My arm kinda hurts ama
My arm kinda hurts ama
Why the fuck
I was holding my tablet up for an hour
You poor thing
Why thank you sir
I was being sarcastic tard
I know dummy
Fly 2 electric boogaloo
Chop the arm off easy peasy, no arm no pain.
Omg you're so smart thanks for the advice
I forgot the lyrics but thanks for reminding me that that song exists
Why did i not think of that sooner?
My arm fell off
That's unfortunate
Anyone have anything to argue about? I'm quite bored.
What do you think of the yellow movement?
It's clearly a waste of time, Yea Forums has been infested with porn for months, seeing yellow isn't going to make anyone less horny.
Yeah those stupid retards lol
You're wrong...
Hit me with your best insult.
How so?
I'm not going to explain it to such a brainlet
Because i'm right and you know it
Takes one to know one
So how does this validate your opinion? If you are going to act mentally challenged do not go spouting your retarded opinions.
Do you at least have a reasonable argument regarding the yellow movement?
That's pretty weak user. My favorite is you mentally challenged Hellen Keller room temperature IQ handicapped primate.
I was not the one talking about the yellow movement retard that was another person you just said "takes one to know one" admitting your own retardation which was beyond retarded
Well i wouldn't want to hurt your feelings, that's an insult i haven't heard before
Oh I wanted you to give me your most ruthless insult simply so I could steal it if it was any good.
Oh lol well maybe i am retarded \(-_-)/
Then why are you even attempting to argue with anyone when you yourself are acknowledging you are intellectually inefficient for any knowledgeable discussion?
Threehead camel back cum munching fag cunt
I like that one a lot thank you.
Because i know common sense which is most viable in an argument
You're welcome
Whats this gif from?
Actually not true whatsoever the most effective way of debating is removing common sense from the argument. Therefore the only thing that can be applied during the discussion facts and statistics. This in turn means there will be no feelings or opinionated morals involved revealing only truth. Try again.
I saw it on a reaction thread a few days ago
Well in this case that is faulty because the yellow movement is based on opinions and everyone involved is only using their common sense. Plus common sense isn't necessarily always opinionated.
Well that is not true. Obviously there is no real printed statistics but if there was we could clearly see the effect of porn and so many porn threads on each individual and the board in general. Secondly common sense not necessarily being opinionated is anecdotal which usually means it is irrelevant to the discussion.
So basically this conversation is going nowhere...
Basically this is true
Some people are angry at there being porn, some people want porn, some people just don't care either way, opinions from everyone.
It's 4am, thanks for the English class i feel .01% smarter, goodnight user.
Thank you very cool