We hold these truths to be self-evident, Yea Forums was not created to be a board for Normal Fags, and that a board culture based on Lulz, being a necessary component to a thriving board, needs to be protected through adequate moderation. When threads become destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to post yellow and to abolish the cancerous threads.
Section 1. Ban all "NORMAL FAG" porn as follows:
- FACEBOOK FAP - RATE MY GF - RATE MY DICK - WWYD (what would you do) THREADS - CELEB THREAD - PICS YOU SHOULDN'T SHARE - FUCK/MARRY/KILL THREADS - CUCK THREADS - BLACKED THREADS - TRIBUTE HER THREADS - X Girls Thread (x = Latina, Asian, White, Big Tits, any other "NORMAL FAG" basic adjective to describe a girl.)
Section 2. L0li, Sh0ta, S/fur, G/fur, and Traps are TOTALLY EXEMPT from bannings. These types of porn have been on Yea Forums extremely close to Yea Forums's founding. As such, they are a part of Yea Forums's board culture and should be exempt.
Section 3. YELLOW ARMY vows not to shitpost the board anymore if Mods ban all "NORMAL FAG PORN" laid out in Section 1.
So you suggest we restore the porn percentages prevalent at Yea Forumss foundings?
May i suggest that future moderators be select for resemblance to a weasel?
Robert Stewart
How about not spamming low effort shit but actual content you seek? Otherwise fuck off. Don't tell us what to do. Your shit isn't a compromise nor a war
Austin Martin
Camden Adams
look around newfriend. This is just the beginning.
Isaac Murphy
Blake Johnson
This yellow thing, seems a bit confusing. Seems like a Trap-fetish movement. No mention of hentai at all. Very suspicious.
You may be unaware, but the Yea Forums.org website offers a variety of different boards. While the Yea Forums (random) board may be used for anything that’s random, it would be better to populate other boards where your specific interest lies..! Here are a list of various boards dedicated to specific genres of porn listed under the “Adult” section on the Yea Forums website! Sexy Beautiful Women Adult Gif Hardcore Handsome Men Hentai Ecchi Yuri Hentai/Alternative Yaoi High Resolution Adult Cartoons (rule 34) Adult Requests Random Degeneracy
Easton Baker
that's kinda ok with me, actually.
Charles Wright
for the most part drawn porn that is posted on Yea Forums is porn which is limited to Yea Forums only (global #3). and there isnt much of it. honestly, how often/how many "vanilla hentai" threads do you usually see on Yea Forums?
Jason Martinez
These are campaigners, against something they all got together against and recruited others. So everything you've seen by them is by some leader's hand of work. They are a disruption. They all are failing, in their condition.
You mean those 5 faggots that are still on a meme that died 24 hours after birth?
James Jenkins
- FACEBOOK FAP - RATE MY GF - RATE MY DICK - WWYD (what would you do) THREADS - CELEB THREAD - PICS YOU SHOULDN'T SHARE - FUCK/MARRY/KILL THREADS - CUCK THREADS - BLACKED THREADS - TRIBUTE HER THREADS - X Girls Thread (x = Latina, Asian, White, Big Tits, any other "NORMAL FAG" basic adjective to describe a girl.)