Alright faggots, if someone in this thread gets trips I will light this fucker.
Alright faggots, if someone in this thread gets trips I will light this fucker
Other urls found in this thread:
Timestamp or GTFO
looks like you've already done this a few times
666 pick up sticks.
Use it while you can
Can't believe it worked
That’s a sad dick bro
I know why do you think I'm doing this, plus he's a little scared obviously.
four in a row..
good boy
Snapchat really messed the new update up
light it and drop it in your toilet, shoots water up and looks hilarious.
don't blow up your dick
Blow it up
Nuke it
how does this even work wtf
someone said trips?!
999 get
OP won't provide, but rolling.
I'm genuinely sorry about this....
M80 to the dick GET
Do it for the lulz
god fucking damn it that was quick, alright hold on.
damn bro
Goodbye penis.
Looks like a stock photo tbh.
Even if it was real, it kinda looks like the top cap was popped and all the gunpowder was dumped, but even then I'd be afraid to light it.
Gonna just call it fake due to no timestamp
One trips coming right up
OP is a faggot and scared to do it
Oh god epic bread
Look here fags, here's an example of an alpha male
this muthafucka said STOCK PHOTO bwahahahahaha. yeah, just go on shutterstock and type dick with an m80 bwahahahah
i know your not op or the one in the pic but thats an adorable penis
Guessing OP is cleaning up the giblets.
now we just need pictures of the aftermath
OP is kill?
Stock just means archived from an older thread, newfag. Sorry that you're stupid.
You fucking retards look at the filenames
>threads on Yea Forums have a chance of being real
OP is a fucking cunt who just want some attention
>op went unconscious from the pain and is currently bleeding to death through the ragged remains of his micropenis
Random numbers?
It’s taking shelter
Quarter stick of dynamite
guys this thread is here at least twice a week please go to the yellow summer containment threads.
Unix Epoch, milliseconds passed since Jan 1st 1970 00:00:00 UTC
$ date -d +@1558549008
Wed May 22 20:16:48 CEST 2019
you must be fun at parties
>monitors Yea Forums enough to catch something posted twice in a 168 hour span
>everyone else is a summerfag
I don't think you realize how massive of a loser you just implied that you were.
How does one attain this powerlevel?
Are you a wizard
It's how they program clocks in mac computards. It starts at once and just counts forward at, well, 1 second per second.
That's why all those phones got bricked when they tried to set the date to before 1/1/1970. If you roll backwards from 0, you start automatically at the highest number. trying processing a number 16x longer than the universe is expected to last = broke fone.
I recognize the number, it's quite common to use it as a timestamp or kind of unique filename on Unix/Linux systems
Or Yea Forums files. I think both my trip gets were saved in 2010, hence the shorter filenames.
>twice in a 168 hour span
hes here every fucking week lurk more
Rolling for great Justice.
nigger what
what the shit
Rolling rolling rolling...
git fukt
You're smart
furries are our future
we did it Yea Forumstards, micropenis man is no more
Do it you flaming faggot.
Trips were had.
Nice script faggot.
doesn't matter dick gone
It's not nice. It's always off by one. I was going for 999.
No pics of the aftermath.
update us you dickless faggot
Post pic before shock.....
Oh shit!
That's dubs. OP said trips. Summerfag
he lit the fuse on his dick like 10 mins ago dickweed, look above
He lighted it but didn't let it explode, pic of aftermath or you're gay OP
imagine being this much of a fucking retard that you unironically use "summerfag" as an insult, and be so fucking retarded that you misinterpret another user's post. the reason why he posted "four in a row" wasn't to tell OP that there were multiple trips. but to note the amount of tension growing from multiple dubs being posted in the thread. fucking moron.
tits for telling off newfag
Filename, jeez Man, all of this newfags
you fucking retard
You mean he posted a pic that was posted on Yea Forums on May 22
$ date -d +@1558550913
Wed May 22 20:48:33 CEST 2019
proof? how do obtain this information
he posted how to get it earlier. enter post number in a unix epoch
check the top of your reply newfag
Read the thread dumbfuck
filename in unix epoch*
For those who don't have access to a Unix/Linux command prompt:
Remove the last 3 digits from the Yea Forums filename
i need the aftermath
already happened, don't tell the newfags you nigger
put it under your balls first
already lit
shut the fuck up. stop fucking rambling about "newfags, newfags, newfags!" if anyone's the "newfag" here, (god i fucking hate using that term) it's you. shut the fuck up
is OP dead?
>don't tell other newfags about the thing I just learned existed
y u mad
I'd rather use this
I'm not I'm just scriptfagging trips and adding commentary to funny things that I see. You aren't the first person to learn something then be liek "tell nobody!"
userscripts > epoch still
timestamps or gtfo, also even if one rolls trips, i doubt op will deliver
tineye it
please no
test dubs
test trips
Op is Deth.
nice numbers
anyone able to find his area's police scanners?
Or maybe we should call the Dom for ball busting
I'm gay.
That would work, provided Op called 911 with his last gasp of life. He is most likely a reclusive NEET who will not be discovered for some time.
get ready for "complaint of smell leads to body a mile from town" headlines
OP won’t deluver but rollin for lulz
Tripps confirm poster is homosex.
I wanna see the aftermath aww
Trips on trips, checked!!
Yes. Or, "Mummified human remains discovered; authorities say the corpse was missing an appendage...."
very nice. checked.
This is the Yea Forums I enjoy...ahhh the feels
gonna need more than a bandaid to fix user's dick if he followed through
welcome back oldfag, it's been too long.
Press F to pay respects to op, who sacrificed his penis, and his very life, to make /b Great Again.
This thread is a repost
thanks Yea Forumsro
Oh shit, if he actually did it include me in the screencap.
Fuck you.
. F
u r faek an gey
That would be me.
Oh shit.
holy shit I didn't fucking cHECK
to redeem myself
R.I.P. OP's nuts
Chek'd. Quads Confirm
that is it
do it OP
Hasn't been a new IP in the thread in so long lol.
oh. nvm welcome.
nigger he blew his sack off and hasn't come back, he prob bled out. Check news reports for dis-member-ment
And how would you know that?
depends if he comes back if alive
i've been scriptfagging the entire thread. every 8digit filename is me. left for half an hour at 64 unique IPs. only 1 joined since. the joiner is this guy
It's not nice to insult and mock the dead.
new ip
Screencap me
spidey thread hijack anyone?
i mean, i have a folder for it.
Update with timestamp or fake as fuck.
plz dump, I need a spidey file after hdd fail
Distract us from this shameful thread. So many gets and we know OP won't deliver. Nor should he.
Post the aftermath already you faggot
only got 133 files
No timestamp. Op won't deliver
>13 get
>133 files
spiderman hijack Yea Forumsoys
I recognize the dimensions lol. That user saved that from me, coincidentally.
I did, it was glorious and I thank you every time I see it
Yellow threads I guess succeeded in forcing like minded people together after all.
No he didn't
begrudging mutual yellow appreciation
idk dude, zoom that shit in. looks cut/retied to me
go back to pol you yellow bullied three hand 2 finger baiting foolish miniature-using, boil-lancing, waifu-obsessing cuck
y u mad
op is a massive faggot
but I have folders full of oldfag porn
change that filename to .gif!
Hes fuckin kill
yellow faggots like you are ruining the fucking board ten times worse than the fucking porn threads ever did thats why
oldfag meme. all efg is .gif
Your lack of empathy is astounding.
op is kill?
> begrudgingly appreciates the fact yellowposting reconnected me with drawthread user
>didn't yellowpost
go back to pol you yellow bullied three hand 2 finger baiting foolish miniature-using, boil-lancing, waifu-obsessing cuck
thank oldfag, I needed moar lurk
Fuck post the spooder man thread boom bam pow
np user. ignore the mad dudes.
seems like more of a chan-ology thread
nice dubs
i did it
that's... actually great
no userscripts faggots, we're checking here
Chek'd and Kekked.
discord for more chanology?
I'm a shameful newfag, but not a bad one
is OP kill?
r scriptfag?
Fine no scripts i'm walkin away
Fuck pol niggers
Wait what's this lever do?
Pull it?
don't you fucking da-
efg never fails. not even by 1 number.
you're pretty cool for an oldfag, swap stories after thread dies?
I die when this thread dies. It's been great though.
no anhero'ing here sadfag
Yea Forums is most best when someone is potentially getting their dick blown off.
Anonymous craves self dis-membering
This thread was made a month ago with the same picture. 100% OP will not deliver.
just let us revel, ok?
Dicks grow back after 29 days. It's legit.
Why would you be sorry for his downfall? Are you an Canadian?!
iz tru, read onlion
goodnight/goodmorning anons
Op dead
Ah Yea Forums summer camp, where old pasta and re-posts are fresh again.
…. you fags know this is a month old, and we already got the fuse lit tonight anyways?
lol i posted a few OC in this thread.
Give me quads master
lurk moar
fine i lied
Best delete ur baby dick
we know.
Check out this get lololololol
lurk moar noob
>when your oc is seen by other people before you post it
how does one get like this?
i win
I hope I get trips so you can obliterate that miserable excuse for a cock
Trips, babe
How do you have nigger balls?
Oh fuck
read this summerfag
(click on the number below)
>Yea Forums filename
Wrong post reference but ya get it
Have u tried washing it instead?...if I get quads u wash it and fuckoff
photo after ?
turtle hidden in the shell
it's scared
nice try. im totally oldfag
y u do dis
też bym był przestraszony
shut the fuck up you polJew
If no aftermath pic, OP lied to us
Hopefully he just passed out from the pain and blood loss
I can’t tell which one is the fuse
Piss off, redditfag
This guy gets it
is op ok? is op dead?
Op won't post aftermath pic
On July 25th, 2009, a stripped-down version of the Toon Link character, with all clothes removed, was posted to Yea Forums's Yea Forums (random) board with the caption "Post ending in 69 names this meme!!!" The reply with the ID number 148492769 suggested "fsjal," and this GET named the exploitable character.
find that on KnowYourMeme?