/dep/ression general
What's got you down Yea Forumsros? You can let it all out ITT.
/dep/ression general
What's got you down Yea Forumsros? You can let it all out ITT.
Bumping for feels
Being depressed is Jewish propaganda stop falling for it retards
Nerve damage. I'm always in pain and doing almost anything makes it worse. Doctors don't have a clue how to address it and its not tit cancer so nobody is throwing a benefit for me. So i do nothing and have nothing.
Your pain is just Jewish propaganda stop believing in it.
Interesting, my doctors were all hindu and muslim.
I'm constantly aware of how meaningless things seem to be and there's no way to not think about it all the time.
my best friend killed themselves a while ago.
i havent been the same since. shutting out time with family and friends, and then whenever i did snap out of it and quit being a dick i already lost a ton of other friends.
anything i hear about suicide or any song that reminds me of them just completely fucks up my mood completely i just miss her so fucking much. i would do anything to bring her back i just cant fucking stand living like this anymore i sometimes think about an afterlife
i can only hope that she is in some time of peaceful afterlife because i dont know what id do if she wasnt.
i hate living like this and i fucking hate myself for not getting over it.
LOL what a pathetic fucking faggit please do us all a favor and kill yourself.