This chad slaps your girl's ass

>This chad slaps your girl's ass
>Seventh picture in your camera roll is how you react

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>lived his life in a soyboy left wing city

choose 1

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i still its funny that trump supporters really think there gonna willingly pick lettuce in the hot sun all day for less then minimum wage or mow laws all day.because without mexicans who do you think are gonna work the shitty underpaid jobs that americans dont want to do?

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you asked for it
centipede i found, fed it a nanner

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Camera roll? What kind of normie do you take me for?

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WILDLY accurate about her in general

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I will oblige

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Not sure what this means but here ya go

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lol realize majority of people outside of california mow their own grass and take care of their own lawns right? its a mark of manhood to mow your yard east of the rockies. Also you realize if illegals were not here to pick lettuce for less than minimum wage, then they would have to pay more money to workers and then people would do it, especially people in their teens. It would help build character for our youth to work the fields when they were like 15-18

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Come at me bro

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These spics are stupid as fuck. They'll do anything. The literally risked their lives to come the most racist, fascist, sexist nation in the world that's full of guns and inequality. Who the fuck would do that who has an IQ over 13?.

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Slow-loading, pixellated pic looked like Doom.

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That's a seriously unbalanced car. I hope that's with driver. Also looks like a light RWD car.

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(Being the dog obviously)

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Wise words user

If you are a citizen, they have to pay you minimum wage or more. That's the whole reason they hire illegals, dipshit

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Donald Trump is a fat fuck lmao what is this shit

>camera roll

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>Using liberal bullshit agaisnt liberals


Fuck you Yankee, we just want your money.

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>> This chad slaps your girl's ass
I defeat him by coughing.