Hey Yea Forums i have a question im straight outta high school and im thinking about going into the army would you...

Hey Yea Forums i have a question im straight outta high school and im thinking about going into the army would you anons recommend me doing this

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go for it blow up some towel heads

If you have a great ASVAB score, consider Air Force instead. It's a considerably easier life, fewer fuck-fuck games, and you get the same paycheck

I scored 66 on asvab

Yes and stay the full 20 years. Chances are you get the 2k monthly pension and also will qualify for disability which is anywhere from $1600-$3400 monthly too. Could be 40 and collecting $3600-$5400 tax free which is basically $80,000 a year job and sitting around doing fuck all

I wouldn’t recommend joining. You lose your freedom to give freedom to others.

You will be told when to sleep/wake up, when to eat and where to be at all times. You will be surrounded by dumb people that don’t have many options in life and it’s a ton of niggers.

Then you're basically qualified for (virtually) any job in the Air Force. I'd consider a career in something that translates into a civilian position after you leave the service. I did Comms (network security) the whole time until I retired

I have a free paycheck on the 1st of every month for the rest of my life even if I don't do anything else. I'd strongly consider serving if you think you'd like the life. I absolutely loved it.

It really depends on what YOU want user.

That’s a lot of work for something that might not even happen. Any why disability? How high is my chance of getting hurt?

AF or Navy may lead to higher paying careers in tech and defense industries after you retire or serve your stint, if you get into the right MOS (i think thats it, your skill choice) .
If you just wanna split wigs or blow shit up (and see it up close) yeah, Army or Marines if you really wanna get your jarhead on.

Fuck that shit.

Nightly fap material

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Dont be afraid of this. Even if you arent in the military, you will still get a job that dictates when you wake up, when you eat lunch, so on and so forth. Join for sure man, everyone I graduated high school with is just now finishing their 6 years and EVERY SINGLE ONE of them loved
It and are better off for it. It will forever benefit you, if you dont die. But just done pick an MO that involves combat but DO NOT BELIEVE YOUR RECUITERS. THEY LIE. Even if you get into a certain job (MO) that is NOT necessarily what you will do the whole time or at all. They are in full control over you as you and your recruiters try to guide you in the best direction

thank you Yea Forumsro

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Yeah, you give up some freedoms while you're serving, but they don't want you there if you don't want to be there. I can guarantee that. It's been an all volunteer force since the end of Vietnam and we'd like to stay that way.

If somebody wants out, they're gonna let you.

If youre joining the military it better be infantry or artillery or anything combat.

don't be one of those faggots who enlist and act like theyre heros when their job literally has no fuckin risk.


SPAMFAG stfu, none of this works you twatwaffle

You automatically get the pension after 20 years. The disability is for anything. Had a client working in the logistics division behind a desk qualify for 100% disability compensation because her back hurt after serving and a few other things. It's silly how they approve almost anything.

You sound like a fucking moron. You do know most people who join do it exclusively for the benefits, not the glory. Right?

I know far too many people who do it for glory.

I dont really care about being a "hero" i just wanna get a good civilian job when im out

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Then go to college.

No OP. Unless you are suicidal or want to help literally nothing.

Fuckdammit, no!

Go marines you pussy.

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Then join the seamen or chairmen, all puns intended.

Seriously tho.

Oh ok

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Don't do it. You want to make the world a better place, go to college or lean a trade (or both) and focus on being a functional, productive, informed, and politically active member of society.

And by the way, avoid anything nuclear unless you hate your life... or like being in front of a panel for 12 fucking hours straight.

This off course implies no cellphone, no movie watching and nothing that could "Distract" from watching a goddamn useless panel with shiny bottons.

>politically active
Yeah, no.

You are a cunt, and you smell like one. Wash yourself.

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Yes go into the army. You're perfect for it.

If you wanna go off to the military don't date a bitch then leave her for 4 years because when you come back she'll say your 2 month old son Ricardo was finally born and your neighbor Juan helped with the birth. Fuck Juan

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>insists on military service
>hates constitutional precepts

>Getting enlisted
>While dating a cumbucket

You freaking idiot.

Didn't the fucking recruiter adviced you on things? Like not eating the lemon "Ice Cream" or ditching any whore you might had a relationship with that weren't family?

Man, those fucks are lazier by the time.

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damn, Juan must be a good fuck if people say you should fuck him after he fucks your wife

Lets be honest here, half the girls waiting at home while their man is off doing service, is only there to up the paycheck for the military man

personally i agree with you, but OP didn't say anything about wanting to make the world a better place

Already served cunt, if I get bored of my actual job or my country goes to shit I would do it all again.

Well, maybe I wouldn't pee on the air conditioner thingy ever again, but I would do everything else again.

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>Lets be honest here, half the girls waiting at home while their man is off doing service, is only there to up the paycheck for the military man
Yeah, even your mom told me that when I was fucking her.

You heard me cunt.

yeah as soon as they get back from the military they jump straight to marriage and buy those bitches rings even though they got cucked

marine grunt or go home

yeah dude

MARSOC or bail.

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Sweet right in time to go to Iran and get blown up because some old rich men fit pissy.

People who are drawn to a military life often claim to want to "make a difference", and many actually do want to help people. I only mentioned it in case that was one of op's reasons for considering enlistment, and because I think that just being a normal person is an often ignored facet of good citizenship.

Honestly yes. Especially if you get a good enough score for a decent army job you can get a huge signing bonus.

Yeah now is good time to join up. Missed the previous wars and will miss the inevitable future war with China in ten years.

When I was 18 they sent me straight from boot camp to Iraq. It was boring as fuck we just killed giant spiders all day and I blew up a few buildings since I was a combat engineer.

Yeah, yeah.

This off course is right before you end up in your first deployment in the middle of buttfuck nowhere with a bunch of farm animals for who knows what, and an old rusted piece of shit that would jam on the first shot.

Dont be a retard. Join the air force. You’ll be thanking me when you have ac and heating year round

>hey Yea Forums i want to be an expensive, fat rich guy's servant so i can fire a weapon that costs more than i make in a year at a guy whom makes less in his life time, now watch as I serve as a proud test dummy and come home in a box

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Someone has never heard of the G.I. bill

My brother joined up as a medic and they paid for his college/med school. He is a doctor now.

what kind of idiot wants to die because a draft dodger pussy told them to go bomb ragheads for a bullshit reason? america,your more retarded then i thought

>killed giant spiders all day
Sounds rather boring if you have to do it every damn day.

Pretty much like throwing flashbangs on the officers tents for the sake of boredom.

Fuck it why not it's cool fireworks, also the guy probably gets some virgins and gets to meet his beloved Allah. Personally I see it as a win-win.

Not OP btw

So much fucking this.

You will hate everyone and everything when electricity or cable goes out tho.

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It really was boring as shit. Although I will admit it is scary as fuck the first time a camel spider charges at you.

Except that I'm talking about real life, not some movie you saw once.

Lol know some SF, military loves them because their to stupid to quit. But to be fair I'm in the same boat.

Don't join the Army, unless you really wanna stand guard duty over some dirty sand niggers while they clean your shit houses over in the middle east.

Honestly bro, go for it. Really straightened my life out and I learned a lot of life and trade skills that helped me land a great career after I got out. Plus, comraderie and respect from a ton of people you'll meet later in life. I talk to people all the time, like elderly vets and young guys who served and it's a never ending brotherhood. No matter what you do in the military do it with pride but also don't be one of those cocks who think just because they joined they're God's gift to mankind. Also, be prepared for a lot of bullshit that isn't worth it until the end when you look back.
Just my two cents.

Who the fuck needs ac when you got a buddy to cuddle up with on cold nights.

Sure go for it. Just got ready for about every highschool kid to ask you if it was like "Blackhawk Down" or some snot nosed kid asking "did you kill anyone?". Otherwise it's a cool experience, only issue I've found is that it's hard to make friends outside the service.

Dude wtf I'm so high right now. But yeah op. go for it. I make 60k a year sitting on my ass after serving my term.

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the army is for pussies,real men join the marines

OP here, thanks Yea Forumsros for the advice I'll probably be joining army unless I fail the physical test shit

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