hi there lads and ladies whom rather be dating than masturbating. how are you all doing?
Hi there lads and ladies whom rather be dating than masturbating. how are you all doing?
Hello fellow yellowbros, I'm here to say that we need to stop. With the current neglect from everyone (other boards, Hiro and mods) it is impossible to bring back the gold ages. This place died long time ago and this is deserved, just let it peacefully rot in its coffin.
"This place died long ago"
>"I've been here all summer"
It was more than a board of recycled images.
what's the point of doing all of this??
newfag here, care to explain this "culture" thing to me??
Ikr. like it wasnt dead by 12' (and even that might be considered necro). imagine using a post mortem meme like pepe 8 yrs later to convey your sadness. lol
if youre a yellow fellow
i wish you the Yea Forumsest
if youre a porn poster
i do /d/etest
ever since the yellow movement has been conflated with alt right frogposters it's even more insufferable
lol porn still exist in Yea Forums
your autistic movement is not working
post more pls, this is now a trap thread!!
>we want our board back!
ok, care to explain how was your board back then
>no porn on Yea Forums
well, make an example with a traditional thread on Yea Forums before porn age
>fuck you!! yellow movement!! no porn!! fuck you!!!
your doing gods work
yeah maybe if god was a bitter wannabe nazi incel shit head
>your doing gods work
>Yea Forums still 95% porn
>your doing gods work
>mfw your anger fuels me
Nothing about my demeanor indicates anger. You are not trolling me
so you admit Yea Forums isn't random at the moment
why do pornfags always contradict themselves?
>pic related
then why are you on my thread?
>pic related
well then, make a ramdom thread showing the tradition and culture of Yea Forums before porn age
come on, link it!!
to tell you what you're doing isn't working, and that you're insufferable. no anger. just statement of facts. enjoy your sad circlejerk I guess
This is now a CWC thread. No niggos or retards. Must be boyfriend-free and white, or Japanese, or anything except dark.
ok, that's a good start.
liquid saga still the top arc of sonichu creator, in my opinion ofc.
Liquid Saga is life, but I kinda wish BlueSpike-esque trolling would happen again, especially since CWC is a tranny now or some shit.
youre purposely trying to put me in a corner and it's not going to work
the people posting content on the wrong board are trash
Yea Forums is not a porn board
these threads are a waste of time , the youngsters want porn .
if you want quality threads go to a different board or chan.
That’s why it’s on all 10 pages? *yawn* ok kiddo
>circle jerk
>said the porn fag
its just...to easy
>why is it on pg 10
hmm...who knows...
maybe it has something to do with all the porn that should be posted on the porn boards and not Yea Forums
I hear he's (?) creating sonichus characters from famous people and making money with that, somehow, he's doing fine (sadly)
All his enemys in Sonichu comic have died??
can't remember very well.
>I'm a fucking newfag, don't tell me to do what I don't know how to do!!
the post, back to r_thedonald fucking nigger!!
>the youngsters want porn
Right, it’s not...yet here we are. Keep going, sport.
then make ramdom threads every minute, call your friends of /pol/ and fill the shit out of Yea Forums with actual RAMDOM THREADS, not yellow shit, no ones gives a fuck about stupid movements out of nowhere.
After the mass execution of Mao and friends I don’t think there’s been any deaths. The Black Sonichu was turned into Blake so that pretty much sums it up. Also, is that through its Patreon page? Last I check CWC was in court a few days ago for what I think is a mountain of creditcard debt.
>implying im from reddit
>implying he's not
wew lad
do you genuinely think saying nigger is going to convince people you belong here
i can call you a spineless sack of moldly dindu dung
yet that doesn't mean i belong here
it just means i can insult
you however are a porn nigger
you do not belong here
>keep going
like i need your permission /s/hit stain
I love your little club, you’re all so adorable. “Like I need your permission”, implying I’m bestowing things unto you like the cuck you are. Oof, kiddo. *yawn*
Its the inevitable fate
>I love your little club, you're all so adorable.
why do you sound like such a fucking tumblrite?
yeah, is with the name of Sonichu, he knows he's the only way he will be recognized among the internet.
>was in court
for what? sorry I don't follow twiter!
is for something of the past??
>still avoiding the "traditional Yea Forums without porn" theme
instead of nigger, you are now a HIJO DE PUTA GRINGO DE MIERDA!!
ohh and...
let's see what happen here ok??
>ignores every other point
>still remembers tumblr
Projecting much, little buddy?
>pic related
It was on Kiwi Farms, someone who lives in VA went to witness the hearing but only caught parts of it. They mentioned the family owes a load of money, which is understandable considering after his dad died he probably started racking up loads of CC debt, and then the house. I don’t know what his patreon is pulling in but I’m guessing since his dad died he has no more help in attempting to be an adult and forcing him to pay his bills.
>he's still ignoring the fact Yea Forums is not a porn board and that board threads should be posted on respective porn boards
also can you translate whatever you said
i don't speak porn fag
The thing is, no one is saying porn SHOULD be on Yea Forums, only that it is and is on every page on Yea Forums all while pointing out your little yellow fanclub is shit-tier cringe at best, and a faggot driven fad ran by little dudes angry their mom hasn’t restocked the fridge with juiceboxes at worst.
>implying all the tumblrites didn't flood to here after they got BTFO'd
why would I be trying to ban porn on Yea Forums if I was a tumblrite?
i would already have my own place to post.
speaking of places to post, the same thing should be said of porn posters on Yea Forums
they have their own boards
this is our board
if they want to come here for random stuff than that's okay
but if their gonna post an /s/tier porn thread they need to fuck off
can you quit playing beating around the bush?
youre just trying to justify to porn spam
so fuck off
quit beating
to justify porn
really should have spell checked
that's really frucked up
>his mom only lives of her rent
>surelly he still sucking her money becuase patreon or not he still doing less money than he needs
when his mother dies, will be the total ruin, poor guy, I remember the time he was trolled by a "girl" who wants to have an Affair with him, and resulting on a dude trolling him, the end of the video was sad, all of them saying to "wake up" and he was mad about the trolling, not the message.
get over it amigo, we are taking back what is ours first, more fast than you think...
and more efficient than you right now with Yea Forums
I’m literally not justifying it, only stating it IS here. Should it be? No. Is it? Yes. Is your little yellow boys club equaly retarded? Also yes. You’re demanding the very nature of Yea Forums be changed solely for the fact that you’re tired of pornbots and cuck threads (which is probably what is really triggering you here). Yea Forums is Yea Forums, and unless the mods decide to change how Yea Forums operates I don’t see the spam going away any time soon, and given the porn ad revenue here they probably don’t care all that much that you’re popping blood vessels over it.
>implying youre hispanic
>implying youre not purposely trying to put me off topic by bringing uo the changing demographics
i don't give a fuck what you are
youre an invader
and invaders will be slaughtered without mercy
for that is the best kind of justice
righteous justice
Bumping this up.
There’s a whole Youtube series chronicling each saga in depth. It has voice chats between the trolls etc. and is pretty eye opening to the extent of it all. There’s like around 12-14 parts already released.
can you give it a rest already?
im not going to even read what yoi have to say because it ultimately ends with Yea Forums still being raided with porn
so can you stop acting like a third parter instead of being a porn poster in disguise?
>youre an invader
>and invaders will be slaughtered without mercy
like in Europa??
and don't tell me "they don't have guns to defend themselves" carring a knife is ez, fight for your ideals to death is another, and the second one is the one they don't have, and you are the same.
and in USA??
sorry but I don't hear about any slaughtered against hispanics.
I don’t post porn, no time for that. Just find it ironic that shitposters are complaining about shitposting.
thx for the link(?), gonna checkout later, time to sleep guys, was fun, have luck with your "yellow movement" but sadly.. you are losing, have an example about this conversation about CWC, that was old Yea Forums,make threads about whatever you want, lurk people to those threads with pron and change the theme to old Yea Forums.
yeallow movement is just a bad meme without a good end.
hasta la vista, /anons/!
im not going to go off topic shill
Yea Forums is not a porn board
>i don't really care what youre talking about, thats why i took the time to tell you i dont care what youre talking about
okay retard
I didn’t say I didn’t care...I said I find it ironic...
Your reading comprehension is retardedly low for someone whinging about porn on “muh Yea Forums“. I’d love to hear more of your tantrums though, please.
what's ironic is youre still here
on my thread
trying your best to make op look like a faggot
yet everything you say is nothing
its literally
its vague subjective bullcrap that ultimately ends with
>MuH wHaTs WrOnG wItH pOsTiNg PoRn On Yea Forums
so kindly go get a life and leave me alone
>muh thread
>complaining about shitposters
*yawn* ok.
the post
damn...that's some taste you got there user
*yawn ok, kiddo.
>he's still replying to something he claims is dying movement and doesn't care about/thinks is ironic whatever
>pic related
its a (You)
You know it's kind of pitiful at this point.
You've (to the surprise of no one) lost. Move on.
Fucking sperg
*yawn* ok, kiddo.
oh you mean where you belong? ;)
youre just jealous of my good response and trips
eat your heart out furfag
*yawn* ok, kiddo.
"This place died long ago"
>"Ever since I came here in May, I've been bored." ;/
i made a get for ya
I don't care if people post some porn on Yea Forums. Porn falls under "Random", so I have no room to throw a tantrum
>still implying youre a third party
Please explain to us how can porn be random when it already has a specific board for that content.
>some porn
wew lad
>he mad
he mad
Wew buddy.
I’d like to welcome everyone to CWCville! I’m so happy everyone is adopting the yellow to show pride in Sonichu, so thank you all for being part of this incredible movement!
>as Stalin looked upon the state of modern communism
>his only regret was that he didn't focus more on sending porn fags to the gulags
*yawn* ok, incel.
You mad that you can’t get it up for a woman let alone porn anymore. Don’t be ashamed, be proud of your disability!
like this?
user gets it
have a pepe
thank you for checking and respecting
anytime Yea Forumsro...anytime
>are you trying to spoil my meal nigga?
>pic related
>have you cleaned your penis today user
>no not diddling it
>im talking about washing off the the bits of dry tissue paper and cum
>how can you go out and slay dragons without a clean penis
>im jordan peterson, your princess
>come save me user
I still see porn everywhere, it seems your tactics aren't working guys. Are you planning to do something different or are you just going to spam these threads for eternity?
Check it out - I'm yellow too.
hey mr user, join this discord server ff5mFD
>go back to
Pretty cringe bro
Have you noticed how much traffic has slowed down since the yellow purge started? This thread is still going almost half a day now!
All you fags have done is drive away half the userbase.
There’ll be nobody left if you actually do win. It’ll just be you reposting 2011 memes with the other 6 yellowcucks. Your threads will last for weeks and you’ll do absolutely nothing original.
kinda retarded. Fap all you want, just leave it to the other boards
Who the fuck are you to tell people what they can and can’t post?
I mean if their goal is to get rid of the porn peopl;e and the people that left were porn people. They win meow :3
There’s a lot of indicators for various mental illnesses on display in each of these posts.
dont forget to post YELLOW pics in these threads
- WWYD (what would you do) THREADS
- X Girls Thread (x = Latina, Asian, White, Big Tits, any other "NORMAL FAG" basic adjective to describe a girl.)
i'm not sure about what that comic is trying to tell me.
what about
>other trap
>hello i'm a trap
You can do whatever you want
But you have to admit that Celeb Threads and FB/IG fap threads are spammed way more often and are way worse
Within the first 50 post of Yea Forums Moot and WT Snacks where demanding more hardcore porn.
Ask a femanon thread. Now that shit is fucking cancer. The whole fucking point of being anonymous is to make everyone equal. When you start declaring things about yourself you fuck that up.
Doganon here AMA