"Accidentally" smoked crack and it's been more than 24 hours, still feeling geeked

"Accidentally" smoked crack and it's been more than 24 hours, still feeling geeked.

Literally the worst drug in the fucking world, how can I come down guys?

Please help, don't tell me how stupid that was cause trust me, that was probably t h e stupidest thing I've ever done.

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I feel horrible and anxious, please help.

go to tripsit IRC and ask for help there

Meditate, Consciously breathe, drink water. Eating is harder if the drug isnt weed, but if you can find healthy foods mainly herbs that can help filter out the drug such as beetroot, and try cbd to relax

watch David Attenborough documentaries on youtube and ingest whatever you can that will bring you down. cbd oil if you have it

Go smoke some weed and chill out faggot what is a bunch of strangers validation going to do for you it's just crack like shit dont smoke crack then

Lies, the high from crack lasts minutes at most, but the jones instantly sets in and takes a while to fade.

Do more, hair of the wog

not crack

I was at a traphouse and had to

should of settled for meth you absolute retard. Everyone knows crack is for niggers and hopeless junkies.

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Was solid crack rock, but I'm not going to lie with the way I'm feeling this feel's like it'd be a meth comedown

Go fucking sleep.
Wake up in 12 hours.
Cook bacon/ 2 eggs
Binge watch Bob Ross
Sleep more.

That's who I was with,

I have an a story if you guys wanna hear about it. Got robbed today

Meth come down isn't that bad. You get a little depressed and hungry.

I slept, woke up. In my feelings cause I went over to my exes house cause her boyfriend just left her, and wanted to console her.

Don’t you just hate it when that happens, yesterday I accidentally fucked a guy ;-; didn’t mean it to happen I swear!!!1!

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This fucking girl was my first highschool crush, we broke up. I left flowers at her house cause she didn't pick up the phone on valentines day back in 2012.

She still has the flowers man. Fucked me up.

That is why crack was so destructive to inner cities. Cheap, but only lasts a very short while and the hard jones kicks in on the first use, sending the user on an endless quest for $20 every hour or so. Just ride it out, it will fde.

she sounds like just as big a loser as you
you should get some of that sloppy seconds

Yeah pretty much one of those. If you understood the circumstances of the situation in a fucking dopehouse tryna get a move along and not look like fucking police to calm these niggas down, then yeah.

That's no joke man, my girlfriend did that one time. Took me a long time to come to grips with it, but accidents happen.

You don't even know.

We forgot all of our problems over two bottles, and just chatted. And I like where it's going

>being white
>ever going to the trap

I shiggy diggy

Sounds like you need more crack. Consult your local street pharmacist.

I've rejected her, she was in love with me and I said no.

If there is anything in my life that I were to never do again, it is ever even put myself in the situation I did today.

Lol what a cuck. You can't accidentally fuck someome you naive bitch.

smoke more

ugh don't even play, I feel fucking horrible

Stop being such a pussy, take some blood pressure meds if ur shit gets too high, and stop fucking using drugs that are meant for fucking losers.

Do coke HCl like a real fucking degenerate. Or find jesus, and eat LSD

A couple Valerian root capsules helped me fall asleep after being up for 36hrs on a hot rail of meth

Yeah cause I got blood pressure meds on deck, but thanks for the advice. Wish I had some.

Yes, I'm fully aware, that's why I don't fucking smoke crack.

I still strongly suggest eating a full meal and the additional sleep thing.
The Bob Ross was optional.
A hot shower will also help, it'll take the edge off somewhat.

I actually did that once on accident. Was moving lots of white bitch for the guy so he gave me what he thought was a free g. Wasn't coke lol.


Yeah dog was tryna make money moves with random niggas today, decisions that I never make. I don't do stupid shit like this

I used to think like you, but she explained it to me. Sometimes you don't realize the signals you're giving off, and then when it's actually happening, it's too late to say no. What was she supposed to do?

Use her brain, say no. I understand where you're coming from but justifying shit like that is bad.

It happened, she didn't mean it long term, but dude she's not self accountable. I'd watch it

Lol you dumb and gullible bitch. She fucked him and she enjoyed cucking the shit out of you.

user, I...

I'm still here in the thread, generally open to talk/type

Literally 27 seconds between OP and bump. Yeah, sounds like crack alright.

Your boy is geeked. Terrible feeling, absolute worst drug in the world, how people are addicted is beyond me. Absolutely no sense

Fancy seeing another Scientologist.

I smoked crack on purpose once. Literally lasted 10 minutes. But unlike you I went about my day knowing I did something retarded and never did it again. Man the fuck up and find something to do instead of panicking on the internet faggot.

I trust her. She told me the truth, why would I need to watch her now?

She really didn't enjoy it user. It was her ex, so it's not like she actually wants to be with him anymore. She was going over to get the last of her stuff from his place, and she tried to keep things polite, but he misread her intentions. Not really anyone's fault.

Or join a cult!

Not going to expect 16 year old niggas to figure this out until it happens to them. Ironic cause all these guys roasting are the ones who are literally probably getting cheated on.

Women are stupid (we are too), people don't know how to say no and get to fucking. I've done it so I can't blame these bitches bro.

"Unlike you" You feeling a little masculine bro? I smoked and am feeling better but this is a terrible feeling nonetheless.

Already manned up dog lmfao but seriously, idk how fire that shit was but I'd say it was some fish. That shit was so stupid.

kek I'm actually just cuck baiting. I don't even have a girlfriend. It just annoys people to see women get forgiven for cheating.

>wow i really miss my exes big dick, better get over there to get the "rest of my stuff"
thats literally what went through her mind when she was going there. people have the ability to say no, and if she doesnt use it, she is a cheating whore. and you are a fucking wimp if you believe such a half-assed story about "oh we just started to make-out, it would have been soooo embarassing to stop". what kind of man are you?



fake and gay

got me, nicely played

Sorry dudes, but getting cheated on should be a line in the sand. If it isn't, you aren't a real man and have zero pride. Also, she now knows she can get away with it, so it's just a countdown until she does it again. Congratulations.

Oh I agree 100 fucking percent. Dude Yea Forums culture is terrible for some of these guys dude, like having empathy for slag ass decisions by some of these bitches bro.

I really wish more girls were self accountable lol, but I could also say the same thing for grown men.

Exactly, it should be a standard. There really are unique situations but 99.999% of the time, you need to fucking leave. Seen too many guys on here fall for stupid girls.

And I'm not even going to lie, with some of the pessimistic behavior, good girls are bound to cheat on them if they don't get right.

I'm saying like with some of the behaviors and mentalities of some of these guys, their girl will flip flop and just hop on some other dick cause they can't stand up to the plate.

I'm feeling like I'm not a degenerate who smoked crack in a traphouse then cried on the internet about it.

Idk man i dont do drugs and never did try activated carbon pills

I know they remove substances from your body.

(not a doctor tho)

youre an idiot

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Why's that, I'm in a 3 year relationship with someone else, so you can say that was an unauthentic move, an idiot move.

Why am I an idiot


>smokes crack
>"why am i an idiot"

>goes to drug house
>does nigger drugs
>tries to comfort muh lady
>can't handle known side effects of narcotics
>whines on Yea Forums, the pinnacle of solid advice on the internet
>buuttt buttt..... why am I an idiot?
Kys moron

This you dipshit

>unique situations
Rape is pretty much the only "unique situation" I can think of. It's 100 years since feminism and women hold an absolute monopoly on sex. She has complete say on who gets or doesn't get into her pussy, and all else otherwise is considered to be rape. If she wasn't raped, she cheated. If she cheated, you have to dump her or she'll just do it again. Simple as that.

These cunts already own the world, don't give them your pride as well.

They remove substances from your GI tract, the drug's already in OP's blood.

Release pressure by opening one of your vains
you can easily achieve this buy taking a razor and cutting down on the inner side of your arm from the hand to the elbow (left side, left arm, right side, right arm).
As your blood levels will decrease also will the crack levels in your bloodstream therefor in your brain. Just remember to stop the bleeding before moving on

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>> "eat some herbs"