alright Yea Forums Prison General thread
Stories and prison survival advice.
Alright Yea Forums Prison General thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Story: Never been to prison
Advice: Don't be a fucking retard and end up in prison
good advice
dont be a faggot like that guy in the picture
but I thought gays had fun in prison
A good advice would be to not ask for advice here.
Advice: you'll be tested, fight or your time will be exponentially more painful.
If someone wants to be your buddy, and wants to "look out for you" soon after you get there, you're going to be extorted for either food, sex or money.
Always mind your own business.
Keep to your own race.
Abuse it while you can
I am surprised this actually worked
Use it while you can
Can't believe it worked
fuck OFF
New snapchat bug
thought it was just spam
Shawshank Redemption that shit
Don't call anyone a punk, bitch or fag, unless you really want a fight.
If someone calls you a punk, bitch or fag, you have to fight them, or your own lot will beat you up for being a pussy.
Don't go making friends with the guards, or people will think you are a snitch and they'll beat you up
Don't be a retard basically
>Keep to your own race
>tfw am mexican but don't know spanish
If I get sent to prison I'd be fucked
this is basically what his discord server was
yeah a lot of prison seems like dont be retarded
Why this thread won't help the average Yea Forums-tard...
Yup, a Log of shit.
Always remember: everyone's a faggot
Give away your canteen, just so everyone knows that you are friendly and not their enemy.
Don't become emotionally closed off, it's ok to cry if you're hurting.
Tell everyone your charges just so they know that you aren't a sex offender.
If someone wants to share their stuff then, hey, good on em for looking out.
You'll pick up the rest as you go.
I work in a jail in California.
Try to get an inmate worker or trustee job. Easy life and not much jail politics and bull shit. If not stick to your race and just dont make waves. Dont owe anyone anything. No matter what dont owe anyone anything.
I’m autistic. I’m offended and am suing the internet.
Lmao what kind of person thinks working in a prison or jail would be a job they want?
I was working construction back in 2011 and hours were drying up. Randomly applied online and got the job. With only high school degree I'm making over 100k with OT and I cant beat it. There are nights where I work the strip search room and see 100+ ass holes and dicks. Some rotten from old homeless guys. But the job is honestly really fun sometimes. Like a Friday or Saturday night having all kinds of drunk college kids come in and dealing with their attitude can be a really good time. The guys I work with are good people. Cell extractions are fucking intense. Psych bodies and meth heads make a 12 hour shift fly by. I have recently been looking for other work though. Maybe get a degree.