Honest question anons... its been bothering me lately... What the fuck do thieves do with stolen phones...

Honest question anons... its been bothering me lately... What the fuck do thieves do with stolen phones, as in they steal them off someone... Doesn the owner just lock it and gg?

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Well, they used to bring them to me. I was the guy who knew how to unlock them about 7-8 years ago Basically, you just remove the SIM and do a factory reset. There's various processes for different phones. I don't do that shit anymore though.

But if you don't sell them quickly, they just report it stolen, and then the IMEI number gets blacklisted.

Then what happens, can't you override it? I was wondering because my mates phone got stolen and he said he just locked it...

Can they use the phone overseas if its locked?

Override the lock? Sure. Most phones have a button combination that you press while it's turned off, and it'll put it into a developer/debugging mode. From there, you can do pretty much anything.

But again, that's on phones from several generations ago. I don't know about new phones, they may have new security features.

You mean like take a locked phone out of the country, and suddenly it's unlocked? No. If you mean unlocking the phone to use in other countries, you can do that sometimes. It depends on the manufacturer. Some do hardware region locks, which pretty much fucks you.

When I was in High School, a got in a fight with a nigger and he managed to break my phone in the process. A few months later, I see him go out of the bathroom as I go in and I noticed that he left his phone in the stall on top of the TP dispenser so I took it. I remember hearing how he lost it and was pissed that he could not afford another one so he was shit out of luck.

What I did with it is basically just used to do. But once I got everything I needed, I donated it because I am a good person :-)

New phones nowadays require the last used Google account, even after a factory reset

Sure you can try to flash the ROM, but it's kinda hard to do without access to the phone. And if you fuck up, say hello to a forever booting phone or a brick.

Nightly fap material

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how does this even work wtf

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realy work ? you leak some for me to proove ?

It's just the latest bot. If you try it out, it makes you do one of those scam quizzes

This twat's, and a bot. Heck, you're a bot too.


is there a side wich works actual ?

Not for a long time. There was one, but it was deep web, and they patched it out as soon as it got spread around.

the next step is they go on /wsr/ and beg people to help them unlock them.

and the response is always "give it back, Jamal."

I bought a used phone on Kijiji a few months ago. Seemed good until I went to log in and it asked for old Gmail account. Even though the owner wiped it. I was going to meet up with him the next day so he could unlock it but I got impatient and managed to do complete reset. Took a few hours but I got it unlocked and I'm not exactly an android savvy guy, just google mostly. So I imagine if I can do it some theives can figure it out too.

Me again. Also there used to be old vulnerabilities, most are patched. Some phones are super easy, mine was a bitch. Unless they're all patched now idk. Not planning on doing it again lol

if iphone, then nothing
if android also nothing

If you bought the phone, they know your imei and can even track it without sim inside. Some countries allow your provider to whipe and destroy the phone once you report it stolen, but most countries just allow your provider to track it and sendthe location to the police.

Hacking a phone to steal sensitive data is the only possible thing, all else is just stupid and gets both the thief and the possible buyer in a shitload of problems.

>I imagine some thieves can figure it out too

I doubt it actually. I never told them that they could just Google it, and they never bothered to. They paid me $10 per phone because they were lazy and not all that bright.

Hence being a criminal and stealing people's phones. lol

I'm btw

>if iphone, then nothing
>if android also nothing
why not windows phones?

Windows phones are under the android catagory due to the fact its not an apple product. Lol. Either way, owning a Window Licker phones is stupid. Your phone is being tracked even when you don't ask for it.

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windows din dun goofed not only on their computers with mac problems, but on their phones too. They use imei overloading, so several imei can be existent in close proximity cells.

Also you could spoof the imei, organized russian mafia do it in my country, but once the phone is back in the cell network your provider will charge you for spoofing and trying to disclose a crime, giving you as buyer a very high chance of court time.

Nigs sell them to small shops you see on the streets or galleries that do repairs.

These stores buy these phones for 20-100 bucks depending brand and model and proceed to strip them for parts (just like cars!). That way they have unlimited stock of the parts they need and original.

The only part that can't be reused is the motherboard, the rest its fair game and can net you almost the price of selling a brand new phone once you relocate all the parts.

The more you know.

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>Nigs sell them to small shops you see on the streets or galleries that do repairs.
Wait, don't they need to check the imei and the phones mac address to see if it is stolen? Similar to car sales?

Do you think they give a fuck where they came from? These are jews and pajeets running these stores. As soon as these phones exchange hands they are turned off, opened up and the parts sorted accordingly. They dont want the phone, they dont resell the phone, they sell you the FIX to your phone, e.g.: your screen broke, your headphone jack broke, your usb port is not doing proper contact, a battery, etc.

Smart pajeets tell the nigs to turn the phones off before they bring them to their store or they wont accept it, or meet somewhere else.

Yeah, at least by us law they are obliged to do. But I guess in some shady parts of towns they buy them anyway, because it also increases their income.

Oh wait I forgot crime is illegal, its impossible then.

Fucking retard, theres no way of tracking these cash transactions, nig steals your iphone, turns it off, brings it to pajeet, nig gets 100 bucks tops and its over. Pajeet will use your phone as an organ donor.

PSSST! Aye you... Wanna buy a blackberry?