Drug thread.
Post your stories/experiences.
Drug thread
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My workmate went to Download last weekend and apparently watched Slipknot while tripping on acid. I was already jealous of then going while I was working, bit I've wanted to do acid for years so now I'm really jealous
I had some grease monkey last night and for some reason decided to turn on radio static before laying in bed. My mind went fucking numb.
Everyone asleep at this time haha
Any reason for the radio or was it a spur of the moment thing?
Dropped acid a few days ago. The most I experienced was mild visuals and feeling extremely cold.
The interesting part was my wife feeling extreme emotional shift when lying next to me. She claimed to have a lengthy conversation with her subconscious self, even though she was completely sober.
Anyone else experience this effect while on psychedelics?
I did ket a few months ago and made the rookie error of having another key because I couldn't feel it. I swear it was like I found feel my thoughts moving around my head and it made it really hard to figure out whether I was actually saying something or if I just thought I had. Then had a massive nosebleed and my friend took me home, ruined my shirt
I guess it was spur of the moment. The results were oddly comfy and I slept really good that night.
I never got the white noise while sleeping thing, but it never occurred to me to try it while stoned
How do you guys go about getting shit like psychedelics? Do you have a guy or do you use tor?
Give it a shot, it's pretty neat.
I do drugs anymore really cept alcohol weeds sometimes and kratom.
Shoot high grade nyc heroin and fuck my gf for 3 hours
Drop acid and see my friends face melt, see trails for 6 months.
eat mushrooms and see heaven for about 30 min.
Take speed and facefuck my gf for two hours
thats,about it drugs,are boring
I've done acid a few times and it's always been a lot of fun. Had some high quality shit about 2 months ago and went for a walk with my girlfriend on a hiking trail. I remember the leaves being bright green and everything else was colorless. Then we sat down infront of a small creek and it started kalaidiscoping and the trees strated meshing together. Then I sat on my bed and listened to music for the next few hours and watched the cieling undulate, transform, and fold into waves while my led lights changed constantly. Acid is cool but it's something I only want to do every once in a while since I always hit a point where I don't want to be high anymore and it becomes a chore to get through the lasting effects
Elementary teacher, 23yo wm
Got off at 3pm, immediately took 2 ecstasy tablets and have been toking on 2 thc cartridges, changing them between pulls.
Have 2 more tablets for tomorrow night too
Sometimes also pick up a gram of coke but the quality is clearly shit ($40 Florida) and I tend to have to call out the next day because I wouldn’t have slept
That sounds super chill
I heard when the peak of acid is going down do about 40mg every hour or so of K and watch psycadelic videos on YouTube. You'll get a brain orgasme you wouldn't believe! So I heard anyway.
less than 5g psilocybin mushroom cured my depression. end.
I got drunk off wine while in rome and cried when my mom yelled at me
I haven't used tor, though some buddies of mine have ordered edibles and dmt and been happy with the products.
In this day and age it shouldn't be difficult to find someone dealing. Part-timing at a restaurant is a sure way to find a plug.
I was tripping on lsd and molly when my bf showed me cp now I'm obsessed with loli
I k holed while also on 2cb and the only way I can put it into words was my ceiling became an optical illusion and I was in it somehow
Have no where else to post this so I guess capsaicin is a drug
>making pepper flakes with habaneros, jalapenos, and Hungarian waxes
>not wearing gloves
>cut all of them in half and bake them
>get pepper juice all over my hands
>start jacking off
>immediately dick and balls burn
>first reaction is to take shower
>water spreads oil to taint and asshole
>pour milk on myself
>dick and taint stop burning but oil in urethra and asshole still burn
>had to wait it out
>cried for an hour
>burn went away
I've never touched a pepper since
See I've heard people say that the quality off tor is way better than Street level stuff, but setting it all up is such a pain. And I know what you mean about restaurant shit, I work in a pub and can pretty easily find weed, come etc just not psychedelics. It's weird
thanks for sharing user
Your welcome
Just gotta know the right peeps
from the top of my head: vpn, browse for deep web markets, tor, bitcoin wallet, money conversion. that kind of stuff, it's easier than it seems.
High right now. My core feels hot and the room's turning. It's sweet.
Any of y’all do cocaine solo and play video games / nsfw-kik obsessively?
Just realised I typed "can find come" lmao, I meant coke
I've only ever done it with friends in clubs, I can't see the appeal of doing it alone
Coke and Zelda breath of the wild Currently
Smoked DMT for the first time not to long ago. Was a little underwhelmed after everything I read online. Think I didn't do enough or maybe wasn't a strong batch? I never truly blasted off. A few days after I tried it again and it was much stronger but still didn't blast off.
One time i did drugs. It was pretty cool.
thats a wild one
Bruh you need to calm down, we're worried about you
Ket is best via IV
Only drugs I don't IV are the ones that aren't water soluble (THC, benzos). You could prepare an emulsion I guess, but that can't really be done at home.
Never once did I look at an egg and think it was a brain
I wish i had more drugs. They need to make grubhub but for drugs.
I really want to do some psychedelics,shrooms or LSD, but i have no friends and don't know where to get any, would a dispensary edible be a good starting point and substitute until i can find friends
I tought i was in the vietnam war
Go on a trip to Amsterdam
I do plan to eventually, assuming i can get my shit together and get the cash
I presume your in USA ? So flights be expensive
yeah, super envious of Europeans having all those countries to travel to easily
Why not smoke it? and if you're interested look up MAOI's, they're a kind of drug that enhances tryptamine experiences by increasing the uptake of your receptors. Makes DMT much more powerful apparently. But you have to be careful to not eat certain foods high in Tyramine since you could fucking die for some reason due to them not combining with MAOI's well
I used to be anti drugs. Took a shit load of lsd, ketamine, 2cbs and molly. Since then I have met God... Not the religious God, the spiritual one. I am completely content with life. I can see that the only reason we don't fulfil our purpose is lack of love, which is equal to acceptance. Drugs have changed my life for the better
Also, Loli is life
Just move here ;)
I'd love to, if you've got space for a unqualified American with no other aspirations than to listen to music and do shrooms let me know, ill be over in a jiffy
I might be the only one on this damn thread that can say Mescaline. Here in California there's a fuckload of this one psychedelic cactus called San Pedro (Trichocerous Pachanoi) that you can make into a tea, and it is very potent if made correctly and in the right dosages. The visual and mental stimulations are similar to acid, with some empathogenic effects like Molly, but it relaxes your muscles heavily and makes you rather want to melt into a chair then get up and be active. Had a great experience tweaking with me and my friends, who claimed that everything was waving and radiant. We were looking at these flowers in the park and to us they looked like snapping-flowers or some shit since they were like ungulating in our heads. My friend did a large dose of mature cacti (around 2.5 feet of cacti boiled into 8 oz of tea), and claimed he was on the brink of insanity for the entire night. He did it at 8pm and stood awake through the whole night out of fear for dying. He's kind of a nervous guy, though, and I feel that if he just calmed down he could have broken through and had a great experience
>pic related
it's the VERY mature cacti that I found in an alleyway of the streets of Santa Ana, California. I was really blessed by the universe to find this one boys, I even took cuttings of it to plant in my own garden
anyone want to smoke / intox encourage on Kik?
I've done shrooms and weed, mdma and meth, coke, 2-cb from local
>order from darknets
never will buy local again
I'm in Ireland , planning on moving to Holland soon with no qualifications as such but I'll get a job in a bar or shop
Dude I did some San Pedro, but got it in powder form in the mail.
I did it on the border (near Tecate.)
I should of boiled it into a tea, but I thought it would be easier to get down just to swallow the powder, and gulp it down with water. The whole process took me an hour, but I had a similar trip to what you're talking about.
The feeling is very molly like, even when I threw up I felt incredibly giddy. I remember going down the road with my friends and seeing my neighbors floodlight which broke up into the prism rainbow arch. It was incredibly beautiful.
I wandered to where my other friends were playing guitar, and I cried from how beautiful it was. Looking back, it must of been incredibly weird because they had no idea what I was on.
Hey there folks!
25yo, smoking between 2 THC cartridges, kinda coming down from ecstasy.
having a super chill solo night, playing some PS4: Final Fantasy IX, Battlefield V, Dark Souls III, The Last of Us PvP, Spyro Reignited.
I'd love to chat with someone who's also staying up late, smoking / intox'ing, and playing video games.
Kik: LordsoftheCs
what was the point of saying your an elementary school teacher you tard
former tbh
I ate an entire ounce of mushrooms in 4 hours last Sunday and they were the second strongest zoomers I've ever had. They were turned into a chocolate bar. I was so fucked up I thought I was going to die 7.5 hours in. Had a quick 5 minute cry and kept repeating "I'm fucked on drugs" then I thought about how funny of a statement it was and started laughing about it. I thought I was gonna lose my mind but I held on thankfully. It was a great time at the end of the day. I spent most of it playing Smite and Rainbow Six Siege with my buddies from work. Biggest wave I've ever rode.
I did mescaline a few years ago. Great trip, very chill, very natural, lasted forever. Smoked a little opium (no, not heroin) about 6 hours in, absolute perfection.
wish i had that kinda laissez-faire approach to life, that kinda shit would scare the hell out outta me
yes, contact high is very real, particularly with entheogens.
Me and my bf are on cocaine , drinking and he was playing Zelda ,I love Spyro btw and he is a fan of final fantasy
Ahhhh hello there :D
Nothing beats mdma
Is there an simple/effective way to test the quality of an X tab?
took 2 tabs at hard summer music fest, saw a guy dancing around in a diaper, some chick was holding a chain attached to his neck and recording him
Break off a tiny piece or buy bulk and testing kit baby
I just had a .5g tisanne of shrooms 2hrs ago with a bottle of wine. It was halo glaring everywhere with the sunset. My cat is wonderful. Gotta take a nap now,
Lol, it's a different feeling entirely when you cry from beauty while on psychedelics. One of the greatest feelings in the world, I can see why people are starting to use them in case studies for PTSD and depression
>Came home from closing shift (got home round 11)
>Come home to find the homies all chilled off of a tab each, except Ricky, who had 2
This isnt Rick's first time with acid so thought he would be fine.
>Hanging out, first roomie started coming down first, said "Damn this is wild"
You gonna be good?
>"Yeah B, here take this extra tab"
Lmaooo bet
This was my first time ever with acid.
>Just felt wicked high for the first couple hours. Felt like I was melting a few different time and it felt heavenly.
>Me and my brother go to play some Diablo 3 out in the living room where Ricky is laying down
>Talks about going outside for some air
Whatever dude, just be careful
>He goes outside, comes back 2 minutes later and lats back down. 10 minutes later
>"Think I'm gonna go outside for some air"
Dude you just went outside, you good?
>"Yeah just need some air"
>He goes out side and I go back to slayin then demons.
>2 whole hours go by (bout 1AM at this point)
>Another dude comes through "You thought you said Ricky was here?"
Yeah he was- wait he went out side a couple minutes ago.
>Realized how much time actually went by.
The hardest I've ever tripped was during the 2017 Solar eclipse in Oregon.
I did 7.5 grams of shrooms with 10 tabs of acid. I felt like I was dying, I came in contact with the mother of existance who wanted my love, and I took this as she wanted to consume me. I came across this praying mantis like entity.
My second hardest trip was on an ayausca mix I made from harmaline and ACRB. In a sense, it was harder than the Oregon trip because it felt more like dying and losing my life was even more of a probability. I felt as if I had been dropped into the stomach of some cosmic serpant, and that all life was is this process of digestion to become part of the devourer. I saw pyramids, but they were 2D and really geometric. I was able to put on music, and it was like the youtube algorithm was communicating with me and helping me out. I started writing and thinking about my ex and felt true remorse for the first time in my life.
Then I got this automated call from a life insurance company and freaked the fuck out. The whole trip lasted 12 hours, I remember being bitched out by the devourer spirit telling me I don't know what I was doing and to come back when I had some supervision.
My worst trip was during vans warped tour in 2012. I got sold some RC and was told it was acid and mixed it with 800mgs of dextroamphetamine. I completely disassociated for 3 days. I had no memory immediately after the trip, but parts resurface every now and then. I got completely naked and ran around screaming thinking I was singing along to some faggotty 2000s screamo band and absolutely killing it. I looked up at the sky at one point and got sucked into it. I remember seeing the eye of God (like that hubble picture) and being told I couldn't enter the kingdom of heaven while I had clothes on.
As soon as I stripped, I was rushed by security who threw a sheet over me. At this point I was sure I was Jesus and this was my time to ascend to heaven. I was put into an ambulance.Cont..?
thank you guardian angel
Don't pet animals when you're on Mushrooms because minute amounts of Psilocybin exit your pores and can fuck your pets up
Kidney beans were breathing violently.
Pretty neat
There was some study where they gave psilocybin to people with PTSD and the result was ridiculous. Something like 95-100% of the study participants were completely cured of their ptsd.
I’m actually freaking out a little bit. I took 4 10mg Valium and I’m feeling really floaty and my breathing feels so slow. Does anyone know if I can overdose on this amount?
shroom spores are legal to buy in most countries like the US and Canada. just order some online and go buy a Shiitake growing kit from the hardware store.
also some varieties of LSD are legal to buy in a lot of countries too, like 1P-LSD.
no way i once took three pills of that and dindint feel anything rather than sleepness
I'm not seeing anything about Salvia on here. Anyone have experiences with it?
>be me
>friends and I starting to get into psychedelics (Only other psych before this was a tab of acid each a month or so prior)
>We decide to buy Salvia since it's legal
>it cums
>we all go to park, friend has his little percolator pipe
>We read somewhere online that you had to hit it really hard with direct flame and just hold it
>I go first
>I pull away from the lighter after a second of lighting it/pulling since I'm afraid it'll be too hot
>hold it, let go
>start feeling real whacky, like all my cells are spiked and a strong sense of delirion overcomes me
>seeing mandola shapes around me when I close my eyes, but nothing too strong
>overall, I didn't hit it as hard
>My friends are confused since I didn't seem to be tripping out as hard as the internet said i would. "is this shit bunk?"
>Other friend says he'll try it
>packs a bowl, beings to fucking RIP the bowl so damn hard I felt the vacuum of space pulling at me
>A small blackhole essentially formed in his lungs, allowing him to take the largest hit that I think any of us could have done.
>holds for 20 sec.... let's go
"All in all, the maximum daily total of Valium use in milligrams should not exceed 40 mg."
Valium is also one of the least potent benzodiazepines on the market.
"However, even at 1,000 times the recommended dose — upwards of 2,000 mg — Valium is still not lethal."
You'll be alright--hydrate consistently and rest up.
you'll be alright user, Breathe in through your nose for 10 seconds and breathe out through your mouth for 10 seconds to regulate your heart rate.
This is pulled from >therecoveryvillage _ valium
I just took some pills I found....tripping balls
Anybody know what they were?
skittles. you dun fuked up m8
interesting, its definitely something ill look into, do you know how long it normally takes before you can harvest them?
>Realize at this point that his car and keys were missing. Try calling
>His fucking phone is on the table
>We all start worrying then calm down after like 40 minutes.
>His phone gets a couple messages but we don't have his code so we can't see who it is or who it was
>Another hour and change goes by when all of a sudden, back door open and Ricky's comes into the room, sits down, and starts rolling a blunt
>Yo how y'all niggas doing tonight?
Ricky where the have? You've been gone for almost 3 hours.
"Oh yeah bout that, I think I got into a car accident."
>Tells us about how he remembers throwing up at an intersection, getting behind the wheel again and driving then waking up and his car was totaled.
>So what's he do? Who briskly walks the 2.5 miles back to my place
>He gets a call from his girl (his car is in his girl's grand father's name) and she let him know that his car was found
"Cool just have it driven back here"
>Nigga got so twisted on acid, he went to drive to his girl's house, threw up, started driving again, crashed, knocked out for 30 minutes where no one saw this happen, and walked back, and doesn't remember that he totaled his car.
Got away with filing it as a stolen car
jesussssss man
>be tripping absolute tits with buddies (rural bumfuck nowhere Michigan)
>one of them has the incredible idea of taking the lot of us down to the nearest citgo because they were thirsty or some shit
>close to 15 minute drive sober, feels like fucking eons when you have had roughly a fist full of caps
>get there
>somewhere between peaking and still peaking
>absolutely cannot interact with people normally at this point
>proceed to have what would have been a fairly haunting conversation for even a sober person
>standing outside car, waiting for dipshit friend to get his slushy when some balding middle aged woman approaches me from I'm not sure where. Never seen her in my life. Quite a sight though, very fat, lots of facial moles, sinister looking. the psychedelics are not helping this sight at all. Could have sworn her teeth were spikes
>in a machine gun barrage of questions "Oh hey user it's been so long, how are you doing these days, are you still drive that old buick, hows the kids?!"
>manage to utter out an "im sorry?"
she proceeds to explain that she works surveillance for my former workplace, and Indian casino, and has been there for close to 20 years, says I was one of her "favorites" for reasons I could not follow and also find out that she is behind the vast majority of terminations there, as I guess she is the senior most operator. Talked at lenght about how she loved to get people fired over minor stuff but just "had a thing for my energy" (i detested working there and was open about it so that lost me even more)
Mind you this was a fairly tightly run casino, and I was a night shift cage cashier for only the first 3 years of their operation, this person had literally not seen me in close to two decades (or face to face ever) and recognized me at a glace.
>Now this would have just been pretty weird not tripping but considering I was in the midst of a near transcendence level psychedelic high I was shaken pretty fucking bad and could only imagine that I was staring at her like she glowed in the dark at this point.
>managed to mumble some vauge generic responses back to her but she could tell somthing was clearly wrong with me and her mood turned super sour at the drop of a hat
>proceeded to berate my "lifestyle" and made her way into the store
>sat there for what felt like forever paranoid shitless and feeling absolutely horrible about myself and situation, was convinced at that moment I met some weird fucked up hybrid of god and Satan and that i had entered a state of consciousness that was not meant for human people and that I had committed some mortal sin by reaching the "level" I was at in that moment, and that i had essentially been warned by a higher entity in the same way a cop lets you off with warning knowing damn well YOU knew how fast you were going anyway.
>eventually we get back to the house and my buddies pryed at me to tell them what was wrong and explain who I was talking two but I couldent really make sense of it to them.
>spend the next 2 days in bed in a total depressive fit and come fairly close to actually considering suicide
>finally level out and rationalize my experience but in the 5ish years since that encounter I haven't had the nerve to trip again.
>friend just hit the salvia bowl insanely well
>right as we breathes out we're all just staring at him in awe wondering how he'll react
>at first, just silence for about 15 seconds
>friend begins to look around himself where he's sitting on the floor with obvious confusion and panic
>"where am I?"
>"where am I?" *slightly louder*
>"Where AM I?? *begins standing up*
>friends and I look at eachother like "oh fuck"
>he begins walking away very briskly like he's trying to get away from something
>me: "whoa whoa bro don't worry just sit down, just sit down"
>I firmly lock around his waist so he can't run away
>friend: "hnnnnNNNNNNNNG"
>he is ripping away from me with all his might, he's pretty damn lanky, so his strength wouldn't trump mine in any situation, but I was thoroughly surprised since he was putting like 100% adrenaline effort into trying to escape from me
>other friend runs up and bear hugs around the front of him
>him: "WAIT...I.... uhhh.... wh-....what?....wha-......w-wait.....oh I'm.... you guys are here?.... what...wait... what happened?"
>he claimed that he thought he was in a different universe where we were all evil clones of him, which is why he was running away.
>Thought my friend that bear hugged him was like some mother being that consoled him and grounded him back to reality quickly.
>claimed we all had this weird clock face
>"like some threatening, but cartoonish face of a clock"
>week later
>pic related
>It was the fucking goofy goober clock from spongebob
>I busted my ass laughing so fucking hard
I feel like i just didn't smoke it correctly, but I've always felt psychedelics at a lower intensity than most of my friends, that or I just handle it well. I hope one day I get to actually try it again, maybe mix it with acid or something.
One time took acid or research chems, not sure which, kayaked to an island on a nearby lake and met up with some random other dudes and went cliffjumping. Freefall is wild while tripping.
I bet it's p great. Would love to try. Did you feel like you were going to "die" but in a positive way?
read up
Wondering the same thing! I really want to try DMT but don't have the first clue how to get my hands on it.
appreciate it
you can make your own, just look up "DMT tek" online and you see all the different methods of making it. Nothing is more satisfying then being able to get high from the fruits of your own labor
>Have 2 more tablets for tomorrow night too
You realize taking E without a much longer time interval between uses can give you permanent brain damage/emotional dysfunction, right?
Die in a fire.
eat shit glownigger
I have no idea how people can willingly do that to themselves, You get Serotonin Syndrome and literally get forced into depression from doing too much molly. hell, I fucking cry for no reason a week after I do 1 Euro, Idk how the fuck people handle quadruple that
>be me
>Roll 15 gram joint
>smoke it last 4/20 with my only 2 friends
>got high af and ate pizza with Yea Forumsros and played dank souls
10/10 would do again
>Idk how the fuck people handle quadruple that
never done it but as seasoned alchy I can probably guess that it comes with built tolerance and lack of preexisting emotional depth.
Wake with a furry in my bed and is with a dude furry * I fuck a gay guy and furry in one night say no to drugs
I smoke pot from the time i wake up until I go to bed at night. Smoke about a quarter to half Oz a day.