Hot women pooping?

Hot women pooping?


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Yes! More!

Love this

My sister let’s me watch her poop but never let me take a video like that



Good for you man.

So uhh OP here.

I just want more of this shit...Cough* no pun intended.

So i mean if any other kissless virgin losers have any uhh it if you want.

Check this thread

You're full of shit.

I see what you did there

woman don't poop, stop ruining it for me

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Well that works.

Uhh thanks man.

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No problem, fellow butt sniffer

What a cool thread.

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I know right?

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Well I guess THIS thread is dead.

Never mind I guess...?

I mean that other thread about covers it.

Happy hunting ;)

kys if you unironically thinking this hot

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So uhhh....

How about those yellow fags huh?

I mean I'm sure this thread would annoy the fuck out of them.

Well I mean yeah its fucking gross.
Thats the point.

I mean I kinda get it if this isnt your *ahem* cup of tea. Like I can imagine that I would be freaked out and grossed out if I didnt like this...

But totally man. I'll kill myself because you said too cat man.

The yellows really only care about normie porn like "pics you shouldnt share", "_____ girls", or "FB/IG" threads.

So if I posted something like a "Tits" thread THATS BAD AND DOESNT BELONG ON /B. But women pooping? No that...thats fine.
Kinda funny to me.