Living in the small town is the worst thing that can happen to you...

living in the small town is the worst thing that can happen to you. I am so fucking depressed I cant even sleep anymore and I have a bunch of money and dont even give a fuck about anything because I cant fucking leave I dont care about anything

>no amusement parks
>no concerts
>people are too poor to travel
>just sad pick up truck driving retards everywhere
>coldest winters in the world
>nothing to do
>no concerts
>no malls
>no places to buy things
>no hobbies
>no people to do things with
>house is 300 years old
>parents are unfit to be parents and poor
>dont upgrade it at all
>windows are 300 years old
>windows are made of wood and scrape up and down to open and close wood on wood
>windows are covered in old chipping lead paint
>house is leaking all over it rains
>live in cold as fuck constant rainy and windy climate
>house is shit
>full of lead asbestos and mold
>health is failing
>eyes are black
>always look tired
>cant function
>cant do anything
>always look like i have cancer
>nothing to do around at all
>literally nothing
>20-40 miles away from small villages with nothing in them
>7 hours away from a major city thats impossible to visit because of village poverty
>no one around in my town at all
>the only people I know within a 20 mile radius are literally mentally ill schizophrenic weird as fuck angry all the time creepy disturbed forest people
>my town is literally 2 roads and a couple houses
>nothing to do at all and its cold 7-9 months out of the year
>too cold to outside snowing and windy as fuck half the time
>not one girl around

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sounds like how /b looks recent years

its simple. get in your car, and drive.

>no amusement parks

I dunno why but it kills me that this is your first issue

Hitchhike, if you actually get somewhere you escaped. If you get raped and murdered at least you’re not there anymore.

No its not amerifag

im on probation for being black. god made sure I would never leave or be happy. im so fucking miserable

its not


I empathise. I spent highschool years in bumfuck nowhere Florida (parents moved for work). 30 minutes of driving to hit anything remotely interesting (a beach, which I came to hate due to tourists). The only redeeming thing was my older brother, who moved away when he graduated, but moved back shortly after I did. He smoked weed a lot so whenever our parents were out of town we'd just get stoned constantly.

In some ways, it could be peaceful. We'd sit on the porch, or in the garage, talk about how quiet our neighborhood was. Talk about our aspirations. Philosophical life stuff.

In other ways, it felt like limbo. There was nothing else to do, so it felt like deja vu constantly. Days fly by and I'm still in this same damn chair.

We moved a few years later. I moved out closer to a city. I still have my own sad days, but being in drive distance of SOMETHING gives me some peace. I really felt disconnected from the world in that neighborhood. Thinking back, it feels like a dream now. I wouldn't move back.

no offense but I fucking hate you all I want is t live somewhere warm and ive never been to a beach and it haunts me every day and I never moved

Just focus on what IS in your control. Save money well, work hard, lay a safety net. Take up hobbies (guitar helped me a lot). And be patient. If you are consistent, some day you can uproot yourself and move wherever you think will be better.

And remember, just leaving a boring area won't make you feel stimulated. You need to be in the right mindset to leave that place mentally as well as physicially.

none of it matters i have money i dont even care about it and i cant even play video games because my mind is constantly depressed

only thing i can do is take kratom and get mild euphoria for a few years but its so gross i have to constantly force myself to take it and i just sit around trying not to eat so i dont get fat

If you have money, what's keeping you in that small town? Remove yourself. I know it won't fix your depressive feelings, but it doesn't sound like it's doing any favors. If work keeps you there, I really can't reccomend a creative hobby enough. Art, music, you'll hate everything you make (I do) but you'll feel much more atune with yourself. Find peace inwards, that's the first step.

Enjoy this everyone

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thank you Yea Forumsro

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hes on probation for being black and god hates him

im on probation. I keep telling everyone god strikes me down and they wont believe me. as soon as I got money to leave this shit happens and traps me here forever. all I have ever wanted in my life is to leave and every time I try god strikes me down. this has been going on for years

as soon as I finally make money and it seems like im unstoppable and god cant do anything BOOM I accidentally overdose on drugs wake up arrested get the longest fucking probation sentence ever and in the strictest shit hole in the world cant even leave my hillbilly county and my life is a living hell so my money is completely useless

At least you gots you some of that there internets

I know it's fruitless to try and say this, but I don't think a theistic god exists. And if there is one, I don't give it any credit for my fortune or misfortune. Life's just cruel, that's nature. What we humans are good at, is searching for our own meaning. Sounds like you're been taking shit for a long time, I feel for you man. Society's never gonna stop fucking you over, we're all in that. But what you can do is fuck society back by finding your own happiness anyways. Read books, plan 5 years down the line, sculpt your own life. There is nobody trying to control your life, just inconveniences trying to roadblock you from getting where you want to be. But you'll get there, because those blocks are just detours.

Do you happen to be black, and on probation?

no one will believe me but I get constant signs rubbing my face in how much my life sucks and the worst of the worst shit always happens constantly everything in my life is bad luck or a bad coincidence. the only reason i believe in god is because my life is such fucking shit.

the only thing i can focus on or care about is trying to transfer my shit out of this hillbilly county and i have no idea where to start or what to do. i dont know if i should try calling lawyers and use my money to try and get out of it or what

its all so bad

>on probation for being black
I’m a good boy I dindu nuffin

Only you know your circumstances. Doesn't hurt to consult an expert though.

And don't underestimate subconscious thought. When you believe all will go wrong, the slightest inconvenience will reinforce and build that belief. Before long you'll think everything is against you. But you're here talking to me right now. If you were in jail, or died after an OD, or even illiterate, you wouldn't be doing that. You're alive, your life isn't decided for you. If you can jumpstart change, do it. If you're stuck there for a while, set yourself up for a smooth exist as soon as it's over. Best of luck man.