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it tastes like leaf water because my taste buds are dead

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come here

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I want to post in this thread, but I don't want to ruin it either. What do?

i should at least cover 60% or preferably 100
alright, i trust you.
you're nice (:
they don't teach you that in school no more

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you wont ruin it, friend.
you should cover your fair share, as should i
ive already forgotten it, if it was actually anything.
thank you, i appreciate that you feel that way

how was that, did that sound okay? im working on my response to the claim that i am nice

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When will you be here

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i owe you. i'll cover at least 70%
i tell you what, back in my day, we had to do all our math by hand. we didn't have no calculators to help do it all

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