How are bernie supporters going to feel when they get screwed again by the dnc and either joe biden or pete buttedge...

how are bernie supporters going to feel when they get screwed again by the dnc and either joe biden or pete buttedge are the presidental candidate?

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Man, who the fuck knows what's gonna happen in the primaries. People are now bringing up reparations, and that's a fuckin' wild card topic.

Someone is going to be eliminated early because they said the wrong thing.

well he made out like a bandit the first time around. he's just there to get paid.

It's obviously going to be Biden. If he wins it'll be shit for the progressive movement that's started because of Trump. The moderates/generic libs will be satisfied and will stop pushing back, fast forward 8 years and we get a president even further right than Trump.

He's the best

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>stop pushing back

so you think a bunch of crybaby's shouting at the sky is "pushing back".nobody cares about democrat cities and states,trump got elected because we gave you morons 8 years and all you did was make america a pile of shit

i will admit though,id rather have joe biden then that faggot pete buttigieg or bernie "the kike" sanders

Buttgig will get the nomination, if he can prove that he takes BBC.

also,if biden gets the nomination.i hope he makes obama his vice president,i would vote for him just based off republicans outrage alone.can you imagine,4 more years of obama

Biden is the nominee. Watch it be Biden/ Michelle Obama.

All these other fuckers are what you call stalkimg horse candidates. think of them like different aspects of a schizophrenic brain. Each one is intended to appeal to a seperate subsection of the electorate. Each one will get his or her tiny group excited about voting Democrat. Then one by one, each will withdraw and throw their support behind Biden. That way he never had to campaign as a black whore demanding reparations or a hip skatevoard riding dudebro. Yet tje supporters of those candidates will all feel satisfied that Joe is their man.

This is exactly what Bernie lost sight of in the last primary. He knew what his role was but he got a little too addicted to the attention.

>michelle obama

thats all we need,another fucking obama in the white house.democrats dont have a chance if they run joe biden and michelle obama,the only people who would stomach that combo are the extreme left

>the extreme left
Ameritards version of “extreme left” is right of center for most other countries.

You need a good healthy shot of socialism...your current political landscape is a fucking wasteland

>this corporate shill isn’t as corporate as this other corporate shill
Freedom of choice !

The majority of people are democrats. Nice try Cletus now get back in your hole.

Triggered faggot detected

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Remember when republitards were prepared to swear allegiance to Russia if it meant they’d get to keep sucking Trumps cock?

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>most other countries

well,do you want a medal for that? nobody cares about your shit country fuck off

remember when libtards didnt realize that obama and the extreme left was the reason why donald trump won? nevermind donald trump and his family get attacked by the very same people who fail to realize just how left wing he and his family are? this is how stupid people in america are

really? so if the majority of people are come hillary lost,and a republican won? how come the rest of america isnt a poverty ridden hell hole like the cities and states democrats run?

He will get cucked by boomers again and his dumbass supporters will blame le ebil establishment.

Awful awful attempt. You should be ashamed for this.

>boomers again

most of bernie's support came from millennials,try again retard

Offering you some perspective.

Perspective helps you see where you currently are and where you’re going.

You prefer to stumble around blindly in the dark. That’s your prerogative.

thats all the left knows,insults.they cant actually figure out a way to run the country or their cities and states successfully,they'd rather just hurl insults at trump and republicans



those are some big words there kid

>obama and the extreme left was the reason why donald trump won

So, nothing to do with Trump or his policies?

Ok then.

But make sure to blame the massive swing left in response to the dumpster fire of an administration that is Trumps “presidency” on Trump, too.

It’s not fair

False, the majority of people are centrists. The current left is batshit loony and the right is the same old 1%er circle jerk. A third party could really have a chance in this environment.

try reading comprehension

>The current left
The current left is centre right.
Right are on the extreme right wing.

Get a grip you reactionary hysterical fuckwit

Reading what?

>or his policies

you mean

>were gonna build a wall

>i mean....a fence,right guys

>nevermind,i cant even get that because americans care more about freedom then my mexican crying

meanwhile,republicans preach about gun rights and conservatism,but elect a president who gave them more gun control his first term then obama did in 8 years.also,a guy who never goes to church either

but hey,its funny how the party of "its bush's fault"is now lecturing people on blaming the current president on the things he was responsible for.take your own advice libtard

They are the left, it's what they are called, get over it. And if you want to be taken seriously, don't type like a middle schooler.

>centre right

nope,gun control and supporting muslims and muslim countrys instead of israel.the left is still the left,if anything.they are pushing further left thanks to their socialist retard politicians and gay candidates for presidency

>same old tired talking points, with bonus reddit spacing

>They are the left, it's what they are called,
The Democratic Peoples Republic of North Korea is called “Democratic”.
So they must be a democracy huh?

No wonder Trump is your president when the average Ameritard has the critical thinking capacity of a lemon powered light bulb

i dont get it,people always say i have "reddit spacing"but this is just how i normally type.i dont even like reddit.Yea Forums gets faster replys and has a random board,while reddit doesnt

Pro war, pro capitalist, pro American Emperialism

Sure .....”The Left”

A lot would prefer a third party to rise out of these ashes, but this is what we have to work with right now.

>The current left is centre right.
Free College
Free Healthcare
Open Borders
Illegal Voting
Anti Free Speech
Anti 2nd Amendment

They got mad and voted for hamberder man last time. If you're creaming your pants thinking they'll make that same mistake, I have bad news for you.

>American Emperialism

Read a book, faggot.

It's because reddit plebs only come here to troll/shill and act like idiots and that's a good way to tell when it's one of them.

We can only take being fucked over so many times

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bernie sanders supporters did not vote for donald trump

>Illegal Voting

What kind of gullible pig Fucking hillbilly do you have to be to think that’s a “policy” of the left.

A stereotypical one

The UK, under a right wing conservative government, currently has those things.

Those aren’t “leftist ideas” , you’ve just been brainwashed into believing any attempt to curtail the .01% stranglehold on the unequal distribution of wealth is “extreme leftism”

Which is why you will be led by the nose your entire life

You’re just repeating fake news. Stop watching CNN and open your eyes. Use your brain and think man think.

Of the nine Bernie supporters I know, four voted for Trump, two voted for Hillary and three didn't vote.

Pete is alright, I wouldn’t care if he got the Nom. Biden however, that old man has got to go.

Oh, you haven't looked into the ability for illegals to register to vote in California when they get a drivers license?
Since you didn't know that, I'll assume you didn't know Californian registries don't have to check ID's when people vote.

Delicate little flowery snowflake - doesn’t like being called a faggot.

Fuck your feelings republitard.

>Those aren’t “leftist ideas

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The trumpfags have to shit on Bernie now because Trumps own internal polls showed him losing Michigan to Bernie by like 10 points.

i wish Bernie would fuckinggo away already. not that im wishing him harm, but fuck I am sick of these career politicians trying to fuck over our country

I don't care as long as someone electable is put up. Fucking Hillary.

1000000000% agree.

all these things you ve listed are good unironically

Who would unironically support some ancient cuck that will likely die in office anyways?

>trumpfag runnin scared


>Votes for 300 pound hamberder king

you have 0 actual insight into our country eurofag, now fuck off to letting your government take most of your paycheck

According to Trumps polls, the swing states he needs to keep his presidency

orange fan mad

Better find someone more in the middle then. Because currently everyone running on the dem side is having a race to see who can go furthest left the fastest and doubling down on what lost them the election in 2016.

Bernies their only shot. theyd be fools to split the dems yet again.but yr right theyll put some establishment dem up there and lose again, low key secret trump voters sill trounce them.

>use your brain

the trump supporter says,as he crys about cnn

My first Presidential race, I voted George McGoveren. I’ve voted Democrat ever since Obama’s second term. Benghazi, Gaddafi and many more things like the 3% growth year after year really makes you think. I changed from being a Democrat to unaffiliated in 2014. I did not vote for either Hillary or Trump but after what I’ve witnessed over the last two years, I’ll definitely be voting Trump.

bitch I can still buy a unregulated ar-15 in south Carolina with no special permit. the fuck did he do to gun rights?

pete is a faggot,and how come democrats dont care that the state he is from's governer is the current vice president?

>now fuck off to letting your government take most of your paycheck

As opposed to having the insurance companies take it in burgerland?

>ex democrat here

fuck off nigger,you arent welcome in the republican'll bring your left wing bullshit here just like your boy trump did

Leftists ideas are things like “public ownership of amenities”, “workers in control of the means of production” etc

Affordable healthcare isn’t left wing extremism.
People profiting from the sick is extremist

>theyd be fools
you might be on to something user

Also, the practice of including illegal immigrants in the census has repeatedly resulted in the unlawful distribution of additional House seats and electoral votes to states with high numbers of illegal immigrants from states with low numbers of illegal immigrants, depriving those states and their citizens of their rightful share of representation and political power.

Socialist should be hung, not given credit. A good communist is a dead communist in America.

I didn't say affordable healthcare, I said free healthcare.

I don't know what insurance company youre talking about. im not so retarded I need to have a hospital relocate my shoulder every other week

but where's the bump stock for it though? oh right,you cant get that.cadet bone spurs banned them

also,how about that supressor for it.oh right,the "pro gun"people's president is gonna ban those to.gee,you'd think they aint so 2nd ammendment supporting anymore


>hurr durr,you dont need bump stocks

you dont need an ar 15 long before you retards president bans something you do care about,slippery slope bitch.the 2nd ammendment is what i suppot,not your presidents feelings

>anyone who doesn't support my candidate is a trumpfag
As long as you keep thinking that way, we'll fucking lose again. By all means, keep trying to make matters worse for everybody.

Where did I say I was a Republican?
Point it out nigger, I’ll wait.

I could never vote Trump. You could hold a gun to my head, and I'd pull the trigger myself.

I don't get keeping the turd when the last set of options, according to most, were turd and turd. Perhaps it's still all turd, but we've seen what this particular turd is made of. Can we try another flavor of shit, maybe something with fiber?

I'd like a turd that at least keeps the machine of government moving in some coherent fashion, regardless of whether or not it's serving the people anymore.

Healthcare should be free at the point of use. Yes.
Again, not a left wing idea. Youve just been told that it is by the right wing faggots who want to scare you with a left wing ‘boogie man’ so that they can keep profiting from your illness.

You can still get suppressors dumbass, do you even know what the hell youre talking about? as for the bump stocks that was trumps way of calming down leftist fear after the Las vegas shooting, I doubt he actually cares about them. Trump is a business man and he was trying to make a deal to please both sides

Different year different election. After 4 years of dealing with conservative bullshit makes the populace feel a lot differently than they did 4 years ago. People remember what it was like under Obama, what it was like to have someone eloquent and effective in office. Lots of people just didn’t show to the 2016 election because it seemed like such a joke. Won’t be the same thing in 2020. In 2018 republicans turned out in record numbers to vote in the midterms. Yet the Dem voters turned out in even greater numbers and still took back the house. Trump has not dialed anything back since then. He’s doubled down and tripled down, even after it’s been shown that he’s alienating the swing voters that got him into office. He hasn’t done a thing to try and gather new support, he’s just steadfastly pandered to his base over and over. Which means his support in the Republican Party is high, but the party itself has been hemorrhaging voters for the last 5 years and has shrunk significantly. Playing to the left and showing just how not like Trump they are is exactly what those alienated voters will respond to.

oh so you think your commie boi sanders is any different then a democrat?

What part of the "machine" has Trump halted?

Regardless of who is nominated, remember we are all Americans and take care of eachother

>Healthcare should be free
>Again, not a left wing idea.

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Hrs already said he’s going to ban violent video games to stop school shootings.

This is the level of retardation we’re fighting against.
There is literally no point reasoning with them, or using facts or logic to make a point - they don’t care - they are led by their irrational hatred of the ‘socialist boogie man’.

Pence can’t be governor and VP at the same time. What’s more, who cares? Nixon was from California. Voting for a fag is exactly the kind of spite that drove republicans to vote for Trump. It can work both ways.

Amerifag here.

If you have to go to the hospital for ANYTHING and you dont have insurance you will either be going bankrupt or paying on it for the next 10 years.
My wife had to go in for some minor shit. got a CT scan and some blood work. was in for 1 night. without insurance the bill would have been $45,000. with our insurance we hit our max out of pocket for the year.

I pay $500 a month for insurance that sucks ass but at least we will not go broke if we need something.

I would GLADY pay that $500 a month in the form of more taxes and be able to go to the doctor when i should rather then have a debate about how im just sick and i could go get some medicine and it will be done in a week or i can tough it out for 2 or 3 weeks with a fever but not be out a few hundred.

>People remember what it was like under Obama, what it was like to have someone eloquent and effective in office.
>eloquent and effective

How has the guberment slow down affected you again?

he's not a democrat. he should run as an independent so his whiney supporters stop crying about how bad they're being treated. he acts like a victim, just like trump.

The trump government shut downs?

Jesus fucking Christ it’s like arguing with a goldfish

Trump, remember ?
The guy with the stupid hair

>calming down leftist fear

america elected donald trump because they didnt want leftist pieces of shit running the country,so im sorry if your to stupid to think its acceptable for a republican president to cuck out to the democrats.because an impeachment should of been done the day he shit on the constitution with that ban,and we should throw his supporters out of the party if they find nothing wrong with his bump stock ban also

its obvious the republican party has a problem right now.and its to many liberal pieces of shit in it

>trump is a businessman

failed businessman you mean

LOL, my post said nothing of the sort. You asked who’d vote for Bernie and I pointed to towards some statistics that address that question.


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they will be saying Bernie would have won. It's going to be funny.

I haven't said anything yet, and user could just go ask user what's ado about this "guberment slow down".

>deal to please both sides

shitting on our constitutional rights did not please the republican you can see with your idiots losing the house majority and trump losing 2020 because of it,so tell me that pleasing "both sides"

if youre wondering how great free healthcare would be in the US see the Veterans Affairs

your to stupid to argue with,pence was governer of indiana before he came president.the same god damn state your fag boi buttfuckeredge is from

also,republicans didnt vote for trump.retards voted for trump,he isnt making friends by shitting on the 2nd ammendment

I cant imagine anyone would think they would win. Oh summer..

The socialist party and the communist party was always separate from the Democratic Party. Now, they’re combined with the DNC and trying to out loony each other. Rather hilarious actually.

Or the army in general
>free healthcare
>free higher education
>free trade training

YFW the army is liberal lefty extreme socialists !!!!

Thank you for your service

>got a CT scan and some blood work. was in for 1 night. without insurance the bill would have been $45,000.
Literal bullshit, why lie user?

Blood work pricing at a lab can range anywhere from $100 for one simple test, to $3,000 for several complex tests. On average, to get blood work done at a lab when the patient is uninsured will cost around $1,500.

n general, you can expect to see CT scan costs that range from $270 on the very low end to nearly $5,000 on the high end. The cost varies depends on the facility, your location, and factors such as whether you pay in cash or bill your insurance provider.

A typical in-patient stay in a hospital is about 5 days, and that may cost you over $10,000.This figure does not include major procedures, ambulance fees, or other charges. It's easy to see how a short stay in the hospital may leave your family in a difficult financial situation.

>born in Pennsylvania with mostly northern family
But please do give more blind judgements to a person you know little about

Well, those other countries arent going to protect themselves so you better hope we don't hop on the socialist train.

Yeah shocking right? Imagine a scandal free administration, and the Growth of American power overseas. That’s what people remember.

What happened during the shutdown?
Anything bad?
Did the "machine" actually stop?

donald trump is why democrats are gonna think any self respecting,educated republican is gonna vote for that idiot again?

id rather have obama for another 4 years,at least republicans cared back then about the constitution and freedom,unlike now.because the scary brown people invading america is more important i guess

and how did any of that affect you nigger?

Just pointing out that the VA was free healthcare and people were literally dying waiting on treatment

It's the right-wing version.
You actually have to go do something.

Yeah. So? Who cares? What does that matter? That’s an irrelevant non-sequitor

oh right,let me think rednecks only exist in the south? think again redneck

No U

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I mean ,
When viewed through this house of mirror horror freak show, sure.

Step out side for more than 5 minutes and the actual real world is surprisingly different from how it is portrayed in the retarded memes shared on Yea Forums.


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>Healthcare should be free
***At the point of use***

The rest of the devloped world has decided to pay slightly higher taxes for a vastly better system then the US has.

Now im sure you have a few horror stories about the evils of uiversal healthcare to post but the simple fact of the matter is it works in the rest of the devloped world. People in the UK dont have to sell everything they own because they get cancer. they dont need to go bankrupt because they need a surgery.
Everyone chips in in the form of taxes and the wealthy chip in more because they have more to chip in and yes they are still rich as hell after doing so.

But please. Go on an explaine to me how something the wroks in every devloped nation in the wrold will not work in the US. Is the US not a 1st world nation?

Indeed he is not. Nor is he winning friends by acting like an asshole all the time.

Yeah but you wind up being charged a fraction of that.
They just write the rest off.

>who cares?

why do democrats get all butthurt about pence,but not pete? i guess sucking a cock is somehow making a difference even though indiana is the same place their pence boi came from they hate so much

You weren't one of the two I replied to then.

There are plenty of rednecks in the north.

You dumb fucking retard if you weren't so dense maybe people would be able to have a reasonable argument with you and hear out your political points

>Trump running as a Republican
>No Republican votes
Yeah, okay user

People that have no education and are automatic welfare recipients are not what anyone needs. As far as Obama, he helped trump get elected. nobodies going back to that.

See the department of veterans affairs

answer is in: juSQzW

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Nobody gives a shit that pence came from Indiana. It’s irrelevant. You’re a lunatic.

>Now im sure you have a few horror stories about the evils of uiversal healthcare
Not nearly as many horror stories as the ones from Ameritard.
people going bankrupt for getting cancer.
Becoming homeless because of a disability.
People dying because they can’t afford access to easily available medicine like insulin etc

Americans are garbage people

Imagine fiction?

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Nigger, Pennsylvania is redneck as fuck. It's as if you've never seen the place.

See the actual army

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Yeah I was, cause this >802695625 is me.

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>source maga1776
Hmm seems legit.

>go to ER because we dont know whats going on and she is having mussle spasems
>wait 4 hours at one ER before we are told it will be another 4 hour wait.
>fuck that we are going to a different one
>wait 3 hours there
>once they get to her they do a quick once over and get an IV in her
>doctor comes in orders a few tests
>in ER overnight
>admitted in the AM
>stay the day and 1 night in the hospital
>Total bill for all the tests and IV bags was 45grand.

How does anyone support someone who is clearly senile?

shut up nigger

>compelling evidence

>not compelling enough to press charges
>or release publicly

Brainlet meme believing gen Z retard

Don't forget bernie was leading the VA during the healthcare scandal

Pro tip: the people talking about “Free Health Care” ... there’s no such thing and only niggers are looking for gibs anyway. Don’t be a nigger.

Talking about swing state stats over a year before the election is retarded.

i see you dont understand my point.typical for an uneducated trumptard,maybe if i mentioned cnn you would understand

I consider myself to be fairly liberal, what I care about is aligned mostly on that side. But god dammit I hate the left. You have just spent 4 years complaining about how you hate Trump and how he's the worst thing ever. And what do you do? Fucking try to tank the only candidate that has a shot at winning by making a big deal over creepy back rubs. Fuck the left, you deserve 4 more years.

I will vote for whoever will stop illegal immigration, send back all illegals, allow any daca kids who stayed out if trouble, never voted illegally, and never took public assistance a path to citizenship and will stop raising the debt. Will fix healthcare and stop fucking with social security. Don't give a fuck if it's Britney Spears .

Biden's numbers are collapsing right now so I think the race may fall to either Warren and Sanders, especially with when the people start seeing the debates and more and more people start to drop out of the race.

Some poor people got assblasted that they were stupid and had no savings and had to work with a paycheck postponed for a while.
They still got paid mind you.
But that TSA guy making 28K a year needed to take his family to disney damnit and he needs to pay down the second mortage on his house and the 5 credit cards he maxed out to go do it.

This is stupid but thanks for playing

donald trump is old also,you gonna call him senile to?

Dude you’re having a stroke get help.

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It’s an indicator of possibility.


op here,you seem to be not a main point was because the dnc rigged the nomination for hillary clinton which is why she lost,but i guess democrats would rather blame russia and trump

Growth of American power overseas is a bad thing. What happened to his promise to end the wars and bring the troops home? He did the opposite.

Globalism destroys national sovereignty. This leads to your rights being compromised because of the emotional reactions of people thousands of miles away, by statists who think government owns people.

Was he effective? Not really. He made a lot of speeches whining that he was constrained by the Constitution, threatening to use his pen and his phone to pressure people into drafting the legislation he wasn't allowed to draft himself via executive order.

This "eloquent" and "effective" leader his sympathizers tout so much violated his oath of office, bullied people to do what he wanted, and whined to emotionally manipulate his fans into an emotional froth. The current state of outrage culture is, in part, his fault.

It's an indicator of you taking news networks at face value. Polls are NEVER reliable.

well he did bring troops home,he replaced a soldier with a drone

>derp derp it not free derp

Point is, I don’t have health insurance. I never have had health insurance. I will never need health insurance.
And when visiting a hospital, I will never be asked for payment. Or be refused treatment based on my ability to pay.

My taxes are ‘slightly’ higher than Ameritards....ok.
My take home pay is larger because I don’t pay health insurance .
My healthcare is better because I don’t have profit driven motives dictating my healthcare.

It is cheaper, more efficient, and gets better results than the Ameritard system.

There’s no need to be jealous Ameritard.

Oh wait, yeah there is

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I wish all this rhetoric and partisan quacking could go down the toilet, just like the environment. In 10 years, it's gone from "Bush bad" to a complete inability to discuss anything political.

For what it's worth, you're already arguing with another user. I'll give you something to sink your teeth in: the amount of members of government being swapped around like it's a game of musical chairs. How do you expect to get anything done, when the majority of your term consists of 2-5 hours of work, several manic hours of thumbing a phone, golfing, saber-rattling, booting people you don't like, and making nicknames for political opponents? What happened to running the country? What happened to infrastructure? What happened to staying out of international affairs? What happened to the jobs? 5G, everybody.

Jesus. That's not even the list. Those are just grievances tacked onto whatever the hell is going on. How is the current administration rife with so many reality television plot devices? Will you be writing to the same person you were last month? It's anyone's guess. The last half decade has been a testament to the government itself. It's hasn't caved in on itself, despite the fact that a colossal anomaly servers as it's head.

A chimp could've done more and been less destructive. All of that time wasted on petty nonsense and the equivalent of arbitrary button-mashing. Fuck me. Who's going to even clean up after Trump, if he glides out of office with a free presidential salary? What the fuck do they do about China?

but while on the subject of promises.whatever happened to "if you like your healthcare you can keep it"

regardless,all politicians are corrupt and liars.regardless their political affiliation

You don’t understand soft power. It’s not a hegemony he established, he had good working relationships with our overseas partners, and that inspired cooperation between the countries. That IS a good thing. You’re just vomiting up the usual hard right propaganda.

No you

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plus,by "power"your assuming that obama made the military stronger.he did the opposite,and its not gonna get any better with cadet bone spurs being the commander in chief either

>thinks Yea Forums memes are real
Whew lad

Get out more

Biggest legal theft in history. But they convinced the unwashed masses that this saved the country.

It was polls done by internal pollsters. Not the News Media. Internal polls are usually biased In Favor of their .Org. It’s a piece of evidence that there is trouble afoot for the Trump Campaigns.

Based user

Sorry friend, I was more just exposing my disdain toward the twitter-wielding left. I just find it infuriating that they'd rather tank Biden cuz of "muh rape culture" than get Papa Orange out of office.

Then why do all of the Canada fags come to the USA for any kind of serious treatment ?

Yeah, literal bullshit.
Also, if you're making little to nothing from your wages, they will cut the bill into almost nothing.

When I was turned 18 and moved out of my parents house, I was barely making 35k at the time without insurance (self employed). I broke my arm and the total would have been around two grand. I talked to their hospital billing department and they reduce my bill to under 700 bucks.
This shit happens every single day.
Morons like you just take everything at face value and think, "Well, that's it".

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Is this the Bong system that I hear that works so well? kek



meanwhile,donald trump spends 95 percent of his day on twitter,yet its the "left"who are the "twitter wielding"ones

>papa orange out of office

ok,but hillary wont be your president.mike pence will,and you will hate him more then donald trump

Then why does the UK have American health tourism?

this is so false, it's hilarious

Did the Dems ever adopt the rule change that would restrict the nomination of the Democrat Party to a member of the Democrat Party?

That would save Bernie the trouble of losing again the hard way.

Hahahahah where I see a E5 corpsman ?
Durrr just take Motrin 800


No they didn’t, it’s still all super pac bs

Ok Hillary

I disagree with that pic. This place has me lutzing everyday.
Let that just sink in

Because of the quality care, privacy and a system that isn't over burdened with natives and "refugees"


And it does work so well.

Ask any American who’s had to use it.
Ask any Brit what they think of the NHS

Trump even had to apologise and back track because even the merest suggestion that at some point in the future the NHS ‘might’ be privatised was beyond the pale for Britbongs.

Imma vote Trump if Bernie get fucked over again

You have mistaken me for somebody who gives a single solitary quantum iota of a fuck what your opinion is.

Please do not make that mistake again

Imma vote for trump regardless

Imma vote for Hillary, just because it annoys Trumpfags

this is why trump shouldnt of even been nominated let alone elected

There was a tread in /pol/ about Bongcare. Your countrymen didn’t paint it so well.

imma vote bernie.because between hillary and bernie,bernie sanders would be even worse for america.and i want to see them crash and burn because of donald trump

Imma vote for David duke to irk minority’s

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Oh you mean /pol, that bastion of truth?

Yes, please. I want to give free helicopter rides to progressives.


Imma vote Obama.
Because he was actually a good president

You want free from me saying the guberment will pay ... lmao ... I ain’t giving you my best.

Well, trump gave free private jets to his billionaire buddies.

What’s the difference?

>A third party could really have a chance in this environment.

Nope. Structurally, our First Past the Post system makes sustained, competitive third parties impossible.

Rarely a third party will start to emerge. When that happens, one of three things happens:

The "third" party supplants one of the two existing major parties, as the Republicans did.

The "third" party is (re)absorbed by one of the two major parties, as happened with the "Bull Moose" progressives.

The "third" party has a flash in the pan and then dwindles back to insignificance, as happened with Perot's Reform Party.

Then only way for a "third" party to avoid those alternatives is to remain irrelevant and never become competitive, like the Libertarian Party.

Why would they lie?

Yea Forums abhors paragraphs.

>billionare buddies

who? you realize he came from a shitty poverty ridden democrat city right

A small loan.

Into the memory hole it goes.

Does it make me a bad person to do Reddit spacing on 4channel on purpose?
Does it make me an official troll?
A shitposter?

Trump is the single biggest recipient of government welfare payouts ok the state of New York, of all time.

Funny how republitards are fine giving freebies to billionaires. Must be how they became billionaires.

Give me a few billion in free welfare and huge bank loans and I’d be a billionaire too.

Attached: 0C56C228-A75A-4955-838D-C040E59E89DC.jpg (719x1024, 110K)

>I’ve voted Democrat ever since Obama’s second term.

So once, for Hillary?

and bernie sanders drives a sportscar,but yeah.i guess being rich and white is only a problem when they arent left wing piles of shit

I will admit that it would he real nice to be able to go to school and learn new skills for a rapidly changing economy without having to put yourself in a lifetime of debt, not having to worry about getting buried in medical expenses because you got into a car accident (go ahead and say that people don't want to raise their taxes when they've probably been guilt-shamed into putting that money into a GoFundMe for said person anyway) and having the freedom to be able to smoke weed anywhere you want in this country. Sounds good to me.

Get a job hippie

the main point here,is he voted democrat since the president who only got elected because of his skin color it tells you how fucking retarded he is

lol Nope

I'm voting for Hillary. I voted for her last time, and the country is doing great!

>and bernie sanders drives a sportscar
Interesting. A sports car is equal to receiving free money from birth? Fascinating.

I'm not sure I've seen anyone like Trump before. He has his own brand, you know.

>shitty poverty ridden
Trump has risen from his humble background , as the trust fund son of a hotel mogul pampered New York socialite, to become the a very rich and successful person.

Against all the odds huh!

I think the arrow of causality points the other way.

Your reading comprehension is about as bad as the one you are replying to.

So do it?

A true riches to riches story.
The American dream made manifest


That was the only election since Obama's second term.

You are very hisotrically ignorant. Good luck with your homework.

>humble background

lol right,im sure the guy who's rich father gave him everything he wanted is just so redneck far right morons are why he got elected.if the educated voters had their say,he wouldnt of even gotten nominated let alone elected president

>I'm not sure I've seen anyone like Trump before.

I think most everybody could agree to that.

Satire is dead

>Well, trump gave free private jets to his billionaire buddies.
I'm pretty sure billionaires can afford their own planes.

and i doubt his buddies were billionares,they were probably poor liberal morons just like trump

Hopefully most everyone can also not believe a random man driving a sports car is Bernie Sanders.

Maybe my old ass didn’t explain that correctly. It was Obama’s second election that I voted Libertarian.

But you had you say. Just like rednecks


Bernie has been receiving free money for the past few decades, user.
Unless you can provide a list that proves he hasn't been sucking the Government tit for the last 38 years.

Sure they can.
Trump just made it all tax deductible for them, so they can write it off.
Because they need all that extra cash, don’t they.

Oh, and you poor bumblefucks are the ones picking up the tab for it.

How would you like to be that fuckers underwear? Your mouth is the peepee opening.

>the educated voters had their say,he wouldnt of even gotten nominated let alone elected president
My fiancee and I have 10 years of college between us and we both voted for Trump. You may be a pseudo-intellectual, you may want to get that looked at...

>trump is now a liberal
Right , when he does something retarded you don’t like - he’s now a liberal.

Republitard mind bleach.

Try drinking it next time


I write shit off all the time. You pick up for it as well, and I’m not even worth 1mil

this is how out of touch with reality trump's supporters are

>he has his own brand,you know

you mean,stupid people who think money can buy everything? or should i say,there parents money? since trump had his small loan of a million dollars

So... the burden of proof is on me to prove something you just claimed, if I'm to understand this correctly. And yet, that makes him different from the average welfare queen... how? They don't look like billionaires.

Trump on the other hand, well...

>and i doubt his buddies were billionares,they were probably poor liberal morons just like trump
The vast empty expanse that is your mind is a very scary place, indeed.

A degree in gender studies doesn’t count retard

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nope,i call trump a liberal because

1.he's been a democrat most of his life

2.has lived in a democrat city his entire life

republicans stay in republican cities and states.not retard leftistville usa like your boy drumpf

Lick my family values penis

A private jets worth of write offs?

Yup. Sure ya do.
Suuuuuuurrrrrreeeee Yyyyayaaaaaaaa Ddddddoooooooooo

You have just impeached your credibility with that stupid shit. You should just shut up since you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

>middle income voters

meanwhile,let me ask you a question.what has trump did to improve the lives of "middle income voters".if anything,he's made them worse with his tariffs.perhaps if you lived middle class you would know this,but you only have stupid stats you pulled off the internet as an example

That last bit shows how fucking dumb you are. How do people see Obama as a leftist? Dude would have gotten along great with Regan, just that Republicans are so far right and your average Democrat in power is Republican light. Fuck trump supporters are dumb and dont know shit about the actual left of this country or what it even means and the policies they hold.

The fuck do you care? David duke isnt runn8ng anymore. Would you rather Harris?

>think money can buy everything
That’s what the Democrats think. More Government Money.
You do know where that money comes from right nigger?

No one is a trump supporter. If that’s the figurehead, so be it, they are just anti your Agenda

Trump has been a Government employee for three years, not 38.
After 38 years, you'd think it would be easy to acquire a plethora of things that would merit the millions of dollars he's made.

what does david duke have to do with anything? and i care because he's the god damn president,i hope this country goes so far left next election its not even funny anymore

Goddamn you’re stupid af

But it won’t. Even left doesn’t want to go that far left


Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-19 Bernie Sanders Buys His Third House.png (1144x1128, 750K)

really? democrats?

ask ya boi trump,he knows all about it.after all,his first business wouldnt of went anywhere without his "small loan of a million dollars"

go figure why america is such a shit country with these idiots running it

user. I'm not a Trump supporter. You are severely riled up, so much so, that you misconstrued an off-handed comment as genuine support.

Take deep breaths. Stop waving that flag. The point is that he's clearly not a poverty-stricken nobody. He's a self-professed business genius with a brand that is literally his own namesake. There is nothing of that which necessitates someone could speak poorly of him because he just happens to be a rich, white "non-leftist". He does not live the life of someone who is humble or destitute, far from it. The man dodged the draft, for crying out loud. Them bone spurs just vanish like nothing at all. This is a pile of shit. Left, right, it doesn't matter. It stinks. It would still stink if he had gone Democrat all along.

>Trump has been a government employee for 3 years
And he has been a "business tycoon" for...

>you'd think it would be easy to acquire a plethora of things that would merit the millions of dollars he's made
Funny you say that.

[see Venezuela]

So loans are bad now?

oh really? promise them more gibs me dat.and democrats will vote for them

just look at ya boi left wing retards dont have a clue and dont care about the important qualifications of your president,that was proven by your beloved black president

I a repubublian you fucktard

Yeah reall Democrats. You priced that unsustainable “Green New Deal”?

>genuine support

lol right,your one of those trump supporting idiots who think he's an "outsider" and all that shit,i heard it even before he was elected president.donald trump is nothing but a left wing pile of shit who took advantage of your meth smoking trailer park idiots

Like I would waste my time on social sciences besides the obligatory bullshit credits required to show, you too have been subjected to brainwashing...

>Wear a joke t-shirt to trigger faggots
>Mission Accomplish for years to come

>green new deal

>he thinks socialist and democrat is the same thing

I'm the poster child for middle income voters, user.
I run my own business.
I made $112,000 last year.
Consumers seem happy about the economy.
My work load has increased in the last couple years because of this.

I don't know user, I'm pretty happy with how things are going.


either way,im sure ya boi "small loan,tiny hands"would be any better for the economy right?

Wrong board newfag

>Bernie has been recieving free money
>provide a list that proves he hasn't been

>no such list exists

>being asked to provide proof for sudden claim from other party
>finally provided with list that should've been present the first time around
>ha derp you fucking idiot

Christ alive, I don't support Trump.

and what party does AOC belong?

Liar I paid 1,000 dollars less in taxes thanks to Trump Fuck Yang and bernie hypocrite sanders...

Attached: bernielol.gif (480x352, 1.87M)

your right,your a trailer park living hillbilly who's to stupid to see why a billionare idiot who's lived his life in a left wing city is a terrible choice for president.that who is the poster child for middle income republican voters are

>Funny you say that.
Are you trying to make a joke or are you actually retarded?


I guess one could say they'd feel pretty...

Attached: giphy(3).gif (319x178, 709K)

Socialism is more popular than Trump...

Buy whatever lie the tv sells them like everyone always does.

You’re really looking stupid fren

What socialist agenda is being put out by the right?

oh,so your one of those idiots who thinks hillary would of been any better? since the only difference between donald trump and hillary clinton is the fact that hillary clinton is honest about her political affiliation and beliefs

Yeah, that's it user.
I probably make 3x your salary and "I'm" the one living in the trailer.
You got me.

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oh right,a guy who avoided paying taxes is praised by those who do.all because he lowered their taxes,meanwhile.tariffs are fucking your economy and your to ignorant to notice

Was still better than the alternative

>dont know shit about the actual left of this country or what it even means and the policies they hold.
You are just a duplicitous charlatan, you haven't proven a single fucking thing you have said. You are trying to pass unsourced opinions and insults as facts and the few things posted are devoid of evidence of where the claims originate. Then you call others stupid when you are the one who needs to learn how to form a valid argument in accordance with the rules of logic you fucking retard.

Attached: SYLLOGISM.png (973x426, 31K)

>your ecomomy
Still jealous of us overseas?

fully not voting if it's not bernie

really? ok,im sorry if you think a guy who has filed bankruptcy more times then you can count is gonna be good for the economy.shall i remind you that new york city is not a republican city,you know.the place cadet bone spurs tiny hands boi has lived his entire life in? or maybe losing 2020 will be enough for you trumptards to realize your own party doesnt even like trump,because losing the house apparently wasnt enough to see that

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Who the fuck actually wants to pay taxes?

not overseas,im american.and america has been a joke to people overseas ever since obama was president.perhaps you should start living in reality and not trumpland

You realize only 6 times has the house not turned?
It was expected

I live in a bluer state than you.

Calm down Warren from Massachusetts. The economy is fucking booming you nitwit

He didn't "avoid" paying taxes, he utilized legal ways to restructure his finances in order to pay the bills.
Are you twelve years old?

not really,since at least with would of gotten somebody who is honest about her political affiliation.unlike trump,who thinks passing more gun control in less then 3 years then obama did in 8 years means he's a republican

im glad republicans lost the house because of trump and will lose the senate and presidency in 2020 because of this dipshit and his liberal crap

Also you are a true fucking idiot, You can't get worse than some narcissist (kind of like you) who thinks he can kill Americans with no arrest, not trial, no due process and no chance to prove their innocence. Obama is the epitome of a banana republic despot, nothing more...

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-21 Obama, in a Shift, to Limit Targets of Drone Strikes.png (640x115, 15K)

>a guy who avoided paying taxes

Everybody avoids paying taxes more than they have to.

If you have a candidate you like who overpays his taxes, let me know.

>the economy is fucking booming

is that what trump told you? the economy is a bigger pile of shit then it was with obama,try living in reality and not trumpland

It’s all (((they))) got

You know the libfucks will still cry for socialist Bernie, even after he sold them out the last fucking go around.

You’re really blind tho the world you live in. Maybe you should take a break from it.

>the economy is a bigger pile of shit then it was with obama

Attached: 34085283485.gif (500x282, 906K)

well,nobody overseas would be jealous of somebody who lives in a blue state.because their just as poor and stupid as your entire state

>what is the Dow jones

I love the bone spurs meme. Where did Obama serve? Clinton? Reagan? Bush Jr only half served.

>go figure why america is such a shit country with these idiots running it
You are an embarrassment and you aren't getting a fucking penny of my money you worthless fucking freeloader. Eat shit.

Attached: liberals-are-crybaby-bitches.png (900x900, 1.34M)

nah,im a person who doesnt pay attention to your presidents fake stats on how the country is doing.since trump supporters wont believe reality and the news media

The unspoken option, a point. What do you get from needlessly trying to divert from the stronger aspect of the discussion? Rhetoric.

The original point: Trump came from rags. Argued point: Trump did not come from rags.
>a small loan
>Sanders drives a sports car so therefore he is just like Trump hate everyone equally
>driving a sports car does not equal being born into riches and owning a famous/infamous business empire
>Sanders has been receiving money from the government therefore ???
>Trump is still the very same Trump of Trump who does not need extra funds to go about living if he is an 800 IQ businessman

Explain what exactly we're supposed to understand from Sanders sucking off the teet of taxpayer money. You don't think Trump has also swindled the people through the bureaucracy of tax? Don't tell me that's how you're going to compare the two. All the hubub about his tax returns ended up revealing some of the practices he used to avoid the taxman and get free gibs.

Fuck off already.

Oh? Well shit!
No one told me my business isn’t great.
A lot better than Obama you fucking retard.

You scream blue, and now your downplaying blue?
You might wanna get a refund from the troll schooling you got

So overseas

Not that guy fucktard try to keep up.

Maybe both of you cite some data to support your view on the economy. That'd be cool.

gonna win that one, I suspect. But let's see how it plays out.

Seething that Trump is still President