That face when you realize Reddit was never, and never will be valid, so you moralfag into Yea Forums and start being a yellowfag. smh summer is here already huh? HOW ABOUT CUTE LOLIS? Sexual not required, but bonus points for lewd.
That face when you realize Reddit was never, and never will be valid...
MFW tumblr kicked out all the trannies so they migrated here en mass and you welcomed them with open arms.
best thread!
have some bisexual lolis
Use it while you can
>being so new that he doesn't remember when Yea Forums wasnt 80% facebook fap threads and politics
fuck man i'm a 2005 oldfag that just wants the old days back.
you wanna fap?
go to fucking /s/, /soc/, /gif/, /d/ or one of the other 10 porn boards.
all the FB/IG/KEK/CSGO/SNAP/LEFTRIGHT/WYYD threads are fucking newfag shill spambot cancer that needs to go.
We made a containment board literally for that shit, it's called /soc/ but the fucking spambots wont go and post there.
fucking newfag, back then it wasnt facebook you lying bastard, it was myspace.
learn to read, my dude.
last one. hope you liked the dump.
Loved it!
fuck off newfag, 2005 is totally not when youre from.
you got all the internetz & bonus points :3
Have you people actually tried looking for a psychologist? This shit can't be normal.
They are literally just cartoons, and compleatly legal.
Define normal?
Eternal desire to lick loli anus post.
dirty slut
Arisu is a pure girl! And a virgin! Take that back!
my folder says otherwise
She isn't Arisu wearing a bra?
Delete it. All of it. Arisu is not for lewding.
you can't handle the truth
Arisu is PURE and NOT for CHILD PORN!!!!
If she so pure why is my penis so hard?
why does she wear the mask?
Arisu is 12!!!! 12 year olds are not supposed to be sexy!!!!!! STOPPPPP!!!!
you better take responsibility
Yea Forums has always welcomed trannies.
linetrap was welcomed at an early convention. Circa 2007 or so.
I hate to yell newfag, but you aren't acting old...
she like to pee
Yea Forums posted traps for the meme shock value back then. now they are posted to hook up and make fap collections. That user isn't wrong about the tumblrite sissies and sjw cringelords pouring in here. Yea Forums changed massively when Moot sold Yea Forums to chinkmoot and not in a good way
Thread ruined.
She looks drugged and it makes me sad. I want all the lolis to have pleasurable sexual experiences, not this.
Well I want to drug a loli hardcore and send her to ecstasy with my hard adult pedo penis!!!!!!!!
I... I have no idea how to categorize this pic into my loli folder.
Wat, how? Are you a bot?
don't lewd my waifu. or die
That butthole doesn't look like it's just for show. Demo that shit, too, plz.
I have that onahole lol. the larger one. feels like a real kid
Didn't even realize they were the same girl. Not that I posted them, but every loli is game for lewding as far as I'm concerned.
>feels like a real kid
You know this how? Also, how much was it?
>not knowing arisu
I got one for like 120$. but prices vary. some sites charge as much as twice that: check around before you buy!
Nice LARP you fucking infant.
Any decent sites still left? (2D not the 3D shit)
Only on the darkweb. onion sites mostly
I feel Yea Forums changed for the worse around the time of the Jessie shit, even then mods weren't as uptight so you could still post NN
Now they b& you for posting any pic of a minor, hell nowadays they will ban you for saying you're a pedo, even if just shitposting.
I wish that was the truth