is photoshop hail damage possible? I have a c7 that just got damaged but I was told by a friend that I won't get approved because it looks like normal wear and tear. I'd offer someone 30% of my claim if theyre able to make it look real???
Is photoshop hail damage possible...
c7 corvette?
is this the picture of your car? i dont think so, because that looks like hail damage, not wear and tear.
post a picture of your car
reported for illegal content (insurance fraud)
Unless your "friend" is an insurance adjuster, tell him to go fuck himself.... asshats spouting off about shit they know nothing about are worthy of mocking and disdain
party van comin
this is not a c7
can you eat my ass while you are at it?
the car is fiberglass.... it doesnt dent
only my roof is fg and it's fine surprisingly. The body has several dents
You'll have to buy a new copy at a mark up. You don't own photoshop. Even if you buy it.
"The new Corvette features of the new generation include a carbon fiber hood and removable roof panel. Its fenders, doors, and rear quarter panels remain fiberglass composite."
fiberglass, carbon fiber, and injection molded plastic fender none of which should dent
I think the answer here is no one has any real skills to do anything (legal or illegal) and you're probably better off talking to some digital art fags like you find on fiver.
>I have a c7 that just got damaged but I was told by a friend that I won't get approved because it looks like normal wear and tear
You can get paintless dent removal tools for a few hundred bucks, or $50 if you want shitty chinese knock offs. You can pull the dents yourself easily without damaging the paint.
$5k in advance.
It’s easy to fix user, and free too. Just blow into the exhaust pipe and the dents should pop right up. Make sure you wind the windows up first
So what the fuck actually transpired to your car op?
Hail damage usually totals a car, they will be very suspicious and most likely send someone to check it out.
you are a fucking retard, insurance adjusters must always see the vehicle in person you retard and their is a nation wide network of affiliates that work for almost all insurance companies present in every state
Totalled. You have to bring the car in for inspection for insurance reasons. End of story. Title is totalled. You can take the car and re-fit the title to salvaged. One of the worst lost in the market because its value tanks.
If that's your car it looks totally fucked and exactly like hail damage. They're going to have some one look at it in person they'll hier an adjuster in the area or wherever it's taken so don't be a fucking idiot.
pic of actual car and I can do it.
Thinking they'll total a car and give you tens of thousands of dollars from a picture lmao fucking kids
No... no it doesn’t.
It totals it if the entire car looks like OP’s first photo, but I wouldn’t even say 50% of hail damage is that severe.
Can only do this if the car is 10+ years old or you have a builder’s license
Not if the shop is on DRP
Nigger you’re well off enough to buy a c7 vette but too broke to fix a little fucking ding? If you were any kind of man you’d fix it yourself. People like you are why insurance rates are so high. You’re probably some office-sitting liberal. I hope you wrap that vette around a tree and burn to death you fucking idiot. Please kill yourself. Fuck you and fuck your parents
your insurance company will already know if damaging hail has occurred in your area. you won't have any issue.
only issue you may have is that if you only have a few dents then you may not go past your deductible and you won't get any money anyways
this being said it wont raise your insurance rates.
speaking from experience.
I got you fam, dented it up a bit. theres a bit of clipping but you have to be a real image expert to tell just by the way it is.
Why did you photoshop soap on it
what the fuck is wrong with your soap
>the fucking moon
>thinking it's soap
That's a moon, dude.
with a timestamp you dumb nigger