Your waifu post it.
Your waifu post it
Other urls found in this thread:
how are you today?
i just ate. but yes.
you're welcome!!
hmm, i suppose that makes sense. maybe if you try and view it as another way to spend your time, not necessarily a goal to achieve. thats how i do it, i think
n-no im sorry, its uhh.. ideologically charged, id like to keep it to myself, im sorry
but i am watching this now which is ideologically neutral!
its sort of good, sort of bad, but thats how it is.
i was trying to learn how to accept compliments the other night from another poster. i guess i didnt learn much because im not the best
she's very cute, i hope she makes you very happy
hello! i see you as well
im good, got done with work not too long ago and now im just taking it easy for the rest of the night
how about yourself?
Ayy what's good?
Twn Pwnny distro sodium lero Seymnen "gayray" radiobamarammastein Khanwayne estrojan
jacked lithium shit missile nivek Akmekkkrikkak's mistory man canon, kiked tall orange skin
walker hunting as human taking children liker jegg elevmontean part ypres unubt dimm
desudovil eartha
Pesto pestest pesto pesto pest besto pest pest pest loft Purp Printed Penelope pesto pepsi pesto
pestopium clop clop clop cola cola Class Wind Gallop
Ickitch titea uckrap commity acistigger edanoue mount cemen go black to desurrection boomeryang stop this trend
Thhe trumpggrr gorillafaggot newsuSsoulen Pleasentery eht nazi past kidneystoneyllite si si si
Ferby PPP's donadoneldooe fate blunt
Mastermynmade endcredible vocalprotonounerange local Califolocus orange man by Paul blare
magic mind car marmalead berkelium bid chip wind WI tetrated trunkhosen penelopetar cirno
roses too mindczar MK-pygtar AK-711 sevenxseven aka 9 heaven bakakakkkkmericfoot
Oartism! oartism! oartism! My mind belongs to sapien but my heart belongs to radioedible
country music (clarinet 88 squib squibBB PPPPP's THE internet nobodysister) buy a female a
trasharacles on poolslimissez-fare down, snakes wont eventually made fun of cracker
I guess I needed some time to get away (we all want some peace of Iran)
Lie lala la la lie lie lie lie librarytard desupestu diametric metrognomeronetwo diamondyllite
delight faust pho pho pho phone number serial house fancy no seki no newsuSsoulen Pleasentery
CWG mcatharticismsicititimusicmatharttictictic
Akmeronelongs to human partism! childrendcredible pesto phonetic estopium shit mind chip
wind canon eartictiction com.commited homudesuSsoulen pesto penelongs
Aroundergroundergroundergrought tinenereten Man :)
thanks for bakelite
yes! yay!
yes! i love brownies! i'll make them for you!
i said comfort food, but it's okay! brownies work!
the Charlies, man
i just knew they were gonna kill us all and i-i knew they weren't civilians
yes! and then we can do that pic!!
th-thank you. let's hear your awoo!
oh, is it? come, now. i owe you a great deal of service, even if trouble does tend to follow in my wake.
i think you are
oh, fair enough. call me if you need any more help
thank you!
Man :)
I'm great I got a B for my final grade in my math class for college
>That stuff
The rumors? I am willing to keep our friendship if you want and stick around.. I just hope you would forget rumors and just go by our experiences together. Decide for yourself if you think I am a good person.
. . . Short answer on everything: I do not trust you from what I've heard.
What's up Mi Liu?
You two should make out
Who are these cute little lesbians and how tight are their pussies?
okay! i love brownies too!
oh, right now its cookies. i have a weird craving for cookies
also no its probably soda, or the pizza at the local pizza joint. the things i eat when im feeling very very lazy
hey, thats great! congratuatlions! your hard work paid off.
how are you going to celebrate?
well, i won't stop you. i'm a generally untrustable person in my opinion.
what trend?
please don't harass him
oh, goodness, no.
>(You)ing Ricchan
me, three!
okay, cookies it is! the best homemade cookies!
fair enough. i'll cook you a nice pizza, then
Leaked with snap memory exploit
Okay then... And what kind of help can I ask you for?
From what I heard that is true. My thoughts can change given time if I heard a lie.
okay i have some pizza, come over! pizza pals forever!
i do try to view it in that way, it's still hard sometimes though..
o-okay that's good, hope you enjoy
well hopefully you'll learn soon enough, because i'm going to give you compliments forever
yay! sounds great! i'd love it!
i-i don't think i can, that'd be really embarrassing..
why would you owe me?
but that wasn't harassment
fuck you asshole get the fuck out _ of here
>Your waifu post it
>post it
Alright. Yourself?
Not much. You?
I, too, speak eldritch horror
Such foul play is only to be expected of their kind
I think it was a bot. Talking to it won't help.
I posted to you in this thread. I don't know if you spotted it or not.
I bought risk of rain 2
Was a long day, going to be a long week. Finally home and am cooking din din
It's not a bot stoopid
All your waifus are shit and you haven't even read basic economics
whoops. sorry here's an extra for youhello
s-sorry for jumping around with it so much. i really do have a craving for cookies recently though, dunno why
ooo! id love to come over, but i cant
you're... welcome!!!
ah, im sorry to hear it. you should do what you enjoy :)
i do, thanks
h-hes kinda funny.. that exact video just felt like publicity though...
i will invent a compliment deflector and never have to think about compliments again
im good, work was a little long but its over now, and im just taking it easy
got any plans for the rest of your day?
ooo! risk of rain 2 is very fun! i hope you enjoy it!
i don't know... stuff?
well, gosh, you've got me in a hard place. i don't exactly know how to move from this conversation without making it awkward.
you work in digital marketing?
yeah, sounds good.
may i have a slice of 'za, too?
fair enough. no pressure
you're my friend, and anyone who's a friend of me i am indebted to
fair enough, i think
yes! that's why i had to kill them all before they could hurt my platoon
thank (You)
hi there
it's okay, no worries! i'll make you the best cookies on the planet.
Okay then... YUI! I NEED HELP!
mom stop hacking I am lost
Do you guys have a folder on your desktop dedicated for pics of your waifus?
dude i could go for a good dog right about now
okay! with what??
not my desktop, no... but i do have a folder.
you're welcome
okay, that sounds really nice honestly
not on my desktop no, but i do have a lot of pictures of tsugu
Don't be weird. Talk if you want to talk. Don't talk if you don't want to. I heard you have a thing for Yuu. That can break the ice.
Such is work. What's for dinner?
Probably watching videos or listening to music, a little vidya, and sleep.
Did any of them harm your platoon?
well i don't want you to force yourself or something
w-why not
it's alright. yea i'll figure out something like that..
tiktok seems like an odd thing, i've never watched much stuff related to it
noooo don't do that
i thought you wanted to at least try to accept them ;-;
you sound good
yes you may
a-alright, thanks
well i can definitely understand that.. i don't know if it's really a good thing or not though
Also how are you user?
Garfielf's favorite!
Yep yep lol
I want to be close to you. I thought the rumors others told may have changed your mind about us. It's up to you, I don't want to force a friendship you don't want.
Uhh... This is kind of awkward, but I forgot what I needed help with...
Once again claiming my adorably slutty Marie Rose.
quite so
i mean, maybe not the best on the planet, but some very tasty homemade cookies.
ah, right.
well, we're just friends, but i like toying with, perhaps too friendly, concepts among them.
they killed the rest of my squad back when we were out to secure a village from hostile forces. they had traps all over and nobody spotted them. i tried to save the guys who got caught but then we got ambushed. all my mates got shot and... i ran and was the only one left...
y-you, too
thank you!
well, i figure it's the least i can do
alright. chill. kinda feeling ill
she's super cute!
aw, that's fine. no pressure!
i hope its very comfy!
i dont know where you live
you're welcome!
i just hope you have fun, whatever you decide to do
yeah, i can barely understand the more traditional social media stuff, tiktok is way beyond me. i dont do snapchat or uhhh... any others. twitter and facebook the end.
i want to seem less mean when i reject them
hello, cute waifu
>when your ISP decides for you that 1am is the dedicated firmware update time
How dare you.
Always the same waifus in these threads
Yes, I heard you have been playing very kindly with a number of posters. I hope that if Yuu does fall for you that you do not hurt him. I want to see a smile stay on Yuu's face.
all homemade cookies are the best!
just knowing someone put the effort in makes them delicious :)
welcome back
hello there
consistent posters, i suppose
Yuiiiii! I don't remember now! Wahhhh... I wanted to ask you a question about something I think...
you're very caring. i admire that a lot. you make me reflect a lot on myself tonight and i'll be honest, i need to reflect on myself more.
auf Wiedersehen
aww, thank you (:
it's okay, it's okay, don't worry. just think about what you were doing to lead up to the question.
Could be for 5 minutes, could be for 5 days. Avoid Spectrum.
I had eggplant parmesan for dinner. It was alright but I would've preferred chicken parm. Chicken parm is nice.
That's so tragic...
nice 69 get
Pretty comfy but something's gotten me thinking about deep, philosophical stuff.
Who might your waifu be?
If I wasn't so tight on cash I would've bought something to grill
No, I am being selfish about this. I usually don't care about anyone or anything. Maybe I am not a person made to feel? My heart is pretty empty. Yuu just caught my attention as someone I want to be happy. I don't get it but it's true. I feel that if I see Yuu is heartbroken it would make me very sad and then angry at whoever did hurt him.
oh. well i hope so.
you're very welcome
thanks for the warning friend
but youre too late.
im glad to hear it. is that a good thing or a bad thing?
i can still hear the explosions... and the gunshots... and the screams... but most importantly... the smell... you ain't never smelled nothing like it before. it smelled like you were in a glass tube surrounded by an army of decomposing farm animals on fire...
it still haunts me to this day..
nice off by one
hey, no worries. everyone but me is allowed to be selfish. that's not a complaint, that's a plea.
i'll be gentle.
it'll be alright. i don't even remember what we were talking about
i will strive to make you a cookie you will never forget.
nothing, we moved from a certainty "yes/indeed" to an uncertain "perhaps" so i rolled with it, or something. i cant remember where it was before that though
its already unforgettable, i promise
Oh, I remember now! Do you think you can help me have a good dream tonight? I haven't had one in a long time and every dream I have is either weird or a bad one...
sorry to butt in, do you need to see the dream-defender tsugu?
It's Tenjou Utena
hey, friend
yeah, i still don't know...
i hope it will be.
maybe i'll come over next summer
oh oh!
uhh... i don't really know. i think if you... sleep extra long... and relax yourself with happy thoughts... m-maybe that will help
i don't know...
>dream-defender tsugu?
i need to see that
Okay. I don't think I will leave yet. I am pretty new to the waifu threads. Yuu was my first friend made among all of you. I hope you understand why I considered leaving for a moment. I hoped to make many friends here and I am greeted with rumors and the chance that one of the only people I started knowing turned against me.
How's it going?
Uhh... Maybe... I just want to figure out how to have a good dream.
I see... I try to do that, but it doesn't really make a difference. Sometimes I even ask if I can have a nice dream or not to have a bad one...
>Internet connection has dropped and picked back up 5 times in the time it took me to successfully post this
Spectrum has garbage tier hardware.
Sacrifices must be made, unfortunately.
It's a very good thing!
No man should ever need to endure such suffering
Zensoku zenshin!
More like Tenjou Cutena
How've you been? It's been a while since I've seen you around
It be that way sometimes
hey hey
me either!
im sure it'll be good
okay, we can meet up. at a neutral location, far away from where i actually live.
ask yuu ;)
good, just taking it easy after work. tomorrow will be less good, but them's the breaks.
how about yourself?
s-sorry for forcing you to participate in this joke, you can ignore it.
i hope you have nice dreams, somehow :)
ouch. good luck.
well im glad to hear it! i hope you reach some important new realization about yourself and/or the world
or at least enjoy your time
To make it clear: It is not that I would lose a friend that made me consider it.. Those come and go. My first impression of this place was tainted with drama made up from some of the posters here.
Not too bad. Was taking a break from here for a while, but I just couldn't stay away.
goodnight /waifu/
i see, well i hope that's a good thing for you. i can understand wanting to take a break
goodnight, i hope you have a nice night
No worries. I bet you probably could make someone have good dreams though... Hopefully I'll find a way to have a nice dream.
You've tried talking to me a few times. I am sorry. I did not respond at the time. I wish you a good day tomorrow if I do not see you then.
It was mainly to try to avoid drama that could possibly come my way. But then it didn't seem like it was going to, so whatever.
well, there are some people here who get on edge sometimes and worry.
i don't think you're a bad person or nothing. some people here just get shocked by strange coincidences.
sorry i can't help you out more.
uhh... i don't know... i'm sorry...
hell on earth and i didn't even get treated an ounce of respect when i got back
hey hey hey
me neither!
yeah, it will be.
hey, no, come on. i didn't repeatedly say i'm going to stay over in your place for an entire summer to not stay at your place for an entire summer.
a-ask Yuu-chan what?
yeah, well... people try to stir up the pot sometimes and other times people mistakenly stir it up thinking they're keeping it safe. i don't know what else to say... it's human nature.
sleep well!
also sleep well!
waifu for life
It's okay. I'll figure out a way to have a good dream somehow. Don't worry about it.
i'm not sure.. maybe we just need some more time i guess. i still don't feel like we've talked very much
sorry about the really late reply..
thank you
you're welcome
maybe, i'm not really sure..
sorry about the really slow reply..
im sure you can find it in some way
thank you, i'll try my best
yea.. all i have is a facebook that i haven't logged on to in years, don't even have a twitter account
just don't reject them, easy
I've been fine.
I'm not sure if we've spoken before but, AFAIK, there's only one person I know who greets me the way you greeted me.
That it do
I will enjoy it. Thinking is fun.
Normies just don't understand what you've been through at all.
There's two technically, my other half does the same when he's around. But I'm probably the one you're thinking of.
I guess I get it. I decided to post as Touko. Soon after I posted a Yuu appeared. No matter when I posted if Yuu had been online people would suspect it was an attempt to charm some poster. It was just a strange coincidence. I took the one thing in common and hoped we could build a friendship maybe.
I don't know what I would like with our friendship. I hope from our similarities it goes well but only fate can tell.
im not so sure, but i hope maybe something i say or do tangentially can help you out
its alright, dont be sorry. it sounds like things are difficult, i hope it gets better for you somehow
you'll likely see me around the same time tomorrow, maybe a bit late, id be happy to talk with you then as well, of course
hmm, well im glad you've avoided it then i suppose.
im not going to pretend i understand any of it at all, but it all seems very complicated. staying out of it is probably a smart move.
hi hi hi
and i didnt repeatedly say that id much rather meet at a neutral location far away from where i actually live just to not do that
ask yuu about the tsugu that defends the dreamscape
its quite alright, you seem pretty popular today, so i can understand why you might want to take it slower.
ill say it again just for absolute reassurance: you should take your time, take it easy, there's no pressure.
i think if i could, that'd be reason to not want to see me
you. are. welcome my friend :)
i hope it comes to you easily and naturally
i dont post on it but i like to peek at other people's lives...
and my twitter exists so that i can amass a collection of cute pictures. and also get alerts every time tsugu posts.
b-but they say nice things about me that aren't true and i want to help them correct themselves
im glad :)
You guys think Naruto gangbanged Hinata with his shadow clones?
If Hinata used that sexy-jutsu or whatever would she turn into a muscle bound Neji?
If Naruto and Hinata both used the sexy-jutsu or whatever would it be for Naruto?
would it be gay* for Naruto?
Oh, not the drama that's been going on in the threads. I made the decision to cut contact with someone after a conversation they had with a close friend of mine, and I was worried that if I posted they might bug me about it.
i hope you have great dreams tonight of happy awooing and purple flowers.
no worries! you don't have to be sorry
you're welcome
don't worry about that, now.
funny how we three talk about meeting much despite not knowing any of our exact addresses or even cities i believe...
although i do know some posters here know what town i live in, and i do believe two or at least one know my exact address.
am i insane to trust strangers on the Internet with my address?
an OP of a Yea Forums thread once said he wanted people to send him mail. we traded addresses. i tried to send him a letter but i messed up the address so it was returned. i still need to resend it
every night i can feel my leg... and my arm... even my fingers... the body i've lost... the comrades i've lost... won't stop hurting... it's like they're all still there...
you feel it too, don't you?
i'm gonna make them give back our past.
well, there's been a bit of controversy over the relationship of the Yuu poster, you may or may not know...
hello hello hello
r-right... so can i stay over at your place next summer? i can ease into it if you want.
what's this about a Tsugu that defends the dreamscape?
Later then this? We may miss eachother. We will see.
Today I considered leaving the waifu boards from drama. I know how it feels.
I know very little about Yuu's relationship status. My main facts in it is: You like them, Tsugi and her are friends, and that is about it. My objective isn't about dating him despite the weird chance they post as Yuu and I have the waifu I do. I just hope to be good friends. Please do not let Yuu and my pictures be indicators of desires. It just so happens that Yuu and Touko's best pictures happens to be when they are together.
Oh... Maybe it will... Don't worry about it if I don't have one, I'm not really sure how to have one anyways...
That sounds nice... I would love to have a dream about momiji. I've actually had one before, but it was a weird one. I remember being in the dream and just imagining her. She was kind of shape shifting and didn't look quite like momiji, there was one second where she did look right, and that's all I remember of it.
where is raphi
hello hello, I love you all
oh, i see. in either case, it seems things have worked out, yes?
hmm......hmmmm.... maybe if we get to know each other first
hello there
no sorry i meant later than when i first appeared, which was about three hours ago. so around this time or an hour earlier maybe.
all i can do is wish good luck and maybe say a nice word or two...
im sure itll happen somehow...
Yeah, hopefully. They could end up suddenly not working out, but I decided that I can't let that stop me
well, i wasn't accusing you of liking Yuu-chan that way. in fact, i had been told you strictly said you did not like Yuu-chan that way. i don't think you do, either.
i was mentioning some other instance but i'd rather not open old wounds
where did you get the name "Tsugi" from?
believe it or not, i once had a dream with Yui and a different one with Tsugu. the Yui one was her getting in a car crash and the Tsugu one she was standing next to a fridge in some house.
but we do know each other
Fair enough, though I only remember seeing it once from the other.
How have you been?
Do I get to tease you for being a heretic?
Make sure to watch out for Hatsune Miku, Snake. Intel says she created Minecraft. That means she must be really smart.
I've heard a poster call this one Tsugi. Yuu had bad relationships in the past? I hope his next one ends up being a nice one.
big if true
That's okay. Thanks!
Oh, that one sounds sad... I wouldn't want to imagine what that was like...
that one is tsugu friend not tsugi
You, i'm already Hatsune Miku
well, it's technically Tsugu... i guess i'm being a bit irrational in soloing that out, though
not exactly a bad relationship but more of a poor incident.
i do hope so, too
yeah... i pulled her out of the car. luckily she made a full recovery with only scratches.
i was the driver of the car.
You can tease me if you want, I don't mind.
I've been good. Getting pretty restless, but good.
Thank you for the correction. I do not want to continue using the wrong name because a poster spelled their name incorrectly.
Same as my message to the user, thank you for correcting the spelling mistake I assumed was correct from another poster.
I see, If Yuu wants to tell me one day it's up to them. I think I will be going. It was nice getting to know you a little.
sorry for the controversy. hope you enjoy your night
Snake? Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!
TBH, the best I can probably do in the way of teasing is low-effort WH40k references.
well here's hoping, i guess.
yeah but not enough to let you in my apartment, you know?
you're welcome
Get up boomer, we have societies to ruin
True, some people genuinely seem bothered by them though.
Yeah, restless. I'm still stuck in immigration limbo, shit sucks
Oh, that's good to hear. I'm sure you didn't mean to crash. That dream would probably make me feel bad, even if nobody got hurt.
Yay! Tsugu, you're doing a real nice right now. Keep on doing a nice.
I'd rather rather call it an unfortunate misunderstanding of each other. Sleep well when you do heart-breaker.
kept you waiting, huh?
o-oh... okay... well, you know... when you're willing... i'm free...
i like this post. this is a nice post
aw, i'm sorry
heart-breaker... heh
no, i wouldn't dare try to hurt Yuu-chan or anyone that way again.
oh, t-thank you. i hope things go better for you, and soon, truly.
hm. yeah, i guess we could uhh... do things to get to know each other better...
i-im a little embarassed though
I guess?
im still not sure if i'm entirely on the same page as you with this drama stuff you're talking about though.. could you explain?
i hope it will go well too
yea, too popular... these threads are weird..
thank you.. i'm trying my best
that'd be a good reason to see you though
th-thank you...
i hope so too..
maybe i need to take a break or something
i think that's okay
cute pictures are good too
they say nice things about you that are true, actually
these threads are weird...
alright, thanks..
or states, or even general regions. well i guess i know you live in the northeast or something
i've told a couple of people my address before, but i knew them pretty well
the tsugu that defends the dreamscape is kind of hard to explain... well she's very very muscly and gets rid of the spooky scary skeletons and stuff
I slep. Here's hoping my image isn't lewd
Yeah, I married an American so now I'm stuck waiting to be able to legally do anything. Turns out getting a green card isn't as easy or quick as people would have you believe
Its okay... I'm cold and getting tired. I think I'll try to go to sleep.
I do too... I'm going to sleep pretty soon.
As far as I heard a few posters accused me of being a not so nice person due to the timing of when we met and the waifu I picked. Some people started avoiding me from the rumor.
Yeah... we should get together like we planned and get to know eachother. Like I said when we first met: Let's go slow and see how our friendship goes.
It's my nicname for you. Heartbreak-chan. Even if it's not true it could become a funny jab at the old rumors I heard when we become really good friends.
I never made it in time for these threads because I'm too busy with University nowadays.
Chen claimed.
maybe i can come over for a short vacation instead and stay at a hotel this summer... probably not
don't be embarrassed. i'll be fine with whatever living accommodation you have, trust me
i don't know help
sorry to weird you out
you're welcome
yeah, New York... sorry if you didn't want to hear that, but i'm a bit too open about these things.
Tsu-chan once told me the state he lived in sometime near the first days that he joined. i assume i told him some time, as well
do you know me pretty well? asking for a friend
that's interesting... i... where did this come from?
sleep well!
aw, okay. sleep well, little Purps. i bet you're gonna be just all right.
i'm flattered that you have such high hopes for our companionship. you remind me a bit of myself.
now, you have to tell me, who exactly did i hurt? because i'm afraid to say that rumor ain't exactly false depending on the subject.
sorry that you're busy.
nice to see you, anyway. how's the family?
Sad I know
Thank you... Good night...
s-sorry... there's not much to be done about that unfortunately...
dont push yourself, if you dont want to :)
yeah i suppose. feels a little one-sided though
you're welcome!
you should take a break if you need a break. ill be going to bed shortly anyway
ah, yeah im fairly nosy... im just curious, honest.
theyre my favorite. and among that, tsugu's cute pictures are my utmost favoritest!!
t-they say things they think are true...
you will.
goodnight, purple :)
w-well, i dont know. sorry im really bad at planning far ahead
wow, i was even being intentionally coy in that last post and you didnt even draw attention to it. i guess that's a good thing. i was doing it as a joke anyway, i honestly get uncomfortable doing stuff like that unironically
My father died yesterday and my mom is struggling.
How about your family?
sleep well!
it's okay, we'll make it up as we go along
oh, i'm sorry... i... i don't know what to do.
oh goodness, i'm sorry.
we're fine... i guess.
t-that sounds like a bad idea
no no, i was just remarking about it, there's nothing you need to do.
I am a bit of an optimist. I came in this thread hoping to make friends so I see everyone as a possible friend here regardless of rumors some of you may have said about each other.
okay, well, one summer, or maybe even one full year or one decade i will come over to your place and work with you as a dishwasher
optimism is good. i like to call myself an optimist but i know i'd probably contradict myself sooner than i know it
i don't exactly like defining myself in "black/white" statements, especially things like psychology and personality.
well, we'll see i guess. maybe ill feel more open to crazy internet adventures next year
oh right, that stuff.. don't worry about it too much
yea i'm alright with that
it's not really your fault or anything
it's not like it's bad to hear it or something, don't worry about it. i'd rather not say what state i live in though, sorry.. i think i've said it before, but i live in the midwest
that's good, i think
i'm not really sure.. i think we're definitely somewhat close at least
i told tsugu about a nightmare i had and he posted a uh... particular picture and stuff, saying she would defend me and stuff like that
i guess not..
thank you..
im okay with it being a bit one-sided if you're okay with it
i'll probably be okay.. i can hold in for a bit longer too, i dont want to not say goodnight or something
nothing wrong with a bit of curiosity
y-yea i'd imagine they would be. i like cute 2d girls a lot
well yea that's kind of the point, even if you disagree, it's how they feel.
It's funny. Today I was in another thread I spent a while accusing psychology and what makes up a person's personality.
If you are so keen on visiting people like Tsugu I welcome you to visit me one day. There is a nice coffee shop I imagine you would like and my bed is a queen size so there would be room for you to sleep if you stay over. It could give us a good chance to get to know each other.
O..oh. I guess I worried for nothing.
We may need to add visiting a coffee shop to our list for that day. Yui will be there for us to met after our plans.
yeah. we'll see
no pressure
ah, it should be my responsibility
it's fine. i don't need you to say it and didn't expect you to
and why do all my friends have to live so far away? ;-;
yes, we live about... far apart
i'm flattered
show me the picture
interesting. i do love coincidences like that.
i have a theory that my life is a forever-revolving cycle of cycles.
oh, that sounds fun! let me guess, you live in Oklahoma?
I remember the good old days when everyone used to be respectful and care about each other.
Now it's just some people who don't get any love in real life trying to compensate for their lack of social skills by flirting with people online.
It's saddening.
Indiana. Why do you ask?
*meet not met. That will bother me.
sorry to offend you so much
i wish things could be different
ah, a friend of mine lives in Oklahoma. nice person
speaking of which, you, Tsu-chan, and i should meet.
Why are you back too Chenny
Dont tell my parents im saying the n word
thats the way of things, i suppose.
you're truly welcome
well, i cant find you anyway, i dont have the appropriate skills
you know it.
sorry to say, but its goodnight for me, ill be heading to bed here
thanks :)
yeah i like them a lot too, obviously
y-yeah....... i think accepting those compliments legitimizes them, its like the same as if i had said them about myself arrogantly
the picture will be the next post
i won't, but you better tell your boss you need a raise
aw, see you
i feel like i will rest well tonight
Nothing I can do, I'm afraid
Tsugu is also called Tsu-chan? Cute nicname. Tsu also sounds like a cute noise you could make when you are pretending to sleep. "Tsu tsu tsu....."
darn, alright
oh, no, well... that's just a nickname i have for the Tsugu poster. i call everyone by -chan to differentiate between the poster and the waifu... although it does make "Earth-chan" a bit of an anomaly...
i also enjoy reducing names to one syllable, so Tsugu-chan was changed to Tsu-chan
i also have a friend, Kase-chan, who i called Ka-chan. sometimes i like to omit the n because it sounds like an interjection without it.
anyway that's enough about my autism.
y-yea, sounds like a nice time
not really.. you can't do much about it either, it's just me being dumb
i don't know, feels bad ;-;
y-you're welcome
yea it's odd..
yea, maybe it is..
oh well, maybe you'll get to know some day
it's okay
you're welcome
you worry about that too much..
goodnight, sleep well! i hope you have a good day tomorrow
Mmhm. I got why you picked that nicname for Tsugu HB-chan.
I met Kase-chan. He is the yuri poster that encouraged Yuu and I to have a relationship. He even tried giving me advice like: "Yuu is a slow burn" All I could do is blush and say thanks but I don't know if I am ready to think about romantic stuff.
Okay it sounds fun. y...yea. If you want to stay overnight too I have a queen sized bed. If you visit my house there is plenty of room there to stretch out and... stuff.
i am responsible for you being dumb
it's okay, don't feel bad. i'll come over eventually
it's a funny picture. i hope it protects us in all our dreams
HB-chan... B-chan... Bloodchan... i see where you're going with this...
ah, yes, Kase-chan is a good friend of mine.
he does have a passion for seeing romance, that kid.