Hey Yea Forums alcoholic here. What am I throwing up

Hey Yea Forums alcoholic here. What am I throwing up

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your life

think about what is in your body and narrow it down dumbfuck

Looks like vomit to me

Yup. I’d say vomit too

Looks like cigarette tobacco and blood


Blood, probably due to a stomach ulcer. Get yourself checked at the hospital.

bourbon and blood dude

Your liver

yeah dude that's blood. the black shit is old coagulated blood. unless you ate anything really red recently this is a sign of a few possible serious issues
I'm an alcoholic as well but I've never thrown up anything as bad as that

seriously taper down your drinking for one and if you have the means go to a doctor asap

Definitely blood, that coffee ground looking shit is what happens when your stomach starts trying to digest it. You got an ulcer man, go see a gastroenterologist

It's gastritis... Also OP, it's gastritis. It's serious. It can lead to pancreatitis

Liver damage
This is what happens when liver shuts down
Brown red gunk
Has your side been hurting?

Red wine.

Jesus Christ. I drink an absolute fuck ton but have never puked like that. Have you had much to eat lately or just been drinking?


first of all you need to:

1) Beat back the DT's if you've been drinking that long
2) Make it 3-5 days if you can
3) One way or another you need to EAT before you drink, and eat fatty foods. Eat a fucking spoon of butter and I'm not shitting, and not margarine or necessarly real butter either but I use countrycrock. Just keep your stomach having something else to do than process alcohol, and coat your shit with something thick and smooth

Source: alcoholic of too many years, trying to quit for the last 15.


Don't try to beat back the dt's on your own if you have to, it can fuck you up and fry your brain with seizures and shit, get some librium or tranxene if you can (probably cant unless you see a doctor that will treat this) or use klonopin or ativan, BUT XANAX WILL NOT WORK!. Xanax doesn't have the anticolsuvanr shit that the others do. But probably any benzo other than xanax should at least keep you from having a seizure.

came here to say this

lining of your intestines

If it was an ulcer, wouldn't he be in intense pain?

He's coughing up blood, so obviously there's an issue, but anytime anyone I've known has had an ulcer, it's been like... An all night, painful, "yeah this dude/chick needs some medical help tonight" type shit





god damn you are a wealth of knowledge... I come to Yea Forums expecting this, but rarely ever see it.

Raspberry jam

May we start this meeting with a moment of silence please?

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Fuck man I'm 36 going on 70, but yeah lirbium is the best by and far for dt's, he needs to try to get that. If he goes into detox center or the ER he'll get ativan inpatient or phenobartibal depending what type of place it is, then if sent home it's lirbium or tranxene theyr're the only 2 that actually work right for dt's, the others can help except xanax

rip OP

Not necessarily. My uncle died of a stomach ulcer that ended up cancerous, and the first sign was throwing up blood. It wasn't painful till it was more advanced

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Gastritis most likely.
REAL alcos don't eat cause when you eat you got to drink a lot more to get drunk.

I did once, had to pump the brakes on the drinking after that and now I'm a lightweight and have hangovers that last an entire day. I think I borked my liver or kidneys.

I have pancreatitis and I don’t even drink. Also have Gastritis and Stomaach ulcer. Lucky me.



Just been drinking today Straight alcohol with a chaser.

Alchohol and pepper

Stomach lining.

see you on the other side brother ;_;7

you have an ulcer
you can no longer drink

>wouldn't he be in intense pain

gastritis is caused by pylori. look it up, you're welcome.

eat or drink anything red recently?

Hi, my name is Bill and I am an alcoholic



and I don't mean on bread or shit I mean eat at least one large spoonfull of butter a day, best to eat 2 or 3


Hi bill! can we read how it works pls?

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety

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hi my names Marshall and I'm an alcoholic
and another disease but they don't know what to call it
so you better hide yo wallet
cuz I'm comin up quick to take yo cash

and no it don't necessarily make you fat, pic related, samefag 36 going on 70, alcoholic since 15, involuntary. just don't work out when youre drunk luness you're loaded and then you need even more nutrients

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Hi, bill

I've asked another friend d to read the 9th step promises

If you are op. That definitely could do it. Especially pickled beets

If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through.
We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness.
We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.
We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace.
No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others.
That feeling of uselessness and self pity will disappear.
We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows.
Self-seeking will slip away.
Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change.
Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us.
We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us.
We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.
Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us—sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.
They will always materialize if we work for them.

Hi I'm Michael and an alcoholic. 25. Been drinking everyday since 20. I guess I'm not as hardcore as you all

Good God with your guesses. You have portal hypertension. Have your affairs in order and go to your trusted gastroenterologist.

Huh, well fuck. Thanks, tbh I actually didn't realize this

Most friends I know who got ulcers were due to too much Molly and red bull tho, so lmao

im mike to i started
when i was 20 and now ive been clean 20 months.... im 25 to why do u drink user

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Hey my name is Mike, and I'm addicted to shit posting

Not one mention of a possible Mallory-Weiss tear from all of you armchair EMTs?

nigga I'm tellin you just eat the god damn butter, use countrycock go through a tub in like 4-5 days when you're like this. If you're gonna be trapped in alcohohism you gotta learn how to survive.

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do you think a power greater than yourself can relieve you of your shitpostingism?

There IS away out, and it works.


Country Crock is margarine, just fyi.

Wait hold on, what?

You eat a tub of butter?

At this point im not joking, I'm legit fucking curious here

I try eating Peanut butter to gain weight, and that gets old after a few scoops. how the FUCK do you go through a tub of country crock my nibba

Unironically pls tell me the difference

I would like to ask our new members and members who are restarting to come forward and receive their white chip

well user you need to understand that your powerless over shitposting and that your life has become unmanageable



nigga this isnt na?

youll die a shit posting death user..............................................................................

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I love how you instantly jumped to NA, and not AA lmao

ive never seen a white chip out of na...........



but also, how the fuck are any of you alcoholics if you don't work in a profession that allows it? Your lives come crashing down don't they? good, i wish mine dd.

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Then my my death will be........ moronic

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Jokes aside, I don't know the difference or the specifics of any of this shit


And na is just as for people named Kyle who think they are cool dudes and like to have pissing contests about their addictions

Samefag, you gonna respond without (you)ing me, and explaining how the fuck you eat a bowl of Country crock smh

they do it in both. I think

Ever been to AA? They have them too

lol my sides ive never heard alot of good from na
Fuckin normie out!!!!!!!!!!

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not in the chicago area ive only gotten brass

Idk really. It started out as a way to just feel good and turned into a bit of a ritual. I'm never drunk anymore. Just perpetually not sober
Don't really care about that white chip right now thanks though user

That's most likely a stomavh ulcer bud. Rigjt before I gave up drinking 2 years ago in Navy, I had the same issuses. Spent a week in the hospital and a few days in ICU and this was exactly what it looked like when I was vomiting. I strongly suggest you get some help this can end badly.

That's blood, pretty much terminal stage, go see a doctor and stop drinking

Ok. Come up and receive your white chips and niggas from Chicago we have special brass knuckles for your first time

nigger fluid

20 months here nigga do u even sponsor bro?

That appears to be your liver. Drink up pal, you're dead or will be shortly

this is not samefage, I am samefag

I'm just trying to say alcoholism sucks, but if you gotta live with it you need to find a way to survive, otherwise you might as well kill youself.

my sponsor is kyle who is a really cool dude apparently. I can be yours but I must warn you I am going to relapse in 64 days and 5 hours from now

1 dayat a time fren

>reddit spacing

OP do it without "the program"

there's lots of reasons(mainly the success rate...), but penn and teller really nail all of them in a great way on bullshit (s2 e11 'twelve stepping')

Never understood why they do that here

aa s how i got 20 months fuck that

Blood. You're dying.

5% chance with or without the program. If I remember correctly

just try the episode, really, they really push how it's you that did that, and that the program saying so much 'acknowledge you are helpless and give over to god' is really doesn't reflect the reality that you are the one making the decisions at any given time, undermines the importance of your own responsibility

yeah pretty sure it's nearly exactly the same(ep was like 15 years ago, i would estimate that the way the world's going last decade modern AA would just be a place to meet other people to fall off the wagon with)

but yeah, on a time frame of about 10 years i think the graph of who doesn't relapse is essentially identical

so that beign said, if it's free anyway and you're bored then go for it, but your time could be better spent with a hobby or get in some overtime or a pottery class w/e i dunno

just not churchy shit chanting cult chants with a bunch of other flavor-aid drinkers

Looks healthy, you don't have to worry about it.

Am i considered an alcholic if i get extremely fucked up 3 nights a week? At which point do you become one?

Friend of mine ruptured a blood vessle in his throat while vomitting, looked similar.

The point at which you can no longer function normally without it. Even if you only drink once a week, if missing that drink significantly impairs you mentally, emotionally or physically you have a problem

For me it's when you need the shit in the morning. Just so you don't go into withdrawal

people get stupid about this

a doctor will tell you that the text book says if you make it a long term habit to drink every weekend enough to get a buzz then you're an alcoholic, or like every dinner having more than a single glass of wine

so yeah, they'd say you were

personally unless you're drunk at work for most of the shift every day and also drink more when you're at home, then you're probably starting to have a problem

but even then, if you can still manage to be a good/productive employee it doesn't really matter

then you get to be a 'functioning alcoholic'
and that's where it's at

cherry something? does it taste as good going this way?

Define Reddit spacing nigger cunt what is it?

What the hell is Reddit spacing nigger?

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Thanks anons. That makes me feel better. Ill continue carrying on.





Party on Wayne

Every time you crack open a cold on Muslim wins.

this is my life right now.. get away with wfh job, big insurance corporate on the dow, perform when it matters most, but most of the time nothing, and they still love me... keep justifying!

This thread made me feel a lot better about my health. Never had anything like OP vomit or DTs or decades of drinking but I pulled the trigger like three weeks ago because hangovers were getting too intense. I thought it would be hard to give up my weekend binge drinking but I haven't really thought about it except when I see shit like this.

Dude, I've been smoking and drinking for the last 13 years and I've never coughed up anything like that. Get your shit checked out,

I actually hate them Reddit nigger losers so much tho

I get downovoted all the time like what the funk cocksucking losers why they downvote me it's like they're lifelong virgins niggers losers dorks fucking faggots redditors fucking losers

Fuck them nigger losers

Fellow alcoholic here
>worry not what it is
>pour another drink

Why do you continue to use the spacing on here though? Hell if I could I would downvote you as well

>feggit is one person

I'm really uneducated. What are the first symptoms that your body is falling apart from alcoholism? I have alcoholics all up and down in my family and a lot of them died but it was like cancer or old age. Not "alcohol liver got fucked" I don't remember seeing any alcoholic's bodies fall apart )except cancer) It was just them always having a drink in their hands until they died.

TL;DR what does alcoholism look like from a physical standpoint not a mental one?

Excuse you bro what the frick

Like bro wuuut what do you mean ylyl downvote me no spacing

No spacing around here I don't do that

Only redditor niggers do spacing the hell bro don't do that fug

>Fuck them nigger losers
yet their opinions seem to matter to you a whole lot

Honestly, until you get into the late stages of organ failure, it looks normal from a physical perspective.

Stomache acid and blood, probably projectile vomit and you ripped your throat open. No big deal, eat more when you drink.

Aren't there warning signs? I'm pretty sure you get jaundice before there's no turning back.


I mean, maybe? Only in real long-term, nasty cases. Honestly, if this is the first sign of something wrong you've seen, it's probably something as simple as some throat lesions or something. Just take a break for a while and you'll be alright,

Oh you...

Oh I'm not op and I don't drink. I'm just curious.

Jesus Christ, everyone's overreacting. He finally got his mouth period and he's just m menstruating. Why's everyone overplaying this? He just needs to take 2 aspirin three times a day and he'll be right as rain. Why all the drama?

>He just needs to take 2 aspirin three times a day

Liver was dead after a month.

Why would you think so?

There seems to be some people that can drink for decades and are mostly fine and some people that drink just a couple of years and get pancreatitis, organ failure or something. In a lot of liver failure cases they were taking some medication that was hard on the liver as well.

How long does it take for alcohol to kill you? If you drink every day for 10 years are you a goner? I feel like I know people who have been heavy drinking for longer than that with no symptoms.

Looks like blood. Not good.

what does it taste like tho, you could make more cocktails with booze and whatever that stuff is

If you really hate those fucks then those downvotes shouldn't upset you so much, because fuck them nigger losers (as you so eloquently put it)

Let's conclude this AA meeting with the Lord's prayer

Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done.....

on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


Main factors are:
Are you taking anything else that's hard on the liver?
Nutrition. Are you eating right?
And obviously how much are you drinking on a day to day basis.

Hey Brendan Loughnane it sucks UFC didn't give you a contract after that fight the other day


dude dana fucked him pretty damn hard
he was the best technically skilled fighter who fought that night,and I'm sure of it.

Esophageal varices is another option if you're a hardcore drinker, but that's pretty late stage, and usually bleed more.

its bile and blood. i supposed you have an ulcer in your exofag, its like an anus between your throat and your stomach, if you puke enough the wound would be persistent and you´d have serious problems to keep your stomach acid inside it. stop throwing out, stop drinking. get some help

H. Pylori, and not all.


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The percentages are deceiving. What's considered successful? Not drinking for a month? a year? a decade? until death? I learned in rehab that success rates are all fucked up. A "good" rehab success rate is about %10 (for a patient to retain his personal accountability 6-7 months until rehab was done). A one month rehab naturally had better "success" rates because it's shorter and most start drinking again before they sort their personal shit out. AA is odd because It helps people to not drink in the moment and that's a good thing but it's "success" is considered never drinking again, not solving the actual problems that make us drink like self- control lacking assholes. AA refuses to believe that problem drinkers can become non-problem drinkers, of which there are hundreds of thousands, but these people aren't very welcome at AA because it goes against everything the profess. In AA to drink in moderation again is considered impossible. Be careful what path you choose OP.

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