Andrew Yang 2020. $1000 a month for everyone.
Andrew Yang 2020. $1000 a month for everyone
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I thought this was Nicholas cage for a moment wth
>buying votes.
i'm mean the dems have been using this line on niggers (vote for me and you'll get money) for 70 yrs and just look at the wonders it has worked on their communities.
No politician has ever straight up promised to give you cash money though.
and who is gonna provide that retard? let me guess
>the rich people
those people are gonna leave the country as soon as that gook gets elected
Scott Baio looks great
jokes on you, I'm not a NEET anymore and don't need this.
If you vote for anyone other than John Macaffee then you are retarded.
>Derrr you cant tax the rich it doesnt work!!!
Why do normies say this? Has it ever actually been tried?
1k a month? can't go wrong with that. He'll give us a break, and Donald's reign will be over.
Chicago mayoral candidate Willie Wilson paid people $100 cash to vote for him earlier this year. Their pledge was non-binding. Suprisingly it was all legal. He did not do well at the ballots however.
Yellow man bad.
You know what I think about it Donald probably had the same thought as George, don't think it works like that.
UBI is retarded. What the fuck is even the point in giving money back to the wealthy whom youve just taxed.
Negative income tax makes much more sense it will be much easier to sell to leftards.
it has,just look at those 3rd world socialist countrys where the rich left after the idiots in charge decided to say "hey guys,give us your money so we can provide the people who havent worked a day in their lives with gibs"
if only americans actually had a clue about the world outside of america
Go back to faggot
it levels the playing field. poor people are already getting their $1000. now we all get it.
Name one country this happened in. Give me some names of the "rich people who left".
>Doesn't define "the rich"
Yeah, it's been in use for decades now. Still not working.
They're welcome to leave, we'd all be better off without those assholes anyways.
All the infrastructure and resources will, however, stay behind since you can't take it with you, along with the workers that actually produce tangible things that benefit society.
Not user, but look at who leaves the tax-hostile states. The rich have the advantage of mobility.
I am telling you /b Macaffee is our guy.
>it levels the playing field
Giving heroin addicts 1000 Nixon-bucks levels the playing field? You must me in real shit in life.
Income, eh?
>Avoids fact that majority of top 1% makes their dime on capital gains that are squirreled away overseas and therefore not reported.
We have 500PLN in Poland for every newborn child, each month, until they're 18. This cause fucking inflation.
It would get rid of junkies in a hurry
also, no reason for minimum wage
and fixes the welfare cliff
UBI already exists. We got food stamps, welfare, unemployment benefits, corporate bailouts, bankruptcy, WIC, public housing, section 8, alimony, child support, etc. Andrew Yang just wants to share it with incels and NEETs. It's not even gonna cost that much and most of the money will go right back into the economy because they're gonna spend it.
No shit it does if you're just printing the money to do it instead of reallocating it.
Printing money only works if you want to fund domestic infrastructure or merit goods like healthcare since the return on investment in the form of a larger capacity economy counteracts the inflationary effects.
>They're welcome to leave, we'd all be better off without those assholes
The people who pay half the Fed revenue?
>All the infrastructure and resources will, however, stay behind
Yeah, those schools and parks, they last forever.
>along with the workers
No shortage of shithole countries willing to make stuff.
Please explain. How does giving a junkie $1000 make him not a junkie?
>I keep leaving this cat food out
>why do I have so many cats around here?
300mil people and counting, receiving 1k a month every month as long as he is in office for let's say 2 terms, that is 28,800,000,000,000 and that's low balling, where is this money coming from?
most people abuse drugs because they have stress, no home, and uncertainty about the future. $1000 a month would change that. $1000 a month would help motivate the work force to be better workers. instead of having people who are constantly stressed about starving to death or going homeless.
The point of UBI is to eliminate the administrative overhead involved in administering all those different programs and means-testing all those individuals to see if they qualify.
Much easier to just cut everyone a cheque and allow them the economic freedom to do what they will with it. That's how a market works, after all, you need consumers who can actually make decisions and pick winners and losers.
You dont need it though. Unlike poor people who could 2k if you dont get your 1k. Besides NIT can be exactly the same mathematically if you adjust the tax for wealthy according to ammount you give to the poor. It just sounds better wont cause backslash from progressives like ubi.
Not "300 million people". Just the adults. And a lot of the money will be constantly recycled because people will be spending it.
That... is the most retarded graph I've ever seen. What the fuck do simgle moms have to do with this? I don't know any broke single moms. Their main struggle is time.
When everyone gets a thousand nobody gets a thousand.
The reality is that when the money comes out there will be like an Amazon Prime day every month or some Walmart supersale...COME CASH YOUR CHECK HERE sort of thing...
All that money will just be corporate welfare and make the rich even richer and give you a bunch of cheap junk.
NO! We are already too top-heavy and insolvent. Adding to your children's debt isn't going to fix anything.
just get rid of useless shit like national parks retards
[citation needed]
Most junkies are just hooked on drugs. I talk to them. I make them tell me a story before I give them a couple bucks.
>And a lot of the money will be constantly recycled because people will be spending it.
>The people who pay half the Fed revenue?
The people that have gamed the system so that they always come out ahead and have set it up so that losses are socialized (quantitative easing, too big to fail, bailouts) but gains are privatized (pay my workers below the carrying cost to live to massively inflate my profits because I know the government will squeeze the difference out of the middle-class to ensure a welfare state for the underclass, play multiple jurisdictions off each other to avoid paying taxes to any and squirrel the bounty of the nation away in offshore accounts).
This. I'm not gonna /thread. It's too retarded and full of summer economists.
Also, fun fact: Hillary was considering running on UBI but decided against it after the numbers wouldn't add up.
Do you even know how money works? Why not skip the middleman (handing out 1k) and just tax everyone and give it to the corporations?
This is literally how things like HAMP and HARP and Obamacare and GM bailouts work.
UBI is an easier sell philosophically though. NIT is straight wealth distribution with no sugar-coating. UBI you spin as your payment for being a citizen, presumably part of the draft pool should it ever have to come to that.
Because capitalism is about rational self-interested actors free from coercion exercising economic choices that determine winners and losers in a competitive market.
As opposed to the oligarchy/plutocracy we have right now with vested mega-corps wielding their power to have favourable regulations that provide barriers to entry to the market for their competitors and who are also using their monopolies to dominate different markets.
But I know econ 101 was hard so you probably never finished...
>the mid tier
yang wants the 90-98% to fund consumption by the 0-90% and keep growth fueled for the top 2%.
you thought it was coming out of his pocket?
If he wins and follows through with that, I'm opening a liquor store.
there's over 300 million people who're 18+
Like he said, where is the money coming from? The whole concept is totally absurd and will never happen. Trump will lie his way into a second term, so it's a moot point anyway.
>As opposed to the oligarchy/plutocracy we have right now with vested mega-corps wielding their power to have favourable regulations that provide barriers to entry to the market for their competitors and who are also using their monopolies to dominate different markets.
And you think Yang is going to stop any of that, let alone hand out $1,000 a month?
"The small sample size of people that I know is representative of the population at large" -This Retard
Are you stupid? Not everyone buys dumb shit all the time, like you, retard.
By overdosing obviously
If they're already addicted to drugs, isn't it possible they'd just spend their $1000 on more drugs?
Statistically speaking, they do.
Y'all are a bunch of normies
yeah like totally how it works, we cant give white working men any healthcare of benefits, it wouldnt work, lets give it to the rich and the moochers!!
fuck off boomer trash traitor.
boomers hate giving anything to hard working americans especially whites.
makes sense, they destroyed nations.
But hey lets keep giving to the rich and moochers, never let the white working men have any benefits ever! FOR MIGA FOR LULZ!!
fuck off boomer traitors.
p[ensions and healthcare biggest chunk, used by boomers.
hmmm lets blame the white working youth they deserve to die and make nothing ever or get any help ever!!!
hello traitor, I see you sure do love hating anything for white working men.
perhaps you might go fuck yourself?
>gamed the system
You mean followed the laws that have been in place for a century?
>below the carrying cost to live
Knock it off with this shit. Anyone can leave. If we had decent capitalism, we wouldn't have unions and we'd have more competition.
>tax mumbo jumbo
Yes. Abolish it all. No more corporations. Flat tax. No more social programs, nor more NPOs, no more protectionism.
The only thing that would happen if this actually were done would be an dramatic increase in cost of living everywhere to compensate for the shift of wealth.
Are you the one arguing "just the adults"? Arguing about capitalism but thinking higher taxes = better economy?
yes dont tax amazon and eliminate the current bloated welfare system!!! i say stay the course and let white families suffer and die! right? right traitors?
the world outside of america quite literally doesn't matter
I can get behind that.
>Fight for LGBT community
That's not a good thing it's a horrible non-conservative thing, and yep, he is doing it, instead of fighting for traditional marriage that is failing thanks to liberals and fags.
>used by boomers
You mean the people who paid into it the longest are the ones using it? Whew.
>love hating anything for white working men
Again, where did that come from?
>lets blame the white working youth
Where did that come up. No one's blaming anyone for anything except the spergs blaming boomers.
Who said don't tax Amazon? Amazon is getting corporate federal welfare and state gibs cause muh jobs. Take away their corp status and let them live by the rest of the rules that small business must abide.
thats not conservatism thats trumpism. Conservatism is acknowledging everyone has the same rights and freedoms as you despite threir belongings and social status and sexual orientation.
>everyone gets $1000
>taxes go up $1000
You guys are truly retarded.
If everyone is walking around $1000 richer every month, wouldn't that lead to hyper-inflation? Would companies have to raise the minimum wage to compete? Would we trim or eliminate all the other social welfare programs? Would some feel they could just drop out of the workforce altogether? Would, I don't know, McDonald's start charging more for a Big Mac?
pic is such fail. Everything the left has done has eroded all of those things.
>Thinking that it is this simple.
I mean it has flaws, but you are a literal retard if you believe what you posted.
To all of 'em
Decriminalizing it is fine. I didn't know it was a crime in the first place. Fighting for it is fucking counterproductive.
Where does the govt's money come from? How will they come up with the money to give it to you?
I appreciate your spirit Yang. But my votes lie elsewhere. Run for Congress instead.
Sorry. I forgot to include the 50% that don't pay taxes.
>everyone gets $1000
>taxpayers pay $2000
trump literally banned trannies from military, trannies in military dont mater at all due to how small their number is. It was just a jest to show how progressive a first world military can be.
Trump has no understanding of politics, or he is just a bigot but tries to hide it. Or most likely he wants his white nationalist base.
Venezuela, first the "rich" left for spain, merica and some other countries, a few fled to mine, they started a shit ton of business here creating a short-lived boom in the economy. Then the higher middle class left, they started small time business with other higher middle class familes. We had like a +4% annual growth because of this short lived boom, sadly it was short lived and we lost some of that growth by now.
>trannies in military dont mater at all
Except when they turn into suicide bombers
rofl by the people who paid in? you mean during the best years? also the great gen did too?
but our generation will have none by the time th eboomers die?
so boomer get it but no one else right?
yeah you are a traitor boomer, have fun being this dumb and greedy and being know as the worst generation to ever be birthed.
Yangs the only one who is pushing it so hard, trump is MIGA.
Number one reason marriages fail is financial so keep spouting bullshit boomer trash.
thats why yang is not left or right but forward and pisses off liberals when he says his wife is a stay at home mom and more can be with 1k sa month. yeah no one else wants that but yang.
This scales well. The same happened with Detroit. Seattle and SF have already started. It's a real bitch trying to persuade your highest payers/earners to came back to a shithole.
>by the people who paid in
Uh, I have never expected anything from it. It's been bankrupt like 3 times now. Just IOUs. How is more government going to fix that? By taxing you more?
>being this dumb and greedy
By wanting everyone yo keep their money and pay less taxes? By wanting all governments to be accountable? Boy am I greedy.
>Yangs the only one who is pushing it so hard
Pushing what? I don't even know who this asshole is.
>Number one reason marriages fail
You're just making shit up now. It's almost always emotional/infidelity
>thats why yang is not left
From this thread here, he seems pretty Marxist. At the least he's an authoritarian who wants to control production and raise taxes. Or he's just retarded.
We could probably pay for this just by setting the tax rates and policies back to where they were before Reagan started driving the country into the ground.
Some sort of UBI is inevitable after AI and automation destroys 70% of the jobs
Hyper inflation for all.
Can't wait for a $1 coke to cost $1001.00
my opinion of yang has risen dramatically with this statement
even though i know the only reason he can say what we're all thinking is because he's not white
Bernie stands a better chance than him, that's pitiful as hell.
by making amazon, chevron, etc. pay more taxes, stop bailing out giant fucking corporatiosn that fail when small businesses arent bailed out.
you boomer traitor.
everyone keep their money scept when it goes to the rich and moochers, lol by keep money you mean "no benefits for white working men, let them suffer and die in america"
Because you dont know politics.
No, we arent, yang even says as much and qoutes the actual stats saying we need to do better for american marriages. only one wanting family untis and stay at home wives is yang. you boomer scum.
He wants to tax amazon not working men, give help to rural towns as they are the backbone of the nation and help white working men not suffer.
but you hate white men, go mutilate more dicks boomer puppet, you better make that qouta.
>the best years
What the fuck are these? The 60s and 70s? War, gas prices, poverty everywhere? Those are good? I would argue the best time is now. There's a job surplus, Clinton's housing mess is almost over (although the banks are pulling their shit again), wages are high. The only things that really suck right now are increasing energy prices (how the fuck does that happen?) and heavy regulation. Trump's tariffs don't help (read: hurt) with the latter at all.
>after AI
That's not even close to reality. Probably never will be.
51% actually
read this my brother, read this and know he knows and sees it. His father made 65 patents for IBM and america. he is red white and blue for american men.
I saw his interview on joe rogan, basically what he said was that most jobs in the united states are actually being taken by machines.
These companies that use machines instead of people, he wants to charge them an extra "machine tax".
the number 1 reason marriages fail is women thinking they can't get something better, aka hypergamy
this whole post is wrong, and you need to go actually read why it is wrong without someone on here or facebook holding your hand boomer scum.
if you are still this stupid tomorrow then you have truly proven boomers are the most vile shit stains to ever grace american soil.
then you are retarded considering they just announced new break throughs so much that china expects 1/8th of all their jobs alone to be gone within the nest few years. and walmart is firing 90% of their cashiers and janitors and cleaners. mcdonalds bough an Ai company, so did many others, its time and youa re stupid and hate white men getting help you are a traitor.
have sex seriously facts are facts, just because you cant get pussy doesnt mean facts arent facts.
economic factors 80% divorce rate cause fact.
>by making amazon
That's what I've been fucking saying ingrate! Take away corp status and make them compete on the same rules that small business do. I literally fucking said that, dolt.
see >no benefits for white working men
I can't read your Spanglish here. I'm a white male, been working for 28 years and I never got any kind of handout. The only handouts I got were when the boss though I put in good work and gave me a $100. I don't know what the fuck else you're talking about.
>No, we arent,
>yang even says
And you're dumb enough to take a politician like Trump at face value? Christ.
>He wants to tax amazon
>not working men
What happens when business have to pay more taxes? Either service goes up (business goes down) or overheat is cut or lowered.
>but you hate white men
>mutilate more dicks boomer
>better make that qouta
I am a middle-aged white man. I don't want to do anything with dicks. I don't have quotas. I have deadlines, but they're completely flexible.
Your posts have shown that you are deep in the belief that there's class warfare. There isn't. There's jealousy and envy. Whether Amazon double it's profits or blinks out of existence makes zero difference to your day-to-day live, but you're gonna fucking hate 'em no matter what, because the rich are somehow responsible for you being angsty. How are you different from a racist?
Meme candidate. Sanders is the only nigga for the job.
>this whole post is wrong
>don't have an argument
Okay! Mr Wang ftw!
>just announced new break throughs
>china expects 1/8th of all their jobs
Do you even know what "China's jobs" are? They may me automating, but no such thing even close to AI. Unless you have a different definition of AI.
borrow and spend
borrow and spend
borrow and spend
Ooh, ooh. Now do one for unfunded liabilities...
>China's jobs
Fuck. You seem to be stumped. China has a low unemployment rate (much lower than the US) because you are forced to work. They encourage you to throw trash out of your car in Beijing. There's signs for it. Why? Because they pay guys $1 a day to pick up trash on the road. He is now part of the work force. You don't need automation to fix that shit.
>$1000 a month for everyone
So a partial tax refund?
And Fed spending just increased again.
What are this chinks actual policy positions besides free gibs? Gooky McSlanteye seems to be running on neetbux alone.
1000 of them
Check out the article by the OECD showing that economic prosperity is hindered by large economic inequality.
Yes I am absolutely saying that higher taxes = a better economy, because right now the flow of money is being stopped up in the hands of a few wealthy families.
It's impossible to borrow and spend our way to prosperity. Massive amounts of deficit-financed spending does not make a "strong" economy. Inflation of stocks and other assets does not "create" wealth. what we need is a STABLE currency with minimal inflation. the more the government tries to manipulate the economy, the more it keeps distorting it ... with costs rising soon $15/hour won't be enough, then $20/hour won't be enough, etc... we should be aiming to keep the prices of things as STABLE as possible. that's the best way to stimulate growth, just by keeping things stable and predictable.
rather than trying to prevent inflation and prevent an inevitable recession, the government needs to allow this recession (part of the natural economic cycle) to occur. interest rates need to be allowed to naturally rise, this will trigger a painful recession in the short-term - nonproductive businesses will close, jobs will be lost, but capital and labor will be freed up for use in other productive areas of the economy, but prevent even worse long-term pain.
our government must stop quantitative easing (money printing), stop asset inflation, and allow interest rates to rise. Higher interest rates will discourage borrowing and spending, and encourage personal savings. We must restart non-debt financed capital investment in this country - the true engine of a productive, sustainable economy.
>the article by the OECD
What article?
>the flow of money is being stopped up
That's not how money works. People don't take trillions to the grave, unaccessable to anyone else.
I like it, user.
The idea is to empower labour/wage earners with increased bargaining power - right now you have an underclass that is kept desperate so that there's an always available labour pool that will do low-skill, poor quality of life work just in order to make ends meet.
Shitty retail operations that don't treat their workers well will go out of business. Decent paying employers that treat their employees with dignity and share a reasonable portion of their earnings with them will do well.
I foresee janitors being very well paid because if they're not why would they want to deal with cleaning up other people's shit. On the other hand vocations that people would willingly do in their own time will have people offering to take lower wages, regardless of educational requirements.
>$1000 a month for everyone.
SO what ? That means I pay 12,000 instead of thirteen in taxes? Big fucking deal. Thinking I will vote for you because you will give me back 1/12 of my stolen money...
This is now 223,526, btw.
Yang is doomed. He fell into the classic INTP blunder and assumed politics were about dialectic and ran on facts. Politics are the arena of rhetoric and its all about emotion. He is doomed.
"The necessaries of life occasion the great expense of the poor. They find it difficult to get food, and the greater part of their little revenue is spent in getting it. The luxuries and vanities of life occasion the principal expense of the rich, and a magnificent house embellishes and sets off to the best advantage all the other luxuries and vanities which they possess. A tax upon house-rents, therefore, would in general fall heaviest upon the rich; and in this sort of inequality there would not, perhaps, be anything very unreasonable. It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.”
Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, V.iie.6: p 842
>Yes, the people that benefit the most from a a functioning and stable civil society should bear the largest burden of maintaining it.
>that treat their employees with dignity
Why do you insert human behavior into a simple math equation?
It would be a yearly cost of 4 trillion dollars, that’s if you keep the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from stealing it. Of course you could get rid of welfare & SS, it’s useless anyhow as the government just steals it.
Where does that money come from
As long as landlords and capitalism exist then basic universal income never will.
Dumb if anyone to think that it would work.
>the poor
You need to define who "the poor" is and who "the rich" is. Your version is different than the politicians', and I'm sure it differs from mine. I'm in CA and poverty is now considered
>a functioning and stable civil society
we would have that if the government stopped stealing money for bailouts and gibs
Canada was very successful leveraging the value of its currency to fund public infrastructure and investments in its economy before joining the BIS and being made to borrow money at 'market rates' and cede its sovereign control of domestic monetary policy by answering to an unelected cabal of internationalists. Prior to Truedau senior selling us out, the Bank Of Canada was empowered to provide interest free loans (only so much and to be paid in full within a certain time period) to provincial and Federal governments.
I take it a similar abandonment of control of your own monetary policy happened when the Fed abandoned the gold reserve, but I'd like to stress the problem isn't in fiat currency per se.
Canada's approach wasn't exceptionally inflationary because, unlike trying to print money to purchase goods on the global market (see Germany, Venezuela), it was used to put its dormant labour force to work on things that improved the nation's human capital during economic downturns.
The growth due to these investments were in fact outstripping the inflationary effects.
>Say it with me, "Macroeconomics does not work like microeconomics predicts because the latter relies on far too many simplifying assumptions."
Because I have an engineering background and I know the mathematical model of reality is only as good as its assumptions are valid.
Economies don't exist in some perfect logical abstract - they're emergent from the decisions and behaviours of multitudes of very emotional humans, despite what the mathwashing to make it appear like a hard science would have you believ. Behavioural economics is at least an attempt to correct for the failures of the 'rational self-interested actors' assumption by injecting some understanding of human fallibility into matters.
Money is merely an abstraction/placeholder we use for wealth, not wealth itself.
Canada has equalization payments, broken healthcare, and gay-police. But you make some decent points.
As you point out it's pointless to try and come up with a simple metric like a number, but there are indexes one can use to approximate the cost of living.
One can also look at things from a functional perspective - does someone have the ability to after losing their job to survive for, let's arbitrarily say 3 months, without further outside assistance (assuming other creditors and such are on hold and you only have to cover housing, food, etc.) while they look for other work or relocate to another locale? If not, then they're poor.
You notice how there's been a ton of questions here and you can only answer based on feelings or assumptions or by manipulating behavior?
No I don't notice that at all. My take was I was spouting some fairly straightforward capitalist theory, at one point quoting Mr Invisible Hand Adam Smith himself, and pointing out that mathematical models of reality are only as good as their assumptions are reasonable approximations.
Doesn't matter how useful the ideal gas law is in other applications or how pretty the formula is if I'm dealing with a mixture of gases with a large interaction force. Then I need to break out fugacity.
I also took a quick detour to talk about how absolutely stupid it is for a sovereign nation to cede control of its monetary policy to unelected internationalists, and how the assumption that printing more money is always hyperinflationary is proven untrue by looking at Canadian history of funding human capital.
>But muh strawmen arguments tricking the dumb poor into thinking fixing the system is in fact further breaking it
But please, tell me again how I'm the emotional one?
>I'm the emotional one
>hope I'm not mixed up with other anons
Because you keep using terms like "the working man", "middle class", "the poor" , "luxuries", "white workers", "level playing field", and other buzzwords.
Trying to navigate the history of this shit thread, that may not have been you.
A job surplus means nothing if they are all entry level/ part time positions, then you just get the bottom 50% of the workers working for peanuts and outpricing the top 50% of the workforce who are now woefully underutilized.
>all entry level
>then you just get the bottom 50%
Are you even trying? You may be the guy I was thinking of here:
This is why this shit is popping up again you fucking idiots ignore history just like flat earthers ignore basic science
>That's not how money works. People don't take trillions to the grave, unaccessable to anyone else
No, they don't take it to their grave, they just remove it from productive circulation and instead create sophisticated side-bets and derivative financial products so they can gamble without having to go to a casino. This way when they go bust it fucks the whole economy as they bring markets crashing down. They play hot-potato pursuing short-term gains and influencing corporate policy to value them above all by perverse incentives for CEOs (golden parachutes and stock options they can cash in within a short period of time) at the expense of long-term sustainability and prosperity until the bubble bursts and the last guy holding the stock loses (unless they're important enough for the government to bail out, socialize losses privatize gains and all that).
socialism works pretty well in scandanavia
in fact most nations have a socialist healthcare system and they have a better quality of life and pay less than americans
>stocks are risky
>dumbfucks lost
>pay them $1k to make up for it
Did you want to actually refute anything in that statement or just act like a self important cunt?
Finland went bust from social programs
The others are struggling
60% taxes
>better quality of life
>pay less than americans
>that opinion
Nah, can't refute speculation. I'll have to take take "stay a cunt".
If you ever watch his podcast with Joe Rogan he makes a lot of valid points. The way we are heading is not sustainable. We to elect someone that genuinely wants to help the people and understands technology (AI) and business.
But what do I know im just Canadian.
>What clashes here of wills gen wonts, oystrygods gaggin fishy-gods! Brékkek Kékkek Kékkek Kékkek! Kóax Kóax Kóax! UaluUalu Ualu! Quaouauh! Where the Baddelaries partisans are stillout to mathmaster Malachus Micgranes and the Verdons cata-pelting the camibalistics out of the Whoyteboyce of HoodieHead. Assiegates and boomeringstroms. Sod's brood, be me fear!Sanglorians, save! Arms apeal with larms, appalling. Killykill-killy: a toll, a toll. What chance cuddleys, what cashels airedand ventilated! What bidimetoloves sinduced by what tegotetab-solvers! What true feeling for their's hayair with what strawngvoice of false jiccup! O here here how hoth sprowled met theduskt the father of fornicationists but, (O my shining stars andbody!) how hath fanespanned most high heaven the skysign ofsoft advertisement!
read this if you want to know more
also Finland appears to still be around, I don't really see how a single parliamentary government collapsing means their social safety net has destroyed the nation itself
>Large volume day-trading has absolutely no connection to pricing the value of going concerns and is completely distorting the market.
>Complex financial products are created. They didn't stop to think whether they should, just whether they can. Markets collapse because even the smartfags at the top firms can't keep track of the risk any more.
>Stock market is essentially running like a pump and dump.
Again, you can't have a market if no one can afford to purchase things. Give people money, allow them to use their newfound economic power to make decisions and pick winners and losers.
While all these UBI shit is bullshit, taxing companies like Amazon and Walmart would bring in billions and it's obvious Bezos wants to automate his Warehouses ASAP
Why the fuck would you ever vote for a chink president? Have you ever geard of the Great Leap Forward?
Singapore is a multicultural nation
Singapore is also one of the most densely populated nations in the world
Singapore also has universal healthcare
Singapore has a higher life expectancy than the USA
why is the USA so backwards?
How you get a job you lazy piece of shit.
more like
>how about you get 3 gig jobs
Fuck off pinko bitch
Niggers and Libs.
they're hard working people, good christians
trap threads
Singapore is majority nonwhite and more liberal than america
you're wrong and a dumb fuck racist
Im confused. Are you calling people from Singapore spics? Or are you saying America is fucked up because of spics? IMO both are true.
>why is the USA so backwards?
I guess they don't have great schools in Singapore.
Paco trying to deflect
Not really
US is now 40% spics
If you're to stupid to get a real job, then do what you have to.
>for everyone.
No, just you pathetic NEETS
meanwhile, automation continues
Singapore is a tiny shit country. You can't compare political and socioeconomic issues with the USA in such broad terms. Its easier to have your shit together when your country is half the size of New York City.
if you give everyone 1k then cost of living will just go up. For a lifelong business man Yang seems to understand very little about managing the economic system he brought his businesses up in. Or maybe he just went to college on his parents dime and knows how to sell you goobers a lie.
>hard working people
> US is now 40% spics
China manages it, and they're much bigger than the USA
why is USA so uniquely incapable at providing for its people despite being the wealthiest nation in history?
And what sucks is they're willing to work for less money. Completely ruined blue collar jobs in California
i thought they didn't do any work, you can't have it both ways retard
>China manages it
China is a homogeneous society. Despite their large size, they still have a common goal. The US is fractionally divided into racial and class and states that each one hates each other
>lazy mexicans taking all the jobs
conservatives are just that dumb lmao
>What is a lazy worker
singapore is multicultural and manages it, plus they have a pretty big population on a very small island
If they were hard working they wouldn't cost the country $12k/year just being here.
actually they pay more in taxes than they cost
Singapore is known for traps, sex changes, and riots at the airport. GTFO.
Nope. not even close.
If you believe this you live sheltered life. 99 out of 100 street beggars are either addicted to a substance (thats addicted, like, they can't just stop) ot they are professional beggars. Only that 1 out of 100 is just "down on his luck". I've observed this for years. My dad who ran a business downtown would offer coffee to the guys who asked for "a couple of bbucks to buy a coffee". They would either respond rudely or take it then dump it out. They wanted the fucking booze. That was before the professional beggars... now my city has people who have homes and cars and are good at telling sob stories... some better than others. Some are too stupid to bother looking poor, they wear nice new clothes and bring coolers to sit and beg in parking lots.
just because you're bigoted doesn't mean this large multicultural state doesn't have a higher quality of life, longer lifespan and pays less for healthcare than america
I swear americans are like cavemen who think they're the most advanced people on earth
Inflation will make that money meaningless. It's a retarded idea.
sorry youre wrong
Well, to clarify. The illegals cost us that much. The legals make money.
You don't want Yang, OP.
1. He isn't white
2. He's a socialist
3. You are a frogposter
Why do chinese factories put up nets to catch jumpers if their system is so great?
They make more money than you do tho
illegals can't get any public money and they have to pay sales tax
your argument doesn't really make any sense
Wiki says 75% Chinese, which is a large majority, and no mexicans
because they care about their people, unlike america which doesn't do anything about its many suicides
ahhh boot lickers, our favorite type of conservative
They have forced out white people from good paying blue collar jobs because they are willing to work for far less money and no benifits or PTO of any kind. White laborers fought hard for decades for those wages and benefits, and mexicans flood the country and undercut everyone.
Just because you make assumptions about Americans doesn't make you right.
I swear Singaporeans are like cavemen who think they're the most advanced people on earth
Nah, I just dropped the quote from Adam Smith because people seem to think progressive taxation is a new idea completely unknown to capitalist theory because I'm pissed off at a perfectly good economic system being bastardized in the public media to defend the interests of monopolists and trusts.
I do believe a UBI is going to become absolutely necessary to have functioning markets at all when we get automation up and running and essentially have a post-scarcity society. I think we're pretty much there already but a lot of vested interests are trying to maintain the status quo because it protects their power and influence.
I think UBI can fit just fine within a capitalist framework without the sky falling. I have no idea who the chinkfag is, some Demo running for president?
Don't mix me up with the virtue-signalling faggots who're just parroting the BS their tribe tells them to without understanding any of it. They piss me off more than the self-interested fags who lie through their teeth claiming bullshit like taxes are theft because they dilute perfectly good economic policy by making it sound completely retarded.
Also, it is not the job of government to provide fir citizens, a citizen should provide for himself, lazy fag
Mexico isn't even 100% mexican and they manage to have public healthcare lmao
>can't get any public money
Entire funds just for them. C'mon Jeb.
If we banned guns half the suicides would stop.
California is giving them free healthcare
Hey dickshot, blame the fucks who are willing to hire them, not the person willing to work for their life.
>sales tax
So noting to the fed then.
california can afford it, unlike most red states that just are lazy leeches on the federal system
I swear the only argument against social healthcare that conservatives have is "I'm racist"
Andrew Yang 2020: "Chicken and Broccoli in every pot!"
I dont think you know what boot lickers means
who cares, do you think they just hand out welfare to people who don't have citizenship here? they don't even have welfare for people who are citizens
who do you think owns the boots moron
>california can afford it
We're in the red every single year.
you're licking some very expensive boots tho
They may think they care about their people as a whole, but not as individuals. China is the posterboy for the stripping of individual freedom. In mainland China they actual have a social credit system keeping tabs on everyone and are harvesting live prisioners organs.
You are not a mod. Fuck off if you can't bring your game here.
>california can afford it,
OK Paco, I Know you're happy you're getting free healthcare but they taxing legal citizens who don't have healthcare to give illegals healthcare
>I take it a similar abandonment of control of your own monetary policy happened when the Fed abandoned the gold reserve, but I'd like to stress the problem isn't in fiat currency per se.
The problem in the US is that, as a country, we have lived outside our means for at least a generation. Our central bank under Greenspan became quite proficient at pushing buttons and pulling levers - manipulating our money supply to an unprecedented extent - successfully preventing the short-term pain of a recession. This manipulation of the natural business cycle has effectively exchanged short-term comfort (avoiding the business closures, loss of jobs, etc) for long-term pain (increased severity of a correction in the future). Combined with misguided attempts to "rescue" failing banks, automakers, etc. we have essentially propped up unproductive businesses, preventing that capital and labor from being freed up and employed elsewhere in the economy.
The United States is drunk. Our liquor is debt. Debt is our #1 export. Soon, the rest of the world will begin to realize that we have no choice but to default on our massive national debt. Already, other countries are openly discussing plans to ditch the inflating US dollar as a reserve currency. Our government does not have a solution for this. A rising stock and real estate market are the result of an unprecedented asset-inflation bubble, not any type of economic recovery as the government would have us believe.
The Federal Reserve interest rate control mechanism is effectively broken and the interest rate has been stuck at or near zero since 2009. Without printing money to do so, United States can hardly afford to pay the interest alone on the increasing national debt. A real solution requires that we all endure a painful hangover.
>the only argument
>social healthcare
That's not even the argument. It's social health insurance. The care is already taking a dive and will only get worse. You been to the EP lately? You see your bills? You notice your premiums increasing 2x-4x? I have private ins and I won't even go to the hospital anymore unless it's serious. I can't afford it. But at least we'll all have the same level of shit care.
Why do we need to give losers money to breed with?
But should we tax progress? Should we tax those who find ways to innovate their company so that their margins become larger and products get cheaper. Thats comparable to trying to tax a paper printer because it downsized the amount of workers required to make a book. Doesn't sound right.
I'm wondering how that sexboi even got on this site.
Then you need to raise taxes.
It's a capitalist society, alot of times the lowest bidder wins. That's just basic economics. Regular, everyday guys spent the better part of the 20th century standing up to those billionaire pricks fighting for fair treatment, and the influx of cheap mexicans is undoing all that hard work. The mexicans are willing to get on their knees and work for pennies on the dollar no questions asked. Grow some fucking balls.
The Scandinavian countries aren't socialist .. we're just very highly taxed.
Services (schools, healthcare etc) paid for by said taxes have been declining for 30 yrs+. A couple of years more and the kids are young adults meaning me and my tax-money are gone abroad. Doesn't pay off for a man to work here
What, 2nd highest in the nation isn't bad enough? Everyone's leaving already. It will go bankrupt before it's fixed. It's entire future depends on Silicon Valley and I don't see them being around much longer..
>, alot of times the lowest bidder wins. That's just basic economics.
Not if we had a law prohibiting it.
>implying you wont be able to find work because machines
Last time I checked, machines still need people to operate, repair, replace, develop, purchase, and most importantly: build.
Also not every job in the world can be automated within the next 50 years with our current technological progression.
Proposition 1 fucked your tax system. And yes, California has 40 million people. Stop pretending it should be a small-government neo-confederate social experiment.
It's gonna rich techies, rich fobs in OC, and rich whites in SD surrounded by Mexicans making minimum wage
>Everyone's leaving already.
No they're not shithead.
California had 10 million people move there in the past 10 years.
Fuck your stupid right wing talking points. Go stick your fucking dick up to Fox News on TV and shock yourself on the static electricity.
You can't just create laws like that. You can sanction corporations for socioeconomic or ecological offenses. But you can't create laws undermining basic economic principles without compromising the entire economic structure. It has never, not once, ever worked in the long term.
But who does the US actually owe the debt TO? The private Bank of International Settlements? Are they going to come knocking at the door to collect? Do you really think China wants to go toe-to-toe?
The US still has a very well-educated workforce, plenty of natural resources available to exploit for food and shelter, and while it's a bit run-down you still have plenty of manufacturing capability if your taskmasters chose to allow you to reinvest at home and make things in the USA again.
Declare the debt resolved and stop servicing compounding interest payments on it. Start leveraging your currency's value to put people to work building your nation's human capital and manufacturing capabilities. This is exactly how 'Currency Manipulator' China has gotten ahead. Beat them at their own game.
And for god's sake, if you enjoy a decent standard of living for you and your fellow citizens, apply a tariff on goods produced in sweatshops/other moral hazards so your domestic goods are competing on even footing. Right now the misery of those offshore workers is NOT being priced into the product, and that's simply a recipe for more pissed off people launching terrorist attacks. Use your trade policy constructively.
No physical change occurs in the availability and distribution of real resources and labour.
We've lived under an internationalist order for so long we're forgetting that a nation is sovereign over its land and currency.
>the lowest bidder wins
Reminds me of a joke (?)
White house maintenance see they need a new fence. Decides to take bids. Three guys show up:
Guy 1. I'll do it in two weeks for $1000.
Guy 2. I'll do it in 8 days for $2000
Guy 3. I'll do it for $3000
WH maint. guy leans over. "What the hell? Those guys just said 1k and 2k."
Guy 3 says, "$1k for you, $1k for me, and we hire the first guy."
Year Pop % Change
2020 40,257,184 0.60%
2019 40,017,007 0.60%
2018 39,776,830 0.61%
2017 39,536,653 0.61%
2016 39,296,476 0.68%
2015 39,032,444 0.86%
2014 38,701,278 0.92%
2013 38,347,383 0.86%
2012 38,019,006 0.92%
2011 37,672,654 0.92%
2010 37,327,690 0.98%
2000 33,871,648 1.30%
If it keeps allowing for the rich to make more money yes we can. We can make it so you have to have 3 bids, and one has to be from an economically disadvantaged company with people of color.
Yes last time you checked. You're missing the whole, 'getting robots to build other robots' revolution that's underway, try to keep up because it's going to bring about a revolution in how we do things on the same scale that replaceable parts and tool-steel did during the industrial revolution.
> Has it every actually been tried?
I think we should murder all facefuck you and that would solve are problems. You can't prove me wrong, because like, has it ever actually been tried?
>What is anti-trust laws and Standard Oil?
Seriously dude. Spend five minutes research on market failures and the basic assumptions the standard economic model makes and think hard about whether those are reasonable assumptions. Markets are only optimal when they hold true. I'll give you a hint, one of them assumes consumers are rational-self interested actors with symmetrical information to the seller and free from force and coercion... How much like the real fucking world does that sound?
Okay, "everyone" was hyperbole.
> squirreled away overseas
That's what you think rich is don't you? silos of gold coins that scrooge McDuck dives into?
You realize Bezos doesn't have billions in cash money. He has ownership in a company worth billions. If you asked him to pay some of his "billions of dollars" he'd have to sell part of his company to do it. It's not money. The rich doesn't just bury it in their back yard. It's invested in companies.
> literally being unable to comprehend a graph
The state keeps gaining more people, user. Not losing. I told you to take your stupid right wing talking point and shove it up your dick like a catheter.
> We can make it so you have to have 3 bids, and one has to be from an economically disadvantaged company with people of color.
Now you are just trolling.
But $1000 to everyone is way cooler than $100 a pop for a vote. Yang Gang bitch
>robots to build other robots
Who's gonna build and maintain the robots that build the other robots? The invention of the PC only required more humans to operate them. Is "AI" going to show up and fix all this?
>gaining more illegal immigrants
>stupid right wing talking point
The SacBee is anything but right wing and they source the IRS. Maybe it's the taxpayers that are leaving.
>literally being unable to answer a question for an entire thread
People who can afford to leave have money
The point is they'll be self-maintaining. It will build its own replacement and service itself.
Also, AI has been set towards creating code. Also it does a pretty decent job writing copy depending on the subject (a lot of sports pages are already employing it in a limited fashion).
The point you're missing is that we shouldn't be afraid of losing out on work. We should be looking forward to a time when we can work at what we choose because it interests us and enriches the lives of others, not because we need to scrape by and enrich others.
>who does the US actually owe the debt TO
The rest of the world, nearly every industrialized country (Japan, China, UK, etc), and to ourselves.
>Declare the debt resolved and stop servicing compounding interest payments on it. Start leveraging your currency's value to put people to work
A default on our national debt is a worst-case scenario. This would certainly result in the collapse of the dollar and a loss of the international reserve currency status which we have exploited for so long. Yes, we could still continue printing endless amounts of money at this point, but like other countries (Zimbabwe, Venezuela) who have gone this course have discovered - nobody would want it.
>a decent standard of living for you and your fellow citizens
The events described above would certainly result in a major change in the quality of life of every American. We would no longer be able use our inflated currency to import tons of cheap goods.
This star trek shit is gay as fuck and will never happen. Keep dreaming, hippie.
>The rest of the world
No it fucking doesn't. It owes it to us.
Antitrust laws are to protect consumers from monopolies. They will not protect bluecollar workers from being underbid. A government can't tell companies who they can and cannot hire, it doesn't work. They can only set a minimum wage. It needs to be up to the workers to stand up to their employers and demand fair compensation. It's impossible to do that if mexicans will do any job for $8.50 per hour.
>Are they going to come knocking at the door to collect? Do you really think China wants to go toe-to-toe?
Foreign lenders will simply stop lending money. No country in the history of the world has successfully been able to borrow and spend indefinitely.
No I'm not. And right wingers like you always try to push the lie that economics is set in stone. Industrial democracy is ultimately whatever the people demand.
Because fat rich Republitards keep paying them.
>No it fucking doesn't. It owes it to us.
Like I said...
>and to ourselves.
Your source is Fox News. California is one of the most liveable states in the fucking US you teabagging prick. Fuck off with your stupid debunked talking points about how people are leaving. Eat shit.
Yeah. Importing tons of cheap goods on the backs of misery abroad because 'out of sight out of mind' is probably a bad thing long-term. You wonder why nations are interested in flying planes into your buildings.
>es, we could still continue printing endless amounts of money at this point, but like other countries (Zimbabwe, Venezuela) who have gone this course have discovered - nobody would want it.
See You don't need to make compound interest payments on debt that only benefit the private financial industry keeping tally. They are merely rent-seekers serving no added-value function.
>The events described above would certainly result in a major change in the quality of life of every American. We would no longer be able use our inflated currency to import tons of cheap goods.
Short term, no. But I'm confident you'd learn how to live without the cheap consumer junk that's burying the planet in waste and your median US citizen would be better done by reclaiming some control over its manufacturing needs.
and they still complain about it
Yeah, I'd be bitter too if I had to move because of shitty politicians caving in to demands of trash
Illegal labor is illegal.
Enforce that and the problem is solved.
They use them not for the wage but because they don't have to pay all the taxes and social security and all the shit they have to pay for with legal workers which makes them cost twice as much.
Has nothing to do with what Mexicans are willing to do, a legal Mexican working legally is in the same boat as your average white or black guy.
You can't compete against millions of ghost people being allowed to break the law and work under the table.
>durr politicians durr
you're a piece of fucking work trumpshit
Not that guy but here you go
20th place. And there's only like 10 good states
Ok. So they stop lending money. You don't need to borrow money. You have a currency that's backed by the wealth of your nation. That wealth doesn't depend on external factors, it's backed by your ability to produce domestic goods and services and your military which protects them.
Fuck off Paco
Because they probably want to feature states that have low taxes, because their readers are bug-eyed senile boomers.
The white race will be a minority in this country by 2040. You'd better start smiling when you say that user. :)
Fuck off paco
you aren't smiling amigo :) :) :)
I wouldn't use singapore as a great example of individual wealth, wealth disparity, a stable economy, or fuck even a stable culture. And its fairly segregated in Singapore.
Besides that, healthcare availability and life expectancy aren't a good comparison. Try getting optional care done in Singapore like laser eye surgery, great or timely hospital care, death rates post op. Its not great in comparison to the U.S.
The U.S has a lower life expectancy for two reasons. We still include infantile death rates into our life expectancy statistics which almost no other country does. This is a problem because it drags average life expectancy down and makes death rathes look higher. Also the U.S has a obesity issue. We have an objectively better healthcare system than Vietnam, why is life expectancy lower? Obesity.
Turns out people eat themselves to death because we are just that fucking rich on an individual level. Our lower-middle class is richer on an individual level (regarding purchasing power globally) of more than 99% of the rest of the world.
If you are going to make valid arguments do not use deceptive statistics. No country has lower rates of post op deaths and we have the highest life expectancy if you remove deaths by cardiovascular failure).
Its ironic because healthcare would be massively cheaper if you removed all of the regulation government put in place to artificially raise healthcare costs. Lets start with IP laws which drive up medication costs over 2000% in extreme cases and medical devices 200-300%
Lets remove all of the B.S paperwork that forces doctors to use 3rd parties to fill out prescriptions and negotiate on the behalf of your doctor to insurance companies for the more expensive brands of medication your doctor DIDNT okay. Lets remove the regulation that bans how medication can be transported which allows pharmacies to monopolize branding and artificially drive up costs. Lets try to remove the red tape first.
$8.50 an hour is minimum wage, and it is very possible for companies to legally hire illegal immigrants if they pay them at least minimum wage. They use temp agencies and can completely wash their hands of any wrong doing. And for every illegal Mexican there are ten more legal Mexican American citizens who are the same way, willing to work for $8.50 and absolutely no benefits. They are completely unwilling to unionize or stand up for themselves and are undoing a centurys worth of work the white bargaining agents have done.
Lol, spics are killing California .
And no they looked education level of the people, poverty rate, homelessness, average pay, home prices, etc. California is like Brazil. No middle class and only the super rich and the majority lower class
yang gang
>Lol, spics
You don't want Yang, OP.
1. He isn't white
2. He's a socialist
3. You are a frogposter
I hope he runs just so I can.
>we have the highest life expectancy if you remove deaths by cardiovascular failure
Oh yeah, definitely. Just remove the leading cause of death and say your life expectancy is great....
Trump broke the mold. Wrestlers, rappers, porn moguls...
I can use Google too Paco.
>You don't need to make compound interest payments on debt that only benefit the private financial industry keeping tally. They are merely rent-seekers serving no added-value function.
You're half-right. The financial sector adds no productivity, it exists mostly to extract profit from a myriad of financial transactions that have no direct economic benefit. However, if we value our quality of life then servicing our debt isn't an optional activity. Not doing so would have immediate and drastic effects both here and abroad, starting with massive devaluement of our asset and bond markets, not to mention immediate wholesale withdrawal of assets from the US economy. So, technically we don't "need to" service our debt, but it's truly the only thing keeping the mountain of debt from collapsing on our heads.
you need to smile when you say that amigo :)
Not possible to pass that law without Congress and Senate agreeing to a 400 billion increase in the nations debt annually. #maga2020
>Ok. So they stop lending money. You don't need to borrow money. You have a currency that's backed by the wealth of your nation. That wealth doesn't depend on external factors, it's backed by your ability to produce domestic goods and services and your military which protects them.
What wealth are you talking about? We are broke. We are (1) printing our own money (quantitative easing) and (2) spending borrowed money, just to fund the ongoing operations of our massive government. Without the continuous flow of cheap money, the party is over.
If you don't live a healthy 80-90 years, you fucked up somewhere or just trash genetics
Why not? We more than that every year to rich shits who don't fucking deserve it.
The money comes from a sales tax where the people get a % per sale from amazon/google etc, this allows these companies to make more money because people will put money back into the economy, and the companies will net money overall overtime.
like you
I understand that the sudden decrease in QOL is the threat that the financial industry is holding over your (US) head, but I believe you have the wherewithal between your own domestic capacity and that of your close neighbours and allies (who may well join you in leaving this farce as they have their own mountains of debt, mostly compounding interest again) to ensure the basic standard of living isn't greatly disrupted.
>I don't think being able to get a cheap cellphone every other year or lawnmower that'll fall apart after one year and be impossible to service/cheaper to replace (on credit) is necessary to maintaining a decent quality of life. Quite the opposite, it's degrading the human experience.
Now best-case you'd quietly make some preparations to position yourself to handle it well by quietly reinvesting back into your domestic manufacturing capabilities.
I do agree that SOME people's QOL will decrease, notably those in the financial sector. Cry me a river.
They already aren't paying taxes, retard. Fuck I wish it was easy to get the rich to fuck off as to threaten to feed the crumbs to the rest.
You get $1000
And you get $1000
And you get $1000
It's too early to institute UBI and our economy can't handle a $280 billion per month expense. I'm willing to consider it once the $20 trillion deficit falls to around $5 trillion.
I'm not paying more taxes so someone else can get a monthly stipend, hard pass.
You would be right if the money comes from us, the taxpayers. It does not, while inflation will happen, not to the extent to overdue to 1k a month
Planning to live for the next 200 years?
I'm talking about physical goods, human capital, technological capacity and know-how, exploitable resources, infrastructure, all those things that money is merely a placeholder to represent.
You've fallen prey to thinking the symbol is the thing itself. You don't eat money.
Is paco hurt? Did you finally realized actual white people don't like you
Don't try to twist the meaning. Remove it from any two countries of comparison. Cardiovascular death disporportionally affects U.S citizens. So comparing a country to the U.S doesn't take into account the unhealthy diets of americans.
Remove cardiovascular death and now you mostly remove death by cheeseburger and can more accurately guestimate healthcare quality. If two people were in similar accidents, in which country would said individual live in.
You can still argue my other points, sad that you only picked out that particular phrase instead of making an example of facts.
Boot licker ONLY refers to the state and the police I hate the state and corps as much as everyonr else my man