Do you guys have any suggestions for getting a boyfriend (gayfag here) I want a real boyfriend and I've never had one...

Do you guys have any suggestions for getting a boyfriend (gayfag here) I want a real boyfriend and I've never had one before and I don't want one of those fuck me only boyfriends I want one who I can hold at night and shit like that

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LMAO you want a double gay boyfriend? only reason to be gay is to not have to put up with women's bullshit, become a woman fag.

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Come to Utah.

I met my boyfriend through grindr, obviously dont just go for any guy on grinder because alot do just want to fuck but theres still people looking for relationships on there

Well yeah that's why I want a boyfriend I can't stand female shit and most gays hang around with females so they have the same retarded mindset where all they wanna do is play games and pretend they're in a shitty soap opera

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Well like how do you start or say I'm trying to meet people in my school where would I start going about trying to hang out with a guy who I want to eventually date

Grindr works off of your location so I would honestly just download it and open it at or around your school so you'll know who's gay or bi around. From there just once you see someone you think youd like send them a message and see if they'd want to go on a date to get to know eachother.

Only problem with that is there are about 4 gay people at my schedule excluding me cause Im not open about it but like the kids that are open about it are the gay kind of gays you know what I mean

Snapchat latest update goofed

Attached: 6623b7a6c07e4ae49a2adda2ce070065.png (432x768, 394K)

Are you a bot or b8

thought it was just spam

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Fair, are you in high school or college? Atleast in my experience on college campuses theres a healthy mix of very out there gay guys and more down low or in the closet gay guys. Cant say for highschool, I didn't start getting out there until later in life

Highschool starting my senior year trying to not end up like a lonely faggot ya know

Why didn't you get out there until later in your life man?

Oh you got nothing to worry about then you have plenty of time. I will say if you go the grindr route older guys will message you alot, based on your preferences that can be annoying but it's not too bad.
Honestly most of it was that I wasn't that comfortable being bi at that age so I just acted straight so I never really went for any guys. Looking back I regret it because there was one guy I really liked who I think liked me back but i was too scared that i misread the signals and that if I told him it would make him uncomfortable. But all in all I'm happy with who I am now and I'm in a happy healthy relationship so it all worked out

but if this were true it would mean women who want to cuddle with their boyfriends are being lesbians

Jesus man that sounds painfully familiar like Jesus to the Fuckin t

When I was 13, I tied up this girl that was 12 with a jumprope, then beat the fuck out of her. By the time I was done, her lip was split, her wrists were bleeding from the rope cuttin into them, one of her eyes was swollen shut, she was missing two teeth, her small tits will entirely black and blue, her pussy was bleeding, and I’m fairly sure that several bones in her feet were broken. When I let her down, she crumpled on the floor and went into a fetal position and just hugged her legs to her chest and sobbed quietly. I suddenly got very aroused seeing that, so I pulled out my dick (I has actually hit puberty 12, and was hairy, balls dropped and everything functioning) and started jerking off quietly. Eventually, I started to breathe harder, and she noticed what I was doing, and she just looked at me with this look of absolute horror on her face. It was at that moment that I climaxed and sprayed probably my biggest load of cum ever all over face and chest. Then, I picked up her torn shirt from the ground, wiped off my dick and tossed it to her. I told her to clean herself up and that if she ever told anyone, I would go to her house and kill her while she slept, and that if anyone asked who hurt her, she should say a bunch of highschool kids did it. When I think back on it, I think she was the first girl I ever loved. ...god I’m fucked up.

Lol well I hope you also got the happy ending. I will say that once I was okay with myself being bi and actually acted on it I really enjoyed being free to be a slut and I kind of miss that now that I cant since I'm in a relationship, like I dont want to cheat on him or leave him but I wish I accepted I was bi earlier to make the most of the time

Dear OP. Quit being a faggot

Noted. Thx user

No i think I'm still in the middle of the story I think it's just some sexual tension he's not sure about I'm not sure about it either he's one of the guys and I'd rather not make him question himself on that level I don't think he's ready for it mentally he's kinda really homophobic but he's a good guy I can look past it but not past it to the point of being with him

Oh well I'm sure you'll reach your own happy ending eventually. For what its worth alot of the reason I was scared to make any moves with my equivalent guy was because I was friends with him and his family and I was too scared to ruin things between me and him or me and his family if it made him uncomfortable, so if you're guy wouldn't bring that level of fallout maybe its worth going for it. Also if you want to get a better sense of if hed go for it maybe try drinking with him, like not too much to where you guys cant make any decisions but like a nice buzz that'll make you both more comfortable

I mean I've gotten sexual tension vibes from him before it's just like I can't see him as anything other than a friend

Oh in that case I'd say leave it be, unless you guys want to experiment. Like the first guy I was with was a close friend who i have no romantic interest in and I slept with him mostly just to make sure i was really bi, because I didn't want to find out I'm actually not by being with another guy

Well I mean I've been with a woman a fat one I fucking hate women so I'm pretty sure I'm gay but I don't fuck with that label shit I'm just me I just want a boyfriend man and I have no idea on how to get one

I met my boyfriend on discord. You're more likely to find the type of boyfriend you're looking for through unconventional dating apps like OkCupid or something like that. Tinder might work too.

Grinder is too slutty to find the kind of person you're looking for. Its not that you won't, but you'll have to go through lots of BS to.

There's nothing wrong with waiting, especially at your age no one is mature enough for a real relationship. I met my now ex accidentally on twitter, sometimes you just stumble on a good guy. Finding them on purpose is harder.

Fair enough, I'd still say check out grindr just in that not everyone on there is like in your face kind of gay, I'd imagine you could find a nice regular guy to go on some dates with and then if you guys hit it off you could ask him to be your boyfriend, although just make sure to screen for a guy who is actually looking for that.