War time baby

War time baby

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Normally civil wars form over time through disagreements.
Why is there an exact date for said war?
>I fucking hate you guys.
>we hate you too
>Ok fine, we will solve these issues in 5 months on the 7th
>I got a dentist appointment on the 7th what about the 4th?
>ok sounds good. 3:30 on the 4th

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i kek'd

Can they do it three days earlier? I want chaos on my birthday. Don't really care who wins, just want chaos.

Jesus christ this will be the wussiest civil war ever. I wish them luck killing all the right-wing gun-nuts with milkshakes and whining.

the right needs an enemy, they can't do state work without an internal or external enemy.

- "The economy goes to shit"

- It was that guy over there!

Use it while you can

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Why is Kurt Russell's botched clone there?

Dat Russian psy ops bullshit. This is my fetish. Thanks daddy Putin.


Bring it you skinny cunts

I think you confused “right” with “left”
Let me fix that for you

the left needs an enemy, they can't do state work without an internal or external enemy.

- "The economy goes to shit"

- It was that guy over there!


The right always make the same mistakes, you think "the left" is Obama.. Obama throw troops in at least 6 countries, 3 of them were destroyed. That's not how the real left works.

Go back to think that you will be rich..

Or, if you really are, think that you really made that money.

But i think that you are just a little shit that eats piles of shit of people like trump, "big words", "sarcasm", "reason", "common sense".. Yeah, no, none of those words aply to what you think is aplied, at least not in the way you or the right thinks of it.

That was last November...

Not him but nobody cares about Europe. It's an irrelevant continent where the best economic force ,Germany, has engineers paid the same as our Costco workers. All of Europe is worthless so your right/left spectrum is worthless by association.

Who gives a shit about some transvestites on the west coast. Hope they have fun waging war on an invisible and non existing enemy

Canadian here. Americans are so retarded they'll just end up killing each other and then the niggers will take over.

>a few hundred kids with a cause 3 years ago
Just fucking do it already, stormfags, so we can call open season on your asses, now that you’ve spent two years making yourselves known.

Hm. Niggers is a funny way to spell Chinese.

>Organization with little to no established hierarchy is clandestinely planning a massive coordinated rebellion nationwide

this unironically

Russia just wants to fire off a few bioweapons and enjoy getting to watch the US die off, China wants the resources. The longer China waits, the more cash they can rake in in the mean time, and the more shit we build them when their immunized half billion show up and man the factories and move into our houses.