Answer this porn posters, there are 13 boards dedicated for porn exclusively...

Answer this porn posters, there are 13 boards dedicated for porn exclusively. Why don't you post there instead of Yea Forums?

Attached: yellow flowers.jpg (1300x866, 176K)




I post whatever the fuck I want on here.

Answer me this, yellow loser - why do you want to regulate randomness?

Yea Forums - Random

>FB Fap
>Celeb thread
>Rate my dick
>Feet thread
>Latina thread
>Illinois thread
>Big tits thread




Lately? Because it annoys you.


Why dont you post some good content and make a good thread instead of being a gay, whiney cuck. Not contributing anything with this yellow shit.

Waste of a dubs.

By now the joke is: the first 50 replies are from one russian bot doing all the work. Ignore it, filter and move on
If you don't believe, join pol discords, ask them if bots took over the moevement and join other threads with the same topic

And there is a boards solely dedicated to nonporn random, but bans polposter. So why are you here then.

YOU FAGGOTS LOST THE WAR, GET OVER IT. heres a pic for you... get fucked!

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Because fuck you newfag.

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cause logposters will never win.

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because of how smug yellowfags are. it's not about the porn, it's about sending a message. that message is you're a bunch of overly moral nigger faggots.

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Because there's more to Yea Forums than your fragile perception of Yea Forums

Greetings newest of summer newfags. Porn boards are for boring ass commercial porn. /b is for random off the wall shit. Female circumcision, "The de-dicking of dickless Dave/nullo/freak, trap mental illness, creeps, and other rando shit.

/s and /hc are for reposts of industrial, commercial smut.

- The fun and the jokes have disappear since a few years,
- the violence (rekt) is disappearing for 6 months or 1 year,
BUT today you want to erase the porn?

and what is left to Yea Forums according to you OP?

Yea Forums is fast

Yea Forums is random, which means a mix of anything that would be posted on any board throughout Yea Forums. That being said, your anger towards porn is better directed at the endless forced meme threads, Sixx logs, rekt, Black.Whiteboi, Pro/Anti Trump shitposting and things similar.

They only are commercial because YOU arent there, you fucking retards.

With about 13 yellow threads I wonder what's worse.

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Enjoy your summer , Brian. Try to do better Junior year, your grades slipped a bit.

Why do you keep coming here then? There will never be a time when there isn't an abundance of porn here. You opt into anger.

>Dude! Why don't you just let me continue to destroy your board? Stop being a meanie and posting the color yellow!

Yea Forums was never all porn and anyone who says otherwise is a newfag or a retard. jesus, ask anyone who doesnt know that much about Yea Forums and their description of Yea Forums would not just be fucking /s/ 2.0. I don't like the excessive porn spam, so I'm throwing a fit. Not that hard to understand

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bumped and checked
death to porn fags
we're having ourselves a porn folder burning

Attached: muh you're the jew not me(1).jpg (1072x3333, 617K)


It's also not hard to understand that it will never change.

Because they're stubborn addicts

Nigger faggot

>"Dude! Why do you just stop posting stuff I don't like? Stop being a meanie, and redditfy the board for me!"

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The same four threads over and over again, so random, mein nigger. So random.

>dude i don't care if Yea Forums becomes r/porn i just want to tell moralfags off
ftfy teenbro

>admitting you're either a summerfag, femanon, or as you said, a "moralfag"
>not offing yourself

Attached: 1556249237663.png (800x480, 212K)

>"The same four pr0n threads over and over again!"
As opposed to this "randomness"

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Because it triggers you faggot.

Attached: preview.mp4.jpg (852x480, 131K)

>o fuk u figured me out guess you should go off yourself
ftfy teenbro

>nonsensical reply
>still not offing yourself

Attached: 1507128382366.jpg (1100x1392, 161K)

>shit if i call him a retard maybe he'll go away
have you looked in a mirror lately?

oh shit mang, you got me. Pic is you btw

Attached: (you).jpg (300x168, 6K)

Let me break this down for you. There are 3 types of pornfag:
>1) The degenerates.
These are the pornfags posting traps fur and shota/loli. As much as many people personally hate them, THEY ARE WELCOME ON Yea Forums. Their content isn't welcome on any other board, isn't oversaturated, and has been around on Yea Forums since the beginning.
>2) The newfags.
These are the pornfags that are largely underage and know nothing about Yea Forums, Yea Forums or the culture. Pretty much only come here to fap and maybe browse other threads for a few minutes first. The oversaturation of normie porn means they will never develop and lose their newfaggotry. They need to be redirected to the porn boards where they belong. This will benefit all parties, except...
>3) The jewbots.
These are the true enemy. The vast majority of normie porn threads are started and populated by the bots. They can't be reasoned with, their mission is distraction, and they've succeeded in that for many years now. They were put into place as a control method after Yea Forums caused one too many problems irl. They can only be defeated by redirecting newfags to porn boards and educating the rest on filters, or convincing the mods to tackle the scourge directly.

I've been blowing out the windows with nosehammer eggers. You can't imagine how bad these farts are.

Attached: EPYellow.jpg (599x863, 157K)

that is a handsome self-portrait of yourself user.
have you considered modelling?

Get away while you can! My internal fartboiler is about to go critical!

>"no u"
point still stands. pic related

Attached: (you ).jpg (1552x873, 276K)

Thanks for your help and support you and Mom are you saying you want to go to the best of my knowledge the same with me in the middle of One day Saturday night so I'm sleeping and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and a lot of the time I get home from the gym and then I will have to get back to posting on the couch with my other two presents for my birthday boxes of thin mints and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and crackers and cheese and a lot of other things.

ok retard

Attached: (you).jpg (601x508, 94K)

geez user, don't talk about yourself like that.

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>no u
ok teenbro

Attached: ((you)).jpg (583x616, 28K)


Let me break this down for you. There are 3 types of pornfag:
>1) The degenerates.
These are the pornfags posting traps fur and shota/loli. As much as many people personally hate them, THEY ARE WELCOME ON Yea Forums. Their content isn't welcome on any other board, isn't oversaturated, and has been around on Yea Forums since the beginning.
>2) The newfags.
These are the pornfags that are largely underage and know nothing about Yea Forums, Yea Forums or the culture. Pretty much only come here to fap and maybe browse other threads for a few minutes first. The oversaturation of normie porn means they will never develop and lose their newfaggotry. They need to be redirected to the porn boards where they belong. This will benefit all parties, except...
>3) The jewbots.
These are the true enemy. The vast majority of normie porn threads are started and populated by the bots. They can't be reasoned with, their mission is distraction, and they've succeeded in that for many years now. They were put into place as a control method after Yea Forums caused one too many problems irl. They can only be defeated by redirecting newfags to porn boards and educating the rest on filters, or convincing the mods to tackle the scourge directly.

>no u

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>>no u

Attached: (((you))).png (476x463, 183K)