>My friend cosplays as traps pretty well
>asked me what he should wear to gamescon this year
>I said he should go as Lilith from BL and I’ll wear psycho mask
>he said why Lilith
>just assumed he wanted to be a girl
>said idk she’s hot
>texts these exact words “lol if I do Lilith youd want to fuck me”
>haven’t responded to him yet
Wtf do I say? I mean he’s joking but also seems like a pretty obvious question like “would you want to?” Maybe I’m over analyzing. I don’t know what to say or think really. I’m a virgin so I want sex but this is so weird and im not really gay but I’ve fapped to traps a couple times so idk
this is what I got
Nightly fap material
thought it was just spam
There is no reason to be in this thread. OP already cucked and he's going to blow it.
It must be weird to be under 21 these days and not have a single straight guy friend. Zoomers are weird.
Man, if your friend is interested in you he really has is for insecure pussies like you.
fuck off
Seems like the guy wants your cock but dont dwell on it any more on this convo, the trap convo is dead, switch topics now and he might come back to it.
Thread, you realize we could find him right? There are not that many trap instagram cosplayers with 6k followers
don't talk to the bots
they'll learn from us
crap, thanks.
>"God all this innuendo made my pee pee hard"
>lol if I do Lilith youd want to fuck me
I'd reply maybe~
that's what old Yea Forums would have done. And then linked him the thread.
Nobody cares, newfag.
Why do you newfags feel the urge to constantly pose as oldfags? We can smell you, you know?
no balls
say "definitely"
You need to tease a bit before you go balls deep, trust me i've been talking lewd to people online for years now
Be the change you want to see.
Tryna look for similar looking boys. He’s half Asian so kinda looks like this guy in the eyes nose area... he did this same hair last year and looked similar.
pic related is Op’s friend and his mates right now
Now you just say something along the lines of "I'lm looking forward to it" and wait.
It's either that, or push the situation because you want to get laid NAO.
no u
I would do it OP, tell him you are very interested and that you want him to take your virgin dick
I say we do this, except we wont find him because he's not real and OP is a LARPer.
Never was good at doxxing. We had some real geniuses on this board ten years ago that could get your complete dox from listening to the echo of your fart.
Of cause it's not real, it's faggy trap fanfic.
Some of the folks at /g/ could probably do it but good luck motivating them.
Please die.
Why would OP larp a convo about cosplay that goes nowhere?
It's "go die in a fire" fucking newfag.
it's the third thread about this shit, so whatever he's posting, it obviously works.
Because he's a fag who gets off on the (you)'s and probably made it go nowhere just so he could keep the threads going and get more attention.
because he's bad at larping?
didn't work
on the off chance any of this autistic crap is true, he's only getting some next week at the earliest
God you dense. his aim was to make people believe in his story. Get attention. He got 3 threads out of it. So of course it worked.
Why are there so many brain amputees on Yea Forums these days?
>brain amputees
>Those bitches
Tell him you want to pound his butt already and stop being a pussy OP
Who gives a fuck? It’s Yea Forums it doesn’t matter if it’s fake.
any updates OP?
“Trust me, it would be a lot of fun dressing up before hand”
OP your obvious next move is to ask for help getting started with your cosplay and look for more opportunities to flirt.
Get that boipussy OP!
This thread is fake. The real one ended with part 2. Check the filename.
Just fuck him and get it over with