What's the worst beating you ever took?
What did you learn from it?
What's the worst beating you ever took?
tried making friends with some guy that didnt have any and later i got jumped in the restroom at school. lesson dont make friends
Don't steal drugs from other people.
Dumped her memories
Can't believe it worked
>never really took that bad of beatings
>learned that people are jealous insecure BETA autists
>learned that people are jealous insecure BETA autists
High School. Two douchebags attacked me from behind, beat me with a chair, and two teachers watching it laughed and gave me detention for starting the fight.
I learned that a school's security cameras can be used against it, that some people will testify when shit's fucked up, and that there's nothing more satisfying than watching people that screwed you over lose everything and try not to break down when their lives are ruined.
One of the teachers works at McDonalds, now. I stop by sometimes, just to not order anything and just smile at her.
The other teacher killed herself. The two assholes were in prison last I heard. I thought about going to the 2nd teacher's funeral to give my last disrespects (I had dildos, a clown suit, an airhorn, everything), but my parents wouldn't let me.
I rob drug dealers for a living and I don't do drugs myself so I can stay ahead of the curve
ended up getting drunk on hooch in prison and getting into a fight with a guy that turned out to be an amateur boxer from cuba, got my nose broken about 2 seconds into the fight
Daily leak from my EX
fuck you BETA
Not to sound badass or anything. But I'm an undefeaeted boxer and I only ever won my fights.
Once the guy called me a gentleman after, and another time we had a cigarette together.
One time though, I beat up my brother, that shit hurts me still to this day
thank you Yea Forumsro
2 dildos a clown suit and an air horn? Sounds like a fuckin party man
lmao are you serious? That's ballsy as fuck if you aren't trolling
what were you in for?
It was fucking going to be, if my dad hadn't caught me trying to sneak out the back door. I had songs written and rehearsed to mock her.
In retrospect, that money was better spent on college than a defense attorney.
multiple probation violations, originally on probation for aggravated assault
If you left your house to go to the store, I can get in there and find your stash and be out in less than 5 minutes.
what was life like inside, did you get in other fights? also you white?
you ever got caught/confronted about it?
my boyfriends mom but she was a crackhead
I would eat that bitch alive if round 2 didn't imply I'd get std
Why you always lying? You lying so much...
it wasn't too bad, did 2 years at beto in texas, yes I got into a lot of fights, you pretty much have to, I got jumped by blacks, whites, and beaners when I first got there, that one night was the only bad exception because I was drunk as fuck on garbage bag liquor and the other guy wasn't... and a boxer
Never caught but there was a woman in the house that I didn't know, she flushed a toilet and I skedaddled with a quickness.
My pops, I learned that it's not okay to be a weak 4 year old? Shit mostly just fucked me up and traumatized me, I mean i'm bulked as fuck and have over a decade in combat sports now. But I still feel pathetic, because in my head someone 4x taller and 5x heavier could still make my shit bleed gorilla style
>Beat your kids, get a buff Yea Forumstard
>Play stupid games win stupid prizes
You'd be rich.
Emily wright pls
Never gotten a beating because I don't act like a nigger. Lesson is don't act like a nigger.
I had some pretty epic rolls in BJJ.
Striking sparring not so much.
I learned nothing.
Accidentally came out as gay my first day home from kindergarten. My mom beat the hell out of me and pushed me down the stairs, broke my leg in 3 places, then sent me to live with my dad and his wife and son.
a couple of stitches on my forehead, leaving me with an harry potter scar.
Learnt to stop accepting arabic people into parties.
>in college
>walking home late at night from a party
>walking by the complex where all the hawaiians live
>bunch of drunk hawaiians outside on the sidewalk
>step passed 3 big ass hawaiians with gang bandanas on and shit
>instantly get a haymaker to the side of my head from behind
>they stomp me out until i can roll into the street
>car stops and honks until they run off
>broken nose
>broken teeth
>also cracked the roof of my mouth when my face hit the curb (didnt know that was even possible)
>broken finger
>bruised ribs
That day I learned that Hawaiians don't fight very fair.
why did they pick you? were you being loud or did you look like an easy target ie being too fat or too skinny?
Because they were drunk wannabe thug Hawaiians and that's what drunk wannabe thug Hawaiians do.
Woops quoted wrong person.
got my ass kicked bad by 3 Dallas Police.
deserved every bit of it.
i kicked a guys ass in the club
the big bouncer grabbed me in a choke hold.
i got my chin under his arm and bit a chunk out.
he managed to get me into the kitchen, where the Dallas cops came in the back door.
they cuffed me and proceeded to beat the shit out of me. I kicked one of the cops in the nuts, tried to bite another, and spit blood at a third. did prob $2k in damage to the poor kithcen
woke up to the niggers and wetbacks yelling at each other in the downton dallas drunk tank. spitting blood, 2 broken ribs, missing tooth, and a knee that is still fkdup 25 years later
oddly enough, 25cent ucallit nights were stopped shortly after that.
oh and i didnt get any charges except drunk in public. win
>be me
>in high school
>baseball team
>one starting spot left
>I have better chance of getting last spot
>this guy on same team tries to intimidate me
>he says I should fuck up practice this day or else
>I choose or else
>have really good practice that day
>later he and a couple of his friends come to "talk" to me
>I don't really give a shit about all of this to actually start a fight
>I think he doesn't either and is just puffing his chest
>he punches me
>I didn't expect all of them to just jump me, but they do
>all of them start beating me
>I manage to get away
lesson? hit first, hit hard
also I got the starting spot that season
uhhh went out with girls ended up trying to stick up for one of their honors i got jumped by her ex bf and his friends
learned dont ever go out with girls and none of your boys and always expect dudes to fight at bars they're drunk and want to show their testosterone
you seem fuckin cool
damn that's fucked up, fucking pussy had to bring his friends to help him.
what position in baseball btw?
left-handed outfielder
always expect autism at bars
especially the later it gets.
fucking chad
did you not notice him acting strange or anything during practice?
Did they jump you while you were still on school grounds or outside?
it was technically school grounds
sure I saw them looking at me kinda menacingly. but that's the thing, I didn't think it was worth starting a fight over, neither on their part, or mine
>I didn't think it was worth starting a fight over,
he probably had some other grudge against you and just needed an excuse
> be me
> have many enemies in the end of the middle school because you grass on everybody when you have problem
> Summer, so you cannot grass to the principal
> fight vs 7 guys
> beat 2 guys but these niggers hustle you
> propose a fight 1 vs 14
> look them like Ivar the boneless
> "why are you so confiant ? Who'll help you, you pederast ? "
> Them
> The fight turns to 9 vs 6
> Don't fight
> See these niggers fight
> Your party win
> give 5 dollars to each guy who helped you
> there are 25 dollars left
> Say " 1 pizza bought a free pizza boys"
That's quite the imagination you have
Lol top kek
no beatings.. i am not stupid
Lost an eye getting curbstomped. And had my throat slit. I learned nobody trusts you when youve got an eye patch and a cut throat. But pirate meet ups are a thing, and drunken nights singing "damn it feels good to be a pirate" are better than any party ive been to. Also learned that Pirate chicks are typically lesbians that tease to steal your drink
Nobody likes you. Dude shut up.
Somalians not welcome here.
Just over a week ago fighting my cousins cokehead boyfriend because he hit her.
>Learned not to give a shit about people
Btw she's back with him now.
In my teens and again in my twenties, I thought my life could actually get better if I worked hard. It did not and I had a mental breakdown at 31.
The biggest beating I received was from myself.
How the hell do you get beat up by a cokehead?
is... is this english?
Nobody liked you in school which is why you made all that shit up. I bet what really happened is you ran home and cried into your tendies.
Way to disappoint your mom, fag.
they just dont feel pain. coke is a hell of a drug.
I learned not to be an uppity nig
Don't ever get involved in other people's domestic violence situation. The chick always comes back to the defense of her partner until she learns to leave on her own.
Not surprised.
I've been attacked by both Maoris and Pacific Islanders in NZ, kicked the shit out of one guy wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in hospital.
What a cunt. I'm sorry that happened to you.
when in doubt call the cops
School bathroom, Seniors were harassing us freshman. I fought them off, but I was pretty fucked up. They tried again a month later when I was with a AD&D playing friend but I was ready and had the edge the 2nd time.
After that they left me be until they graduated and I had a pretty solid rep in school so normal bullies would be chill when I was around. 15 minute hall time and lunch time we had quite a few of the "not cool" kids at our table at first for protection but then became really interested in AD&D, LAN computer gaming and LSD (yes, the drug).
This. This 100 percent
as a child by abusive parents, broke 4 bones
that dead people tell no tales
Good. She should have slit you’re fucking neck wide open
who let you out of your cage you mouth breathing troglodyte?
Your mom did. She lets me out to fuck her slow deep and hard
also its your*. fucking cock mongrel
Whoop whoop it’s the sound of the grammar police !!!!
i mean ok shes like 60 and her vag probably looks like an elephants trunk after 3 kids so if your into throwing hotdogs down hallways be my guest lmao but i prefer attractive women personally
You should have capitalized the F
Meh she loves my BBC
Got jumped at a park by 3 guys my exgf sent to beat me up cause she was super pissed the way we broke up. Got a scar over my lip from the first punch and another over my eyebrow. When one pulled back to swing again I grabbed his fist and bit a huge chunk out of it. When I spat what I thought was a knuckle out of my mouth at him I went back to my car and took off. I learned women suck sometimes.
Wasn’t me because I was a wallflower but my best buddy in HS got his face kicked in by some wigger with steel toe boots. Poor joe has steel plates in his skull now. I can’t recall what it was all about but the dude that did it got locked up for a bit and his family lost a lawsuit and had to pay medical bills.
She Puerto Rican ?
ok bud.
>b me a junior in high school
>parents leaving town for a whole week leaving me on my own to skip school and party
>tell my bro on the school grounds and we are jumping up and down laughing
>group of girls walk by giving us some nasty looks, I say wtf you looking at?
>ring leader chick goes off on me calling me white trash and a loser, looked like she was gonna punch me, I laughed it off
>next day I see her at the quad, flip her off for lolz
>get out of 4th period and she's waiting for me, she starts slapping me while talking shit. She's beautiful as an aside, green eyes, athletic build, kind of stocky but not bad.
>she's not hurting me but can't sit there and be slapped all day so I push her away and head towards my next class
>she keeps following me, calling me a pussy and slapping me in the face every time she catches up to me
>I decide to ditch her and use groups of people to lose her quick, go around the corner and she's already in front of me giving me this fight me crazy hands gesture
>finally lose my temper and run full force towards her
>give her a giant overhand right to the temple and knock her out
>suddenly realize I just knocked the shit out of a girl in front of everyone, people are running to her aid, one guy restrains me from behind,
>she comes to and runs up and kicks me in the nuts, the guy lets me go and I use this as an opportunity to walk toward my next class
>notice a small army of students following me, I walk faster
>almost to my class and the assistant principal breaks in to see what the hell is going on, he probably saved my life
>she gets suspended, I get expelled cause justice or whatever
>skateboarding to the store two weeks later and a car pulls up 24 year old 6'5" buff guy gets out, it's her brother who's been looking for me ever since
>hey are you user? Just the guy I been looking for
>I try my best to de-escalate the situation but he just walks up and gives me what I gave her.
It wasn’t me but one time me and the bros were drinking some beers on a rooftop apartment and I threw a potted plant in one of those brown clay pots right over the edge and just my luck I hit some fag 3 stories below. I guess the dude is mentally retarded now days
One time in halo 3 when I was 10 I was talking so much shit to this one guy in a lobby so we 1v1’d and I got my shit fucked up so bad, when he called me a “lil bitch” I threw my controller at my TV with tears in my eyes. Then my dad came home and beat my ass for breaking the TV
Never took one. I try avoid, but huge, trained and have given a few to a couple who have insisted.
Join up and post: juSQzW
How you can even keep your composure right now is amazing my dude. I'd get right back in there and just beat the dude's ass to prove a point.
Hmm. Any news link to the suicide or anything?
Stay mad wh*toid
Pt 2
>come to at my friends house, jaw swollen and dizzy, didn't cry
>I couldn't remember where I was or how I got there, apparently the friends I was with helped me back up and said I walked to my friend's house
>started being known as the chick beater, had a hard time leaving the house after that
>a lot of my friends ghosted me, I said good riddance
>would I have hit her again if I had a do over? You betcha
>you can't imagine the satisfaction of cracking a bitch full force in the head, a bitch who wanted to go toe to toe with a male, one who I later found out had previously been known to beat men, who was already on probation for hitting a dude with a 2x4 when he pissed her off
>I can revisit that moment of impact and the golf ball sized lump I created on her temple and hope she still remembers it the next time she feels like squaring up to a man
>it was all worth it
>During my 18yo to 21 I tried out every drug imaginable and ultimately having a steady income I ended up consuming Iv cocaine and Heroin on a 2 times a week basis.
>some of the people in my neighbourhood started mentioning I'm using which light up the attention of the neighbourhood badass and they decided to show me a lesson so I'd never touch it again.
>at home about 00:00 doorbell rings
>I answer the door Who is this?
>it's a non open up.
>than my biggest mistake as soon as I open the door 3 guys jumped me and came in started beating the crap out of me one hold me from behid whilst the alfa busted my jaw and stomach
>they proceeded to interrogate my on Where's the needles Where's the drugs. >tie me with rope to a chair
>beating continued, eventually the found the stuff
>Ithan they shaved my head and moustache goatee, I had hair by my back
>one of them jabed two needles in my skull
>the whole beating lasted over a hour n a half
>moral of the story:if you ever shoot shit into your veins again il come back and saw your legg.
>been clean for 4 years
You can't hit women in public, but you can rape them in private.
>long tough day at the ol kindergarden
>get off the bus and wipe the sweat from my brow
>busdriver: "see ya tomorrow, mac"
>i nod back
>walk in the door and hang my hat and coat on the rack
>mom is in the kitchen making dinner
>her: "how was kindergarden today darling?"
>me: "oh just another day in the books. one day i'll have enough money to get us on the first plane outta here!"
>i spread my arms and make airplane noises while i dance around the kitchen
>i pick up my mom from behind
>me: "where to first? the beaches of tahiti?"
>i carry her to the sink and splash our hands in the water
>me: "or do we go to le eiffel tower in paris, my sweet?"
>i grab a bottle of wine and peck kisses on her hand and then all the way up her arm to her neck
>she laughs and pulls me in close for a passionate face to face kiss
>her: "i love you dear."
>me: "i love you too."
>me: "btw what are we having for dinner?"
>her: "Bananas"
>me: "Sweet!"
>swallow one whole without swallowing
>mom beat the hell out of me and pushed me down the stairs, broke my leg in 3 places, then sent me to live with my dad and his wife and son.
I wish I could hit you through the screen
did you think this up all by yourself little homie?
Actually, not really a beating but the worst injury I've had from someone was in kindergarten
I was racing some kids and a girl who liked made me trip and I fell, hitting a metal door with my head
I didn't even notice so I just got up and kept running but my forehead was open and I was bleeding, a teacher noticed and they rushed me
Got 7 stitches and a scar which is barely noticeable but it's still there
i was high and drunk at the time which didn't help either, i don't even care anymore, like i said, it was my fault for giving a shit, for trying to help people who don't want help, ill do better next time i have to fight
Drinking at a party cousin brings her autistic bf sitting there playing pokemon. I tell him he's at a party stop being rude and talk to people.
Cousin says he's autistic and doesn't like conversations. I get up hand him a beer he slaps it out of my hand getting it all over me. He stands up and starts kicking my ass. I fall down and he keeps kicking me in the ribs. Bleeding all over myself. I get to my feet and hit him once KO.
Then I'm the bad guy because I knocked out my cousins autistic bf.
Even tho he started the whole thing.
It's my fault because I'm not retarded.
Ok charlie zelenoff
Don't cum inside a 10 year old no matter how hot she is. My cock really took a beating.
Look at me. I am the captain now
should've lurked more
Me and my friend, both 15 at the time, got seriously beat up by 3 guys, all over 20 years old ( and retarded ), while I was visiting him back in my old town. It was completely random, they walked up to us, unexpected, I took the first punch, was used to getting punched so it wasn't a big deal, adrenaline rush, see my friend on the ground, getting kicked the shit out of his face, took 4 more punches, I grabbed my friend, pushed him away so he could start running, he did but got jumped, I got rid somehow of my opponents and started running, yelling at my friend to get up, he did, we ran like hell.
I learned that day that life is random, that I can takes punches and survive, and that adrenaline is amazing, I actually didn't feel any pain during the rush, but my nose was broken, my eyelid swollen and I broke two teeth.
I also learned that my friend who always acted like a badass was a fucking bitch.
All ive learned is that black peoples first reaction is always physical violence
>I took the first punch, was used to getting punched so it wasn't a big deal
>I learned that day that life is random,
>was used to getting punched so it wasn't a big deal
>I learned that day that life is random
Dumbass faggot
wow, youre so tough, tall us how to be tough like you
Probably the very first time that I ever stepped in a boxing ring. I landed like 3 punches and got hit like 30 or so times.
Nothing like that ever happened again.
So faggot boys, how does it feel to be tomato cans in nature?
You sound like a refined intellectual
I love tomatoes, thanks for the compliment.
Im guessing hes evaded all confrontation in his life.
>Nothing like that ever happened again.
I wouldn't have stepped in a ring too if I got lit up like you, faggot.
Are you Brazillian? Were your instructors Brazillian?
>MFW Japanese Samurai
Doin gods work user
Not gonna lie user this made my night
I stepped backed in your mom's asshole after whooping ass in the ring later on you faggot.
Try not to get salty when thinking of slobbering all over this tasty cock you faggot
Got sucker punched and jumped by a bunch of dudes because my drunk ass friend was running his mouth and I was associated with him.
>user was going to go to a funeral with dildos, a clownsuit and an airhorn
wow yeah that would have really showed everybody who the asshole is
Do not speak to a mugger holding a gun unless spoken to.
the fuck are you smoking lad?
That doesn't make any sense. How did either of those events have anything to do with each other? Are you implying that people at your school ensured one kid didn't make friends through violent beatings? That's more retarded a story that you are.
You started it faggot
I was on acid....stoned as fuck. My Father took me to an arcade to meet a friend. My friends brother sucker punched me and took a running drop kick and fucking broke my orbital eye socket. One day it's gonna be the big pay back for old Wally.
I've won all of my fights
Spoken like a man with a glass jaw.
>my dad
I learned
>don't hit my mom
I never robbed anyone. Not once
I bet on the Falcons. Learned the Falcons are garbage
My dad took me to paradigm and bam bam.
I've never been lit up. Nothing I consider being lit up I must have. I've done grappling mostly. I'm not about to count tae kwon do being lit up but I have lost my legs and consciousness from almost being knocked out and I have been kicked in the body. As soon as I have gotten into something serious I've backed out. Not like being a fighter taken into deep waters.
That doesn't happen unless 1 you're some kind of coward bully with an advantage in embarrassing street fights or 2 you're a protected boxer and a little bitch faggot one of these "undefeated" punks nobody gives a fuck about that are protected tomato cans and cowards that haven't been given any if not serious competition
Heh, only lesson that seems to matter here.
>> Learn to take a punch before laying out the fucker that tried to do the same.
I must have been lit up during sparring.
I learned you don't fight. You run away and you flee. You don't shoot anyone you don't disarm anyone you don't pull a knife out on anyone. Your Jeff Glover half guard DVDs don't teach you the surprise kidney stab from the bottom or the randy couture's clinch for your life against an armed opponent introductory series to Olympic Greco roman wrestling and krav maga LARPing.
You don't end up free claiming self defense in this political weather and the whole game is sick. Self defense ain't shit you're either a felony aggravated assault case or a victim or a murderer.
The moral of the story is Anal rape and niggers.
Pic related.
This sounds like something that would happen in europe or russia. I swear in the USA people would never beat you up for your own good lol. They would just beat you up and steal your shit for themselves to use.
>Also, it's 'your', fucking cock mongrel*
Does anyone else have to solve like half a dozen captchas to post?
>drunk at a party as a teen
>was about to rob someone for his expensive cap like a nigger
>he heard about it
>suckerpunched me while I wasnt paying attention, KO'd me halfway out with one punch and moved out the room
>got up, people holding me back, cleaned my face up in the bathroom, went out
>rage building up inside
>spot him a minute later in a group of guys/girls chilling
>chimp out, stab him in the head with my keys, keep punching
>girls screaming/try to pull me away fingernail scratches all over me
>security throws me out, they search me for a knife, find nothing
>look inside
>everyone crowded around him, blood on the floor, people putting ice and shit on his face
>biked my ass out of there. woke up my jaw was blue and swollen and pulled my teeth because it was punched loose. scratches all over my face and body from his gf's nails
met him later at another party and genuinely apologized, seemed like i just fucked his ear up
You, quite literally, started it. Maybe mind your own business next time, you sound more autistic than the guy you KOd.
never deal with niggers. ever. had some break into my apartment and stab me 8 times and rob me blind. i could tell the full story, but whats the point. never show pity on niggers though, they are animals that roam in packs looking to commit crimes. they are never the victim, and you should show no pity when you see them being murdered by cops
This. If you see a nigger and think hes just downtrodden and needs a warm meal, you need to realize that subhuman would step over your corpse to rape your daughter even if you bought him a penthouse.
Good laugh, underrated post
Ashton kutcher hasn't made a movie this gay to justify what he did to someone handing him a beer and inviting him to social interaction.
Minding his own business isn't being rude to him all those bitches are rude. Guess what he did to you is what he wanted to do to anyone in there he already vilified.
You really can't control people or his luck if you're already inviting him. He fucked up in society and those are bitches. There's no way him kicking your ass didn't give him points he's just dealing with bitches
As a Mexican I envy their American citizenship and I'm sure other minorities do too.
As a roofer who works with hardworking Mexicans all day, I wish we had you guys instead too.
Trust me I don't. A welfare recipient that jumps from apartments kept staring into my open door as if to break in and rape us. I live with my elderly parents as a matter of fact yes I include my father on the rape here not just my elderly mother.
Nigger hags outside all day yelling on the phone to his people he fled from from the 3rd ward Houston so I confronted him on that. He decided to stay.
>Big fat biker with hells angels patch Revs engine at me on way back from liquor store
>I clench fist
>he says it’s his street and shoves me
>I throw punch (while holding grocery bags) and grade his cheek but mostly miss
>punches me square I the eye
>woozy but still standing I grab his head and and punch
>he tries choke me down
>attempt half ass takedown (wrestled in college and high school but not great at it)
>he falls on top of me and I punch him in the cheek then try to grab his arm
>on top of me and nervous about cops he keeps saying “fights over bro”
>sounds good to me
>he lets me up and Notices me making a fist and tags me one more time lightly in the same eye
>runs into apartment and slams door
>I throw remaining groceries (beer champagne and Doritos) st his door and bike
>go home wife sees me and yells at me and
>neighbors call cops
>no ones arrested
Learned don’t eat fried turkey before a fight. Almost shat myself during the takedown attempt. It was thanksgiving evening 2012. Still see the guy sometimes. No hard feelings but not friendly either.
not the original guy but some ugly bitch accused me of sexual assault because i won an award and she didnt. people are indeed "jealous insecure beta autists"
I come from poverty being of a lighter complexion works against me.
Most of the time I just hear them talk and I find it unbelievable. I feel like a nigger from Brazil listening to a criminal thug do no good good for nothing bitch. I have more street smarts by far and the sense to do good and avoid trouble.
Even if you get dragged into their game of being low like eminem has you see the things they take for granted and you see red. As a man you want to kill them with your bare hands. I hope it made sense.
"Please mister, I'll suck your dick! Please don't punch me!"
There was this HBO special boxing after dark I still have a soul.
At 5 minutes in the homeless black guy I shit you not WORKS NEXT TO THE MEXICANS OUTSIDE OF HOME DEPOT
does this motherfucker not have his United states citizenship or other legal documents? Nevermind that, the fact that wasting your time playing a children's sport is for bums. Do people not know this?
I get treated white when I have kore street smarts than them.
Getting treated white has not worked to my advantage.
I see through your tricks nigga, you're supposed to be dead.
this is golden thanks user
what is the concept behind the "ucallit" night?
How entitled and racist do you have to be to make that video?
Years ago i had a crazy drug dealer friend who had suitcases booby trapped with sawn off shotguns around. you must have payed him a visit.
Niggers ain't shit, do something to take the women back. They want Brazil you give them Brazil.
alll stories here are fictional....
From Dad. Learned dads get drunk/stoned and beat you.
most entertaining read all night.
Busted jaw. I learned that I could damage the other guy way faster than he could damage me.
The most realistic story in this entire thread.
Told some cunt to suck my dick...
Her bf jumped out of the car and came at me. As I was beating his ass, two of his boys that were in the car (that I hadn't known about) jumped me from behind.
Got clubbed upside the skull with a 40 bottle. Had a fractured skull, double orbital fracture, and subdural hematoma. But not without knocking out multiple teeth in the process.
EMS shows up, I say I don't need to go. Thankfully convinced otherwise. Was in a medicated induced coma for three days. Neurologist said I'd have to learn to walk, talk, eat, write, etc all over again. I walked out of the hospital 2 weeks after I was taken in.
Neighbor that witnessed it all later said they had never seen someone put up such a fight. I'm 5'8 and 165lbs.
Lesson learned...you fight like your life depends on it...because if you don't, you'll end up dead.
I mean it was the worst beaten I ever head but not like bad, i used to do karate and muay thai and I was cocky af cause I could be I was good, and i use to fight instructors n shit when i was a kid and i use to beat the absolute shit out of the nerdy kid when we sparred and his sister was in highschool.
So when me and her sparred shed beat the shit out of me and it would go into a shit beating circle.
What I learned from it?
I learned she would drop like a bag of potatoes if i right hooked her in the face today
Looks like he got told 4 times.
wow nice
Lol, you sound like a fucking pussy that learned nothing from training.
I was in elementary school she was in highschool, size DOES matter
I punched my self in the cheek bone, massive bruse, plumb sized knot under me eye think I cracked something, it hurts to smile
some dude taped it go watch me get beat up by a 50 yo addy lady
if I don't hand her shit back to her before she dies she is the luckiest person who ever lived
she woke me up out of bed and did all this because I egged her husbands car in the middle of night
she is so petty that this only serves for entertainment for everyone else
I will do it again for 20 bucks
When I was a kid. Used to get beat all the time by my step dad. Like fists to the head, hearing electrical noises, unable to breath beatings.
He's getting old and feeble now. I could payback easily. Won't though.
My dad used to beat me daily until I was in the last years of highschool and started to fight back
I learned that you have to stand your ground with whatever it takes
you're a fucking monster
I love you
That's a crazy story, oh wait....faggot.
So, he's a liar. You can't attack a cop and get zero charges, that just doesn't happen. Dont look up to people like that, liars.
Egged her car?
Some thugs talked shit to me and a friend while we were walking down the street. I talked shit back at them. Got jumped in by 4 guys.
Lesson learned, I can't fight for shit.
Its cool Yea Forumsro, you are a Chad now. Stop worryin and enjoy your life
Sure kid.
The kid was bullied and anybody who associated with him was seen as equally weak and unworthy, it happens, humans are assholes, God you're retarded, can you take your pseudo-intellectuality and shove it up your fat neckbeard ass ? Commit suicide too
When I was a Sophomore I got jumped by a fat ass senior about 30 mins after I ran the mile in gym class. Got nearly knocked out when my head hit the concrete ledge under the window, came to with him punching me in the face.
If I ever see that redneck fuck I'm going to kill him.
Charlie Z’s undefeated...
got a hammer to my head because my friends got jumped for literally no reason and I was defending them. learned that pussies don't know how to fight clean so they use weapons. fortunately no long term damage on my part, just some stitches and a scar.
I've heard and seen much crazier happen. I've also seen cops not press charges routinely when they get hit while breaking up bar fights (usually between chicks).
And this is 2019. The guys story is 25 years ago in fucking redneck ass Texas. It's fine if you don't want to believe him, but I know full well that shit like that can happen there.
Do you throw your words up like confetti and put them together randomly?
It still doesn't make him "cool". You know what's cool? Finishing all your mac and cheese, drinking ALL your milk and putting on your jammies. That's cool
I got into a fight with a guy who raped my gf at the time. He almost knocked me out with a log hit in the head but my friends got me up. I punched him in the face with all my strength and made him fall. Once in the ground I grabed his arm and started pulling it while having the guy pinned to the ground. The fight stopped when I heard a loud crack and he stopped resisting.
Lesson is that manipulative fags don't know how to fight fair but if you beat the shit out of them they learn that they can't fuck with you
After some years I still have a cracked knucle from that punch
You seem upset about other people not liking what you like.
it is the trait of the gay
Who doesn't also like mac and cheese and nice jammies?
smart move to go there with your friends, this could've turned out a lot worse.
I got 360 no scoped once.
In Karate, I was about 12 or 13 and I was sparring a 30 year old corrections officer. Sparring was typically light to medium contact - essentially shadow boxing a real person with takedowns allowed. As soon as we started, this dude essentially sticks his fist down my throat almost knocking my teeth out for no reason whatsoever.
I get his back and suplex his dumb ass, and he locks up this piss poor guillotine choke on his way down. I was in his side control, so it didn't really matter. Then our portly sensei told us to stop.
I tried to maintain a sense that a real fight didn't actually break out in the dojo by saying "that was a nice choke." It was the cringiest thing I've ever said in my life, but it was really awkward. The one thing I learned from it was the Von Flue choke, so when someone puts me in half-assed front chokes, I can murder them and call it self-defense.
God bless you mate, good on ya for fighting back.
1 pizza bought a free pizza boys
Whooping up on someone in sparring when you know you're more technically proficient than them makes you a pathetic pussy, not getting your ass beat by a girl in HS.
You meet sick fucks like him in those circles. In BJJ I put up with someone's cuck frustration all the time. I stopped going paying 1k a year. Fuck that. Let them deal with criminal charges.
Like I said kid, claiming self defense ain't shit. Look at pablo lyle.
>be me
>harassed daily by this fat kid named D'Angelo Bailey
>eighth grader who acted obnoxious, 'cause his father boxes,
>everyday he'd shove me in the lockers
>One day he came in the bathroom while I was pissin'
>had me in the position to beat me into submission
>banged my head against the urinal 'til he broke my nose Soaked my clothes in blood, grabbed me and choked my throat
>tried to plead and tell him, "We shouldn't beef"
>he just wouldn't leave, he kept chokin' me and I couldn't breathe
He looked at me and said
"You gonna die honky!"
>principal walked in and started helping him stomp me
>made them think they beat me to death holdin' my breath for like five minutes before they finally left
>I got up and ran to the janitor's storage booth Kicked the door hinge loose and ripped out the four inch screws
>Grabbed some sharp objects, brooms, and foreign tools
"This is for every time you took my orange juice Or stole my seat in the lunchroom and drank my chocolate milk
"Every time you tipped my tray and it dropped and spilt"
"I'm gettin' you back bully! Now once and for good"
>I cocked the broomstick back and swung hard as I could and beat him over the head with it 'til I broke the wood
>Knocked him down
>stood on his chest with one foot
Jesus. Did you get brain damage or something?
underrated post
One punch man. All I needed to know about claiming self defense.
Did the guy die on him 4 days later at the hospital or due to hitting the ground? Because he killed him. Previous medical conditions?
So much for Dana whites no one has died in mixed martial arts speech. You die in boxing fist hits head like a hammer.
>got an acknowledgement instantly
>next post is you calling it underrated.
either you're an idiot or the same guy samefagging your meme
I find that BJJ practitioners are more laid back than cultish Karate studios. When I took BJJ, we rolled for 15 minutes and sat around talking about bullshit for 2 hours.
In Karate, one of the instructors who was a policeman brought all of his state trooper friends down for free classes. We were beat down like niggers for the next 4-5 months.
Got my ass kicked by my dad so hard that I got gashes running along my neck and arms. Still have the scars.
What did I learn? I learned that strength gets you your way in this world, so I made sure I could fight by taking a shit ton of boxing and mixed martial arts classes. I did eventually break my dads arm and made him back off. We haven't fought since then.
They still have plenty of people from military and police.
I don't like them, if they're not sandniggers or niggers they're people like the gracies and JT torres. Like shut up Indian guy you're a loser and a faggot.
ny spanish teacher in high school that failed me an entire year just cause i wouldnt go to class regardless of test scores i got died of braincakcer and i wish i couldve pissed in her grave in fr nt of her family
Used to post Yellow. Now my anus is ruptured.
Gonna assume you failed english also?
>and a knee that is still fkdup 25 years late
Wtf are you doing on Yea Forums you crazy old man
It's bad enough they're making a movie with jesse eisenberg. These people are losers. I actually want to go back to some of these places for revenge where assault charges should have been placed.
I have one in my clean record and it's bullshit.
You wouldnt let these fine people into your home and have a few drinks with your 9year old neice? BIGOT
>be me
>Always carry a gun
>Never been injured in a fight
My father beat the shit out of me when he learned my sister and I were sleeping together.
I learned he apparently didn’t approve of that. 4 years later, sister and I are still together, family don’t speak to us.
If I ever clinch on your bitchass first thing I'm doing is disarming you and shooting your kneecaps as soon as I get the gun.
Cool story
3rd grade. Never seen black people before so I asked them why they looked different. Got jumped by four black kids at the end of the year. Ended up missing an SOL. Passed anyways. They all failed.
Hated blacks for a long time. Met other POCs that weren't awful. Learned that one bad experience can't ruin life and fill your heart full of hate.
I now live 2890 miles away from the shithole school I got bullied and worse at.
Biggest lesson? Insecure idiots always stay where they are. Only the brave will strike out on their own.
I never got beaten badly because I never let my gaurd down and never let myself get caught in a fight I couldn't win.
Moral of the story, unless you're a retard you avoid physical fights. If you need to defend yourself do it from behind, or do it by fucking their life over in other ways. A strong man wins many fights, but a smart man avoids every fight.
Can I know what state you lived in at the time please, for scientific research?
I was jumped by a---no wait check that, it was probably the cops now that I think about it...
I would punch him again if he dares to look me in the eyes
Ohio...just curious what does that tell you?
it took you until the last year of high school huh? Your dad was probably upset you were such a slow learner...
My mom used to beat me every 2 to 3 weeks. In the car, or as a way of waking me up, sometimes just whenever she got home from whatever shit she did.
I distinctly remember not doing a one page homework assignment in the 9th grade and she went absolutely apeshit. 8 strikes across the face as I tried to defend myself, throwing me onto the floor and knocking me off the chair I was sitting on in the kitchen. She kept on yelling at me how useless I was, how much of a disappointment I was to the family, and how I don't deserve anything in life.
I ended up having an anxiety attack midway through, and she later made fun of me for shaking and not being able to move my arm. I tried talking to my step dad about it later, but he just took her side.
I don't celebrate mothers/fathers day anymore.
I was raped at a party, he slapped, backhanded and choked me while he did it. I don’t know what lesson I could have learned from it, except that I’ve since carried a can of mace.
So now you have become what you ostensibly hate...there is a moral platitude about reaping and sowing that would be apropos here.
Greentext this shit.
I had decent grades in everything except drawing, so I was a complete failure in his eyes
>beat dads ass freshman year
>homeless Sophmore year
I woke up and some guy was trying to but his dick in my ass, I think that's what woke me up. I was livid, and also still a virgin. Long story short he broke my face I went to the emergency room and I still have 4 broken teeth from it. Shortly afterwards I went in the army so maybe I could learn how to kill the next motherfucker who fucked with me.
You're carrying suicide by cop and tempted to shoot at my political ideas.
Enjoy life in prison when you do psycho. You're a pussy with a gun. Shows how cucked you are.
Thanks for the heads up I'll wear goggles next time.
Your gf made up the rape accusation because of some other petty reason and she used you. Have fun when she tells her next bf you raped her.
It’s not much of a story user...I was drunk, was dragged into a bedroom and held down while he raped me. Reported it after but nothing came of it.
Don't go to parties to be a whore or an independent woman. That's where the tape happens and the victims are.
I’m sorry. I hope you’re okay.
See now that was two life lessons in quick succession. Where are you at now? Kicking ass and taking names yet? Or in a shelter? I was in a shelter once in Olympia Washington. I guess it was okay as far as homeless shelters go...
Not really, there were witnesses
I'm fine with being like this to keep other people safe
Well you’re right that I shouldn’t have been there alone I guess.
>witnesses during a rape
>doesn't stop it for some reason
The gf clearly just fucked the other guy lol
I try to be I don't want to be a victim. As you well know it changes you permanently.
Not my fault hes a spazz, I beat the shit out of everybody if it makes you feel better, it ass that girl who just threw me around
Excelsior!! homie
Sure either they turn on you and take turns on you at a now gangbang or you start some shit.
You shouldn't have been there period. And you should only have girl friends not try to be cool to your beta orbiters and not put out after a cocktease.
Too many women don't know this shit. I was at music festival (aftershock) one time, and this drunk girl came up to me and was basically all over me. We were just having a pleasant chat about the bands, but her friends came over and dragged her away, and gave me the nastiest looks.
But I get it. For all they knew, I could have been that guy. She's definitely lucky to have had them, there were plenty of those guys there.
Get em Trayvon.
We raped her afterwards.
Would you stop it, user?
>What's the worst beating you ever took?
I was 14 years-old, was walking home from school when a group of at least a dozen grown black men jumped me while yelling anti-white racial slurs, they beat me unconscious, then stole my backpack and school books.
>What did you learn from it?
I learned that blacks are racists, and I learned that in order to prevent something like this from ever happening again, I needed to lift weights for the next 10 years, and I trained in MMA and Krav Maga while getting in shape. In addition, I conceal carry a .40 cal handgun with me everywhere I go :)
>After some years I still have a cracked knucle from that punch
I have a crooked pinky from punching a guy in the head, i guess i broke it and never noticed until it had healed wrong.
I didn’t know this guy. I didn’t really have “orbiters”.
Well I’m glad you’re a good guy, user.
>I needed to lift weights for the next 10 years, and I trained in MMA and Krav Maga
smart move, you been in any fights since?
also do you compete?
If you are a Christian prude and only pick one boyfriend for the entire 4 years of hs this shouldn't happen.
He really needs to fuck up for you to dump him and consider the years you're changing sexual partners.
If you're a whore at say 2, it's really not rape. You either put out and take care of your shit and as a whore it's not rape or you're a prude.
I love reading people's fantasies.
Got anymore, user?
You mean the lesbians and the beta orbiters? Guy friends she JUST as to be Gods gift to men?
this... never been hit in my life... worst thing that happened to me was some idiot bumped me off the seat during lunch in high school and I hit the floor... we immediately connected on how bad the supervisor's breath was when he asked what was going on... just never had these problems
did you do the gay sex?
But it happened. I only defend you as a white knight before it happens. Its a preventative thing.
Because she was getting back at you for not knowing how to act in a sparring match. You are the reason people stereotype MA practitioners as meatheads, and it seems like you still have the mentality of an edgy 16 year old. Just so you know, you didnt "fight" a single instructor, they sparred you. Maybe you would've benefited from fighting one of and realized what a cocksure fool you are.
Nah they were other girls
Oh wait, you said lesbians. lol okay yeah the lesbians
Haha the ol, "Is this guy bothering you?", look.
No faggot you need society to protect you. As for the krav maga larping and gun I hope you learn lawyer fu next time rather than your death.
Sixth grade, attacked by feral chimps in school, one flipped me off and I called him a nigger.
What did I learn? Monkeys fight in packs
You fucking faggot I fought 3 Instructors at once for my black belt
Girl at a party was all over me and I was basically froze solid because this situation was overwhelming to me. We had sex and she initiated everything. Next thing I know she tells all her friends I raped her. I guess she was ashamed afterwards having sex with a low status male (me) that's why I don't trust women making rape accusations.
>smart move, you been in any fights since?
I did compete on a local circuit for a few years, but don't have as much time nowadays, so I only practice. As far as street fights, I have been jumped a few more times by drunks and their friends who were seriously disadvantaged due to size and lack of experience, I just treated those incidents as live training exercises and used the opportunity to practice on them.
Also why do I feel like your the kid I beat up bitch u cry as much as him
Sure thing, Neo
I've stopped a rape before. Didn't even have to think about it. I can't even attempt to image the type of person who would just sit and watch a rape happen (especially while in a group).
>I'm fine with being like this to keep other people safe
I hope you can get past it, some people are just fucked up, and sometimes those people are your parents or guardians, I can remember running off through the woods because CPS was at the door and my stepmother didn't want them seeing us kids. Instead of spanking us she would throw whatever was closest to her at the time (paper weights, firewood, glass ashtrays...she smoked) sometimes an old fashioned beatdown with a wire handled fly swatter, shit hurt yo. Fortunately I think they stopped making the wire handled ones.I know I rode the bus with kids who really had it bad though...
Don't complain about a fighter or fighter not being fair. If you want the honor of a fight, win it. No one cares if you think the other guy did things you didn't like. Of course he tried to do those things, it's a fight and he's trying to win. If you wanna win, use everything you got.
>I did compete on a local circuit for a few years,
what was that like? I heard there's a whole lot of rivalries in MMA even at local level events, but don't know if its bullshit
Blame the victim.
3 wogs fucked up my shit
dont consider yourself safe just because you wernt to blame and fucking run
Because you feel the need to project your reality onto strangers? I dont know, something to ask your psychiatrist. I'm just a guy sick of fucking pussies like you that think they're hot shit because they can run over people in sparring. Sparring isnt there to stroke your ego, you child.
Women are never the victim. Only the inconvienienced.
This is why these faggots get revered as cult leaders.
If someone does something stupid, you let them know. Next time they won't do something stupid.
Blame the idiot, the idiot learns. Simple as that.
>I love reading people's fantasies.
>Got anymore, user?
Yeah, I had one fantasy of me fucking your mom while your dad watched. But that fantasy came true when your mom called me to come over last weekend. By the way, she told me that wants you to move out of her basement, because she is going to rent it to some tranny she met at the club.
Anybody that knows how to box or grappling can kill them.
Yeah man, if you're sober enough to know better, you gotta say no. It sucks, but that's the way it is. Did you ever get hit with any charges?
Some bitch horizontally choke slammed my head into the wall, causing a big hole in the sheet rock, for not paying for a quarter of schwag ass dirt, red bud.
I took it and never paid.
That was it
Most people in this situation would masturbate in the corner.
I am not going to be a snarky asshole, I honestly hope you are never violently assaulted because it's fucked up and it changes you and I wouldn't wish on anybody, not even some anonymous asshole on the internet...
Took the bait.
idk even know what your on about now
Go look up black belt exams, I got lucky sometimes people fight 5 people at once but I got 3
Exactly. lol
Needless to say it ruined what little social life I had and she gave me Chlamydia.
no gay sex, but very good guess.. i was resourceful.. was able to make fake ids and all that for the most "alpha" folks.. nobody had a beef with me or wanted to
A girl at school attacked me because I insulted her. Wasn’t too bad but it’s still the worst beating I took, because I knew I couldn’t fight back of I’d get called a woman beater. Ended up with a bloody nose and a chipped tooth.
I know that raping women is wrong regardless of the circumstances. I guess some people have a fucked up moral compass or are just shitty humans...
No but she must have put up a nice sob story to her friends and the social shaming following afterwards.
>then stole my backpack and school books.
>then stole my school books.
You can understand why someone would find black people stealing school books far fetched, now if you had said bike...
>what was that like?
This circuit was mainly held at various casinos in New Mexico, King of the Cage events and a couple of others. Honestly, the promoters of bigger events only called when they needed someone to fill in for a fighter who cancelled. Those pro guys are very tough and have much more experience, I lost by decision to them in the 3 fights I had in that circuit. Smaller local circuits were easier and I never lost any of those.
>glad you're a good guy
Makes me sad that "not raping someone" is the benchmark for being a decent guy. It sounds so basic, but I guess it's not to some people. Hope you're doing well these days.
Happens to all guys every now and then. Some chick will approach you and start rambling about random drunk person stuff and you humor her because she seems kinda drunk and you're trying to be nice even though you'd rather be doing something else.
Then her friends eventually notice she's missing and then show up to wrangle her and act like you are some sorta scumbag that tried to poach her from the herd. It feels bad every time lol.
Well, like you said, there are plenty of those guys around. And yeah I’m doing alright now. Thanks.
>Most people in this situation would masturbate in the corner.
While recording it...
Children write the weirdest shit.
You either keep your legs closed or you protect yourself as a whore. If you're a whore a rape doesn't count. Simple as that.
This is where all the left drama and bullshit creeps in. But I don't see women any less raped I see them belonging to gays and niggers that do get away with it.
If rape continues to not count towards you it's hard to defend you afterwards not before it happens.
watch and learn
Not only did they take my backpack full of books, they even stole my shoes, no joke.
we walked into town went to get liqour and my friends thought it would be funny to yell at 3 wogs at the pub, i was drunk.
we walk away and my friends start running next thing i know im being stomped by three guys thats about it