Does anyone have homemade animal abuse videos

does anyone have homemade animal abuse videos

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do they have to be homemade?


unironically kill yourself before you become a serial killer.

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nah its fine, i never said i made homemade shit
besides im a pussy coward, relax lmao


Imagine being this autistic

wow ur hurted my feefees

bump omg cmon there has to be at least one sociopathic user here

seriously im not gonna call the cops ppl

You useless fuck, haha

is there anywhere on Yea Forums i can be an edgy faggot or am i gonna have to risk getting hacked going to some weird website

literally how did a rape appreciation thread get a shitload of replies before being deleted but something that doesnt involve hurting humans in any way PLUS the damage will already have been dealt only has people making fun of me for being a dipshit like i dont understand

Yea Forums likes animals you fag, bully your own species like a chad

sage so hard

I like animals too. They're cute, and unlike the sociopath(s) I was hoping would respond I would never ever hurt one. But anyway, thanks for the tip.

than why even make this thread?

anyway yeah this is a sociopath bored but cultured sociopaths only

Look what I found on snap memories

Attached: 0395690ce489406082386901b5348e99.png (432x768, 371K)

i just like seeing messed up shit sometimes

thank you Yea Forumsro

Attached: 2591f97aa513419a8fde7ef67fbbc16b.png (432x768, 403K)

link expired, you must have set it to 1-day instead of changing it to forever

link expired faggot

Bump because I just wanna see what happens next
