving whatsoever

I know that feel i had a relationship that ended a month ago relationship it was long distance at first she is Burmese and can bearly speak English so i always have to figure out what she was saying my family didn't approve of me spending so much my money every 3 months to go see her. Her parents didn't like her dating a American she moved over to US still couldn't speak good English so when she went out i had go with to help and my friends who are /pol/ fags were mad that i was dating her because muh race mixing. She didnt have any friends all my friends hated us our family hated us and i had to always help i love her and she couldn't handle it and i hope to get the relationship back together.

same here, that was 3 years ago but the pain is still here.
That's weird how we are a social species, yet social interactions can ruin our lives.

that's reassuring lmao
any tips?

Hang out with your closest friends, learn an instrument, travel really far.. basically anything to stop thinking about her

I learned piano and travelled to Japan, that helped me (except now I want to go back to Japan and it's expensive as fuck)

I’m going okay. I left my most recent job after only 3 months, my boss was a crook, fabricating progress reports, and she’s a complete nut job. Got a job interview on Monday. Hopefully goes well. Can I please have a cookie and hot chocolate?

Not finding a job is stripping away my will to live at an increasing rate.
Give me a glass of your finest, strongest, cheapest whiskey.

i need to get a job but too unsure on if i should wait a bit seeing as this is the first time in my life that I have 24/7 legit free

Im as how I usually am, but my "normal" is most people's "god awful" so take that how you will I guess. I am kinda pissed off as well, now that I think about it.

Great, i met this girl and made her my submissive. Haven't felt that good in a while. Well what do i say, i never felt that good.

Good luck on the interview here you go

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Here is some evan Williams

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Nice man your relationship is going better than mine

rip thread
