WhEn Y0u can 0nly hav3 5 7hr3ads at a time

WhEn Y0u can 0nly hav3 5 7hr3ads at a time

Attached: 1XRXxaS.jpg (1440x1080, 120K)

bump all 5 to assert dominance

use "le trick" to take the entire board...
i might do it one day :^)

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

mfw my isp did some shenanigans that don't allow my ip to be changed anymore. they probably uploaded some firmware in the router coz not even the backup trick of switching my laptops bridged ip to the same ip as my desktop computer works and then renewing, it just says ip address conflict even tho its bridged so i guess its router related and the router is sending the ip conflict ICMPs or whatever

if 1 ob ur threds stays up ffor twenny for horses id gets taeken out ob ur lelmit

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 映像特典13.4 おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン� (640x480, 214K)

Use your phone, post 5 threads, switch IPs, post another 5 threads, continue this process until people are fooled into thinking all of the shit threads you posted yourself are the actual community of this board lol

The Asian Gorl thread is all I need!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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i pretended to be ironic to fool you

And nobody even wants that one thread you post lol you are a worthless garbage person go jump into the hudson river bitchboy

protip: there is no actual difference between sincerity and irony, the difference only exists in your mind. so if you appear to be retarded, for all intensive purposes, you are a retard.

hahaha i know you're joking but on some subconscious level i bet you really think like this and think really highly of yourself because of your self perceived internet culture prowess like a big socially oblivious autistic self important idiot with no self awareness

>for all intensive purposes
>not intents and

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: retardbiosbig.png (1920x1080, 16K)

something is wrong here and it's not your being rude

Your fortune: Outlook good

this doesn't take rocket appliances to figure out

lol you are mad
now was i being ironic or actually retarded? and explain to me the difference or why it matters which one it actually was

mad retard is mad

calling others mad when ur clearly the one mad

sorry bro but your kinda cringy

i m very angery right now


Attached: retardbios.png (480x270, 5K)

if you weren't mad you would have stopped replying years ago

hahaha lol donut duce is edgy

this thread hasn't even been up for years brainlet


Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

>he doesn't know that this board existed before this thread was created

>this board existed before this thread was created
fat chance

Attached: hi i h8 froge.png (1200x800, 1.56M)