Niggers are not humans

Niggers are not humans.

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ACTUALLY all people came from Africa so Africans are no less human than anyone else drumpf supporter.

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And you don't start trippin' and shit, call me a racist. 'Cause I don't mean Nigga in a disrespectful way, I mean it as a general term for an ignorant motherfucker. Anybody of any race can be an ignorant motherfucker.

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shitted is a meme for cucks

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Cool now I know what to do when I'll need to farm some ig accounts

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black panther wasn't even black in the original comic books. he was south american

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You can be Black and South American.

Blackness is not tied to nationality.

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I know

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Yes, yes indeed.

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we all know the average south american is not a full blooded nigger

Literally correct because there is no such thing called a nigger.

Whole lot of black people in Brazil.

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there's white people too and the majority are mutts

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That one for sure isn't

hmmm, racistt your are

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Looks like someone misused the Smudge tool

the one on the right is Droopy

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his nose looks like a penis tip

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>why the long face?

That's why in america some news outlet have the warning; For entertainment purposes only

can we get china to comment on this?

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fukin' kek

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>all people came from Africa
Not one single, credible, legitimate anthropologist, archaeologist, or historian agrees with your Marxist revisionism though. You're either still in high school or are just very stupid and ignorant.

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>No thing Like good ol' fiable YouTube videos yo probé ma Whitenes and how we are superior.

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that's still cuck shit you faggot. it's still white whores sucking nigger cocks

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Nigga stole this bitches bike

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learn geography idiot


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Your just jealous that they have bigger cocos than you. I bet you'd take a BBC any day.
