I wish I grew up in the USA, in a nice neighborhood with wealthy and awesome parents...

I wish I grew up in the USA, in a nice neighborhood with wealthy and awesome parents. Going to high school like in the movies and later to college.
Tell me amerifags, how does that feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:


america is a pile of shit,and this is coming from an american

you should be proud to not live there.especially considering the idiot who's president now

You sound like a fucking retard.

let me guess,your american? at least foreign countrys have presidents who cant speak the english language correctly

You want to know why an asshole like Trump is president now? Faggots like you, who bitch and moan and are fucking worthless cunts, this is the backlash and we all are eating a shit sandwich because of tranny loving fucks like yourself.

Grew up in nice upper-mid-class suburban Vermont. Can confirm, it was pretty fucking sweet. If I could "go back" to highschool I would do it in a heartbeat.

which is the best city in the United States for someone who hates fall, hates winter, hates snow, hates ice, hates frost, hates cold climates and only wants warm and hot weather all year

>faggots like you

nah,who says i even support trump.you cock gobbling moron? i doubt your even american so there's no point in arguing with you


upper middle class people do not exist on the west coast,there are 2 types of people there.hollywood liberal rich folk,and poor democrats

anywhere in florida

dont let these libtards convince you that california is good.its a communist state

Are presidents that can't speak the English Language correctly a good thing? Based on the rest of your statement I am guessing you are just a complete retard.

lol! Alrighty, then. Tell that to the people who can be arrested for saying something online their government doesn't approve. Tell that to the people who can't legally defend themselves, but in stead are told to give criminals what they want, and be grateful they're still alive.

Yes: Donald Trump is a moron and never should have run for office. He hates a free press, and your rights which are enumerated in the 4th and 5th Amendments. He also hates the 2nd Amendment, but he's good at pandering so his apologists think he's the greatest. He has set dangerous precedents, doing things by executive order which previous Presidents have been kept from doing.

But he doesn't make this nation bad. Over-all, politicians here have been rolling down a steep hill, well into the realms of authoritarianism. For a long time, they have had no interest in preserving Liberty, but position themselves as your ruler.

The American government was never meant to set rulers above the populace. They are not above you. They do not rule you. When people stop letting them, when people stop believing that governments give rights, that governments are what allow people to have property rights, then America can start becoming great again.

Good reading comprehension, you worthless nigger.

Anywhere in Hawaii, or Puerto Rico. Or the other unicorporated territories like Guam and shit, but that's really stretching what is actually considered US. There are places that are moderate and mostly warm all year like coastal SoCal and Texas, but during the winter, especially at night, it can get cold as balls.

no,if your an adult.you should at least have enough education to speak properly.donald trump does not

>he also hates the 2nd ammendment

while i disagree with his views on gun control,do you honestly think the democrats would of been any better? they hate the 2nd ammendment just as much as trump does

Even if you weren't objectively incorrect, since my family does in fact exist and I personally know dozens more just like mine, your retarded ass literally doesn't even know what half of the country Vermont is on...

Yet you don't know the difference between can and can't. I really want to listen to what you have to say. Maybe go to other countrys. Dumb ass.

>puerto rico

haha,you mean the country donald trump told to eat shit when that hurricane happened? or was your head to far in your ass to realize what happened there

And which city of Florida is more ideal for someone just want hot weather all year round and nothing of those shits of autumn and winter?

either way,bernie sanders is from there.so i guess your just another braindead anti american communist like him,did i describe you and your family correctly you retarded piece of shit?

I hope you step on shit in the Californian streets, you fucking Raccoon.

Great logic, no sarcasm. He's a fucktard, but not the end of the world.

I'm working under the assumption that they have the money to live in the non-shit areas, if they are even asking the question. Puerto Rico is fucking sweet if you have decent mainlander money, I've been there personally. Someone else recommended Florida, which is a true shithole in my opinion.

i wouldnt be caught dead in california,now go back to your pride rally you california loving faggot

What does any of this have to do with Trump?

Same here. Growing up in England I always wanted the USA movie childhood. Was well jealous of all the kids in american 80s movies.

>non shit areas

oh right,another trumptard who thinks he has any clue about puerto rico to begin with.i bet you didnt even know it was an american territory until your trump nigger sent paper towels to hurricane victims

I would not take Guam and Puerto Rico into account.

And which city of Hawaii is the best for someone who hates everything related to autumn and winter?

because donald trump is an adult and doesnt have enough education to speak properly.i bet you trailer park rednecks probably think he's intelligent though

I guess you're just baiting. Not only are you dumber than most 6-7 year olds in your knowledge of geography, but you missed the part where I said it was fucking awesome and I loved it there?

there's just some dumbass edgelord shitting up the thread. Probably a eurofag.

You need to learn to speak before you go after someone else. You talk like your parents are brother and sister. I feel dumber just reading your stupid shit

I know right? Germanigger here. Shit was boring as fuck and our schools were (and are) soulless piles of shit. University is somewhat better but anything prior to that sucks balls.

>which city of Hawaii
It literally does not matter, they all have essentially the same climate. Do some reading. Life on the various islands can be pretty different.

public education in america is roughly the same

Also I should mention, I fucking hated living in Hawaii personally. But if that kind of climate is your main concern, I think it's probably your best bet. La Jolla was basically paradise though IMO. Mostly 70's all year round, but still can get pretty cold at night esp during the winter.

nah,america is the dumbest country on earth.any foreign countrys education system will be an improvement.i mean,you guys are so dumb that you call a jewish president a nazi

Did we hurt your little bitch feelings? If you are going to attack someone that millions of people are going to protect then you need to be better prepared than that, mindless moron. You are the definition of a faggot.

Wow you really drank the Koolaid didn't you? You think Trump cares about your freedoms?

>But he doesn't make this nation bad
He is a reflection of your nation. He is the representative of your nation, who you the people voted for. He is the infantile, arrogant posturing of a nation which has failed to grow into culture, elegance, and intelligence. America has failed to grow up, it holds onto childish things, and has elected a damaged child to represent it.

There's my little idiot. It's countries, or country's. Countrys isn't even a word,
dipshit. Damn you are stupid.

are you seriously this out of touch with reality that you think millions of people are going to protect donald trump? you understand who won the popular vote right,nobody cares if a bunch of redneck morons are gonna defend a president who they think will make their shitty lives any better,because all he is doing is making america even more shit

trump has already attacked freedom in america,he hates guns and freedom of the press

Wow, you are one of those idiots. You do realize how many people there are in this country, right? Even if your dumbass comment made any point at all, there are still millions of people on his side.

Trump isn't a kike you fucking mongoloid, his daughter and her husband are.

I have to ask, who hurt you? You have so much anger and it can't be from being too educated. Did daddy touch you in bad places? Or was it mommy?

You are too stupid to even talk to. Please tell me you don't have access to the USA?

Freedom of press? He hates the lying press for making shit up on a daily basis.

>millions of people on his side

yeah,but a bunch of toothless rednecks arent enough of a threat to bother with,so who cares.and i know how many people there are in this country,you obviously dont know how many people in the country still tolerate trump and his liberal bullshit

and what if i did? the usa is a stupid country,if you were educated you wouldnt of even nominated donald trump let alone elected him republican president

This idiot is beyond hope. Don't waste your breath talking to him. Just hope that he gets hit by a bus and move on. I hope to God he isn't even allowed in the US

Growing up in middle class Arizona is pretty nice. School was typical no problems hecccccccc I guess the Grand Canyon is pretty nice

they arent making anything up though,but why bother arguing with a trumptard who shouts fake news only because "they said mean thing about president man"

that's comic sans on the floor.
they deserved it

You mean like your mom and dad? Or does one of them have a tooth. I forget, the Republican party is the ones on welfare, crime in all major cities, or citys as you would call them. Seems to me the degenerates are the left. As in I would be happy if they all left

And what amazing country are you from? By reading your posts I can only assume it is one without a single school

Wow, you really are too stupid for air. Please go find a bridge and jump. Society is begging you,

stay mad snowflake,maybe you can butcher the english like your president does.but of course,your so educated

nah,the ones who need to go find a bridge and jump are the democrats in america.thankfully they are doing that in san francisco

Dipshit, a Snowflake is against Trump. Are you hitting yourself in the head with a hammer as you type, you are getting dumber by the minute....I didn't think that was possible

And you didn't answer the question, coward


nah,a snowflake is a person who gets offended over everything.meaning,the crowd who cant go a week without bitching about the media,football players,razor companys,etc(meaning you trump supporting idiots,who even your own party hates)

I am going to listen to a retard like you? Keep dreaming. Keep avoiding, coward

Sadly the population has no say in who gets elected, it's all just a mere facade, an illusion of free choice. Except they kill two birds with a single stone. Use voting as a way to cover up that everything has already been decided, AND get people to hate each other for having differing political views. Either way it is a win-win situation for the judes in power. Remaining in control while spreading hate and distrust among the goyim.

America is nice. People talk alot of shit but in my daily life I regret nothing and generally have a problem with nothing.

Goodbye loser faggot, enjoy your shitty life. Say hi to your sister/wife for me

America isn't that bad. I was help hostage once, for a couple of hours. But other then that everything has been smooth sailing.

im to busy fucking your sister

>living in a time period where transportation/ relocation has never in history been easier
>living in a country you don’t like or respect
Your ancestors jumped on a rickety wooden disease filled ship to live in another country, why are you such a fucking loser? Save up money and move to a place you want to live. You have no right to complain about living where you do.

>wouldn’t of
Tell us more about your awesome education

America is owned and controlled by Israel.

''If American doesn't have so much money, they would have been the most hated people in the world.''

oh right,a history lesson by a person in a country who still thinks christoper columbus was the first person in america

What about that was a history lesson? I was mainly calling you out for being a pussy and whining too much. Also no one thinks that shit. Columbus was a fag, and the only good thing he did was kill Indians and make us have a day off of work

The west side of any island in Hawaii is like desert heat. You might like kona on the big island. But everywhere you look is an old lava flow
Do t do west side of Oahu. Just a bunch of moke locals who hate whites and pretty much anyone who doesn’t have Hawaiian blood

>columbus was a fag

he's also the person americans think was the first person who discovered america,he was not.the natives were here first,but i bet you trumptards think white people were here first because you consider america a white country

Don’t listen to this faggot. Op. Save some money up and travel to the states. See if it’s what you’d like and maybe consider getting your papers and becoming a citizen. I’ve lived here all 20 years of my life and the freedom here is indescribable, everyone takes it for granted how easily you can have something.

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donald trump has proven that money cant buy everything.like a decent education and class

I don't know any americans who think this outside of small children.

>the freedom here is indescribable

what freedom? between barack obama and donald trump,you have no freedom anymore

>20 years of my life

op,do yourself a favor.dont listen to this idiot.ask a person who isnt a dumb kid and they'll tell you how shit america is


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whoever used comic-sans for the school logo should be shot

Well, without white people, there would be no USA as we know it today. How has America not historically been a white country?

native americans bitch,without them.your dumbass wouldnt even have a country.but wait,let me guess,you consider them white.even though they were scalping and murdering white people

its a shame you hillbilly pro white trumptards are this fucking retarded

No dubs or trips, but you speak the truth.

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Do you really think Americans believe that Columbus reached the americas before any natives? You’re not even fun to argue with you’re blatantly being ignorant and retarded. Everyone knows about columbus’ plight with those dark skinned native savages, who he did the world a favor by eradicating

This sounds fucking retarded if you read it aloud

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Believe me, white Canadians are just as retarded with their own history. I had to explain to one of my dumb anglo friends how white people came to be in North America, because he legit had no idea how they just spontaneously appeared, but knew there was something to do with natives lmao

Oh yeah, and I'm a 1st generation immigrant here. He's got a good heart, but he's dumb as rocks.

>jeans with holes

Too vague...what has barack or trump done that made this country worse?? Leave.

are you even american? have you even went to a public school in america before? maybe im just old and things have changed,but in history class.they always teach you about christoper columbus and how he was the first person to discover america

What about asking the countless people from Brazil, from Mexico, from places that are truly shit what they feel about the states?

who's dumb as rocks? columbus? what exactly are you talking about you fucking retard

You don’t either fag. Atleast know what you’re talking about when you’re trying to talk shit, you look stupid

>How has America not historically been a white country?
Because natives were here first you retard. And because Americans exploited slave and immigrant labour to build their country's infrastructure for them like the lazy hicks they are.

>truly shit


is that what donald trump told you? americans are to stupid and poor to travel to the countrys they call "truly shit"

>native americans bitch,without them.your dumbass wouldnt even have a country.
I don't follow. How have natives participated in the foundation of America? The declaration of independence? The social mores? The institutions of higher learning? The agriculture and industrialization that occured? This would have all happened either way according to you?

When your life is to such an incredibly high standard you must take your boredom and lack of crisis to the internet and invent problems to be mad about.
Oh, brother.

i know what im talking about nigger,and just being an american proves how stupid you are

>mad about

who says im mad nigger? im to drunk to be mad right now

What are you even talking about? If anything they got in the way of the white people having a country. And they weren’t the first people in the United States, the United States as a country didn’t exist until whites colonized it, don’t be such a retard

>Because natives were here first you retard.
There was no America when there were just natives. There were dozens of tribes that competed with each other savagely. They were nomadic and did not have the empires Europeans had.

is columbines school emblem really in comic sans?

Do you have a learning disability? Read the fucking post you retard. All the details are there.

Sure, government doesn't squander you for saying what you feel, media does that for them. Enjoy having your racist text messages from 3 years ago made public and getting assraped by the PC lynch mob.

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Me too. So cheers then.

i colonized your mother's butthole nigger

I sure am American, and no they don’t. They teach you that he was the first to explore and map out ‘the new world’ or the America’s. Him and amerigo Vespucci. It’s well known that he showed up and there were a bunch of brown forest fags in his way

how come we dont hear about columbine anymore? serious question,did they not decide to have their 5 seconds of fame like the parkland kids did

well alright zoomer,all i have to say is.when i went to school,they taught you about how great(even though the guy was a real piece of shit also)christoper columbus was and how he was the first person to discover america

No, that’s what all of the South Americans I’ve met who’ve moved here say. Can you shut up already about the president? Not even Americans give a fuck about the president. Unlike your shit country, the president in America doesn’t control everything we do or say. If anything, he controls more of your life than ours.

>america is a pile of shit
>making america even more shit
>tell you how shit america is

America is the greatest country on earth. Its sad that you pathetic liberal scumfucks are so hellbent on destroying it because you don't like orange man.

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they had nations too, the most impressive probably the hiawatha

>There were dozens of tribes that competed with each other savagely.
Have you ever taken a history lesson before in your life? Do you know a single fucking thing about what Europe and the Middle East looked like before empires conglomerated? Everything was fragmented into small tribes and city states.

"America" isn't even the fucking name of your shitty country. The Americas refers to North and South America, and, yes, they very much existed because anglo american inbreds started their raping and pillaging and massacring spree on the natives who had rightful claim to the land.

Look at all the people in this thread calling you stupid. Take the hint

I meant "they very much existed BEFORE"

well yes but actually no

certain nations were built on peace like the hiawatha but literally the Hiawatha was built because they all feared the savage tribes. you need to take your history bud

How fucking old are you?

I'm pushing 40 and even I learned about How Christof Coluimbo treated the natives worse than hitler treated juice.

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>rightful claim to the land
Except even those natives would disagree with you. Also let’s remember that whatever fag country you reside in likely has a pretty nasty history as well.

christopher columbus landed in cuba

>south americans

oh right,let me guess.your like those germans who held up signs saying "refugees welcome".fucking left wing piece of shit

>the president in america doesnt control everything we do or say

oh really? this is why people call americans stupid

t. Bix nood

>Do you know a single fucking thing about what Europe and the Middle East looked like before empires conglomerated?
Yes, this was an era before Ancient Rome and the Holy Roman Empire, you know, over a millennia ago. Yet, they arrived in America in the early 1600's and the tribes here were just as primitive if not more primitive than before the first reich.

Sounds to me like you just hate white europeans, I'm guessing you aren't one yourself.

>raping and pillaging and massacring spree

Name a country that wasnt born that way? That's how the world used to be. Be glad white people conquered the world and pout an end to it.

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34,but the main point was,he wasnt the first person to discover america.the native americans were,and even after them.it wasnt your white boi columbus

the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

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You realize there is a legal way to immigrate into the United States right? Probably not, because you believe and overproportionalize everything you read on the internet. Get some life experience instead of sitting on your computer all day faggot

yeah, actually he actually landed in cuba, also lets not forget leif erikson

high school is fun.
college sucks.
my parents weren't wealthy and I lived in a small town.
I started working at 12 as a lawnmower
at 16 I started working at the pizza place.
Got good grades but couldn't finish college.
6 credits to bachelors and I just gave up.
not really sure what I'm going to do with my life and I just turned 30.

Where did I say the native tribes were peaceful? I didn't say shit about them you delusional noob

>"Natives have rightful claim to the land"

How many generations of inbreeding to spawn a negative IQ mongrel like you?

PS the fag country I live in has an objectively higher standard quality of living than Ameriburger Land...Then again there's about 20 other countries higher than you guys, the so called "leaders of the free world" who live like peasants. lol

What don’t you understand about this? Everyone knows that the natives were first to inhabit the land, and Columbus was first to discover what would later become America. The America you’re talking about didn’t exist yet.

>6 credits to bachelors and I just gave up.

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>Muh everyone like america

Got guns got rights sees Swiss SEES SWISS???

I am a white European. Not all Europeans are anglo inbreds you dumb faggot. There's a reason why I am specifying ANGLO and not EUROPEAN you monolingual uncultured swine.

Have you ever taken even just 5 minutes to wonder why natives were primitive and North Africa/the Middle East/Caucasia/the Mediterranean/Southern Europe wasn't?

You realize that north western Europeans were still living like barbarians compared to the former groups I mentioned, and also had to spend time catch up like the savage natives you criticize?

Everything follows a migration path and builds upon the discoveries and successes of others. Technology and art and philosophy transcend borders over time; that's why mainland Europe and the Middle East had castles and laws and whatnots and the natives didn't have shit. The natives worked alone, because they were stranded by the thawing of oceans.

I’m going to sleep so peacefully tonight knowing how upset you are about America. A country that supposedly sucks and isn’t important somehow makes you this mad. Makes me feel good.

i know there's a legal way to immigrate into the united states,i really dont find the issue of immigration as important as your trumpshits do.id rather focus on your presidents violation of the constitution and the lack of outrage over the golfing and vacations he has done.that seemed to be something you cared about when obama was president yet i havent heard 1 republican be outraged over it since trump got elected

speech 101
and a 400 level bullshit.

I couldn't find a job or internship without moving and I don't have the money or want to move.

I lost passion for my field of study completely.

Struggled alone with depression throughout my college years and my grades reflect it. A's and F's in the same semester in similar classes.

idk, I'm working a state job now so when I hit the 10 year mark here my loans will be forgiven.

i bought a house and have a family.

Thinking about buying land in the country and growing different plants and trees.

Fall festivals and activity centers are becoming popular here so maybe I'll get into that and have a farm to pass down to my kids.

I don't see myself in a professional environment ever.

I still love lab work and maybe I'll do it on my own but I don't feel like trying speech 101 again.

Are you actually retarded enough to think that natives originally populated every square inch of the earth, and had to be eradicated to claim their lands?

People colonize existing lands before they start the raping and murdering part, you idiot. There's a reason why the Mongols/Turkics/Vikings were too fucking stupid to cultivate their own society after colonizing what they could, so they had to raid and pillage and rape peaceful neighbors who had their shit together. They couldn't figure out how to sustain lifestyles for larger groups so they resorted to that until they assimilated the genes of smarter men.

>got guns got rights

oh really? how's those supressors and bump stocks working out for ya? you have no rights,and your guns will be stripped away after enough of it is chipped away from trump and the democrats

i went to a working class middle school and there were a lot of kids who were just kind of pieces of shit
then i went to an upper middle class highschool. and to be honest it was pretty nice. everyone was fairly friendly there wasn't really much bullying or nonsense. the kids had more money for drugs so there was an opium problem i guess.
the classes were nice and i had a lot of freedom because the kids were mostly respectful and did't abuse the rules.
classwork was hard but that made college easy.
i work in marketing now which is nice.
New York taxes are killing me though

At least you made something of yourself. I couldn't imagine being half a semester away and just saying aww fuck it.

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I don't disagree with anything you just said.
Doesn't invalidate any of my arguments.
Sounds to me like you just feel guilty for having
successful ancestors while others did not.
Who cares? White europeans were colonizers,
but we were also the first people to stop slavery. History is brutal, but it is also progression. Idk what to tell you, other than deal with it, i guess.

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>worshipping a swamplord oligarch of a president like a complete fucking cuck

Why are Canadians/Americans so fucking cucked in general? In poorer countries people know they're getting fucked over by the wealthy and the elite and the oligarchs, but they are hopeless in an attempt to combat them. Yet here in the Americas the middle and lower class fucking worship the ground their rich politicians/celebrities/athletes walk on and idolize them. Meanwhile, immigrant kids have enough fucking sense and family values that they idolize their parents first.

I vote conservative but I've never had any personal fondness for any politician, but then again I'm not an uncultured cuck like these Americans.

Name one country that wasn't founded on conquest. Go on. Just one.

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Why do 3rd world shitholers think they know what America is like?

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>Sounds to me like you just feel guilty for having
Not guilt. I am proud. I am also a first generation European immigrant in Canada, and my parents are already living in a home valued at over 2 million because of how smart and hard working they are. They also speak 5 fucking languages, and my mom learned how to disassemble and reassemble an AK47 in record time in her 10th grade class back in the homeland (she was also fastest in her class).

I just don't like when anglos pretend like they're cultured and king shit of the world, despite the fact that there's a million immigrant demographics who are out-earning them and committing less crime and having better family values in general.

First Human. But I see the point you were trying to make.


Every nation today exists as a result of empires conglomerating and assimilating ethnic groups. The point is, these empires are made up of smaller tribes and city states that very much were innocent and originally only colonists finding land for their tribes.

Just think to indo-european roots. They weren't at each other's throats off the bat. Most of them ended up in different spots because they were looking for land before they were looking to take others' resources.

why do americans think there country is still a 1st world country? donald trump and barack obama have turned it into a 3rd world shit pile

>despite the fact that there's a million immigrant demographics who are out-earning them and committing less crime and having better family values in general.
That's just because of the niggers and spics here. They destroy the average that white people otherwise have in congruent with other white nations. idk if you're nordic or slav or something, but your history isn't that dissimilar from western european countries.

Nice projection, inbred. Has your welfare check run out yet for the week? Try not to hurt yourself, or you'll end up spending $5000 just to look a doctor in the eye. Peasant lmao

I mean, dude, there are stats that break down median income by ethnicity. A lot of Asian/European immigrants make the top of the list, with Anglo Americans being surprisingly low despite the fact that they have had 10+ generations worth of opportunity to amass land and wealth compared to most 1st generation immigrants who landed in the country with no money.

I just turned 25 been with my wife for 6 years, and have to get hand outs from my mom just to survive, so fucking great. P.s. only live here if your white

Funny, because I've lived in the US all my life and I feel the exact opposite. Yes, the US has freedom and all that, but it is such a bland, boring, lifeless country with it's sad looking worn-out towns, decaying infrastructure, shitty throw-away consumer culture, sickinengky greedy private sector, ridiculously high obesity rates, absolutely cancerous media, and incredibly arrogant, insecure, stupid people.

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>us has freedom

what freedom? between donald trump and barack obama,america has no freedom anymore.you retards decided to sit on your ass instead of defending it

I'm an Engineer. I probably make more in a month than you do in a year.

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also,most of your point about the US isnt the presidents fault,its the cities and states local goverments fault

says the guy posting a picture of donald trump,i guess "fucking my sister"is what you think an engineer is

lol you think the degradation of Liberty began that recently.

>compared to most 1st generation immigrants who landed in the country with no money.
This aint the 1920's anymore. That is not who is coming from Asia my guy. Especially in the case of Canada, with rich asian families buying up so much land. These countries like China,
India etc. are being brain drained due to H1Bs and forging resumes or using fake universities.
Do you really think the average standard of living in China or India is better than whites in the USA? I don't hardly think so.

lol, stupid or trolling?

Rofl I'm 32 years old in a senior network engineering position and I think you're full of shit. You're probably just a pimply faced college incel who hasn't flunked out of college yet.

>32 years old

>calling other people pimply faced college incels

k kid,how did that gender studies degree work out for you.having fun flipping burgers at mcdonalds?

>network "engineering"

You help retards install adobe reader. You're one step away from losing your tech desk job to pajeet. You're not an engineer faggot.

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I was pandering to the hyper-patriots who were going to eat me alive thinking I was threatening their muh freedom.

You realize the 1st generation isn't dead yet, right? I'm still part of the 1st generation in my early 30s, my family came here with no money in the 80s, and now both my parents and myself (I don't live with them) are in the upper class income bracket.

Also, I always find it convenient how you guys constantly bitch about "immigrants are sending their worst!" and yet when you're told they're outperforming you it suddenly becomes "immigrants are sending their best! brain drain! and etc!" lmao

>Do you really think the average standard of living in China or India is better than whites in the USA?
Please, google "nations by quality of life" and pick the US website. Try not to off yourself when you notice that USA is at #17 and Canada is #1.


funny,considering the lack of outrage from trump's gun control.i would say there arent many patriots in america today,they'd rather support liberal bullshit and feelings

not like the movies and only people with rich parents get that priviledge while they still have a chance of getting murdered by some drug addict immigrant or nigr after getting their degree

>pol thread now

>gets told about engineering gig
>"hurr durr how's that mcjob and gender studies going?

Nice cope

That's not at all what network engineering is you dumb faggot lmao

We design internet and video circuits for enterprise level customers and inter-company upgrades. My work has a nationwide impact. Off yourself, peasant.

Did you seriously think I setup workplace networks? That faggotry is more your level, maybe.

God I wish I was that floor

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cry more faggot,your just mad because after 4 years of college.you were to stupid to get a decent job so you had to take some underpaid shit like engineering

>Also, I always find it convenient how you guys constantly bitch about "immigrants are sending their worst!" and yet when you're told they're outperforming you it suddenly becomes "immigrants are sending their best! brain drain! and etc!" lmao
It can be both ways depending on the source of the immigrants you retard. Don't be so dense.

>Please, google "nations by quality of life" and pick the US website. Try not to off yourself when you notice that USA is at #17 and Canada is #1.
Funny, Canada is 18 according to this website, while all of the other countries are in about the same spot. Also, USA is 13 on here, kek. USA has been higher than Canada for the past 7 years. lul

>We design internet and video circuits for enterprise level customers and inter-company upgrades

Ohh yeah. Plugging the network cards into the switch. You're changing the world day after day.

Mind that cable management boy.

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leafs BTFO

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You must have missed the posts where I mentioned my parents live in a 2+mil dollar home and I am also in the upper class income bracket. Keep up the cope you broke bitch peasant. Always fun to see incels get jealous.

Glad my "underpaid" gig nets me a salary worth more than your whole family combined.

I grew up in America but I wish I had all of what OP wants or wanted. Not everyone in America grew up like that OP otherwise Yea Forums wouldn't have so much traffic from this part of the world.

>Senior Network Engineering
The only possible person that could say those 4 things in one sentence is either the 250+ lbs fat ass still living with his mom, in the basement, or a guy from India. So which is it?

It's nothing like the movies.

>It can be both ways depending on the source of the immigrants you retard
I never claimed every immigrant demographic was the same, retard. It's funny how it reverts to "at least we're not as bad as the spics and niggers HYUK HYUK" as if that's any excuse as to why there are so many others better than you lol

>Funny, Canada is 18 according to this website
lmao look at the fucking variables they chose. "Pollution Index" ? Half of these variables are complete bullshit based on the fact that western nations will be more honest about their stats compared to shit like China.

You're confusing technicians with engineers who work in high level design that build the country's infrastructure/backbone.

Keep trying, dipshit.


I've literally fucked 2 girls from r9k and even got into a relationshit with one of them over 10 years ago (only lasted a year). Sorry to ruin your totally sick incel burn, faggot

>be me
>Grow up in the Southside of Chicago
>Fucking genius but awkward as fuck
>Family is poor as fuck
>Basically urban hillbillies
>Half my school was Mexican
>Half was black
>My brother and I sandwiched in the middle
>Nobody cares about white people in the ghetto
>No special programs
>No special scholarships
>3rd grade literally teaching the other kids in class
>Somehow I'm not the top GPA
>Some kid I had to help through half his classes is valedictorian
>Gets free ride to college because spic
>I go to army because can't afford college
>Use army programs to pay for college
>Get job job in IT
>user meet your boss
>It's valedictorian spic
>Still doing his work for him

Life is great in the US. Super awesome

> as if that's any excuse as to why there are so many others better than you lol
Yes, when the other nations that are better than the USA are WHITE EUROPEAN nations, that matters.
>based on the fact that western nations will be more honest about their stats compared to shit like China.
>China wants to lie and say that their pollution is actually worse than what it is to appear lower on a QoL index chart
Are you sure you aren't adopted, kid? Your parents sound smart, but perhaps they couldn't conceive.

so full of shit. Your parents live in a 2+mil dollar home, not you, also, irrelevant depending on location.

Based on what your job description is, your salary doesn't surpass $120,000/year. Kek at you thinking that "designing circuits" actually pays good money.

You're not an engineer faggot. You're corporate geek squad. You can try and make what you do sound cool and important all you want, but you plug in network components. You're not a genius.

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>Fucking genius
I doubt that. Stopped reading. FOAD.

It's people like this who make it shit op. Don't listen listen to this poor skank

>fucked 2 girls from r9k

you burn yourself

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>Yes, when the other nations that are better than the USA are WHITE EUROPEAN nations, that matters.
Quit trying to take credit for people better than you. Not all europeans are the same. Have you ever been to /pol/? A bunch of turbovirgins crying over who's white and who isn't. A subset of them claim only northwestern Europeans can be "white", which is funny considering the richest and most historical nations are southern european and eastern european.

It will get better when Trump's puckered old ass is voted out of office.

>enterprise level customers and inter-company upgrades
>country's infrastructure/backbone

Get your story straight idiot. Enterprise level is not the country's backbone

It will be hard when Trump hits the term limit in 2024, but I'm sure America will carry on just fine.

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lmao, okay, so I'm not an engineer. I don't care what you call me faggot. The point is my work is important, and skilled, and has more worth in 1 day than your entire life does.

One of them was chubby but pretty in the face (dated), the other was a tight bodied butterface. You're only half right to puke.

Why because the government will finally start doing its job instead of bitching and moaning and sliding shady laws while everyone's eyes are diverted? Man go fuck yourself. It won't get better

oh right,another kid with rich parents.and im not jealous,rich kids are the worst

>The point is my work is important, and skilled, and has more worth in 1 day than your entire life does.

My grandma knows how to connect a modem and router fucktard. You're not special or important.

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>Get your story straight idiot. Enterprise level is not the country's backbone
I'm not going to lecture you about my industry all night, but it boils down to this:

The "enterprise level" customer shit is the handoff. We build infrastructure between major hubs, and then smaller pipes to branching to minor locations. To get to the customer you need to build the backbone in between your site and their site. This usually requires at least a 100G dedicated circuit. Sometimes it rides off existing transport, sometimes we design new. Often times it's a diverse connection, meaning they get fiber fed from one side of the city, and another circuit from the other side, in case one link ever suffers an outage. And that's basically how little boys like you get to whack off your dicklets to questionable pornographic content.

I'm not wasting any more time on you kid.

>hurr durr even i can do it i just plug in a UBS port derp

Kys inbred. Your insecurity is so fucking pathetic lmao

I'm in my 30s and we worked our way up from nothing. It's not my fault your family's been here for 10 generations and didn't amount to shit. Sorry.

>Have you ever been to /pol/? A bunch of turbovirgins crying over who's white and who isn't.
Those are DoC shills. You'll have anglo vs nords vs slavs and what not (nothing new in history), but americans don't do the controlled opposition "x isn't white" unless they are talking about 56-ers or kikes.
>Not all europeans are the same.
We are more similar to each other than we are to non-europeans.
>b-but that doenst mean anyhting!!!
When you're around non-whites the way you are in major european cities (most likely in ones you lived near growing up), or just being in America, it starts to mean something.


>Your insecurity is so fucking pathetic lmao

Says the guy who has to fuck ugly chicks he meets on Yea Forums and brag about how amazing his cable monkey job is.

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Oh, you mean stuff like L3 does? Pretty sure salaries for your position CAP at low $100k. Ha haha hahaha, and here I thought that you could maybe, just maybe be making more money than me.

Really, you're the peasant here

How does it feel to be a lot less successful than your dad?

I don't think you've ever worked in a corporate environment before if you can't fathom the fact that there are several different departments and several different positions within those departments with several levels of seniority. You also seem oblivious to the fact that people can negotiate salaries, but that doesn't surprise me since kids these days are spineless turbovirgins that suffer anxiety just looking people in the eyes on the street.

PS my income is supplemented through other means as well. I'm not sitting here and pretending like I take a CEO's salary home from my engineering gig lmao

The man works non-stop and has the strength and work ethic of a God in a communist's perfect wet dream. I can never match him. He's proud of me, but I am even more proud of him. My mom is just as badass.

>I'm not sitting here and pretending like I take a CEO's salary home from my engineering gig lmao

Oh really, but that is exactly what you were saying just a few minutes ago: "You must have missed the posts where I mentioned my parents live in a 2+mil dollar home and I am also in the upper class income bracket"

Pretty sure "upper class income bracket" start roughly at $350k. Your job description combined with the level of idiotness you've displayed here barely puts you at the bottom of the upper-middle class

>and work ethic of a God in a communist's perfect wet dream.
You know, all this talk about how much better you are because of how much more money you earn than everybody else is starting to make me think...

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How retarded are you? Do you know how difficult it is to immigrate to another country? My ancestors were from norway obviously I wish they stayed there

I can't get over how idiotic the "transportation is easy" argument, what the fuck? Immigration has literally never been more complicated in the history of the world

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Oh trust me, that's fine and all, but then it will happen to your kid too, you'll be "proud of him", but he will never be as successful as you.

Why do I know this? You're doing well because of your dad, not because of yourself. He paid your college in full, helped you when you were in need and now you have a decent job (or so you think).

By the time your kids grow up, you'll *try* to do the same but will soon realize that by not being as successful as your dad, you can't. You'll either work your ass off until death or watch your kid fail hard. But you'll be proud of him.

Bruh there are a dozen other "mercantile" ethnicities besides just the Jews. In the Middle East and Europe. Plus, Chinese and Indian also tend to get well educated and get into high paying jobs, though not as entrepreneurial as others. And no I'm not Jewish.

>Oh really, but that is exactly what you were saying just a few minutes ago
If you were literate you would have seen the part about supplementary income. Not giving you any more details, chump

>Do you know how difficult it is to immigrate to another country?
It is if you're white.

>my ancestors were from norway

you do realize how cucked norway is right?

>Bruh there are a dozen other "mercantile" ethnicities besides just the Jews.
But Jews are the ones who most like to flaunt their wealth and showboat how much better and superior they are because of said wealth.
I never said you were a merchant or come from merchants btw, that's something you called yourself. Which makes me really think...

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Lol this entire thread just proves how much of a shithole America is.

Do Americans really think presidents dictate their lives or even have anything to do with the government?

30% of its population is shitholers, guy.

>Why do I know this? You're doing well because of your dad
I don't disagree that my dad gave me all the privileges to get here, but I paid for my own schooling and I developed a personal relationship with my boss over 15 years to culminate to where I am. But I would never deny that I owe my parents everything. Immigrants actually honor their parents.

>By the time your kids grow up
You're a damn fool. By the time the next generation hits the working age there will be nothing left to do for them. Automation and AI will replace virtually everything, and the "jobs" of the future will be radically different than those of today.


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kek, also is that comic sans?

>But Jews are the ones who most like to flaunt their wealth
Yep, literally NEVER, not even once, have I heard of a black man or a white hick flaunting his cash. It's totally not incredibly common at all.

Holy shit you're dumb lmao. You obviously have something personal against them.

>I never said you were a merchant or come from merchants btw, that's something you called yourself. Which makes me really think...
Mercantile? It's a pretty good word used to describe ethnic groups who developed solid trading skills due to trade routes. Most notably the ones connecting Europe to Asia, and the busiest naval ports (Venice). It might be used as an anti-jew buzzword in your circle, but for those of us who don't have a negative IQ we recognize that it's an actual word with a real definition.

It’s pretty mediocre, but I’d rather have been brought up here than in some third-world shithole

>By the time the next generation hits the working age there will be nothing left to do for them.
>the "jobs" of the future will be radically different than those of today

So there will be nothing, but at the same time, there will be something. Genius!

unrelated to the op,but arent they tearing columbine down? or was that sandy hook

>By the time the next generation hits the working age
Eh, fairly certain that is happening as we speak, millions of Americans hit working age every month. Poor them, nothing for them left to do :(

Nothing by today's standards.

If you consider "social media influencer" and "youtube content creator" and "esports athletes" to be real jobs by today's standards then you're a dweeb. But that will be the regular in the future.

>Yep, literally NEVER, not even once, have I heard of a black man or a white hick flaunting his cash.
That is a product of Jewish influence onto the culture via hollywood movies and music, guy. C'mon, don't play dumb.
> It might be used as an anti-jew buzzword in your circle
Every non-jewish circle describes jews in this way. You must be in the other circle.

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lost....... oh wait this isn't ylyl

serious response to,i thought i heard a while back they were tearing down some school that had a shooting in it that was well known,like columbine or sandy hook

i guess libtards think thats going to accomplish something

We're definitely in the beginning stages. And kids entering college today are gonna get buttfucked even harder than most millenials.

There needs to be a rapid shift in societal values to meet the impending unemployment cataclysm that's coming.

>next generation

>working age

you think these floss dancing zoomer cucks are gonna work for a living? there gonna be socialist yang gang idiots

>lives outside a major city
>pays attention to mainstream media
>complaining about a culture that exists internationally
>not even the most obese country anymore

why not just mention student loans and healthcare and call it a /thread?

it's definitely the same in America

america's response to the obesity crisis in their country was electing a fatass who doesnt believe in exercise as their president

at least michelle obama wanted people to exercise and lose weight.trump just wants everybody to be fat and stupid just like him

oh and im sure his eurocuck trophy wife just regrets marrying him so she could be first lady.since she's already admitted to being miserable

>I'm getting RSUs and bonuses, yayyyy

and that puts you on the upper class income bracket how? Assuming you're a senior at L3 - $127k/yr + 35k rsu + 10k bonus = poorfag

Just disclose your fucking salary dude, I make $105K/year out of your pocket, $5k in bonuses, I'll even throw my employer out there: Patent Office. Oh shit, now you can totally identify me!

>You must be in the other circle
I think you're conflating your trailer park and /pol/ with the rest of the overwhelming majority of humans who aren't delusional retards like you.

PS a handful of zionist Jews doesn't make them all guilty. Should the world hold every American in the same contempt as your worst examples? You kids need to stop making excuses for your failures and develop some critical thinking skills. Some empathy too, while you're at it. It's not normal to be a bloodthirsty mongrel.

Just google the actual definition of mercantile you dipshit. You're seriously telling me every non-jewish circle uses that to describe them? You realize that implies it's inherently derogatory, and therefore you're a complete fucking moron to suggest the whole world is participating in an anti-semitic buzzword and getting away without criticism, while simultaneously suggesting that Jews are completely censoring us?

Seriously, how deep in the negatives is your IQ?

Why do you think Jews are the only ones who figured out how to trade, you historically ignorant inbred?

Yep, you're definitely the other circle.

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Not talking about bonuses, talking about co-owning a business on the side. I also do consulting/contract work. And I don't care to dox you because I'm not a vengeful little cunt.

Dude can't even hang on to uggos from R9k. He's the last of his line. There will be no offspring. All his parents success has been wasted.

>hurr durr,lets fight the jews by posting racist memes on the internet

>I also do consulting/contract work
my friend also works at geek squad, do you know him?

hahaha I just read that

So you're actually suggesting that the whole world is against the Jews...while you people simultaneously complain about them controlling the world?

How does it feel to be subjugated by a handful of sheisty manlets? You nerds also refer to them as subhumans too, don't you? lmao. So considering how many leagues you are beneath subhumans, is there a term for you incels? Is gutter-trash appropriate?

They tried going out into the real world once back in August 2017, an entire Virginian city turned against them, unconstitutionally might I add. It aint as easy as you think, Hershel.

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>You can't be against the people who rule over you
Ashkenazi IQ, people. There you have it.

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nobody cares about those cousin fucking hillbillys.also,maybe the next president you can use the constitution as a point of something.since republicans dont care about your constitutional rights,that was made clear by trump's violation of the 2nd ammendment

man,im so drunk right now i cant type worth shit lol

Yeah he said your mom gives shitty head and you're a faggot.

lmao I've dated other girls since. Including a french canadien babe that most of the virgins on this board would describe as a unicorn. I woulda wifed her but she had to move back home with her parents. Nice cope though

He's right there's some nice spots but this country is filled with dumb white trash and it makes me embarrassed to be an American. This country wants to bring back coal and cockroach level manufacturing that rice farmers in China took lmao. Fuck new technology we want rice nigger jobs lmao. Plus the racism and shitting on our government. Terrible

>they're low IQ
>they control everything around me

Pick one you inbred faggot.

>no argument
>changes the subject
>rambles incoherently
Take your schizo meds, Moshe.

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People with a low IQ can be highly nepotistic. Just look at Harvard Law for example

None of it, it's a shit hole. Red necks and old retirees and Caribbean trash

>rambles incoherently

well,maybe if i was sober i would be able to not do that.you fucking faggot,now go back to fucking your sister

Yeah but 90 percent of the country is a 3rd world shit hole. I've been to the best hospital in Puerto Rico because my friends mom got sick on vacation. Think Soviet era medical equipment with no AC and tropical heat and humidity. Complete shit hole.

its funny how americans always call places shit holes,yet they dont know anything about the places they call shit holes

puerto rico is a great example.i doubt you rednecks even knew that country was in america until that hurricane happened

>calls everybody in America a redneck
>drinks his ass stupid

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same anom

>more cope

At some point you have to realize that it makes no sense for a fucking handful of kikes to completely dominate you and everything around you. The more simpler truth is: they don't. They're no more nationalist than any other European/Middle Eastern group. They are basically the mercantile skills of an Italian/Greek/Persian x1000 due to their orthodox nature and fucked up religion teaching them they are god's chosen and must always succeed. It's like Asian parents but way more pressure. x1000 is an obvious exaggeration. Your average Jew might run a shop but only a handful run media outlets.

>he thinks only rednecks drink alcohol

i feel like im starting a bad habit of drinking out of boredom

Zero punctuation or grammar.
> South American Detected

>only a handful run media outlets.
mmhmm, a handful. Just like only a handful were involved with the Soviet Union right?

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It feels pretty good tbh

There are still some developing eastern bloc nations that have a lot of poorer/underdeveloped villages but at the same time also have some of the most beautiful/modern/clean cities you will ever see. People forget that wealth and infrastructure and investment tends to consolidate into strong hubs (major cities), even if the rest of the country isn't so great.

i started drinking three shots of vodka every morning and im fine, its not too much of a bad habit

It must kill you inside to know the US is the strongest country on the planet.

not really think about moscow for example, its way better than any place in usa

No shit.

PS, you can take any graphic, pick only the employees belonging to x_ethnicity, and twist it to meet your agenda. You're being shilled by people you will never meet. Like I said before: no critical thinking skills.

The funny thing is you're not wrong about Israel pushing its own agenda and having an internet defense force and other resources for espionage. I believe that. It's not just Israel though. They, along with Russians, Iranians, Chinese, North Koreans, and god knows who else, will always try to destabilize the west. You've been fooled to believe that Israeli/Jewish nationalism is a satanic beast compared to everyone else's.

I just don't think Jewish Americans are largely part of this zionist scheme. It's fucking absurd to coordinate that much. It's like the dipshits who think "flat earth" can easily be covered up with a few million dollars per year with 0 chance of there ever being a leak. As if NASA is the only fucking space program in the world.

I did as a Mexican who looks Spanish and I found out there was no bullying or anything like the movies just Arab Muslim people that seriously needed to go back to their country and other embarrassing minorities.
Faggots women gone bad and being fought over by spics and niggers shi came crying to clear lake highschool but brought their ghetto with them. Everyone listened to rap music or some niggerloving queerloving bullshit and it ruined the school. And if it wasn't them it was the arabs and Indians. Nobody had friends much less a girlfriend. Those that did were faggots. If it wasn't bullshit or the girls didn't put out the girls were getting raped and gangbanged by people who were desperate and it was the spics too the chicanos 2nd generation trash that were shitskins.

I can't really describe other Latinos being trash indios or niggers but it's ugly it reeks of embarrassment poverty and desperation

No it's beautiful but a shit hole. I saw people living in tinned roof cinder block houses and the hospitals wouldn't be nice 50 years ago. I stayed in a million dollar mansion on the beach that was dope as fuck but everything else was def a shit hole not even 15 minutes out of town. People were pretty nice though no one was a dick head to me which is something you'd never be able to say about America. And people respected their elders way more, go out of their way to help old people and family. I actually had a lot of respect for that. Loved the visit.

The very best are the white "Christians" from other denominations. They're retards and insufferable people/faggots. I can't stand them I view them as sudacas now and I think of them as a status symbol.

Lol except for the Russian gooks who would murder gay people in the street and having money and not having a quasi dictator ship yeah Moscow would be okay

>PS, you can take any graphic, pick only the employees belonging to x_ethnicity, and twist it to meet your agenda.
You actually can't, because the whole entire point of the graphic is to illustrate OVER-REPRESENTATION.
>They, along with Russians, Iranians, Chinese, North Koreans, and god knows who else, will always try to destabilize the west.
But that's not what's happening, is it? Where's the Chinese AIPAC? Where are the Iranian NGO's that are pushing mass immigration into white countries? Where are the russians who are vastly over-represented in ivy league schools?

I won't say shit hole because it was nice, let's say poorer and under funded. If they could help the poor people and have better funding it would be def somewhere where I'd want to live

>shit hole

says the trumptard,i bet donny boi told you all about the country right? even though he's a billionare idiot who has never traveled anywhere outside of the us,and doesnt know shit about anything.money cant buy everything

At least it's white. There are entire schools in the US that are black or "Hispanic" meaning Mexican-americans and other Latinos. If you go to a private school you pay for or a public white nice school the minorities asians and arabs/Indians ruin it.

15 replies is WAY too obvious, OP. If you're going to samefag a bait thread to get it off the ground, ease up on the samefaggery. At least, don't make it so obvious. Spread it out a bit.

i really dont give a shit,im drunk as fuck right now and spending another night shitposting on Yea Forums

No i stayed in a mansion on the beach in Rincon. It was beautiful and everyone was super nice and help full. Nice people but dirt poor in areas. The only real bad thing i experienced. Tough seeing people live in shacks that are bigger pieces of shit than my tool shed.

>I wish I grew up in the USA, in a nice neighborhood with wealthy and awesome parents. Going to high school like in the movies and later to college.
As an American I also wish to have a life like this but that life is meant for someone else to have

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Look at this dumb ass. You do know millions of people come here right?

>i really don't give a shit
Don't complain when, A. People call you new. B. This site is full of samefaggy shitposts. C. People who aren't retarded bongs ignore and or sage your samefaggotry. At least the Americans don't fall for this obvious low effort shit, they're too busy whining about AOC and circlejerking over trump.
Mandatory sage for 2/10 bait thread. Goodnight, sperg.

Never, at any point (unless it's "reply or your mother..." thread") is a post going to typically have more than 10 replies. The most you get is about 5. Also, OP inadvertantly admit to it alreadry.

Bruh come to Canada and you will change your tune about the Chinese. There are a ton of them here, and rich foreign Chinese buyers purchasing too much property is a legit problem in some parts.

If you weren't so concerned about non-whites you would recognize that your racist bullshit is clouding your judgment. You are making decisions based on emotion. Your are a victim of confirmation bias and you will always find anti-jewish bullshit because you are constantly looking for it.

It wasn't the Jews who orchestrated the concept of western democracy and immigrants providing a labour base because the domestic birthrate is declining...These are all simple economic principles, man. You can learn them just by playing grand strategy PC games. If you have more infrastructure and land than you can currently cap, you get immigrants who are at least somewhat culturally compatible to fill those spots and grow your empire as quick as fucking possible. It's an imperialist strategy and you're not understanding it.

If you sit here and explain to me how Muslim immigrants are incompatible with the west, fine, I agree! But what about all the non-Muslim immigrants you complain about? The Christian minorities of the middle east, Caucasus, north Africa, etc.? What about Asians? Non-Muslim Indian/Pakistani? You just hate them all lol


im way to drunk today to complain about anything

Heres the highschool experience of someone who just graduated.

>get bullied in elementary school and as a coping mechanism make an ass of yourself
>hate yourself
>move to a vocation school because you hate your current school
>meet cool people, don't see most of them again. I know you're not here but I miss you Donna, I could talk to you like a regular fucking human and you made me feel like I belonged, I love you like a brother you awesome lesbian superhero.
>get bullied the worse you've ever been
>hate yourself
>start hearing voices and cutting yourself
>a beautiful girl with the same interests as you is into you
>turn her down because you hate yourself too much to think you deserve happiness.
>move back to your old school for tenth grade and rebuild some burnt bridges, even make a new friend.
>so many suicidal thoughts, so many thrown out notes, more cutting
>get yelled at for being suicidal. Fuck you mom and dad, I'd be okay now if you would have just given me help.
>hate yourself for tenth grade
>outline your suicide plan at lunch, friends think it's a joke
>never go through with it
11th grade is hard and you have to go to summer school for math. Everything else was cool except for letting yourself be abused by a dick who calls himself your friend.
>you're still friends with him to this day
>12th is easy
>graduation sucked, fucking Rebecca gives a generic speech. She's so smart and successful. You'll never get as far as she will
>realize you haven't had a girlfriend since middle school
>you went all of highschool without a girlfriend
>realize you're aromantic
>hope college is better

Maybe we just don't like them did you ever think of that? Count for it every time a minority feels entitled or does evil.
Enough basis to confiscate those properties and give them nothing in return

>absolute barbarity
> cuck opinion

Had to be a Canadian

Lol I live in america and people steal my mail and the police are arresting people in my neighborhood weekly nowadays.

>arresting people in my neighborhood weekly nowadays

it must suck to live in a ghetto shit hole.let me guess,you think #blacklivesmatter even though criminals deserve to be shot to death by police

Fuck. I'm Latino and Houston is like this except with the nice hs and prehealth uni professions it self selects for Asians.

why dont you put a fucking lock in the mail then?

College is nice. Got my dick wet week one. You're gonna make it bro, browse /fit/ and channel that self-loathing into body dysmorphia and loft your feels. You're gonna make it.

Trump won because liberals stood behind a real piece of work with a tattered history and a husband who bombed a pharmaceutical factory because his fat ass had an affair. It's one of those times in American fauxmocracy where the government was like "Now I know they get the semblance of having a choice but this is just silly, were taking the helm of this election."