/dep/ression general
What's got you down Yea Forumsros? You can let it all out ITT.
/dep/ression general
What's got you down Yea Forumsros? You can let it all out ITT.
Bumping for feels
Being depressed is Jewish propaganda stop falling for it retards
Nerve damage. I'm always in pain and doing almost anything makes it worse. Doctors don't have a clue how to address it and its not tit cancer so nobody is throwing a benefit for me. So i do nothing and have nothing.
Your pain is just Jewish propaganda stop believing in it.
Interesting, my doctors were all hindu and muslim.
I'm constantly aware of how meaningless things seem to be and there's no way to not think about it all the time.
my best friend killed themselves a while ago.
i havent been the same since. shutting out time with family and friends, and then whenever i did snap out of it and quit being a dick i already lost a ton of other friends.
anything i hear about suicide or any song that reminds me of them just completely fucks up my mood completely i just miss her so fucking much. i would do anything to bring her back i just cant fucking stand living like this anymore i sometimes think about an afterlife
i can only hope that she is in some time of peaceful afterlife because i dont know what id do if she wasnt.
i hate living like this and i fucking hate myself for not getting over it.
LOL what a pathetic fucking faggit please do us all a favor and kill yourself.
Maybe it is Muslim/Hindu propaganda then.
Hi Yea Forums. I haven't been on 4/b/ in years but I thought I'd drop by because I'm high on DXM. I'm not sure if I'm really sad. I just don't want to work anymore. I have a skillset that should throw me back into the industry but instead I'm sitting here on my butt because I'm watching Serial Experiments Lain and trying to finally understand it.
try killing yourself faggit
I love you.
Your love is misplaced
New snapchat bug
I have dental problems I can't do anything about because I'm poor as shit.
Apparently this works
im a shut-in
havent had a conversation this year
I don't expect you to understand, my child.
Your understanding is restricted by your mind. You must understand more in order to have a maximum comprehension of my statement.
My sperm is pineapple yellow
PTSD from work and broke up with my borderline fiance. I just ride my motorcycle and can't sleep. A year of my life down the drain now. Meds numb me well enough to work a bit but not like I used to and that kills me. Cheers Anons, we'll get better
I’m 25 years old and never had a date. I don’t think I ever will. The loneliness is killing me.
LOL what a pussy just kill yourself dude.
then kill yourself faggit.
If I wasn’t a pussy I would have by now.
My dick is huge but can't get laid because I don't own a van.
Yeah we can all tell your a pussy no need to say it out loud
Let's just fuck and get this tension over with
I'm 31 and kissless. I wish I could kill my molester but he died in Iraq and everyone thinks he's a fucking hero. Gonna kms soon.
Dude get a hooker, it'll boost your confidence
M or F?
Not only are you an attention seeker your also a massive fag go get some help or kys
What a fucking retard just kill yourself
I’d be too embarrassed to fuck one. There’s a reason I’m site a virgin. My body is gross and I’d be ashamed to show it to anyone, even a woman I’m paying.
>I hate mommy
Well OP asked, dammit. Stop playing hard to get, it's getting me moist. We can die together, give me your Kik or something
you combat these retards well
I admire that
>I am defending myself even though I acknowledge he's right
Super gay dude don't you have a pride festival to be celebrating.
Absolutely nothing right now because I’m high as shit off bud and prescription pills.
My alcoholism is getting worse every day and all I can do is watch. Mx ex cheated on me a couple months ago and I still can’t let go and I’ve been homeless for 3 1/2 years now. Fuck every single one of you.
Maybe kill yourself you fucking druggie retard
Hopefully the good ones, no benzoshitazepines
Imagine calling people out because they enjoy doing something you don’t like
Ever done LSD? Get your mind opened fool
Norcos my guy
Dude is just sitting in his step dads basement angry as shit all day cause he got no friends
Damn. Confidence is hard to gain, definitely. Hang in there. I hope you can get to a place where you can perceive yourself differently my dude. You'll fuck bitches in the ass once you get there
I hope the best for you user.
I'm not the original poster he replied to, I can just tell he's got tons of underlying issues and comes to these kinds of threads specifically to harass mentally and emotionally weakened individuals to make themself feel better. so that's a swing and a miss on your assumption bud
You do realize it's like 3AM do people normally hang out with their friends at this time or that a druggie activity?
Imagine taking drugs because you are so mentally insufficient to think on your own. I am actually considering your mentally disabled.
>it's like 3AM
you a flat earther?
I hope so. I am trying. But I don’t see it happening if I’m being honest. I try to make peace with the fact that I’m gonna die virgin and alone.
Midwestern faggot. Don't you have a pregnant sister to beat?
No I am just from NA and am to retarded to remember that time zones exist. Good point dude.
Yeah shortly after I fuck your mom
Oh shit, the xbox classic. Now I feel dumb for arguing with a kid.
Please you little bitch I'm a grown as man and I can fuck you up like the little summerfag you are.
Imagine being this stupid. Ah, you don’t have to. Enjoy your life Yea Forumsro
Imagine not coming up with and intelligent rebuttal and instead just say "enjoy life bro frying your brain is cool bro." Imagine being the mentally deficient I have a strong feeling your family is full of druggies who suck on nigger dick for their next high.
Alright kiddo. Calm down, it's past your bedtime. You've got finals in the morning.
>CRACK *sip*
Alright summerfag. Wait til I tell your mommy that you stole her whine and are up past your bedtime.
I'm tired of living like a criminal and a sociopath.
Things are too hot right now. I need to chill. If I were L. Ron Hubbard or some shit I could just ping around the world in a huge boat with a gigantic crew but nah. I think everybody's kinda losing their mind in one way or another right now.
Pic related.
Where did I ever imply frying your brain was cool? Also you are obviously a close minded idiot, so there’s no point in arguing with you. You’ll probably live a happy life with your 40 IQ so go enjoy it ya big dumdum.
Stop being a nigger and you won't feel like a nigger or just kill yourself retard
I get you Yea Forumsro. Just do what feels the best for you.
Being close minded does not denote intelligence it is clear to my you do not even understand the underlying implications of your words. Not wanting drugs to ruin humanity is being close minded? It is clear to me you just do not care at all so really you are closed minded.
My mom died early Saturday morning. She was barely 40. I live all the way across the country, so I never got to physically say my goodbyes.
What a pathetic little bitch snowflake you are. It's called the fucking life cycle retard cry harder
The woman I love is pregnant with her boyfriends child. She looks so beautiful. I wanna die.
Got into shit university, with fucking shitty people there that prioritises their gangs cause they be betarying people left and right for shit, with shitty fucking university management. No friends, fuck life man..
Kill yourself you fucking retard lol how much of a pussy are you to get cucked
Living a life without emotions must be a sad one to live. I suppose I’m glad that you don’t get to feel the pain I do.
thats too bad...how did she die?
Unfortunately, diabetes. Her blood sugar clocked in at 565 when they took her in, and that caused her kidneys to fail. I knew her weight was going to kill her someday, I just didn’t think it would be this soon.
Your sentence literally contradicts itself even if it WERE true. How can I be sad when I don't feel emotions like I said even if it were true. Not only are you a pathetic little bitch with self imposed "pain" you are exceptionally retarded. Cry more maybe that'll solve your retardation/ You could also try just killing yourself
If you don't like yourself change yourself. You have control of your body, no one else does. It's on you user.
my eating disorder is getting worse and worse and i feel incredibly guilty on the inside because i binged and purged yesterday but did not "complete" it entirely. Im suicidal, I feel as if life isnt worth living, and i feel more and more empty everyday
I have calluses on my hands and feet from a genetic condition, I can’t do a thing about that. I’m just disgusting.
Your own statement makes no sense. I didn’t say you’d be sad, I said the life you life would be sad. Never said to who. Do you have anything better to do than make fun of people who are grieving, or do you only use your anonymity to vent your own frustrations by taking it all out on others?
Then kill yourself retarded fatty stop attention seeking
Sorry, drunk.
I have nothing better to do because I go to work soon and have time to kill. Once again though your attaching emotion to something someone else may be experiencing therefore there was a who. I just find it exceptionally pathetic that you are using your self imposed "grief" to be sad. Stop making excuses and man up or act like a retarded kid and throw a tantrum your whole life.
Anyone else here with severe executive dysfunction? I can't get my shit together and I hate myself a little more each day that I waste
>inb4 killyourselfanon lmao
>inb4 op can't inb4
killyourselfanon lmao
Fucked a hooker raw a few months ago and scared of having HIV
Maybe it will teach you a lesson about having sex with hookers. You should kill yourself now so no one knows you died of HIV
For one, I’m not throwing a tantrum. This whole threat is meant to be a place to vent one’s frustrations, and of course I’d be upset that my fucking mom died. I was really close to her. Two, this certainly isn’t self-imposed. If I had the choice to feel better, I certainly would. I’d imagine you either haven’t had a loss like this in your own life, or you’re too dense to even care if you did have one. Fuck off this thread. No one needs you.
God damn liquor.
>I am not throwing a tantrum
>fuck off this thread no one needs you because I can not get over self imposed "grief"
cry harder snowflake I have to go to work now though hopefully you stop pretending and making yourself sad.
Doesn’t matter, had sex
just ignore that goochmuscle little shit. sorry for your loss bro
I’m not sure that counts as a tantrum, but I suppose we both have differing definitions. I hope you have a change of heart someday, and may you have a good day at work.
I appreciate it. There’s no use in making fun of them, though. That’s exactly what everyone like them wants.
life is pain
My sister died. Her love was the only thing keeping me from killing myself. I don’t know how much longer I can do this.
I have almost 50h weeks every week at the moment. I earn just enough to pay rent and everything and buy food, nothing I can put aside.
I am socially incapable. I hate the contact to other humans, even though human contact is something I really crave. But experiencing often makes me even more uncomfortable.
We live in a society that couldnt care less about anyone or anything. We are prisoners to money. I hate every second I am experiencing and I dont see any way out.
I dont get enough sleep, because I simply lay awake in bed and dont get to sleep.
There is nobody. I just want to take an exit from all this. I dont understand how people dont get depressed by living