What you guys think of my wife?
What you guys think of my wife?
She looks like your wife
Ass pics
She looks Jewish.
Oh wow
Kik please
What’s yours
I'd squizz a wad up in her cervix
how does this even work wtf
Add me please
Full frontal? Puss or tits?
She looks like one of my aunts. Well, like she would have looked 30 years ago. Was hot, still is hot for her age. Hope your wife ages as well.
Snapchat latest update goofed
I am surprised this actually worked
Looks good from the tits up. She doesn't strike me as being a great cocksucker but I'd like to try anyways
Pretty standard. Looks good.
Looks like an adequate Whore I'll Fuck Eventually, Gwah hahah. Send the sheistier of the J's your information to expedite this process.
I think she'd look good with my dick in her.