Other urls found in this thread:
boards.Yea Forums.org/b/thread/802717881boards.Yea Forums.org/b/thread/802717881802717881
No. That thread isn't fun. I don't care when it was posted. This thread actually promotes creativity. Fuck off fat yoshi.
i kinda wanna cry but i also kinda don't
Are you sad? Frustrated? Or is it just depression making you feel weird?
Draw the sun fucking the moon or some shit
Not the dude you're fighting with but are you arguing that the desire for a reference implies that said person is a worse artist? Because that's fucking retarded and definitely sounds like something that would come out of someone who doesn't actually draw. You use references if you don't know what the shit you're supposed to be drawing looks like. I have no idea what the underside of an 18-wheeler looks like, and if I made it up it would probably look like nonsense. Your argument makes no sense
Also, imagination is important but it doesn't mean shit if you can't actually DRAW it. Art is a skill. Imagination doesn't make you a good artist. It makes good artists better. You're fetishistic creativity.
>I'm mad (x24)
Taking color requests. I'm a bit picky, so I prefer things with at least decent anatomy/proportions. Image related is a small sample. Sadly I had to downscale the image extremely, so the quality isn't that great.
P R E A C H.
Requesting a comic of this girl getting swallowed whole and alive by a giant toad
>Grabbed by it's long sticky tongue
>Pulled into its mouth head-first; her lower body still outside the toad
>Toad gulps once pulling her deeper inside; hooves still outside, the rest of her inside the mouth
>Toad gulps again; lower body is in the mouth, upper body is in the stomach
>View of her entirely in its stomach
>From the outside, you can't even tell she was eaten
>Digested alive
>Remains disposed of
The idea popped in my head after playing some Fallout 76 and getting attacked by a radtoad
Gimme ideas for a third oc
What species is Diz?
Give bug OC. Make it a boy this time. Maybe base it off of a centipede or millipede.
>I looked up a reference image. it is literally the exact hex codes.
Yeah, I can the exact hex codes by using the default colors in MS Paint. That doesn't prove anything.
>Some artists cannot do that. There are some illnesses/brain shit that makes it so people cannot picture or imagine things properly.
Then how can they be artists?
>I cannot even wrap my head around why you won't make one and refuse to do so
I guess that means you have one of those illnesses/brain shit. Don't worry about it.
>If you wanted someone to use their imagination, why state specific characters?
I wanted this to be fun for the artist who's familiar with the characters and the reference.
>Why not say general personality traits and defining features if you do not care about the end result looking like the characters you want?
Imperfect technique doesn't bother me. I'll even take a black and white palette. Unfortunately, my ideas tend to get oddly specific. Just say so: That's it's too complicated, too stupid, etc, and I'll back off.
>hurrdurr if you cant do it from imagination youre a bad artist
If you have a problem with a request, don't draw it. It's simple as that.
>Not the dude you're fighting with but are you arguing that the desire for a reference implies that said person is a worse artist?
It means there is room for improvement. No need to make my words worse than they really are.
>You use references if you don't know what the shit you're supposed to be drawing looks like
Then the request wasn't meant for you. Move on.
>Also, imagination is important but it doesn't mean shit if you can't actually DRAW it.
So practice.
>dont use references for these brand name characters
If they're "brand name", then why would you need a reference?
>if you cant use your imagination youre a waste of my time
>hurrdurr i dont understand art or artists
It really does say a lot about an artist who presents an opposing viewpoint that way.
as previously stated
really fuckin tall/lanky boy
Snapchat latest update goofed
>a bug oc
That might be interesting
I am surprised this actually worked
Any simple drawing requests?
Demon mama.
Im gonna be completely honest, I went 100% UNGA on the design, I dont know what she is
Requesting this chick giving some blowjobs please.
More bug friends (or bug competition) huh?
>Yeah, I can the exact hex codes by using the default colors in MS Paint. That doesn't prove anything.
????? I'm speechless. You do not understand what I said. You get the hex codes by sampling a reference image. Proving the artist looked up a reference image. You cannot get exact hex codes via guesswork.
>Then how can they be artists?
Pure shock. You have shocked me. Are you a troll? It's like saying people that are colorblind can't color when they can. I am one of said artists that have aphantasia and I know a few other artist with this issue. We are still of decent quality and only getting better.
>Insulting me because I cannot understand why you refuse to make a reference image
Are you that lazy? Really? This is easily how your request gets blacklisted.
>Imperfect technique doesn't bother me. I'll even take a black and white palette.
>Implying you'd even get coloring or shading of any kind when you don't provide a reference
If I drew two stick figures vaguely in some Jojo pose, would that satisfy you? No. Because those would not be the characters you request.
You HAVE to be a troll. I cannot believe you can actually think all of this. Do you work in ANY sort of creative field? At all? You have left me speechless. I do not even know what to say. You're argument is SO INCREDIBLY FLAWED you have actually sapped my energy to argue with you. You are insulting on so many levels. I actually liked your request and started this by trying to give you friendly advice. I know myself and several other people are likely going to blacklist your request. Good job.
Alright thread thanks for the suggestions, now vote!
Millipede and Centipede characters are superior bugboi. Face the facts and learn to coexist in the same tank.
Put no thought into it, just 100% fetish
Not fair! D: You said lewd keywords and now people are going to vote dumb generic lewd.
I have been bamboozled....
I may be sliiightly biased
Shut up bugnigger, stop posting under user
Ah, gotcha. Its okay, some designs start off that way and they evolve over time. I like to pretend she's a really buff otter based character.
>Thick hair
>3 mouth
>Likes pure fun
>Strong and predator
>Titty pockets
I'm not BugBoi. U insult me. At least call me millifag.
Greetings, gents. I hope you are all doing well.
I see this user is generic, will always fall for an ass. What an NPC.
That works
(bug oc is actually winning how the fuck)
Hey shitstain, how are you?
>you are the fool
It's okay, user. Some people are just born impenetrably dumb, and you just have to live with that.
I like the smell of my own farts. Is this a territorial thing? Anyone else?
I'm doing quite alright, and I hope you are as well.
>You get the hex codes by sampling a reference image.
You can also get hex codes by manually defining a palette.
>It's like saying people that are colorblind can't color when they can. I am one of said artists that have aphantasia and I know a few other artist with this issue.
Congratulations. The last thing I expect is color, so it's not really relevant, is it?
>Insulting me because I cannot understand why you refuse to make a reference image
Sorry you're such a softy. How precisely you were insulted? Because I correctly figured you had one of those illnesses/brain shit? Yea Forums isn't the place for you if it's this easy to insult you.
>Implying you'd even get coloring or shading of any kind when you don't provide a reference
You can only decide for yourself what do choose to draw (or not draw).
>No. Because those would not be the characters you request.
>Then the request wasn't meant for you. Move on.
>Do you work in ANY sort of creative field?
Mozart fallacy. Do critics count?
>You're argument is SO INCREDIBLY FLAWED you have actually sapped my energy to argue with you
Spoken by someone who thinks with the heart. If you're bothered, you're bothered, but don't act like there's anything there beyond merely being bothered.
>I actually liked your request and started this by trying to give you friendly advice.
So did you or did you not need a reference? Not that it matters, of course.
Is there some kind of problem with dismissing requests that just aren't for you?
Bug that user has me completely baffled... I've never seen someone that dumb... You have any sciency mumbojumbo to cure this headache it's given me?
But user I was drawing. Pls.
I'll have to check in the back, it's a bad case.
noce tips and mash up too
>Manually defining a palette
Also don't be a critic. A baby would do a better job than you. Seriously. I mean that. Do not pursue that field.
Bug save me from this stupid. This is troll levels of stupid. Christ
I think this headache just doubled. Give me two shots of the hard stuff. I don't care about the side effects.
I’m the person who requested this. Just Incase you post the finished version of this while I’m asleep and the thread doesn’t make it, can you set the file as Miia.jpg or Miia.png so I can find it in an archive?
>dismissing requests that just aren't for you?
>This ego
I can't believe the guy that was shitting on Wspn (which is definitely YV) thought he could hide his massive ego. Fuck off.
Thanks rider for accepting my request
This actually is stupid fucking funny. You're right. All I can do is laugh at this guy now. It's amazing how far his own head is up his ass.
How about drawing a Mii getting fucked.
Can someone draw this and add your own interpretation to what's happening in the bottom half?
>I find this offensive
>it can only mean that user is dumb
There's no room for improvement or point in practice if you're this insistent on your training wheels.
I'd ask you what kind of shit software you're using, but apparently you're done.
>dismissing requests that just aren't for you?
>This ego
What's wrong with dismissing Anons' requests? It's like you people are itching for something to argue about.
Wurm has been so consumed by the mii disease he's gotten mii fetish... The poor soul... Someone cleanse him.
Why do I have to click a button twenty fuckin' times to post on this shitty board?
>"""art""" thread
>drama already
jesus christ god fucking bless you poor niggers
to quote my high school art teacher: “no good artist is without mental instability”
That's where imagination comes from.
Dumb comment but decent digits
>Art is a skill
ur welcome
ref please?
your art teacher is just saying that to cover up her/his mental illness
I was mostly joking, but can you name a famous artist without problems?
Literally just stop responding my guy. It's just bait-tier shit at this point. Now hold still, this is going directly to your frontal lobe via the eye socket and I'd rather not turn you into a vegetable.
Is this okay?
ref: rule34.xxx
>dismissing disagreeable statements as bait-tier shit
I’m not saying you were wrong by any means, it was just understood by what the person you responded to posted. Didn’t mean any harm m8 my bad
I said I was mostly joking, so no harm done.
Requesting Barret reading a story to a group of kids
My fucking sides. How about if I asked you to draw Yukino Miyazawa. I know who that is. I love this character. I know plenty of other people who know this character. I guess according to you if you were to look up a reference or be provided one, you'd be a shit artist using training wheels. Your logic is so incredibly flawed you've actually caused me to space out. You've forced my brain to tune you out. You are that stupid.
What practice is there if you are being asked to draw a pre-existing character without a reference? Your American mascots and way of thinking is extremely flawed. You assume people know these characters. Wouldn't you want the artists' key focus to be on making an interesting piece rather than drawing from memory and struggling on their base designs?
Drawing from memory is a fun exercise to do. Requesting something be drawn by memory is more than fine. But you aren't. You are requesting pre-existing characters. You provide a reference. This is basic baby shit. Why do I have to explain this to you?
>what kind of shit software you're using
I use CSP, SAI and Photoshop. But since you can only bring up paint... CLEARLY you must know SO MUCH MORE about art than I do... It's amazing how you don't understand color sampling and hex codes. My 6 year old niece understands that more than you do.
>"I thought you were done lmao xD nice response me give myself a pat on the back"
NOW I'm done. I think this is the same person that was trying to "cancel" Wspn. Now I'll actually stop being autistic and stop replying. Sorry for continuing stupid ass pointless drama.
God I couldn't help myself. Bugboi give me a triple dose before I get any worse. I promise not to move... Much. Maybe becoming a vegetable would be a nice move to make at this point.... Could you also pull the fishing hooks out of my throat? That'd be lovely.
You know the nintendo miis
Not a fan of the material, but it's of decent quality. Give me a bit to try. I'm coloring with a mouse and I'm tired, so no promises.
this is a shit argument. it's a logical fallacy, in fact.
Any requests for Beta?
Take your time. Thanks
God damnit Anons, whats his name
claude monet btw
>Not millipede
You have forsaken me... But I think he feels like a W name. Something classy.
Requesting a parody of this image but with two characters of your choice
>mfw no flat chested shortstack
>we also look uncomfortably similar
>I'm not mad I'm just disappointed
I dunno Henry? Ray's pretty good.
never play the wii tbh
>How about if I asked you to draw Yukino Miyazawa.
I'd apologetically refuse. Problem?
>Your logic is so incredibly flawed you've actually caused me to space out. You've forced my brain to tune you out. You are that stupid.
>You assume people know these characters
>It's amazing how you don't understand color sampling and hex codes. My 6 year old niece understands that more than you do.
This is what happens when you think with your heart instead of your brain.
>What practice is there if you are being asked to draw a pre-existing character without a reference?
Do I know this character? If so, I shouldn't need a reference specific to this character. "IS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE!?" I'd refuse to do lack of context. Is this character performing an action I just can't put onto paper? This would be the first of many practice drawings until I'm done with the training wheels.
>Requesting something be drawn by memory is more than fine. But you aren't.
I was for people who actually know what I was talking about. You clearly didn't, yet nobody forced you to demand references.
>I use CSP, SAI and Photoshop
And none of them allow you to define your own palettes? I wouldn't use sky blue for jeans.
If the argument is that every famous artist had problems, it takes only one counterexample to disprove it. An easy burden, really, so what's the fallacy here?
Only out of curiosity do I ask: How do you figure that?
Ray is a good name. I vote Ray.
>You vs the guy she told you not to worry about
Hey guys, get a load of this ego! Watch! I'll call him YV and he'll ignore me! Just proving it's the same guy that tried to harass Wspn!
Everyone knows who fucking Aladdin is. Get your head out of your ass. You are being extremely retarded right now.
>still not understanding hex codes or color
I'm amazed you still replied to Usoppfag when he ripped you a new one. You were proven wrong. Take your massive ego and go back to Twitter to try and cancel celebrities again.
>I don't agree with what this user is saying
>Hey guys, get a load of this ego!
>Everyone knows who fucking Aladdin is
So imagine my confusion when an artist demands a reference.
Ray sounds good
Maybe next time magibug, maybe nextime...
Alright, it's like 4:30 and the air is thick with autism so I think I'm gonna hit the sack. I hope you all sort this shit out or at the very least get bored. Goodnight everybody!
>still not understanding hex codes or color
Not my fault you don't know how to enter the desired colors into your favorite software as needed.
user I already hate drawing arms as it is, arent 4 arms/hands enough ;_;
That'll be his middle name, just like "Niggradinkle" for Ari lmao
I promise if I make another oc they'll be thicc and flat chested, you have my word
Alright, Ray it is, thanks everyone!
cya bug
You could
A) Make a quick reference sheet in paint. Providing the artists an accurate tool to help them provide a delivery to you with the best of their ability. This reference sheet will take you maybe 5 minutes to make. It provides the artist everything they need.
B) Call people shit artists for not wanting to draw from memory. Forcing any artist still remotely interested in you to do their own reference search. Taking longer time to gather everything together to make their own reference material which may not even be what you want.
Everyone knows Pikachu. But many people struggle to draw him accurately from memory alone. Are you the kind of person that will commission someone and go "hey can you draw my friend? he's blonde, tall, has a tattoo of a triforce on his leg, and would be wearing a hoodie"
>the worst kind of commission
Are you really serious right now? Think about what I'm saying. Color picking from your wheel/palettes is different from getting an exact hex code. If you want the exact hair color of a character, you need to get a reference and color sample it. Ensuring you get that EXACT color. What you are implying is "guess work is the best way to go." I understand why Usoppfag went crazy. You are extremely retarded.
Night Bugboi!
>user I already hate drawing arms as it is, arent 4 arms/hands enough ;_;
You don't have to give him a bunch of arms! There are plenty of other ways you could design him without drastically increasing his arm/leg count! It's all about that creativity
O shit i forgot about Niggradinkle, I’m glad you remember!
lmao etika ded
scribbling to music from last thread
and trying to remember how to do things
oh boy, mr dog abuse man
Well I'm off to sleep, night has fallen
my laptop is lagging again
Night Sieg!
Aw cute
Hey rider, requesting Ray with a gun in each hand in whatever outfit
>A) Make a quick reference sheet in paint. Providing the artists an accurate tool to help them provide a delivery to you with the best of their ability.
>Everyone knows Pikachu. But many people struggle to draw him accurately from memory alone.
I don't need the kind of accuracy you're eluding to.
>B) Call people shit artists for not wanting to draw from memory.
Why do you people insist on making this out to be worse than they really are?
>Forcing any artist still remotely interested in you to do their own reference search.
Thankfully I'm not forcing anyone to do anything.
>Taking longer time to gather everything together to make their own reference material which may not even be what you want.
I'm perfectly okay with rejection. Why is a concern of mine that a delivery would take longer? I am (and have been) thankful for the mere attempt.
>Are you the kind of person that will commission someone and go "hey can you draw my friend? he's blonde, tall, has a tattoo of a triforce on his leg, and would be wearing a hoodie"
I'm the kind of person who would ask an artist friend to draw a mutual friend.
>Color picking from your wheel/palettes is different from getting an exact hex code
Thankfully colors can be defined by hex code.
> If you want the exact hair color of a character, you need to get a reference and color sample it. Ensuring you get that EXACT color.
I'm not that picky.
>What you are implying is "guess work is the best way to go."
What I'm _really_ implying is that artists are free to use whatever colors are deemed necessary.
>my sides
Go away Wspn hating YVfag. Take your ego with you.
This is the most retarded thing I think I've seen in these threads for a solid year or two. Good job.
just fuckin blow it up
Go back to Discord faggot.
>I don't agree with what this user is saying
>Hey guys, get a load of this ego!
We know you're . Your superiority complex is so big you can't even see your own massive ego. His "arguments" are so fucking stupid it's funny. He is factually wrong on so many levels, yet seems to insist he's "thinking logically bc lawl anyone who disagrees with me is stupid and must be thinking with their ''''heart'''' and not with their brain."
My sides hurt so much this is so funny. Never change Yea Forums drawthreads. Never change.
Nice copy/paste reply.
at least it spells dam
respost because i got bad and i remember all the stuff i used to remember so i could draw more stuff and it feels bad
u alright bruh?
You say I'm factually wrong, but what have you done to actually prove it except dismiss disagreeable points as "funny" and saying how I'm factually wrong when you've apparently never made custom palettes (not that I care about color in deliveries).
If a request is too complex, just say so. Why is this so controversial here?
Since people wanted a robot and a flat shortstack aswell I made one
Quick ref so incredibly messy and incoherent, far from the finished product
Any requests for her?
I'll take a request. Only ones that interest me.
Its amazing how you can be so cocky over something you don't understand nor realize just how wrong you are talking about said something. Please. Go educate yourself. All you're doing is making yourself look even more autistic than you are. There's no point in trying to "prove it" when you don't see any other way other than your own. Your ego is that far up your ass. Really. Go actually learn about what you're talking about. And don't let your superiority complex hit you on the way out.
A catgirl licking a dick
Bruh. People already proved you wrong on several things. You just refuse to see any other way but your own.
Jump over a snake
Wspnhating cuck sure does suck at hiding who he is. Go ahead. Ignore me too to prove my point.
>generic vanilla boring over done seen every single thread just change the noun
He said ones that interest him user.
I know lmao, I just wanted to see his reaction to a copy paste request
You could have given a better excuse than that lmao
Satanic Neo nazi with a katana loading an AK
draw her bent over & spreading cheeks
Making statements that resonate with yourself and fellow artists isn't proof. Evidence is: photoshopessentials.com
>All you're doing is making yourself look even more autistic than you are
I'm not the one demanding references instead of just dismissing requests deemed complex.
>If a request is too complex, just say so. Why is this so controversial here?
fuck youre right, let me try again
I wanted to test how good of an artist he was
yeah im fine
>requests deemed complex
Nigga just make a ref sheet. Its that easy. Even vorefag and musumefag give references. Even Yotsubafag posts references.
You can't actually be this stupid. Please tell me youre just joking.
>custom swatches
>still trying to argue this point when it had nothing to do with accurate color sampling and hex codes
>still pretending to know what hes talking about
nigga.... nigga please......
Thats better. Still terrible, but better. I give you a D+
Oh my gooooood... I'm going to go party with Usoppfag. He was right to leave. You're a lost cause. Go ahead and pretend your shit don't stink and pretend to be educated in something you aren't. Anyone that knows the square goes into the square hole knows how wrong and stupid you are.
I can't believe I fell for this bait.
Requesting a fusion between these two
>Nigga just make a ref sheet
>Everyone knows who fucking Aladdin is
>You can't actually be this stupid. Please tell me youre just joking.
Have I called any of you stupid? It'd like you're all itching to get offended by something.
>still trying to argue this point when it had nothing to do with accurate color sampling and hex codes
Of course it does: Colors can still be manually defined by hex, so that means your case isn't complete. Show us that the relevant delivery was accurately sampled, since you care so much.
What the fuck is your problem? There's nothing wrong with refusing any request for any reason.
Reminder this fag believes in cancel culture, tried to "cancel" Wspn without providing full context out of pure hate boner over something years old, is definitely YV, has a massive superiority complex and ego, and will call you a shit artist if you use references ever. Never deliver to Wspnhatecuck/aladdinjojo fag.
Nigga......... Nigga please.......... Stop.
its going to be a while
Nigga... You don't understand art in any way... nigga... please just stop. You are so unbelievably stupid. Nigga stop and think about your actions. Reevaluate your words and actions. You do not know what youre talking about nigga. Stop.
because if you read through the biography, you shouldn't be able to find any evidence, nor do any of his friends ever mention it, nor can you see it in his works
Well, that was awkward.
>insults artists
>"lel why dont you just refuse the request im not forcing you to do my request youre just a shitty artist if you use references like any artist does but im going to pretend i know how art works but youre all shit artists lel just dont accept my request"
Guess what, I'm going to repost this every time I see your request. Have fun.
That's fine with me
>Reminder this fag believes in cancel culture
Sorry, I didn't realize that every artist that enters this thread is obligated to take any and every request made. Didn't know that there's a major punishment for failing to deliver on stupid requests.
How about you stop looking for ways to get offended?
>Have I called any of you stupid?
Works for me.
>works for me
finally, i came to an agreement on fourchan. thanks!
Nigga actually respond to the words I'm saying. Or stop. Please stop. Nigga youre so fucking stupid I can't even be bothered to explain it to you anymore. Nigga youre fucking stupid. Stop.
Is she/he going to be a furry unless he's a bug or a robot?
>insults artists
>How precisely you were insulted?
>Yea Forums isn't the place for you if it's this easy to insult you.
>Guess what, I'm going to repost this every time I see your request
The one that was abandoned last thread?
Did you not read what you wrote? You aren't even being consistent anymore. You insult artists, then blame them? "lol xD just don't deliver"
Do I actually have to explain this shit to you? Or can you think like a 10 year old yet?
I passed out while making it
Maybe next time user, im really tired
Goodnight everyone!
>calling artists shit if they use references
>insulting the people giving you free art in any capacity
>biting the hand that feeds you
xD just gotta grow a bigger backbone! Because clearly its just me being TOOOOO sensitive! I'm wrong! This user is right!
Like I can't tell who you are every time you open youre mouth. Have fun.
Nigga, I hate you. But I'm begging you here. Ignore these (you)s and just fuck off. Stop trying to get the last word in. Be the bigger man. Saying that gets you off right? Fuck off.
I dont really draw furries, Diz is an exception (an user called her an otter so I guess)
And the ocs are already made
I’m gonna be honest with you bro, the robot ain’t lookin too good
I’m not the person you responded to tho, I’m just sayin what I think feel free to ignore
Alright, Im fine with critique, I'll work on her design
>Did you not read what you wrote?
Of course I did, or else I wouldn't have posted.
>You insult artists, then blame them?
Only if you wanted me to, since you're all making this out to be worse than it really is.
>calling artists shit if they use references
An artist that has room to improve isn't automatically shit, so when did I say that?
>insulting the people giving you free art in any capacity
>biting the hand that feeds you
I'm satisfied with the requests I've had delivered. I hold no grudges against those who refused. This is the only time people starting throwing a fit when there was no reference given.
Do you even remember the request that started this talk about references?
>Stop trying to get the last word in
Is that what you wanted this to be about?
Ah, okay. Have fun with your new OC!
user was right, drama is rare around here. I'm glad
fuckin bored
Someone draw an egyptian cowboy
You started this hissy fit you child. You have forgotten the things you have said. I am done. You are a lost cause. You escalated this. You refuse to acknowledge how you are wrong on so, so, so many things. These things have been explained to you so many times already. I feel sorry for any friends you may have. I'm done taking this bait. I'm going to join the party with everyone else... A party that's actually happening. We'll all be genuinely shocked if you are actually like this and you aren't just pretending to be retarded.
It’s almost 5am so I’ll keep it brief
The mouth is probably my biggest gripe, it’s very organic for a robot, the hair is a bit odd as it doesn’t meld with the machinery. Proportions are way outta wack but I’m gonna cut some slack because it was rushed. It’s hard to tell what’s going on with the body, specifically the arms. And lastly for now, those two wires on the back of the head seem like they should go under the hair or be removed. Really though the mouth is the most jarring part.
I mean no harm in any of this, just giving a different POV because I know how hard it can be to judge one’s own work. I wish you the best in your drawing, and a good night.
k sorry for the late reply i was eating breakfast
hell no i hace 100 gigabits of gay porn in it..
Then jump over a snake
nigga im going to join the party too. abandoning thread. this nigga is a waste of time. just running in autistic circles. ive never met someone with their head so far up their ass. nigga... this retard shit gonna send me to therapy.
Thank you for the constructive criticism! I'll save this and change the design when I wake up, thanks again!
Not that guy, but I actually like the mouth. Its not perfect, but how non-human it looks, despite it feeling a little organic, is a nice contrast.
>You started this hissy fit you child
I was the one that called my own request dumb.
>You have forgotten the things you have said
My sensitivities aren't yours, so it doesn't matter what I've said if you refuse to explain how you were insulted.
>You refuse to acknowledge how you are wrong on so, so, so many things. These things have been explained to you so many times already
Statements alone aren't automatically facts.
It's not my fault y'all wanted something to be offended by. If what I said was bad, imagine the fit if my words had been direct criticism.
>hell no i hace 100 gigabits of gay porn in it..
that's why it's lagging
it's got...
a way too heavy load :')
>drama is rare around here.
>this ego and superiority complex
>I don't agree with what this user is saying
>Hey guys, get a load of this ego!
Happy to help, I’ll try to be more specific tomorrow— later today technically.
>this ego and superiority complex
Christ, can you guys just stop responding to him already?
Just because you had problems with other people in the past doesn't mean y'all need to take it out on me.
>this extreme ego and superiority complex
>Everyone I disagree with has an extreme ego and superiority complex
Maybe I'll continue this later. Its late and getting the flats cleanly down was really time consuming. I'll post it with the same filename if I continue/finish it.
>this ego and superiority complex
Well not particularly rare, idk better word for it. Not as worse as I expected
this btw
nice robutt
thank you, thank you
it's an honor to make you reconsider your existence
Okay, Thank you very much.
Somebody come eat rest of my chicken sesame instant noodles
I'm 100% full
Im terrified, amazing
Oh my
YV fuck off and never go back. Be true to your words and just FUCK OFF FOR GOOD YOU NIGGER
Isn't he an artist?
More like an autist
Then he can make his own deliveries, right?
hi anons, join this discord ff5mFD
Of course not. He is a cancer in the threads, an infectious one at that. Those who he delivers to will feel indebted to him and will be compelled to defend him no matter what.
That's why that shithead must be gone forever.
>his own deliveries
Fuck right off and fuck niggers.
Just making sure, because if this is about the drama from earlier, then something isn't adding up.
Page 10, bye thread