For years I've spammed Yea Forums with BBC propaganda. AMA

For years I've spammed Yea Forums with BBC propaganda. AMA.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How many shekels did you get for it?

Why didn't you post on relevant board? And what was wrong with the non-porn content?

how did you duck tape that dick to the wall?


How many different strains of aids have you collected?

I'm not Jewish black or white.

I honestly just did it for the lulz and it kept getting more entertaining. But I'm not the only one who does it. There is at least one more and I suspect more than just one.


why she got makeup on her shorts from her ass tho, bitches will fake anything man

I've only ever had sex with three women. None of them were white/black/Jewish.

just leaked this

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thank you Yea Forumsro

Attached: f7e2de86d3ad4421afa784af55bf0f5a.png (432x768, 487K)

Who pays you?


What mental illnesses do you have? I suspect more than just one.

tell me where you live so i can punch you in your ugly ass sperg face

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Link to vid this pic is from?

Started with boredom and a lot of time on my hands.

Then the Jewish conspiracy theories, the cucks, etc made it a morbid curiosity of sorts.

I'm not any more mentally ill than your average Yea Forumstard

tell me where you live bitch and i will beat you to within an inch of death

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i want to kill you

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I don't see why it triggers you so much tbh. I see poo in the loo memes all the time and that shit is hilarious.

How is this different

die you faggot cuck

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give me your exact address and prove it and i will come to india and beat your ass so help me God

>saying you shit on the streets is the same as saying your race go extinct

Attached: condoms-too-big-for-indian-men-by-damian-grammaticus-bbc-37993798.png (500x385, 103K)

I mad white boi?

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because we are literally in the middle of a cold race war in the west. the media and mainstream shoves race mixing in my fsce all day, why must you?

Really? Indians actually love Trump.

I don't care. I think my countrymen are pretty stupid. But then so are yours.

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cause he's a scum bag. i wish he would give his address and we could fuck him up but i think he is Tenda Spencer false flagging

>Cold race war


ALL shitskins hate Trump

Indians have the world's smallest penises LMFAO

I hope you die i hope your daughter is raped and beheaded by a Muslim

Lol you too cute. Are you one of the prior who developed a cuck fetish from the spam.

I swear to god that's the funniest fucking thing. I almost didn't believe it when I first saw that shit

This is actually true on average
Which is great for me because women here seem to think I'm hung like a horse

i could beat the shit out of you and rape you you faggot indian manlet bitch. how are you not a faggot when you are obsessed with black men's cocks you queer?

Just proves you're an idiot.

Most Indians love Trump because both hate Muslims. Indians in the US probably hate Trump cause of the racism and such but people here don't give a fuck

>Wants to rape me
>Calls me the faggot

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Indian "men"

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we fuck your women Indian boi

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average Indian boi

Attached: 18d113241caff4b14f860a3a142768fc.11.jpg (352x198, 14K)

So Indian men usually have no idea how to interact with women, are objectively ugly and short and have small dicks.

Yet somehow they're not being race cucked like the whites.

There must be something very wrong with y'all

typical Indian couple

Attached: 681345_6.jpg (480x320, 22K)


That looks like my servant. You can have them.

we arent being race cucked. i fuck black women. white men are the most desired men on Earth. once the African population hits 4 billion and they immigrate to India they will cuck you out of existence LMFAO

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-06-04-07-561.png (1280x720, 445K)

Indian "men"

Attached: 42952264.jpg (240x170, 15K)

It’s because they’re thin skinned crybabies, they actually believe in what they post is the difference

>We aren't being race cucked
>Cold race war

You gotta make up your mind.

Besides let's be honest. The Africans are coming your way really :)

When will you finally kill yourself?
Please let the answer be right now

indian bitches love bbc

Attached: cute-girl-suck-black-cock.jpg (831x662, 55K)

Indian girls love black cock

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Indian women crave black cocks

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Lol I figured it'd be a few dudes just cause it always seemed to be on no matter what time.

Here's the thing. That's not really offensive at all. I don't give a fuck who they are fucking.

This whole race obsession thing just keeps getting funnier

Indian girls need black dick

Attached: 93.jpg (900x600, 141K)

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Indian wife fucked by black cock

Attached: (m=eaf8Ggaaaa)(mh=ZRD-IhCPiQBoy2CQ)6.jpg (320x240, 18K)

Yeah. It's not just me for sure.

But I seriously fail to see why these guys react to it the way they do. What is up with that

FALSE FLAG. You're not fooling anybody, Yellow.

Except I clearly am.

Indian women crave black cock. They just can't get enough. India needs more migrants Indian penises are too small.

Attached: screen-shot-2015-02-26-at-4-03-27-pm.png (540x515, 45K)

So when did you start to suck one?

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Gee you're really trying hard aren't you

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Attached: tendasdeadmommy.jpg (1403x618, 69K)

Poo Street shit lane
New Delhi

Fight me

message me back on facebook bitch

If you want a brown man coming to your house you can just try grindr

>802725421i messaged you on facebook message me back


What's that in her pants?

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he's not Indian he's Tenda falseflagging

It's called skid marks

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Do you bend over when you see a penny on the floor ?

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I don't think that's very nice of you. Can't you just restrict yourself to one bbc thread at the same time

I am Indian. Relatively light skinned but clearly not white

Like I said.

It's not just me

Then tell your friends they also shouldn't start new threads if there is already one

Well damn. I think there might be some Indian in her too cause she shat herself

you are Tenda
your skin color matches perfectly

Attached: 46434177_2157143637937093_9057842227740409856_o.jpg (960x1280, 159K)

stop trying to bargain with this faggot you pathetic fucking cuckold. learn to counter him

Wtf is a tenda?

your handwriting is suspiciously similar to Tenda's

Attached: tendahandwriting.jpg (1067x670, 107K)

you and Tenda both write lower case a like it is uppercase and your skin color is essentially the same

Srsly don't know what/who tenda is but here's more proof that I'm Indian in India.

Indian butter brand you won't find elsewhere

Attached: IMG_20190620_155713.jpg (4000x3000, 463K)

you also write your lower case n like an upper case N the same way that Tenda does

that's not enough to prove it

post your face.

Sure. Your friend tenda keeps Amul butter on him to pass for an Indian

>it's impossible for Tenda to have one Indian product
>he comes from NYC aka a multicultural hub

post more Indian products

post a book in Hindi or something

NYC doesn't have Amul butter you complete nonce.

It's also butter aka perishable goods nobody is taking it on a flight

I can barely read Hindi. But I'll look for something.

In the meantime here's ganesha

Attached: IMG_20190620_160140.jpg (4000x3000, 413K)

Kissan tomato ketchup

Attached: IMG_20190620_160246.jpg (4000x3000, 593K)

holy shit.

Attached: IMG_20190620_160423.jpg (4000x3000, 577K)

why is it all in English?

That's true.
Most girls say the average they've experienced is 5ish.

All the better for me kek

good luck

same article...
"And the country already has the highest number of HIV infections of any nation."

Because we're an English speaking country?

The same reason I'm having this conversation in English? Some products also have a Hindi translation somewhere but many don't. Particularly the relatively expensive ones since they are targeting the English speakers.
Besides everybody doesn't speak Hindi. Only the northerners do l. So it's either English or Hindi Malayalam, Marathi, Bengali, Tamil etc.

Anyway, here it is in Hindi.

Attached: IMG_20190620_160905.jpg (4000x3000, 309K)

Yeah. It also has 1.2+ billion people so that's not saying a lot is it?

Did size matter, in the end?

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If you don't know the answer to that one I might have some bad news for you...

I seee ewwww

he's an indian dicklet he doesnt know shit

says the indian dicklet

Are you asking me for a dick pic?

Damn white boi you gotta stop eroticising every other race chill the fuck out cuh

Indian food

The ultimate gentleman

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Lol what's wrong with you, I just want him to show some reason and not to continue destroying /b

Aight I'm bored now it was fun while the triggered were raging but that's died down.

For what it's worth I'm not the BBC spammer. I was just fucking around to incite the incels.

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even on shabbat???

>posts story on Yea Forums
>it's probably true

On a scale of 0-parrot beak, how Jewish are you?

Epic trole xd I almost fell for it

Kahan ka hai bey chuitye? Agreed gandphaad funny hai..

Can i get a source on that my man

Pretty sure my aunt has one of these