What's the most ridiculous way you've made money?

What's the most ridiculous way you've made money?

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I call random numbers telling them I know what they did unless they pay me

Joined the military. That shit was ridiculous.

Being an escort

Getting paid to cum tribute pictures of girls by their male friends on Reddit. Basically just jerking off on pics of hot slabs.

I gave a hooker a ride after we had sex and she gave me $20.

Sell crack duh

Bought bitcoin in 2011, sold in 2018

I invested around $2,500USD into a machine beveler for pipe. I buy 20ft runs of carbon steel pipe for around $70USD and sell them cut and sell sets of 3" a pair pipes already beveled for $20USD. Takes me about 1 min to make a set.

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Made $170 one night signing up to chaturbate. Did nothing but sit topless and chat for a few hours. Had a few too many that night. Felt weird even though I never showed my face, so never did it again.

Im making about 40 sets per 20ft run of pipe. 40 sets * 20 a pair = $800USD in about 2hrs

Fuck an Afghan loli

Paid to fuck hamplanet/beast about 100 a week worth of alcohol and weed
Sold Old School RuneScape gold
Sold neurontin and ambien script to family (don't need)
Kept the change after buying mommy her incontinence diapers
Sold a 20 of weed once in middle school to a boy from the trailer park (he swears up and down I "ripped him off" to this day but it was about 1.5g for 20).
Best was when I had that construction job at at 18 and I would get paid $10 an hour to sit there and do jack shit.

In high school they took all the vending machines out. Too many fat kids I guess. So I'd go to the store and load up on 12 packs of soda and dry ice. Basically lined my entire truck with plastic wrap and turned it into a huge cooler. Also had 4 coolers in back seat. Would buy a 12 pack for about 4 dollars and sell each can for a dollar. Made 8 dollars a box.Would sell about 200 cans a day. That's a little over $133 a day. And that was during school hours. Then I had a job after too. Made less there in a day.

Poured lemon aid on a bag of shitty weed. told the guy it was "lemon Kush"



sucking off a friend a mine bcuz he was cute and desperate

this, 40hrs a wk a few dollars above minimum wage

Slang shit, all kinds of shit. Not worth it cause your friends become hard to tell who is real. And bitches are great and all but, when everyone is looking for free shit and their hand out. You start to wonder what's real and who is real. Fun for a bit but not a sustainable way to live your life.

That's the way you do it, pimp.

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I sold my spit for like $15 once to this guy who couldn't pass a drug test lol.

>work for IT data center
>dot com bust
>company scaling back
>my job is to sell excess IT gear
>working to do that
>get called into CFO office
>gotta let you go. here's three weeks severance
>previous layoffs got three months
>few weeks go by and talk to my boss
>offer to sell the IT equipment on commission basis
>he agrees
>call the people I already had lined up to buy the gear before I got laid off
>arrange the sales
>probably 5 hours of work because everything was ready to go before I got the boot
>make $50,000 commissions
>equal to my salary for the next 6 months

testing out VR programs and giving feedback

this one requires some backstory
>be me
>14 in 2011
>part of the popular kids only because i did stupid shit and fucked around a lot

>walking to school one day
>pass a 76 (corner store by a gas station)
>see back door wide open
>walk in through the front, nobody's at the counter
>walk around and sneak into the back like the dragonborn i always wanted to be
>nobody there either
>fuck it
>took two hard plastic baskets they had at the front, ones you'd see at a regular grocery store
>grab all the beer, cigarettes, and lottery tickets i can
>grab some random food too, chewy granola bars and cheetos and shit
>i don't remember there being cameras but there probably were
>had my hood on so i am anonymous i am legion
>run to school
>hide it in a bush outside
>tell everyone to bring money, ive got some good shit

>friday before winter break, two days after
>school ends
>have a group of like 60-70 kids following me
>reveal my stash
>immediate riot
>sell so much shit
>so much fucking shit
>can of beer is $5, pack of cigs is $20, lotto tickets are like $5 each
>sell chewy granola bars and shit as a joke
>i legitimately end up with around $1,500 by the end of the riot
>get snitched on, i know im gonna be in deep shit by the end of the break
>hide the money behind crawlspace in house
>come to school after break ends
>called to principal's
>"we have you on camera"
>bitch i found the blind spot you ain't seen shit
>they can't prove anything
>leave and everyone is afraid i got caught
>tell them what happened
>everyone starts joking around and calling me "chewy" because of the granola bars
>peak middle school comedy
>girls want to get close because i have money
>start calling me cute and hot
>im chewy, im some hot nigga

nice hustle...who buys them, plumbers?

when i was 14 some random dude told me to ride a mechanical bull while he filmed it. i made an extra 5 bux. he really wanted to see me ride the bull too. it was weird

Bought 5 graphics cards and a Mainboard with cheap CPU and RAM. Made around 500 bucks mining ethereum. Sold every graphics card with 50 profit after that . Would have liked to mine longer. But had broken up with gf in the meantime and moved out.

nobody, got ya thinking tho