What would you do if you were going to die in 6 months?
I would probably just start fucking nasty sluts and whores. Maybe travel to the third world and pay some hookers a few bucks and some clean water to suck my dick. Maybe I could find some pigmys to fuck as well.
Probably just kill myself early and avoid the suffering.
Liam Gonzalez
Straight to Thailand. Bareback everything I could til the money ran out or I died.
Anthony Williams
Hell, I do that now.
First thing I'd do was consult another doctor
Blake Bailey
I'd murder my wife. If physically able, I'd beat her every day till her body gave out . Then burn her body up. But I'm not dying so I'll be a bitch and do nothing while she whores around in front of my children
Leo Gomez
See if I could become patient zero for a horrible disease outbreak.
Oliver Scott
bump threads
Mason Garcia
Yeah, I agree with OP.. The problem is, if you’re dying, you aren’t gonna feel like fucking random bitches... Then you’ll catch nigger aids, only to find out the doctors screwed up the diagnosis. You’re going to live after all.
Angel Hill
I would go by myself far away from the city at nights, into the mountains and try to contact extraterrestrials, hoping they would help cure me. I don’t see why you couldn’t contact them if you were genuinely ready and completely alone and your reason for meeting was blatant and honest.
Ryan Parker
Finish reading some books, watch Eva again and probably stay home
Nathan Parker
autism at it's finest
Lincoln Rivera
what do you mean "if"
Austin Ward
what if you ran out of money in the second week?
Elijah Carter
you aren't married. you have never been within thirty feet of a woman without pissing in your pants and falling to the ground.
Hey, I’ve helped animals when they were injured. I don’t see why they wouldn’t help us. There’s more creatures far more intelligent than us than there is every grain of sand on this planet (look at high res andromeda galaxy image) Maybe you could get lucky :D
Christian Price
same shit as before. if you need a death sentence to suddenly jump and hange things about your life youre a retard
Carson Price
yeah. 2 billion years, nothing, and when OP needs them to show up, there they are? what are the odds?
also, do you know how to cure ants of ant diseases? why aren't you down in the jungles of south america, helping them deal with their cordyceps fungus problems?
The fact that you don't realise that some bridges shouldnt be burned because you might need them in the long run >no life experience >neet detected
Kayden Ortiz
you high on glue or something? who said anything about burning bridges?
Robert Gutierrez
You can’t deny that it’s not possible, only unlikely. But then again, the chances of you being born were something like 1 in 500 trillion. Stranger things have definitely happened in this universe.
Christian Flores
The reason your behaviour chances with a certain death sentence is that you stop caring about the future. Either you dont care about your own future now or you're just incredibly retarded