Youve got exactly 5 nanoseconds to tell me one thing youve done in yr life thats even 0...

Youve got exactly 5 nanoseconds to tell me one thing youve done in yr life thats even 0.0001 percent as brave as Emma Gonzales on any given day

>professional advice: you undeniably can't

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I once called Domino's and asked for stuffed crust pizza, knowing full well that they don't have it

You fucking mad man

I once released a fart that I was 51% certain was a shit but it ended up being a fart. YOLO

i'd fuck her. more pics

Fuck you.

Not being a communist

I say the n word on 4channel

i asked a girl out yesterday for the first time ever


That counts as brave when you were 11 not when you're 43. Jfc.

Charged into oncoming AK47 fire from the Iraqi republican guard during the battle of Kuwait city during the first gulf war.

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This is now an Emma fap thread

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Well no I can't, that's why I look up to her


I wrote a short essay on why she's brave and noble but I don't have it saved anymore

Likewise you, OP. Bet your life has been a shithole, too.

I stepped out my front door

Shot up a schoolyard full of kids

Fucked an HIV positive girl without condom. Didnt get aids.

man i can see a face on the stomach wtf

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Got myself busted for drunk driving and drug possession to save a guys life.

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i don't even know who the fuck emma gonzales is
sounds fucking mexican ugh

I shot up my school.

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The only Mexican on the planet that doesn’t like guns.

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nah that aint her, surely

oop time's up.

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Hey vasques ever been mistaken for a man?

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Sure kid.

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I'll take the bait. If you have done any charity work whatsoever you've done more than her. The only thing that puts her on top is that she has cameras pointed her way.

the hips match

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>The only thing that puts her on top is that she has cameras pointed her way

But user, that's all that really matters in this bullshit world

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Had cameras, she’s pretty obscure and irrelevant now.


she thicc

Man she's ugly, and not only on the outside

This photo doesn't even look edited

It's because she's stuffed full of shit

Took an elephant-sized shit once.


I slammed my breaks right in the middle of the four lane on a friday afternoon to save a kitten that had been left behind by its mother
I didn't even keep the cat.
No one believes me when I tell them i did this either, and i'm okay with that.

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I don't know who she is or what she did, so...

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Literally everything I've ever done was braver than her

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I took my daughters shooting.

She's pretty buff now days

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i took a shit in my school's bathroom

I bullied a kid to the point that he snapped and shot up my school.

Oh wait...

How did you use the toilet with balls that big?

/i took a dump

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Her 15 minutes of fame might be gone but what if we further diminished her credibility by labeling her an "alt-right" nazi then fake the proof with her own social media ?

took a shit in a public toilet

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im not a dumb lesbian who wears a jacket with a country who got rid of guns and slaughtered dozens of its citizens afterword's flag on it and want the same with america

>mfw nobody is posting the picture of her ass in those jeans

she may be anti gun,she stupid thick boi

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As soon as she admitted that she and her friends bullied the shooter her future was doomed.
The media dropped her instantly.
She doesn't exist anymore in the eyes of the left.

>L A G O B L I N A

I once sneezed


Was on leave from the Navy in Portland for the Rose Festival and was leaving a pub, some guys were talking smack about the military under their breath when they saw me so I asked if they had a problem. Guys started ranting about welfare queens and that none of us can think for ourselves, so I asked what their alternative was and low-and-behold, cue the unironic gommunism. I laughed and started telling them how they wouldn't even have a right to criticize the military if we had such a system. They got all puffed up and I turned to leave, felt a hit on my back, then it was burning. Fucker slashed me with what looked like a goddamned frodo baggins short sword, I was immediately pissed and threw a punch at the closest guy. He dropped to a knee and I started after the faggot with the sword, got my hand cut up real good wrenching it out of his. Anytime he tried to raise that head up while I was pinning his sword hand, I'd be backfisting him in the jaw. Eventually somebody came out and broke us all up, cops took em to jail and me to a hospital. Fucking dirty bastards, around commies never relax.

> Emma Gonzalez

its some lesbian who bullied a kid who shot a school up and the libtards are using her as a pedistal to get rid of guns and freedom in america

I grew up watching my neighbors get gunned down by rival niggers. I win. Walking to school was praying not to get shot while running as quick as you could.

Walked three miles down the side of a highway that has atleast two crosses on the side of it at any given time in 80 degree weather while wearing a black shirt.

I held a door open for a woman, even when everyone told me that was asserting my male dominance.

This is why I don't interact with humans

>toxic masculinity checked

I wouldn't say I interact any less than I did before because of this specific event, it was worth it in the long-run. Sucked ass in the beginning.

My family immigrated to the US legally, we didn’t sneak in like rats.

I never bullied a poor kid of a single mother so bad that he shot up his school

>Thinking this ugly dyke is actually going to make any changes to gun control

Yeah okay bud

If true ,that shouldnt be classified as brave. As military you have to do it ,or you go to jail. You have no choice. A brave action is choosing to do the deed because of your morals ,no matter what the cost.

>shot up a school

you think this spic is bad? wait until you meet ya boi david hogg.he wasnt even there during the shooting.he just followed his zionist masters script

He was an orphan, his parents died.
Then his foster parents died.
Kid had it rough.

Post her feet pics!

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Amen brother...our freedom to shoot things, WE LIKE SHOOTIN!

LETS GO SHOOTIN! people should be able to go shootin when ever, where ever and who ever they like. And if you dont like it go back Mexico, Colombia or Africa...or where ever you came from.
Shootin is awesome. Our forefathers died and fought for our right to go shootin. So we gonna shoot.


Lets go shootin.

I once called my number on my cellphone. Then I hung up real quick so I could answer it and didn't answer it.

Or that one time I cracked an egg into a pan knowing full well I might accidentally break the yolk.

Lol no you wouldn't

Okay damn she thicc I wouldn't fuck her or socialize with her but she thicc

I really don't understand why anyone would have a problem with her

Nevermind she ain't thicc

She isnt brave. She's a dumb useless communist wannabe. Just like you

I'd slurp worms out of her asshole just for the stench to be on my face when I kiss the mirror in my house.

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whats so bad about communism? it turns to boys to men,maybe you should put the soymilk down and get some testosterone you "man"

I once stuck my dick in a hot pepper

You have a point. Real communism would force people to fend for themselves and not rely so much on other people for support.

It turns little boys and girls (working class) into bones, and little rich kids into millionaire and billionaire adults hell bent on raping the world.

Your age is showing
Tell me, how do I get outta this chicken shit outfit

This is nasty as all hell but well-written and poetic

Im going to an hero


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Also you still wouldn't do it fag

>into bones

yeah,well.maybe those boys and girls should of put the soymilk down cuck,fuck your capitalism.communism is gonna tear you a new asshole

wtf is brave about petitioning the outlaw of things that scare you?

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>fuck your capitalism
>only reason his communism still exists IS capitalism

She didn't do anything brave, she didn't try stopping the shooter, she hid like a coward, and now she's campaigning against something that scares her

maybe you need a helicopter ride

You're either bad at English or bad at trolling

Literally who

Look at all the triggered incel right-wingers on Yea Forums

Nipples don't match.

She looks like that one qt cartel chick that gets posted in gore threads

Look son, its a faggot in it's natural habitat

>he feels the need to comment about it
>proves he's projecting

I once fapped to Emma Gonzalez

Kek'd and screencapped

why? if anything,that chick who puked on stage is the hottest out of them all

i hate that i knew what you were talking about...

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I didn't shave my fucking head to look like a cancer ridden bitch because someone shot a gun in my vicinity

Exactly! See?

why? to prove to myself that I could.

Went to war and killed 32 arabs, at least half took civilians as hostages or tortured and raped the children for fun

I befriended the possible school shooter instead of bullying them.

some amazing titties though.

>Killing for your country

>i killed arabs because my jewish masters told me to

your so hardcore man,how does it feel?

You should be locked up you fucking sicko

I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I'm Jewish by blood. I'm admitting to being Jewish on Yea Forums.

Now kys.

Good boy

I shit in public today

>good goy

fixed that for you

Imagine putting yourself and others at risk to save a fucking cats life
lowest form of mammal life, not very different from killing a roach

Woah calm down i admire your bravery but c'mon... too far...

Our gs sound like bs why do you think we got the lefties to hate men.

She's a gun control activist who is a survivor of a mass shooting... i.e. she is doing what ever the shit she is doing for personal reasons. We didn't hear shit from her about other school shootings until the one she was involved in.

A real hero is someone who fights for a cause they have no attachment to. Anything else is just revenge to make yourself feel better.

Frick the thread is over this fag ruined it.

this one time, i didnt bully a kid into shooting up the school

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This. What she's doing has nothing to do with bravery.

That's been the joke newfag

Uh huh, uh huh. Oh, you seem to have missed the part where it's easy to not care or be as aware of certain issues until they personally affect. But once it's happened to you, you have an understanding unlike anyone else, and justifiably care about it.

Of course, since you're a Yea Forums internet warrior, you need to downplay other people's ambitions and ideas with your armchair psychology. Now go to bed, you have summer school tomorrow.

>hurr durr,gun control activist

>meanwhile,even the pro gun preaching crowd doesnt care about their 2nd ammendment rights being violated

who needs obama when you have donald trump and a democrat house majority

I stood up against 4 taller and heavier fuckers that were messing with my friend. I fucking did this drunk and shirtles (disguised as bruce lee because halloween party)
I insulted them , and humiliate them because i got everybody in the party to hate on them and take them out.
Yes i was lucky i didnt get my ass kicked.

>brave as Emma Gonzales on any given day

she so bravely hid in a corer as the kid whom she admits she endlessly bullied shot up the school.

if any thing shes partially RESPONSIBLE for what happened...

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Jesus dude! That's pretty intense.

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Maybe I felt like stating the obvious, nigger. Some of you are brainlets on that tier after all.

Unironically proud of you user

>Now go to bed, you have summer school tomorrow

I love how newbs say that as if it shuts down the argument.

>you have an understanding unlike anyone else, and justifiably care about it

So your point is no one can "justifiably care about" a cause they fight for unless they are a victim of it?

take a beat, reevaluate your thoughts, and get back to me.

where is the video from lmao

i called my mommy a nigger

if she's black, good job.

if she's not, great job.

You clearly do need that summer school since you can't read what I actually wrote.

If you think my point is "no one can justifiably care about it" without directly experiencing, I'm guessing your IQ is maybe 70? A little better than Africa.

What I actually said was, "But once it's happened to you, you have an understanding unlike anyone else, and justifiably care about it."

You twisted that into "oh so you MUST directly experience it to care about it."

I hope this lesson on basic logic has helped.

she's white

I ate a bowl of corn flakes exactly 3 seconds after they had gone soggy.



Took a shit at work and didnt lock the door.

>I'm guessing your IQ is maybe 70? A little better than Africa

Do you think a continent has an IQ? You know its a land mass, and not a living being?

Keep talking, you're making yourself look awesome.

I once smashed a car window to save a dying baby

I can't. I'm not even brave enough to bully a kid who would shoot up a school l.

You’re not as brave as OP. He did a 12-hour call of duty marathon yesterday.